Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Does the Community Trust the Buna ISD Board of Trustees???


 Small town politics is retail. Heck, all politics is retail, but mostly, small town is as I learned in Dr. Glenn Utter's government classes ( Lamar still called it government back in the 1970s, and to be honest, it needs to change from from the now term "political science" back to government like it is still at the University of Texas.....But, I digress) local politics is the most "Retail Politics" there is....  

To define " Retail Politics" it is simply....The politician is in direct contact with the voters in his or her district, community. They get to speak one-on-one with the people they represent. 

There was confusion the other night at the " Special Board Meeting" to discuss the budget.

Say what you want, in any political entity, budgeting is a major function of that body. It should be a major concern for the people of the district. It is mostly your tax money being spent.

In the " Special Meeting" it seems that members of the board did not want people to speak or ask questions concerning the ISD. 

Allegedly, there was a document that said that the community could speak at this special meeting. 

There were questions where the document came from, how it was placed, et cetera. 

Right now, the community is upset with the board members. Very upset. I hear from people at least once a week. 

Board, you are in small town politics. You have to try and please your community's patrons.

And I know it is hard to do in 2023. In this day and age, ain't nobody happy. 

But you ran for the job. You should have known that it was going to be tough. You're going to hear stuff you wish you didn't hear. 

I don't know, perhaps it is time for a complete change in trustees? 

Jefferson once said, "Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."( "I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.")

Let folks speak. You stop them, and stuff gets worse. It is often a safety valve. It's good to let off steam. 

Right now, there is a number of people who are unhappy with the ISD. Even more so than normal. And the trustees need to try and try and stop looking as the British would say " At Sixes and Sevens." ( All confused.....And to be honest, I don't know what the hell is going on up there.) 

I don't know, I've been saying this for a while, if you are unhappy in the community, perhaps it is your turn to run for the board. Who knows, perhaps in an op-ed piece, I throw my support behind you, or not.  

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