Friday, January 12, 2024

Where Are Your Kids Going Buna/Buna ISD?????

 This information is not from the people in the school business, rather people who either have kids in Buna or they were in the Buna Public Schools. 

School just started back for the kids on Tuesday, and word is that at the schools, they are busy, busy, checking kids out, either for homeschool, Or moving to other school districts.....Evadale, LCM, Silsbee, Kirbyville, even Vidor......Really? VISD? 

As one parent explained to me, " I don’t know what’s happening to Buna but these aren’t the schools my girls went to for XX years. I just checked my son out to be homeschooled as well. I’m over the BS."

I had one parent tell me, " I never thought KISD would be better than Buna. But my husband and me are moving."

And still another parent summed it up this way. " My kids are learning nothing." " They're just playing up there.....You and Taucer, Boyd, even Milstead and Miss Simmons are gone......They need to move Stanley back to teach."

What is going on Buna ISD? 

Is it the teachers?

Is it the on campus administration? 

Is it the Supt. of Schools?

Is it the new rules established by the State of Texas?

Is it the school board?

Is it the other kids?

Is it all the above?

I know I am hearing from members of all 3 campuses faculty and will write a future blog on their concerns.  

Patrons are not happy folks, and leadership doesn't understand. They've got to remember, parents pay the bills. ( Taxes)



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