Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Damn Media and Firearms

Even though I was part of it for a while and this blog is considered " pseudo-media" I hate the damn media. Right wing, left wing, middle of the road.

WAPO, the Old Grey Lady, CBS, NBC was all upset about a couple holding firearms on people " peacefully" protesting in a neighborhood in St. Louis.

This was a private neighborhood, with private street, with a gate around the community they were walking through. There are photos of the gate that was torn down. .

I own property that's gated. On a private road. Now about half of the Cypress Community of Franklin County has a key to the gate( We've given them the key) for various reason including to a couple of older guys  who fox hunt on the back, but you go tearing down the gate, everyone in Cypress is liable to come over and ask " What the Hell you doing?" and these people are armed.

Fuck you media. You're on any road I own, and look like you are going someplace with bad intent, I'm coming out with a firearm.

What got me upset was how the people held the firearms.

No trigger discipline.

And the lady pointed the gun at the people. If EVER I point a gun your way, and I am serious here, you're going to see Jesus. Barrel always pointed toward the ground. Then she held her nickel-plated Walther PPK pistol with one hand. Another no-no....

I seriously doubt they had ever fired either weapon in their lives-

Get thee to a firing-range.....

I'm sorry, people have a right for self-defense.

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