Monday, June 24, 2024

So, I was Looking at Buna ISD's 24-25 Calendar.....

As many of you know, Buna ISD will transition to a 4 1/2 day week in the coming school year.  It's a start, as you know I am of a mind that if you are going to do it, make it a 4 day week. 

That 1/2 day will be a waste of time and to be honest, I do not think I would be able to cover everything in government in that time period, I had to cut stuff out when I was teaching back in the day, and economics, well, I am still not past the fact that many 12th graders did not know their "times" tables. ( I know calculators and all....but still, come on man, learn something....Seriously. )

The part I really don't like is the fact that teachers have to attend " staff in-service" on many Fridays. 

In 31 years of being in education, I never learned a damn thing at any of these meetings. 

Most were taught by people who had not been in the classroom in 20 years. 

Then I notice that one of these "gotta" stay after the kids leave days is the first weekend in November. 

As a person who, before I was so crippled, I enjoyed throwing non-standard East Texas lead ( 7.5 French, .303 British) at Bambi, I think I might have either feigned sick to leave, or called in sick on this day.

I know the present Supt. of Schools grew up in the city and really doesn't understand, but the people of the School Board should. 

All of the Fridays in January have no stay late Fridays.....Why not then, in the middle of Winter? 

I don't know, maybe I am expecting folks to think things through....

Going to look at the calendar some more, I am sure I will find some " questionable" dates/days....

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