Tuesday, December 27, 2022

I Know You No Longer Want to do This....

 So, the headlines in a couple of national news papers is that people no longer want to take any form of vaccines. 

Measles, Chicken Pox, Mumps, Polio.....and especially the dreaded Covid. 

What is wrong with you people? 

I never had Chicken Pox......Never. I was a kid who just never had the "Pox." So, I have not taken the Shingles vaccine. 

But buddy, I have had the Measles.....And it ruined my Youth Baseball career, because I got it during the middle of the Little League season.....

And I was sick. High fever. Measles all over my body including they said my eyes. I was so sick, I cried for no apparent reason. And I could not think why I cried, I just did.....

My fever was so high, they thought I might have had brain damage, so, the school district gave me a second IQ Test.....I scored higher on the second one.....Again, I'm "Not just a pretty face." ;)

My maternal grandfather had Polio as a child, and because of that illness, walked with a cane the rest of his life. 

I know we are all paranoid in this day and age, but do you really want Polio, Measles, Whooping Cough, etc to make a return?

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