Thursday, October 3, 2024

Reply to Yesterday's Blog

 I got more negative blow-back from yesterday's blog than I get from writing one on something concerning Buna. 

Not going to lie, it sort of surprised me. 

It seems there are more people willing to "share their spouses" than I knew of .....

I was stunned at first. 

Actually I still am. 

I am not going to lie, it made me a 'little sick to my stomach.'

I don't understand this 'cuckhold' world. I really do not, and the number of people in rural Jasper County, folks you might be sitting next to in the Baptist or Methodist or Pentecostal type church than first thought. 

You were pulling a "train" with your spouse the evening before, and the next morning you're on the front row of Fourth Baptist Church singing " Victory in Jesus."( No, there's not a 4th Baptist Church in Jasper County....That I know of....Maybe I should have used 13th Baptist Church.....Each community has had a falling-out with another Baptist Church and started their own church,  13 might be too small. )

You're not sure if that middle daughter is actually "yours" but you carry on playing " Slap and Tickle" with the neighbor's up the street. 

You want your pastor to preach against that homosexuality, but you are okay if your wife is scissoring with Miss McGillicutty from Smith County.....For you, the husband and Miss McGillicutty's significant other's  viewing pleasure.  

Most ministers avoid sex from the pulpit like the plague.  80% of sermons are from Paul's Letters. ( Pauline Letters, and this is a strage coming from a person who's favorite Bible verses are Ephesians 2: 8-9. When I worry if I really have been saved, well, I remember this....Because the Ole Govteach is going 'hop the rails' from time to time...Followed by Romans 7:19....They keep me literally from going insane, and I am close to there on a normal day.)

Paul's Letter are easy to understand and really easy to preach....They're preached more that the Gospels. 

Man, they need to preach the Old Testament.....It's full of sex. Heck there is a book devoted to it....But a Baptist preacher is going to avoid preaching it. He's never going to preach it. And if he does, it will be a 'light' version. 

( And don't tell me that your pastor at XYZ Church preaches on it, I seriously doubt he does and if he does, he worms around it so much that half the audience is not sure what he is speaking on.)

Look, I believe strongly in sex only within marriage. I also believe in enjoying each other in that way. I believe both man and woman shouldn't be selfish towards one another. I know husbands who don't care if they make their wives "happy" in the bedroom. I on the other hand think that might be one of a husband's most important "jobs." Especially in the early days of the marriage. It's psychological and physical bonding. 

But letting your wife, or husband have sex with another? And watch them do so? Get a sexual thrill from it? 

No......No, just no.....We need standards for just some things....

If I was preaching a homily  in a " High Church" Presbyterian or Anglican Church, this is where I'd say....

" Here Endeth the Lesson."


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Negativity....At Buna Schools?

 So, you must have been reading the blog..... Good. Look, I can say stuff other people can't. Either won't because of their kids, or...