Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Mr. Thomas, Govteach, Kerry......Why Do You Hate Buna?

 So, I've got that question over the past few months....

I don't know. 

In the past year, I have heard from more patrons, hell students, faculty and staff than I have since I started writing the old blog back in 2011. 

And the vast, vast majority, very unhappy.

Now, I don't expect people to write me about the Buna Schools and tell me that everything is all " Peaches and Cream" but, more and more I hear about people who are done with Buna.....Plus I am hearing, and this statement is important, from people who are happy either they " Moved their kids to another school," or they are so happy they never taught in Buna( and we are talking about Buna people, ) or " I am so much happier working in XYZ district."( And it is not money that are making the people move,  travel costs really cuts into what little raise they receive.)

And the " Clique" that I keep hearing about that doesn't exists, well, people keep coming up with examples, names, dates, events......And I sorry, but, they make sense because I saw the same thing when I was there.  

I keep saying I am going to stop the blog, I had a pretty good chance since the surgery, but I keep getting dragged back into it....

No, I like a lot of people are upset about the direction Buna Schools is going. 

Pretty much no one else can write what people are thinking and saying. 

I may put the governor in a wheelchair, but for now, I am going to keep writing the blog....And if ever you have a tip, story, etc., send me a message, as always, you will remain anonymous.

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