Thursday, February 8, 2024

Remember Me Tomorrow

 Of course, I am having surgery tomorrow, early, with a a scheduled 5:30AM check in. We decided to spend the night near the hospital at a Holiday Inn so we won't have to get up and drive to Houston.

I don't always do well under general anesthesia, so if something happens, Deb has promised to have me cremated and poured out on perhaps my favorite place on earth, the Isle of Mull off the west coast of Scotland....No funeral, maybe a dinner here at the Compound. Maybe a BBQ and pinto beans with cornbread. A coconut cream pie? Tell stories. Lord knows I love a good story.

That said, I fully expect to survive, and continue to aggravate the heck out of people. 

Tomorrow, this evening, later today, because I believe strongly in the power of intercessory prayer, if you would say a short one for me. 

I also have a friend who is having a serious operation tomorrow, remember them if you would in your prayers. 

Again, thanks, we love you all.

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