Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Okay Buna, Here is Some More "Rules" Info of Interest-

 Dear Gentle Readers,

I got up this morning and toned this blog down. A LOT. Received a phone call from an ex-student late last evening, they woke me up. Remembered last evening once I hung up, sometimes you took Pastoral Counseling courses in divinity school for a reason.( It's what sometimes happens when you fill your previous blog with biblical verses.)

We spent 2 hours on the phone. I hope they felt better when they hung up.

While I know I won't be normal Kerry Thomas, the ole Govteach, in this blog, right this moment, well, man, there are bigger problems than covered or uncovered tattoos.   

There are more people hurting than we realize. 

 Side note- When we hung up, they referred to me as " Brother Thomas" ( Which tells me they have a Baptist or AofG background.)  Please don't refer to me with an ecclesiastical title. Never mind I am ordained in a denomination with historical ties to the Church of Scotland. It's just Kerry, Kerry Don, ( Which is pretty Southern Terminology)Mr. Thomas, or if you dare, my " Alter-ego" just for fun, Govteach. 

It is my understanding that several of members of the board of trustees( Buna ISD) were not happy, to put it mildly concerning the tattoo, nose ring non-enforcement. ( It was described to me as they're fairly "angry.") ( Not all members, let me make that clear.)

And, I am not shocked. 

Change, well, change especially in a small town in East Texas comes slowly. 

It always has, it always will. It's just the way it is. 

Apparently, Newton ISD rescinded both the tattoo and beards, mustaches, for boys a couple of years ago.  They now have reinstated the rule of no facial hair on boys, and no visible tattoo. They even require boys to "Tuck in their Shirts. " And there are other school districts that remain this way in our area. 

And don't get me started on girls and short skirts, or short shorts. The skirt business was why my lectern was in the corner of the room. There was stuff showing that embarrassed me, and I've been around. And god forbid me enforce female dress code. Some parent will be up to the school mad saying "What was he doing looking?" Talk about a minefield for a male teacher.

So, I wonder? Will the board of trustees at the next meeting decide no tattoos, or nose rings?

Or is the horse out of the barn? It's too late now to do anything for this school year? 

We will see. I have heard from some upset people concerning the rule change.  

I wonder what influence they may have on the school district? And these unhappy people are some folks with some "sway" within the district.

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