Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Okay Buna Schools, How's This Working Out?

 So, we've basically gone through a month of getting out early on Friday's...And Again, I still and other people are seeing it as halfway doing something....

I am wondering if at all levels the half day is enough time to actually get something done? And is there a difference between elementary and high school concerning time in the classroom? And on top of it in high school, it is pep rally day, so, are we just sort of going through the motions this Fall?

What works at the elementary, might not work at the Junior High......Nor might it work at the High School. Or it might only work at one school. 

It might not work at any of them.....And I know it is still early.

I know the outgoing Supt. of Schools wanted the school to go the half day on Friday, for whatever reason, feed the kids, whatever....But anyone with any sense, anyone who paid attention, anyone who knew what was going on, knew the Supt. of Schools was on short time with their service with the Buna ISD.....

And "sure 'nuff" the Superintendent of the Buna Schools lasted what, about a month into the 24-25 school year?

Again, these administrators in the front office are all short timers. Buna is a stepping stone for the next job, again, do not tell us otherwise. 

Buna ISD is literally a place the administrator can run their social experiment to see what works and what does not work, for their next front office position. 

And in many cases, leaving a mess for the teachers to deal with and clean up, meanwhile, they get ready for the next Supt. of Schools to come in with new ideas , many that won't work, that the teachers have to try and implement.  

But back to the short week....

I am wondering?

Will the next Supt of Schools want to keep a 4.5 days school week?

Will they want to go back to an old-fashion 5 day week?

Will they want to go ahead and make it a 4 day week for the Buna ISD?

How is the 4.5 day week working for you parents? 



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Negativity....At Buna Schools?

 So, you must have been reading the blog..... Good. Look, I can say stuff other people can't. Either won't because of their kids, or...