Monday, September 9, 2024

Fire Those Buna Coach(es)......

 So, over the weekend, I saw a few people already calling for the "head" of the Buna High Coach(es.)

The head coach has been here a grand total of 2 whole ballgames. And one of the schools Buna played is classified 2 UIL groupings above Buna. 

Look, give the man time enough to even find out where to hang his coat up. 

And in truth, I come from a philosophy that academics should be above athletics all day long.....That people should be hired based upon whether the kids in the classroom are going to know history, be able to do math, be able to be educated enough that they will do better in their next step in life. 

I really think more money should be spent teaching welding, mechanics, CNA etc to kids who are looking at going into those fields after high school.

Most kids playing ball are not going to play at the next level. 

I want the kids to be able to be good citizens. Understand math for their next job. Understand science for their next job. 

If they are going on to college, I want them to be able to do well in their economics class(business major), understand math and science if they're going on into healthcare fields, or engineering. Heck basic economics to understand why this country is going broke. 

Understand history, government enough that they understand enough how our government functions. Why history in America is why we do certain things. 

I want kids to be able to read and write. 

I am more concerned about that than how many ballgames we won. 

A large number of kids are not involved in sports. There are kids you could ask today on all hs campuses in America who have not a clue who won the game on Friday, or Tuesday.....Or whatever. More than you know. 

Is it nice if the ballclubs win? 

Yes it is. Of course it it. But it is not the be all for everyone. 

And in truth, a school district should be more concerned about teaching in the classroom, ballgames are secondary. 

But fire people? People that just got here? And if they don't win, in the scope of life, is it that important? 

More people at Buna HS get academic scholarships than  sports scholarships. More that a college paid for their education for academics than sports. And as a patron of Buna ISD, you should be proud of that. Very proud.

Fire a coach? 

It's a hard enough job as it is. And Mr. Third String High School Tackle is yelling from the crowd his expertise at coach. Like they know.

The older I get, the more I wonder about people?

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