Wednesday, July 17, 2024

So, I've Heard More of This About Buna ISD.....

 Dear Gentle Readers, 

( Don't dare me, I'll do it.) 

In the last few days, especially with me reminding you that school is quickly approaching, I've heard more people upset......

People upset with the teachers not having certificates, the nepotism, the just general unhappiness with the school district. 

Here is an example(s)

"Dude. The amount of people I see becoming a teacher in Buna without credentials is laughable. I mean I know they will do good with it kids but it’s a eye opener seeing Amazon wish list for “teachers” without schooling."

"Dude"........Like I am going to sit around and eat a couple of gummies with you, toke one this point, probably I would....I am sort of back to Kerry Thomas early undergrad days. For a while 18-19 year old me was wearing cowboy boots and Hawaiian shirts together....

And this.....

That school is one big cluster fuck clique !!!!!"

 And then there are people asking this, and I hear this all the time....

" Mr. Thomas, I can't leave my kids in Buna.....Where do you recommend?"

Man, other than about 2-3 Orange County school districts, I wouldn't send my kids anyplace in Jasper, Newton, Hardin Counties.  And I used to be 'big' on Orangefield ISD, Lumberton ISD, but now, I have questions....Evadale ISD might be okay in lower grades, but I wonder in the upper grades if you are getting ready for STEM classes for university.....Well, do they have the resources? Maybe?

Education is changing rapidly folks. I worry what's going to become of Buna ISD. I really do. Everything is changing folks, and sometimes it isn't for the better. The next 5-10-15 years is going to be a wild ride not only here in the U.S., but worldwide. 

Get your seat-belts tight folks....


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