Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Last Night's Buna ISD Board Meeting....Sept. 11, 2023

 Again, I surprised at some of the shenanigans that occur at the Buna ISD Board of Trustee meetings....

And I guess, I should not be surprised. 

Apparently they have decided that the school district needed to get in on this " Green" business. ( I seriously am hoping to live long enough that " Fossil Fuels" are still a thing.) 

They have spent $5 million American dollars to hire a company to 'renovate' the old field house, install solar panels at the elementary school....And place the solar panels on top of the high school....The $5 million will include some HVAC and plumbing work. 

So, the real question is this....How long will it be before the solar panels pay for themselves? 

Apparently, the answer was....20 years. 

I wonder how many times they'll have to be replaced, we're going to have a major hail storm, Category 4-5 hurricane in that time period....

The vote only had one board member voting against. 

Then the board was " Bitchin' and Moanin'. " about the low appraisal values of the houses in Jasper County. 

Yeah, I said " Bitchin' and Moanin'. "

Come on man, you want more tax dollars? You know what that sounds like? 

If there was party affiliation with board members, like there is in other states,( Texas, there is no affiliation with local elections.   That said, there are people running for these offices who " say" they are associated with one party or another.) The way they are wanting more money, they might have a "D" behind that name. ( And trust me, at this point in my life, I hate both sides....D's and R's equally. So, don't bitch at me about that....Listening to Jimi Hendrix this AM, just makes me a little anti-establishment....Or a whole lot anti-establishment....)

I understand there needs taxes to be spent or the whole thing falls apart...But.....

Trust me, I was a teacher for a long time and still can't figure what some of the money is going to be spent on, and why the district needs this person(s)?

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