Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Buna ISD- Changes to the Student Code of Conduct

 Dear Gentle Reader, 

( I wrote the salutation without even thinking....)

So, the Buna ISD Board of Trustees( AKA the school board) met last evening.

And during the meeting, the high school and the junior high principals both made the recommendation to the student code of conduct. 

The rule changed was, students and teachers now can have visible tattoos....Along with nose rings. 

Now, I don't know how many kids under 18 years of age have tattoos, but in truth, other than being a smart-ass when I see your new tattoo for the first time, I doubt I would enforce the rule of seeing the tattoo. Or the nose ring. ( Only shaving for boys, and it was because I had to shave myself, and hated it with a passion.....I mean seriously, do you understand how few of you I sent to the office my last 15 years at the Buna High, well, I can't think of too many, if any I sent. Take care of senior discipline myself, we got a "Cuss Porch"..... Teach you some new adjectives.)

It seems that the principals were concerned that students were being sent to the office too much and missing valuable class time. 

Translation- Principals were tired of dealing with tattoos and nose rings.

And it seems the board of trustees didn't have to vote on the rules change because it is considered a " minor" change,  as the board in years past voted not to even vote on what they consider as "inconsequential " regulation moves. 

I don't know. I am not a tattoo person, at age 66, 67 next month, I don't see a reason why I might need a tattoo,  and I considered for getting one about 5 seconds, of the verse Ephesians 2: 8-9 ( Favourite verses, it keeps reminding me, you're okay...Plus, I am fascinated with Church History, especially the Reformation time period....Study Martin Luther, and you'll understand Ephesians 2 importance to the entire movement.  ) put on the inside of my right arm. But decided that was "crazy talk" for me personally.....and even though I am non-works based in my theology, Leviticus 19:28 was beat over our heads back in the 1960s-1970s Sunday School. Then again, Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 tell us not to eat, shellfish, catfish, and pork, and here at the Compound, we had pork tacos last night for supper.( I like me some swine, and what is not made better with bacon?)   

Enough of me "showing off" my theological education.

That said, tattoos considered 'vulgar' still must be covered up, and I am sure there will be one show up that will have questionable meanings. ( There will be time spent on that 'questionable' tattoo, when other actual important 'stuff' needed to be considered.)

I know there are people who will be upset at the changes, but after a week or two in class, would you even notice?  I know, I needed to " Churn and Burn"......"Run and Gun."( If you know, you know) I got less than 90 days to cover what should be a 175 day class. ( Both government and economics)


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