Sunday, January 28, 2024

I Am All Over the Place on This Topic....Razor-Wire-Illegals-WT Cornbread F?

 One of the Southern Baptist's Sunday School lessons this weekend is Colossians 3. In it Paul makes 3 basic points....

Set hearts on things above, abandon sins of your former life, and be merciful to others. 

So, I am all stirred up about the 10-12-15 million illegals that have been cross the border in the past few few years. 

How many are Cartel?

How many are here to collect government benefits?

What's this Colonia that's now in Liberty County( Between Cleveland and Dayton in Cleveland ISD) in which allegedly 60% of the adult population does not hold driver's licenses, population about 75,000? 

Then I see several of you who have posted on Facebook statements about the SCOTUS decision concerning the removal of the razor wire fence on the border of the Rio Grande. Basically is a threat to take it down.....Like any of you are actually driving the 7 hours to the Valley to do anything....

Again, I have mixed emotions....

I worry about assimilation. 

On the other hand this was the same thing they said about the Irish in the 1840s and the Italians in the early 1900s when they came to America. And a portion of my people came to the US in through Savannah, GA. ( Savannah has the second largest St. Patrick's Parade in America......An answer to a "Jeopardy" question....)

I worry about the Cartel and the drugs being smuggled into this country.

Then again, narcotics has always been simple economics.....If there was no demand, there would be no supply. 

I wonder how much of the politics involved is just " theater?" 

I wonder if the actual smart economics folks are letting all these people in because let's face facts, your sorry ass kids aren't going to work 40-60 hours a week at a chicken plant gutting chickens....Nor are they going to aspire for a career putting roofs on houses. This is an attempt to boost the labor market. 

If there was not cheap labor, how much would stuff cost? Already most of you are hurting from inflation. ( BTW- Economics tip, always keep an eye on the price of lumber, if it increases, so will everything else.)

I get really upset about there being no screening process.....I don't think you know how much time, effort and big money was spent to get our immigrant here, legally. 

Regularly, I price real estate in the UK. Liquidate. Get the hell out of here. Declare political asylum. Or just feckin' move there. The Yorkshire Dales and Sterling are looking better and better.( I am serious here folks.)

Paul was talking about being merciful to others.  We skip over the fact Joseph, Mary and Jesus had to go to Egypt to flee King Herod...... It ain't so good in where these people are coming from. Venezuela...El Salvador....Kerry and Debbie certainly don't have those places on their travel " bucket list."   Most of those coming, are coming for work, in jobs you or your sorry ass kids don't want to do... 

There are 10-12-15 million people here now folks, they ain't going home. This is going to be more of your problem than mine. 10-15 years, or less, I seriously doubt I am still above ground. 

Just something to think about on a Sunday...

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