Friday, October 14, 2022

Prayer List

 As many of you know, we did some re-modeling here at the Compound. 

Trouble is I have misplaced my prayer list. 

So, I am starting fresh on a new list. 

If you want me to add you to the list, let me know, by liking, or commenting, or sending me a message. And as I have always said, there is always room for one more. 

I am also asking for prayer for myself.

I am trying to forgive people for grunges I should not have held for years, and I hate myself for holding them......Especially one I still hold for something that happened to me while I was at Buna High School. I know I am being petty for holding it, but I have to remember there are things that occur that I have no control over, even though at the time, it hurt me badly. And I should have gotten over it years ago. And I am mad at myself over it. I need to forgive 70 time 7 as Christ told Peter in Matthew..... And I need help doing so.

But, this is not what this blog is about. 

I am still getting up at 4AM for prayer, it's something I feel that I should do, so it you need to be on the list, please le me know. 

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Now on "X"

 Well, I've been barred from Facebook......Cannot even set up another account...... So, for now, moved to " X." K.D.Thomas@gov...