Friday, July 22, 2022


 I know, it is almost 2 months after the event happened in South Texas. 

And generally, I am pro-police, but damn, the more I see on this event, the more I think " Man the police screwed the pooch on this one."

At some point almost 400 police officers were on the school campus before the classroom with the shooter was breached. 

And so many stories from the police leadership on scene turned out to be false.....

I am shocked that people that have kept their jobs? It is like they are afraid to fire police leadership....I am also shocked at the members of the Uvalde ISD School Board who seem to care more about their own personal "Honor" that the kids who were killed on the campus they are suppose to govern.  

And if you take a job in law enforcement you know it is dangerous, and you may need to put yourself into dangerous positions. Hell, I knew as a teacher there were would scary times, like when I took a knife away from a kid who had just stabbed Joe ***** in the upper chest in the " Commons" at Dayton High. I still have dreams about that event. He was about to stab Joe a second time. Thank God, little Tim Gaissett( Brand new asst. principal) arrived right after I grabbed the kid and jump into the fray. I'm not bragging, I'm no hero, hell, I wasn't even thanked by school administration afterwards. It was expected. 

You know sometimes if you can't do the job, you need to quit.

It makes you wonder and worry about kids this Fall. How many other crazies are out there ready to pull a mass shooting event at some school(s)? Will there be a repeat by police?( I don't see it now.......Now)

It really makes you wonder about not ever carrying your firearm, even in a run down to DQ for a " Happy Hour" Dr Pepper. 


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Probably in Trouble With the US Government....

 Or, my paperwork will be slowed down, which I expect, and it's already been slowed down. 

So, I turn 65 in the next month, which means I am eligible for senior citizen government programs. 

This morning, I got a phone call checking to make sure I am eligible for these programs. 

The person asking the questions.....

Had a man's first name.....

Sounded like a man over the telephone. 

So, when they asked questions, I answered to the affirmative, " Yes Sir." 

To which the government employee let it know to me they were neither a " Sir or a Ma'am" and that the correct answer would be " Yes" or "No." 

And they were a bit "snippy" informing me. 

It made a bit difficult because I was raised as a "sign of respect" to say " Yes Sir, Yes Ma'am." 

I had a hard time because a couple of times I would normally say, " Thank you sir." 

I am going to have a hard time here folks. Especially to you Non-Binary people who have dozens of pronouns that could be used addressing you. And I know some of you want to be critters and stuffed Pandas, and azalea flowers and whatever. 

I really don't care who you want to have sex with...( As long as it is adults 18+....and I have a problem with you screwing dogs or goats because let's face it, that's just nasty. ) 

But I don't know, there is certain etiquette I was taught to follow, that well, I probably will never change. 

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Believe It....Or NOT!!!!!

 I saw a story on YouTube where girls were paying for dates now, or at least "Going Dutch" in order to avoid having to " Put-Out" in exchange for the boy paying for the date. 

Not going to lie, I was somewhat stunned. 

In my dating days, I never expected sex from a girl for me paying for dinner, no matter how expensive the meal might have been. 

Heck, I no longer understand the dynamics of dating, then again, I've not gone on a date not with my wife in over 40 years. 

When I was dating, I was often just hoping for a kiss on the porch " goodnight" and often, even that didn't happen. As I have written, I fell off a porch into the azalea bushes trying to kiss a girl goodnight after our 3rd date. 

And as I have written, my wife asked me out on our first date. Of course after a Lamar football game, I had about 25ยข to my name and she paid for Dr. Peppers, and chili-cheese tots we got from Sonic. 

I did "pony-up" and we went out to Patrizi's ( Was a very nice restaurant near where Outback is in Beaumont today....Vic and Al Patrizi have been long gone.) and I remember having wood fire grilled flounder. Deb had a seafood pasta that had octopus as one of the seafoods. 

We were both college kids and did not have a lot of money and most of our dates involved going to our houses( parents house) and hanging out. I do know, I playing a lot of football and wiffle ball with her brothers and the kids in the neighborhood. Heck her dad and 70+ year old grandfather often played in the tournaments we'd have in her backyard. Deb played as did the brother's female friends in the neighborhood.....I remember Deb's Mom laughing one evening and telling me that her brothers both asked " When is Kerry coming back over?" I remember she would often go and bass fish we me and my parents at Toledo Bend. 

I don't know if it normal, but it seemed normal for us. 

And we often had time alone, in a vacant house for several hours, just me and her, and yes, we kissed....But never wound up in the bedroom, even though it was available to us. 

About 8th-9th grade my dad talked to me about " Do you want to take something from a girl who you may not be with forever?" " Likewise, do you want to lose something to someone that special that you don't belong to forever?"

Now I understand people see this as old fashion, and in this day and age silly. I don't expect you to be this way, I didn't even expect this of my son as people today might be 30+ before they marry, but in my case, it made sense. 

I know some people see it hypocritical to expect their wife to be a virgin, but if I had ever had sex with another person, my wife would not have married me. That's how important it was to her.

I don't know, that is how special we thought it should be to your forever partner. 

