Tuesday, October 1, 2024

It May Be Petty, But I Got So Damn Mad at the Buna ISD

 I originally had a blog with some gossip in it, and THEN was going to tell some stories on Miss Debbie ( AKA Debbie the Good, St. Debbie) and myself.

But the damn Buna ISD......

Dammit Buna, could you get more cheesier? 

It seems that Buna ISD is instituting something called ' Buna Community University' or BCU....

The " University" is to have people in the community learn about the school district in a 4 days over a 4 month time period, 11AM to 2 PM and lunch will be served. ( Man, I am hoping that at least one of the days the ladies are serving chicken fried steak, smashed potatoes, green beans and them rolls, oh, them rolls. Them rolls when I was still teaching at BHS, well, I am pretty sure they were served at the Last Supper to the Disciples and Jesus. Anyway, if I was attending, well, the ladies working in the cafeteria turn out some pretty tasty meals It's why I would go....)

This is actually a good thing, I know I am often critical of Buna Schools, but this is a positive. It's PR and the good Lord knows Buna ISD need some openness..... 

If I lived in the community, I might go, just to see how things are presented.....No, I'd go in hopes one day is CFS day....

Then, in the memo on the "training" they say you will "graduate."

Like fuckin' Buna ISD is handing out university degrees. 

Hell, you're calling it a university.

I know some of you might get mad at me for this part. 

Call me an elitist, a snob, whatever.....

I am sorry ladies and gentlemen, the term " university" used to mean something....

Oxford Dictionary-  An institution of higher education offering tuition in mainly non-vocational subjects and having the power to confer degrees.

Websters-  an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching and research and authorized to grant academic degrees. 

I remember when there was a difference between colleges and universities in America....Colleges only granted undergraduate degrees, universities, graduate degrees, typically, PhDs. ( doctorates)

So, if I was to go to the 12 hour indoctrination, and I am sure it is a form of propaganda to make Buna ISD look good.  I would receive a doctorate? A bachelor's? Master's? Associate's?( A lot of people are making some serious money with an associate's.) A usable certificate? ( Again, there are people making serious scratch with a certificate)

You ARE talking about "graduation."

Look, I worked hard to get my undergraduate degree. I don't think you know how hard. To fund my university studies, I was working 3 jobs my junior and senior years. I only had 2 jobs my freshman and sophomore years and literally my late father asked,  When I was at the house sleeping, " Why do you got all this extra time?" So I got a 3rd job. And already my GPA was already suffering. 

And what the cornbread fuck Buna? Why from 11-2? Most people are working folks, they're not going to be able to take time off during the middle of the day and go to the Buna " university."

So, I may call Buna and ask for an application so I can work on my PhD. Do you know if the history department will have someone that will offer someone to guide me through my dissertation in, well, I'd like to go deeper into the English Reformation, or perhaps the Scottish Reformation., my theological beliefs already lean towards one or the other anyway, and I'd love to travel to Edinburgh to study and do research. 

I am assuming your university program is accredited through the Southern Association? ( A university should be accredited through one of 5 accreditation agencies in America, in Texas, it's the Southern Association....There are ISDs in Texas also accredited through this agency.)  

Oh that's right, the Buna ISD isn't accredited through the Southern Association.....( Don't get your knickers in a knot, the TEA has accredited Buna Schools....like most schools in this state. ) 

Come on Buna, come on, use some fuckin' sense.  

When is someone going to " Get it?" 



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