Monday, September 11, 2023

Dammit....I'd Not Planned to Blog....But....

 It bothers me from time to time when you find out about people who read the blog. And some folks, well, you'd just as soon, not read, but hey, it's the nature of the beast. 

But, that's not what this blog is about....

No, it's about books. 

I don't know. You've got to remember I am pretty open about books. Ain't no such thing as a "bad" book, well there are, but not in that way. 

I don't know, we were pretty open about books we had around the house when my son was growing up. 

Hell, we had books that are now banned. Stuff like " Work is Hell" ( Matt Groening of the Simpson's fame) even had " Maus " at the house when it first came out.

Shoot, had a student bring "Maus" to class at Dayton HS when it first came out and we discussed it in an Honors World History class I was teaching at the time.  

Reid read them both, then again, our son decided he needed to read at age 2. So, we gave him a little help and he was off and running. 

And we never stopped him from reading anything. 

Then again, we encouraged him to travel and it's why he wound up in Asia for 5 years. It's not like his Mom and Dad have a fear of getting on an airplane and going someplace. 

But, people who want to ban books scare the hell out of me. 

It's thought, it might be different, but guess what, not everyone thinks like you do. Nor should they. It'd be boring as hell if they did....

This banning books can " get out of control" very quickly. 

I was reading the other day about a parent who wanted a book about wolves removed from the library. It seems, the family were vegans and their daughter, who had checked out the book was traumatized because the girl discovered that " Wolves eat meat." 

Well, yeah, they do. 

I don't understand the religious people who get all upset about books....Some of the roughest stuff ever is in the Old Testament.  

I remember being in one of Dr. F.B. Huey's Old Testament classes when I as in theological school and reading, really reading the " Song of Solomon." It's about Solomon's obsessions with one of his wives. ( Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.)

The entire book, "Song of Solomon " is sexual. And the damn Baptists avoid talking about what it really like for fear they might let someone know..." They like sex too." 

What she had the other 999 didn't, well, one could only speculate?  

And a younger Kerry Thomas did....

All I could think was " What did that one wife do to him, that got Solomon's motor running?" And then thought, the man had a 1000 women.....How'd he get anything done? 

It was at that point I realized, "I don't need to be a minister. "


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