Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Getting Your A$$ Whipped...Coming Soon to Buna ISD?

 This past Sunday, the "Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal(WSJ) had a front page article as how dangerous schools are now for teachers. 

In the WSJ, they had a story about a teacher getting beat up by a gang of kids, just because they could. And they know the punishment is, well nothing for the students. 

I don't know, it was fairly violent in the schools I taught in, in the Houston area before I came to Buna. I saw a stabbing. I sought medical aide after breaking up a fight in which I hit the floor in the process. 

Now, when I first went to Buna there it was different than the Houston schools, but you know, the bad stuff that was in Houston, eventually made its way to Jasper County, and Buna. 

I no longer am in the business. I thank Jesus every day I am retired. Oh, I keep up with Texas schools, and specifically local schools, especially, the Buna ISD, and I probably always will. 

I am concerned. Who are we going to get to teach school? I mean seriously. How many people are actually training to become teachers in college? How many people in the classroom now are looking at some way to get out? 

When I ask this, I am serious, who in their right mind go into it anymore?

What are schools going to look like in 5-10-20 years?

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Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...