Wednesday, April 24, 2024

School Fights, Assaults, Etc.... The Video...

 I was sent multiple video copies of a student assaulting another student from BHS.

No, not going to post it as both are still students, probably at least one possibly both underage.  

And the poor faculty member having to try and stop the event. 

Sadly, there has always been assaults/fights at schools. 

I remember when I was at Dayton High, it was often like " Gillette's Friday Night at the Fights" every damn day. And there was no such thing as a police resource officer on campus in those days. It was left up to the teachers to stop the fights and more than once I hit the floor tackling some kid who had an advantage over the other. 

It's part of the reason why I have now had 3 back surgeries. 

It's part of the reason why people don't want to teach. Or reason number whatever. 

Teacher's are not taught in school how to deal with fights, or if they are, it is so pitiful, that well, they aren't worth mentioning.  

I'm mean, they're teachers, not cops, they've not been through the sheriff's academy in Tarrant County.

They aren't issued pepper spray, tasers, or Glock 17s.  

That said......

I have no answer for assault at school other than put the kid off campus. Long term in school suspension.( Whatever it's called today, some educrat has different terms for this every 5 years) I know many of you are saying put them permanently off campus to which I answer, "Why? So they can be loose in town all day/" 

And I am sure there are parents critical of the faculty member,  but seriously, why blame them? They are not trained for assaults, they are not police, if they had wanted to be, they would have attended the academy at LIT. 

Folks, tell your kids to behave. Don't be fighting, don't be bullying, don't be instigating. 

Still another reason why people are not going into education.....Why put up with bullshit like this, I mean seriously, why? I mean, you don't deal with this working at IBM.

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