Tuesday, May 14, 2024

More Bad News From Buna Schools

 I had planned on writing on a totally different topic next, and in truth, had not planned to publish a blog until later this week. 

That was until I receive this information on Monday. I probably should have posted last evening, but we were without power here in this section of the county. 

The story is, this past Friday, six teachers at the elementary school abruptly resigned. 

Just "had enough" of the Buna ISD. 

Most have been offered positions at either the Evadale ISD or the Vidor ISD.....Others, just resigned without a future job position. 

( As much as I at one time " made fun" of the Vidor Public Schools, they are working to improve the district. They are hiring more and more people that I would consider an asset to the ISD...Heck, Vidor is a school I would even consider recommending to people to send their kids to......)

But back to Buna. 

It seems the teachers in the district are tired of being micromanaged. Told what to do for every little thing. 

The teachers are constantly having to test the kids BEFORE even being able to teach the material.  

And the concerning part is, all who resigned had a Texas Teacher's Certification. They were not non-certified teachers. 

I'm sorry, but people who want to be teachers in the first place, graduated from college with a certification, not get a degree, and decide down the road, generally after trying other jobs, decide, "Well, heck, let's try teaching school."

Morale in the teacher ranks is shot. Someone was calling it close to a " Revolution." Another person I spoke to referred to it as an " Insurrection."  

I know places like Texas A&M keep track of how many of their students, by Texas counties are working on getting a certification with their degrees. People actually wanting to be teachers. Fewer and fewer people are wanting to teach.

Back in the 1980s, I taught at a school district who had a number of people leave. 

It took years for the school district to get back to "normal."

There are more and more people asking me about " What have you heard about XYZ Schools?" Buna isn't giving my children decent education, or one you should expect.....As one parent put it....

" It feels like an experiment." 

How much will the schools future economic troubles effect the teachers, kids, especially the kids in the district.  And that worries people, heck, it worries me...

I wonder how many people will wait until the end of year to resign from the Buna ISD? Just waiting in order not to receive any backlash?


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