Thursday, September 5, 2024

Blog? I Might Be Done?

 Looking hard at stopping blogging. 

Not worth the "hassle" anymore. 

I'm making no money here. I can't take advertising for obvious reasons, and I don't charge any form of remittance. No one ever offers any form of help either financial, nor, and what I really would like from time to time, an " attaboy." 

Heck, I'd like someone to do the physiological equivalent of  buying me a Coke, a cup of coffee, breakfast at Leslie's Place......something.

Oh I get a thanks from time to time, but it is from the same people.  

Same damn people....Over and over again.....

And it's not that I do not appreciate the thanks from you, I really do, but I wonder and ask myself, " What the world are you doing Kerry Don?" 

It gets tiring. 

COVID has really pointed it out. I don't think you know how much....

And I know you are reading because well, I can see the numbers. 

Most of you only say something when you have something critical to say. 

It is often like I am out in front, on my own. The military would call it " On the point." A friend of mine who was in Vietnam and served for a while in an infantry platoon called it " Purple Heart Country." ( He was in Vietnam 4 months. Wounded 2 times and sent home. Second time seriously. )

And I know there is a big difference, but lately, with some of the implications I have received, I wonder how long before some lunatic takes it one step beyond talk.  

Some of you, even though we discussed in in high school do not really understand Amendment One of the Bill of Rights. 

You don't understand how Freedom and Speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion is supposed to work....Oh, you say you understand, as long as it is YOUR Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion. 

But you really don't. 

You live in an "Echo Chamber." 

Echo Chamber- You only want to hear what you believe, you don't want to hear what someone else is saying, and think someone in opposition to what you are saying should be shut down. 

Then, there are people who want to come on MY BLOG, use MY BLOG to spout their own views, after I have spent years building it up. That somehow because it is "them" and I do not get it, they should be able to use my platform to say whatever they want to say.

Build your own blog. Don't just write 2 little posts and quit. Post almost everyday for years. Take the flak.Be a man, be a woman....

Build up your own site. 

At a minimum here folks, I need a sabbatical. I need rest. Could be the COVID talking, I've never had anything like this. and I now understand when some people say, it is so different than anything they've had. I am convinced it is somehow a military grade bio-weapon.  The combo of the vaccine, the illness itself, is it going to effect us 10-15-20 years from now in ways they set it up. ( I've never had anything like this, I thought I was turning the corner yesterday.....But today?)

Folks, when I ask for help, please, at a minimum, give me a little moral support. I'm right now just tired, just so tired. 

I had someone on here talking about how " Easy it was for me to write the blog and stir up everyone."( And in reality, just tell you what was said and done......)

It really isn't easy. People don't want to hear what's going on....

It's like Francis Bacon in 1597 referring to  Pontius Pilate in the Gospel of St. John......" What is the truth? And he would not stay for an answer."



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