Saturday, January 13, 2024

So Buna / Buna ISD , Let's Do Part 2 About What's Going On-

 And concerning the blog " Where are Your Kids Going" from earlier, I omitted, on purpose, "part 2 was coming" to see reactions from the community, especially the school community. 

Buddy, we got them. 

And the reaction(s) were as I expected. Of course, the reactions were from faculty members and from the patrons. 

I was surprised that many of the patrons reactions were the same as the faculty members. 

As one person put it and I could not write it in a better way, and it was written by a member of the community....

" Sorry ass parents." " And bad fucking kids." 

And so many of the faculty put it in a way that I am going to paraphrase..... The parents see their children as doing no wrong. 

You know, I saw a video by Brett Cooper( I agree with about as many videos she posts as I disagree with, but this one was " spot on.") concerning Tweens and these 9-13 year olds wrecking Sephora  stores....and the in general rude behaviour by these Tweens. ( Men, I didn't know either, but Sephora are high end make-up stores)( And I spelled behaviour with a " u" on accident, too much British influence. Deb does it too more and more....I spelled tire " Tyre" the other day writing Deb in a text, she wrote back " tyre.")

A number of teachers wrote yesterday and said..." I'm done." And we are talking about teachers who are pretty damn good instructors, and want to teach the kids of South Jasper County. 

As one faculty member put it...."So much of the trouble not only is parents not thinking their ' darling's ' do no wrong, but the cliques in Buna in which there are double standards." 

The worst trouble I have gotten into writing the blog concerns the Buna " clique." I am telling you people, I have taught in 3 small districts before I came to Buna, And while all 3 had " cliques" None, let me repeat, NONE are as bad as Buna's. The others can be cracked, can be joined. Buna's generally cannot unless you go to the right church, have the right last name, OR have some sort of power that other people want to use or abuse.....Or they may need you in the future. 

I have been told that at least 6 people are retiring at the junior high......That does not include those already looking at other school districts, seeking employment with outside of Buna ISD. And a number have started putting applications/resumes in elsewhere. I can just about guess how many are at the HS and the elementary. 

So many husbands and wives are telling their spouses to resign from the Buna ISD. "Financially, they'll somehow make it work. "

And yes, there are teachers that suck at all three campuses. There were teachers who sucked when I was was there. Hell, I often made fun of them in class.( I should have been fired) It's not like I was going to sit by them in church.....Or drink whiskey with them. Y'all know good and well, I am friends with very, very few people I worked with, and yes, teaching is a job. And most people at the job-site are co-workers, not your friends. They'll screw you over in a heartbeat. And the ones I am friends with are few and far between. They're on my prayer list. And that's a very short list....Former student's list is quite long. 

And some are there because of the " clique." Someplace else they would have been reassigned....Or let go. 

I know there are faculty members trying to " get the hell out of Dodge" because of administration. "Too many chiefs and not enough Indians" as they now not "woke" saying was often expressed. Too many rules, too much micromanagement from people that have not been in the classroom in 20+ years....Or they only taught school the grand total of 3 years before they got into administration. They are dumbing down the curriculum.The lessons the leadership wants taught amounts to " Puff pieces" as one person called them. 

Then, there is the politics involved in teaching, yes politics. There are political leaders who go after teachers saying there is " indoctrination" going on. 

Again, when, with everything else, does a teacher in Jasper County have time for that? And indoctrination goes both ways. As an economics teacher, was I not supposed to teach the benefits of capitalism? Say what you want, THAT'S indoctrination. And not every parent believes in total laissez-faire capitalism. And the Texas State Capitol Building is full of people who believe that is what should be taught. If we teach it, how is that not indoctrination? And I believe in capitalism. But total laissez-faire would do away with Social Security, Medicare, Teacher Retirement System.....etc....And I've paid INTO all 3....FOR years...Yes, again, teachers pay into our retirement.....Every damn paycheck. 

So, I will stop here or this blog will become a 10,000 word thesis. 

I know some teachers suck, but you know, most are good, some are great. You may want to cut them some slack.


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