Thursday, December 21, 2023

Christmas and the People You Love??????

 I get this request every holiday , but especially around Christmas. 

And I understand where you are coming from more than you know. 

Family is just that, family....You can pick your friends, but your family, well, you just have to deal with what you were given. 

Family often doesn't understand your, and in many cases your life, or lifestyle. 

I see people faced with more hatred during the Thanksgiving to Christmas Season than the rest of the year. 

Most of us try and see family during this time of year, even if we really do not want to do so. 

I know I have friends in the LGBT community and family/friends who don't understand the people you love, and why you can't love a person of the opposite sex. 

In many cases they don't want you to bring that person you love to family gatherings. They are afraid that the uncle or aunt might somehow " corrupt " children....Or " God forbid" ask questions. In most times, they don't show affection out of respect for others.,( The same for hetero couples. I have seen men and women at gatherings, well, I thought she was going to "mount" her/his, husband/wife right there on the dinner table.)  and trust me, kids understand things more than adults than the grown up know. And generally, the kids, don't care. They wonder what happened to that cousin, or uncle, or aunt that no longer attend family gatherings. 

It's no worse than the aunt or uncle who brings a new aunt or uncle with them every 3-4-5 years. They can't decide who they are going to be married to...

I know I hate family gatherings. I did not attend the big " blow-out" of a family reunion at the beach this summer. I've never fit in. I think differently, I like different things. And there are always people who make sure I feel uncomfortable. They find it "odd" that we vacation in England/Scotland, that I don't drive a truck, that I don't as an ordained minister attend church in America.

I know I catch flak from people because I have friends who have done time in Huntsville, who are in the LGBT community, and it makes people I know uncomfortable. 

You often only see these family members generally once a year. Let them come to your gatherings. Let them bring their significant others. Tell them you love them. I know people who have tried ever so hard to fit in to family,but no matter how hard they try, they still are given a difficult time because they don't live up to family expectations. 

You are not as pure as the driven snow. There are plenty of things you do that are not perfect, and stop acting like you are. 

In this season give people hugs, I know for some of us it is difficult to do, as we grew up in families without outward signs of physical affection. 

Tell people you love them.....Before it is too late. Quit worrying about what people will think....

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