Thursday, December 14, 2023

Buna, I Hear Stuff I Shouldn't Hear....

 People often tell me stuff, often to " get it off their chest." 

And this one upset me, but I am so jaded at this point in my life, I am not shocked. 

Let me do a little background on me and my "previous" life.....

I dated a girl for a long time in high school. Probably dated her longer than the " shelf-life" of the relationship. 

When we broke up and it was her who broke up with me, she had another boyfriend already picked out. I knew it was coming, and in truth, was not shocked, saddened, but not shocked, and in retrospect, it was really good for me we split. 

I dated on and off after that, had a lot of one time dates, Two, three time dates....

I even dated a girl who I thought was going to be a long-term relationship, and wanted to date, or just " see me" every weekend.

That was until I found out she had another boyfriend she was seeing during the weekdays. And she was sleeping with that boy. 

The " Weekday Boy" was aware of me, and was okay with her seeing me. He even, and I found this weird,  was okay with she and I sleeping together. Apparently and I found this out from her brother later that the Weekday Boyfriend even encouraged her to sleep with me. ( We never did....and she was somewhat upset when I would not " bed her.") 

I broke up with her at once. Want to date me, I am not going to compete with someone else. Sorry, just not. Especially if you are hiding that fact from me. And acted like we were exclusive. If I am dating you, I am dating you. Want to date someone else, that's fine, I am no longer see you. 

That entire situation left a sour taste in my mouth, and I did not see or date anyone for over 2 years. Worked 2-3 jobs, went to college, what little "off time" I had I went fishing/camping with " the boys." And I had very little off time. 

I went on a couple of mission trips during that time and was looking hard at becoming a missionary, but as many of you know, I have a dark side and as Paul said in Romans-" For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing."

And to paraphrase Martin Luther...." If you're going to sin, sin boldly." And I do. 

So, as many of you know, I do a lot of stuff, and heck, tell y'all about my sins.....And if there is one sin I just do not do, it is adultery. I as I have said, I don't outside of marriage. I got a good thing and I ain't going to mess it up. I would be ashamed if I ever did. 

We got two rules around here, don't beat, don't cheat.

So, this brings us to today's tale of woe. 

About 8-10 months ago I was told story about a couple that I taught years ago and their peccadilloes. And in my eyes, bigger than a peccadillo, I call it that, as it seems, that is how they view it. 

The couple approached a married man, actually, it was her, about an affair.  

And it seems, he, the husband, knew about it. And it was implied that the husband wanted to watch. 

The man who was invited to be the subject of the husband's cuckolding, turned them down flat. I was told about the invite several months after the initial ask. 

I did not think anything of it, thought it was bull until I was in a local store talking to another former student when a man I " sort of know" walked by, gave us a wave, and and the guy I was talking to told me the same story, about the same couple, who had approached the man who had given us a wave about " an affair." ( I am not sure what else to refer to it as.")

And since, I have learned of at least one more person who received an invitation. 

These were people who, when I knew them in high school were somewhat religious, especially her. She bordered on what I thought of as " Super Jesus-y" and often watched what I talked about around her to avoid upsetting her. And they often were preachy about stuff. Overly so.

I  don't know folks. 

I don't understand this sharing a spouse with other people. I really do not. 

I know I shouldn't let this bother me, and often things like this, well, as I said earlier, I am somewhat jaded, but this has upset me. I know it is their lives, but you know, in cases you are involving people who have a spouse. 

I do not know anymore. 

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