Wednesday, July 17, 2024

You Know What'll Scare You Badly Buna?

 Dear Gentle Readers,

You got me doing it now Chris..... 

I am often somewhat shocked at the number of people who read the blog, especially on the posts that have the words Buna or Buna ISD in the title. 

And it scares a person from time to time....

You often reflect back and go, man, "Should I have said that?" You also worry about being narcissistic in writing on some topics, that whole Contrapasso Sin that Dante puts in Terrance 1 of Pugatorio.  And Lord knows, I am going to try and be dressed well I can 'Peacock' with the best of them......If Roman Catholic theology is right, how long will I spend in Purgatorio? 

But, in the end, if I don't get out in front and speak on subjects people are thinking about, and are too often afraid to speak on, well, who else will do it?

So, next time you read one of my blogs, I am going to be honest, sometimes, heck, most of the time, when I write on Buna, Buna ISD, It is harder than you know. 

I get a lot of blow-back. 

And let me remind you, I am retired. Been retired. 

But, I still worry about the Buna Schools. 

A lot.  

So, next time you read a blog, remember,while sometimes doing this, it is fun, other times, well, it ain't so much fun.  I had planned on being out of the blog business several years ago, and at some point, some other brave soul will have to do this..... Let me tell, you, it's harder than you think....

Got a blog coming up concerning the upcoming 2024 school board election later this week.....

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