Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Buna ISD Teachers and Lack of Experience?

 At Monday night's Buna ISD School Board meeting it was brought up that over 30% of the teachers in the district have less than 5 years experience. 

Many of these teachers do not have a Texas Teacher's Certificate. 

Folks, you really do not become a decent teacher until about year 5. You literally don't know what you are doing. I had taught almost 13 years before I came to Buna High School. 

And with the expected turn-over at Buna ISD, what will the faculty look like in the 24-25 school year?

One of the things brought up at the board meeting was the fact that the Texas Academic Performance Report was poor in several subjects, especially Social Studies/ History. 

Apparently gone are the days when the History/Social Studies Department scored 100% on the state exams. Then again, the History Department Chairman from "those days" is sitting in his side room writing this blog.....And he ain't coming back, nor are those people who got Buna ISD students to that 100%. 

One of the things the state of Texas wants school districts to keep track of is where did graduating students go after graduation?

31 are in college, mostly Lamar Beaumont, Lamar Orange.....and another 1/3rd, they have not a clue where they went. 

I know that the 31 seems like a low number, but today, with the cost of a college education, and often the debt involved, is college worth it? 

 I noticed the Buna High School 'Honor Roll' posted, do I dare even go there in my next blog? I'm already "on the edge" of getting a "knuckle-sammich" with about 2 dozen people....

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