Tuesday, June 15, 2021

No Buna People...Hell No....

 So, since the "Job Opening" for a "Gubmint"/Economics teacher at the Buna ISD was posted, I have been contacted by a couple of people about applying for the job. Something about "Preparing their kid for college" as one put it.( Never mind the "coaching" requirement.)


Hell no.

Fuck no. 

I am done. In more ways than you know. 

I seriously doubt I could do it anymore. 


It's been 10 years since I was in a classroom. I don't know, nor want to know how schools, kids, parents have changed. 

I could no longer have a "Cuss Porch." 

I could no longer cuss "accidentally" in class.

I couldn't discuss my love of firearms, whiskey, etc without some "Karen" losing their mind. 

I doubt I could cross myself when it was needed. 

I doubt I could keep a coffee pot in my room anymore. 

Hell, 3 former students of mine of are on the school board. I my do something bad in class so I could cuss them out when I was called before them.....So they'd make me retire again. 

No, I'm done. 

Besides, we're planning on a trip overseas in the Fall.....And again to the British Isles in Spring 2022.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Buna ISD Employment

 So, yesterday I posted that Buna High has a posted job for the old "Gubmint"-Economics job at Buna....trouble is it is now a "coaching" job. 

I thought about applying just to see. Tell them, I plan to start a soccer program a Buna. 

Run a 5-4-1 or a 4-4-2 formation. I figure we'll need several defensemen the first few years. ( Yes, I understand soccer, been watching for years now on the English League. Next time we go over, I plan to get tickets for a match on the pitch.) ( Could you imagine Buna playing soccer?)

But seriously, something is wrong in Buna. 

There is just too big of a turnover of people. 

I understand since it is now a "district on innovation" they can allow people not planning to be teachers, teach, and that is part of the problem. So many look at teaching as easy, and well, it isn't. 

No, I don't want to be a teacher...Not anymore. My time has come and gone. 

But it makes you wonder what is going on? There's been a huge turnover the Government/Economics job since I left.  

I don't know, there are all sorts of positions to fill, only to be filled again in 1-3 years once again...



Sunday, June 6, 2021

The Supreme Court to Look at Drafting Women

 As early as tomorrow, the Supreme Court is being asked to decide whether it’s sex discrimination for the government to require only men to register for the draft when they turn 18.

Men who do not register can lose eligibility for student loans and civil service jobs, and failing to register is also a felony punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and five years in prison.

The last time the high court considered the Military Selective Service Act, then-Justice William Rehnquist explained that the purpose of registration “was to prepare for a draft of combat troops.” He said that because women could not serve in combat, the law was not unlawful sex discrimination that violated the Constitution.

But military policy has changed. In 2013, the Department of Defense lifted the ban on women serving in combat. Two years later, the department said all military roles would be open to women without exception.

Just this past year, a congressional commission decided the time was right to include women in the draft.  

I don't know, Israel has had women in their military draft for years. 

Even my daughter-in-law when she in university went through a military type boot-camp. ( Very short) during the summer between her Freshman and  Sophomore years.( Everyone there is required to go through it) She thought it was comical.

I have had ex-students in the past try and register for the draft when they were in my class and I was required to "sign-up" 18 year olds.( As I have said in the past, I turned 18 years old during that time period of about 2 and 1/2 years in which there was no registration. So, I felt funny about signing up people for Selective Service.)

We have not had a draft in 50 years. I doubt we'll see one in my lifetime. 

That said, should females be required to register? 

It is time. If we actually need a draft, we're going to need everyone.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

No Fooling- I Am Done With Driving I-10

I know it is the only way I can get to Beaumont without driving through Pt. Arthur, But I am done going on I-10 to Houston. 

We came back from Houston down Hwy 90. Hell, I will pay the toll on Beltway 8. I got the toll sticker on my vehicles.

Took the Crosby Freeway to Dayton ( My old stopping grounds) Liberty, Ames, Raywood, Devers. Nome, China to I-10 off College St. Home.  Nice, drive no traffic.

It was so much nicer of a drive coming down the mess I-10 from Beaumont to Winnie has become. Now, I need to figure out how to miss the construction from Brookshire to Columbus, when traveling to Perry's in Llano. But, it isn't nearly has bad as the crash concrete from Winnie to Beaumont. 

I hate to say this, but driving I-10 through the center of Houston is better than driving through Brookshire or Winnie. ( Then again, once we get to the Katy freeway, we pay the toll, and us the HOV. )( We nearly always have 2+ plus)

I know we're going to take Hwy 105 through Sour Lake to Cleveland and take the toll to IAH next time we fly. 

I-10 won't be completed in my lifetime, so we've got to make adjustments.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Going to Buy Me a Tesla

 Yeah, right.

Now if I drove a short distance all the time I would get one. ( An electric car) But you know, you can't take one to Houston and back from Orange County without running out of a charge, or coming very close to running out.....And a charge is what? 8 hours? 

There are so many car companies that are going to electric only it makes you wonder. I know Volvo and Jaguar are  going all electric, but I need a car that goes a long way from time to time. Like we went to Llano last weekend. 419 miles. One way.

And so much of the time I am going to be in an area where you can't just " plug in" your car.  There is no place in Llano....Or the Farm. ( Actually, I got a 220 in the barn at the Farm)

Until they come up with a quick charging, long distance vehicle, I am going to drive a gasoline or diesel powered vehicle. 

And to be honest, we had a hybrid Honda and it sucked, sucked bad, it sucked so bad Honda replaced the batteries at 5 years for free.....Got the same gas mileage as the non-Hybrid. 

Nah, I like gasoline.

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...