Wednesday, January 10, 2024

So, I Owe My Readers An Explanation

  So, yesterday I asked for prayers on Facebook.

As many of you know, I have had back pain for years, just pretty much lived with it. 

It's got to the point I can no longer stand up straight, and can no longer stand more than 5-10 minutes. I am in so much pain even with medication I am no longer sleeping, I am in so much pain, I often vomit. ( I've become a fan of lower end "edibles." They literally along with my pain meds have kept me going. And I need to write a blog on why we need to push for legalization if anything, marijuana.)

My spine and the nerves are causing havoc on everything from my waist down. I sometimes feel aroused even though nothing at that time is happening, nor is there any form of stimulation. It makes me feel like I am 14 years old and back in high school.  I have sudden urges to go to the bathroom. My toes often feel like they are on fire. And various parts, just hurt, often badly.

The entire situation has effected me mentally, and since I retired, well, I've been the happiest, for the longest period, in my life until this back business.

I visited a spine surgeon last month and this weekend made the " executive decision" to go ahead and have back surgery. 

I think the thing that made me decide to " go ahead" was two thing, I can no long travel in this shape, and the other day, I was in so much pain, I was thinking " death might be a good alternative."

It is scheduled for next month. 

Yes, it will be in Houston at the Texas Orthopedic Hospital. Yes, the surgeon is affiliated with the Fondren Clinic. 

And my concern?

I have had two similar back surgeries in the past, and neither really worked. That said, it was a number of years ago and I am hoping that the process is better than when I had the original operations. I am to the point I am almost desperate. And I want to go to Iceland in the next 10-15 months. Heck, I really want to go to Canterbury and see the Archbishop. ( The Archbishop of York conducted Evensong Prayer services when we were there this past Easter. They are the second ranking minister in the Church of England.) I want to go to an English Premier League Match. I have been to the Universities in Cambridge, Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Trinity University, but never Oxford.....I don't know, I've still not been to several other places I would like to visit.

I know someone will get all bent out of shape about "Our world travel.....y'all must be rich."

No, we spend on what we like. We have a small house, I drive a 14 year old Honda beater, Deb has a 7 year old Subaru, we are very frugal with our lifestyle, we don't spend money. Don't gamble, don't go to ballgames, don't eat a great deal at fancy restaurants, avoid debt like the plague, we don't run strange women or men( We're very serious about our vows), the only thing I spend money on, or used to do so, was clothes, but now, I have a closet full of clothes and really do not have anyplace to go to anymore.

So, over the next 4-5 weeks, if you will, keep me in your prayers. I am trying to keep comfortable until the surgery.

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