Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Follow-Up to Me Stirring it Up with Buna ISD

 I'd not planned to follow-up.....I really had not. 

I got stuff to do, fish to fry,  actual adult stuff this week. 

The board member took down their Monday post on Facebook after I posted my original blog. They then told me in the comment section under my blog post on Facebook that and I am paraphrasing here, they'd be glad to meet with me to discuss whatever.....That comment has since been deleted. ( I am not the only one who saw it. I was questioned about it.)

I then received a PM from the board member yesterday morning saying " Personal attacks do not bother me. Never have never will. That was a good read, have a great morning."

The blog written yesterday wasn't personal. I merely corrected a former student who should have paid better attention in their government class in high school.  

If I was personal, I do know where bodies are buried, but that is a nuclear option and won't go there.....unless forced to do so....But if that is the case, I am afraid the blog would end. 

And, he didn't follow Politics 101......Stay out of offending as many people as you can. Sometimes you need to leave well enough alone. Even if you are mad. Heck, I often do it here on the blog, believe it or not. ( This is the same advise I would give political candidates whose campaigns I have worked in, never get mad at the voters. You may not have gotten mad, but it sure sounded that way.)

We also know some of you were upset because I went after a " low level politician." Well, I have seen people with " no other" political ambition start off as school board members and then be elected to the Texas House of Representatives. Others run and be elected to the county commissioners court. ( And you should remember this from government class, static politicians, do not always remain static.)

Now, I am not saying, this is the case here, but I know not what the future may bring. 

Again, I  finally found my press pass, I've got to clear part of my schedule and start to attend board meetings....

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