Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Ex Buna Student- Buna Teachers- Heck Buna Education

 I really need to be working on a reference for a former student of mine. I've started 4 different versions and don't like any of them. I really want a good reference for them and sometimes, they just do not "flow" like you want them to do....

Yesterday, I ran into a former Buna HS student at the gas station. They were a long time educator that had gotten out of the school business, and in truth, after they got into teaching, the longer they were in, the more I liked what they were doing. Sometimes, you don't see it when they are younger, but as they get older, yes, you see them in that profession, and I saw them in teaching and they seemed to be doing well. 

They had left and seemed to be happier than they had left the education business. They had lost weight and looked good. 

They said this...." So many people in education are not there for the kids." 

And while there has always been people in the field who saw the kids as secondary, there are more and more people not wanting to teach....For the right reasons. 

Oh, I may not have seemed like I was there for y'all, I thing most of you in your heart knew I was....Heck, years later, I keep up with most of you, wanting you to do well in your profession, heck in your life. It's why I pray for you. 

In reality, why would anyone in their right mind teach in this day and age?

In Mauriceville on Hwy 12 there is a huge billboard by the Assemblies of God Church that says...It says, " Stop the Indoctrination." This billboard is a political sign for a person running for state representative.

This of course implies that teachers are trying to indoctrinate kids into some way of life.

Heck, we don't have time for that. And 99.9999999999999999% of teachers try and stay neutral on all things, especially politics. Heck, I know I did. 

And in truth, I did not care if you were black, white, brown, green, purple......Didn't care if you were Baptist, Methodist, LDS, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, agnostic...Straight, gay, trans( yes they were in Buna and you didn't even know)....I wanted to get you ready for your next step in life. 

I don't know, there are people on both sides who believe if you teach their way of thinking is not " indoctrination." But it is.

In truth, I didn't care. It was my job to be neutral. Teach you government, some history, economics....And it is hard to do so....

It is another reason why people do not want to teach. They either can't be conservative enough or progressive enough for parents. 

The other day, I was sent Lamar University graduation numbers for the School of Education. 

600 master's of education, the vast, vast majority getting principal's master's. Getting out of the classroom, or trying to. Not getting a Master's in an attempt of improve their teaching. 

Get a master's for a better position, and more money. ( I wanted to be in the classroom. I liked the kids, if I wanted more money, I would go into another profession.And trust me, Buna ISD paid poorly.)

Only 30 got bachelor's of education.....Only 30 wanting to be schoolteachers. 

Who can blame them? The local, state, Federal politics, the bad kids, the parents who expect their children to be treated like the Crown Prince/Princess......

I am so glad I am retired. 

Tomorrow or Friday, will tell a story I was asked to tell.


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