Friday, August 16, 2024

"You'll Own Nuthin'....And Be Happy"

 I keep looking at the economic indicators, and well, I think they are lying to us. 

And I don't think either side, be it right or left would, tell us the truth.

And you've got to remember with the intervention of the Federal Reserve( The Fed) with the interest rate, there is always politics involved with economy. 

And I full expect the " The Fed" and Jay Powell( Chairman of the Fed) to drop the interest rate at least half a point at their September meeting. 

And that could be an election drop in an attempt to sway the election. 

I don't know. Something is not right. 

There are increasing lay-offs, especially in the auto industry, yet, claims of unemployment are down.

Maybe they are better, but I am not seeing it. 

Prices are still high. 

There are still folks struggling. Yet Wallyworld is saying their earnings are up. Maybe it's because people can only afford to shop at Wal-Mart. Like that wasn't the way it was in the past? I wonder how much of the profits are coming from the shop at home business?

In the UK, the " High Street" as they call the business district of the towns/cities is dead if not already dying, Amazon, other shop at home businesses have killed the local businesses. 

In the UK and Ireland, they are having anti-immigrant riots. In places I never thought there would be rioting. 

And the population this country is stagnant. It's why the government is allowing in the immigrants. I'm not kidding. Need future "worker bees."

That said, the people looking for jobs, often can't find work. Especially in white collar jobs. There were even fewer teacher job openings this year than there were last year, as people who couldn't find a job, but had a college degree went into teaching for a steady paycheck. ( As soon as they find out about teaching, or the white collar job area gets better, they'll leave the classroom. And sadly, most will probably do more harm than good in education. We are in the " warm body" phase of teaching right now.....) 

I don't know maybe we are sure enough being "set up" for the World Economic Forum and the theory " You will own nothing, and be happy." ( This was from an essay written by a Danish politician Ida Auken. ) You need to read some of her stuff and go, " What the actual cornbread fuck?" 

And then, the stuff I have been watching reading about AI is literally scaring the mess out of me. ( And both my son and daughter in law are working hard to go into AI, heck, they're already there.) Not kidding here, sooner than you know, you are going to be out of a job due to AI/robotics.

I don't know, perhaps I am better off being toward the end than the start. I seriously worry about the Gen Z and Gen Alpha kids coming up.


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