Thursday, July 18, 2024

So, There Are 4 Buna ISD School Board Seats Up in November.

 Dear Gentle Readers, 

I know many of you are unhappy with the Buna ISD. 

I know you question everything concerning the school, administration, teachers, teacher certification, heck, just got questions if the district is serving your child, grandchild. 

It starts at the top, say what you want, the Board of Trustees sets the tine of the district. 

And hear from many of you concerning your kid's education, should we stay in Buna? Should we move to Evadale? LCM? Lumberton? As I have said, many of the teachers who taught in Buna have wound up at Vidor, and both Vidor Schools, and the former Buna teachers have been pleased. 

All this said, I am going to put my old government teacher hat on.....

Run for the board, seriously, run. What's the worse thing that can happen? Lose? Heck, get up, brush yourself off, learn from your mistakes, and try again during the next election cycle. No one will remember the last election, and if your name keeps appearing, well, name recognition means a great deal. Retail Politics 101. 

Here is all the information concerning the election. 

Monday July 22nd is the first day you can " Throw your hat into the ring." ( The phrase originally comes from boxing, where contestants would literally throw their hats into the boxing ring as a signal that they wanted to join the fight... In boxing, the expression dates back at least to the beginning of the 19th century.) August 19th, the last day to sign up, the election is the same day as the national election, November 5th.


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