Wednesday, March 29, 2023

More Buna ISD Rumors

 I know, rumors, innuendo, opinions......

That said, let me remind you, that the non-scientific poll for a 4 day week is still open on Facebook. I will try and give the numbers before we leave the country on Friday...

No, the story now coming from the Buna ISD is that so many teachers are unhappy that the district has a large number of teachers already resigned here in March. Generally, this does not happen until May. 

Here is the rumor part......The district is a bit afraid to release board minutes because, " So many teachers have resigned." I've now heard this from 3 sources. 

That said, in this day of teachers shortages and every district looking for teachers, why stay someplace you are unhappy????

That said, there will be more resignations. 

I wonder how many teachers Buna ISD will be short in 23-24? And don't look at me, I ain't coming back.

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