I know this is not for everyone. And even in my younger years, it was a bit to ask of people, but for us, it was important. And so we waited. ( And I had plenty of opportunities before I met my wife, so don't even think that. I had an adult student from Switzerland who wanted me to move back to Lugano, Ticino so she could " teach me." I was 21, she was 30. I need to tell that story one day. Naive me didn't "get it.")

Was it difficult to wait?

Very much so. 

And again, this is not for everyone. 

But for us, we are/were so glad we waited until we married. Emotionally, spiritually( and not necessarily from a religious point of view) it , well, sort of was/is special to us......It was like " I saved this for you, and only you,

But I am somewhat shocked disappointed, whatever that girls now have to pay for a date in order not to have to " go to bed" with the person they just went out on a date with. 

And I know, there is a another world for boys/girls looking for potential mates......I will write on this in my next blog.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Just Amazin'

 You know, I am amazed at the folks who can't stand someone who has a different opinion than your own.

You know, I've been doing a blog for well, hell, 12 years now. And from time to time you get " hate mail " from folks who just can't " handle it." An opinion outside of their own " Echo Chamber." 

The same thing on the radio show. 

People think it's all "peaches-n-cream" in their world.....and it ain't.

And the thing is, we are getting worse. 

You know, I keep thinking I will finally get bored doing this blog, whatever other media I might be involved with at the time, but to be honest, I sort of now enjoy taking people outside of their " Comfort Zone."

I figure if it ain't me, who the hell else will locally " Piss People Off." 

Hell, I did it to other faculty when I was teaching, especially my last years in the classroom. 

Hell, it's not like I am going to sit around and drink whiskey with these folks. 

There'll be a time I'll stop doing the blog, whatever, and I've slowed down considerably. 

For now I'm going to keep " Calling Them as I Them" and if it pisses you off, well, don't read the blog.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Sucks......Sucks Bad....

 I don't know what is going to become of us. I really don't. 

Americans have lost confidence in this country. We are down to 38% of us actually have confidence in America.....Trouble is, most of the rest of the world feels about the same about their nation.

Too much social media, TV news, just negativity in general. 

This comes in the light that most young people don't know we we declared our independence from. Hell, 1 in 3 Gen Z think our independence is from the American Indian. 

Hell, most people don't know how many stars are on the U.S. flag......Or how many stripes. 

What the cornbread fuck are they teaching in school now? 

I was reading the latest Gallup Poll and EVERYTHING concerning confidence in American institutions is at a new all time low. 

Hell, less than a third of Americans have confidence in the church and organized religion. ( I could have told you that. My time in seminary was an 'eye opening' event.....I really have not been back to church since.)

Police, schools, all at an all time low. 

All this said, at the present time, American currency is the strongest in the world. As I told you for years in economics's class, " Don't leave home without it."( I say this as in the background I am streaming Sky News out of Britain, the Tory Government is on the verge of collapse. Again, no better there.)

I don't know.

The fucking economy is going to get so bad in the future I have a funny feeling our biggest worry might be food and other basics we are used to getting without any concern. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

Texas Secession?


So, the idea of the State of Texas leaving the union has reared its head once again.

They've discussed it well, since I have been an adult. I remember in the 1970s Texas leaving the union being discussed in my undergraduate government classes.( Yes, it was call government back then, not the " Political Science" departments everyone now has...Except Harvard and UT-Austin) 

Supreme Court member Joseph Story wrote in 1830 in Commentaries on the Constitution that the document foreclosed the right of secession.

Texas v. White, holds that the states cannot secede from the union by an act of the state.

In 2006, Supreme Court Justice Scalia stated, "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."

So, Texas goes ahead and decides to leave illegally......

What you going to do for money?

Use the U.S. Dollar? Invent the Texan Currency? ( I've said this for years, carry the American Dollar, and it was no truer than when we were in Israel and Palestinian Authorities.....U.S. Dollar happily accepted at a better exchange rate than the current FX markets.)

The world's FX markets may make Texas money worthless.....Or hell 80% of the worth of the U.S. Dollar? 

Will you have a central bank controlling the currency? Or like place like Andorra or Panama with no central bank? They use the euro and American Dollar respectively. I can just about imagine banks trying to print their own currency. Good money vs. bad money....

What are you going to do about Medicare and Medicaid? 

What are you going to do about the State of Texas' portion of the $30.5 trillion of debt? Default? Yeah, that'll make our new currency really worthless. 

What you going to do about taxes? The state has voted no income tax, will that carry over a nation of Texas?

What you going to do when you need a passport to travel to Louisiana? What if they decide not to let you in?

What are you going to do about military bases? The ones here now, Ft. Hood, Ft. Bliss, Lackland AFB etc.  belong to the U.S. And have guys there from places like New Jersey and Oregon. What happens if they just " leave" with all the " stuff?"

How you going to control the border? 

What happens when the soon to be majority of Latinos living in Texas decide, we want to be " Just like Mexico?"

Just SOME questions....

No, let's stay in America....

Texas Succession?

So, the idea of the State of Texas leaving the union has reared its head once again.

They've discussed it well, since I have been an adult. I remember in the 1970s Texas leaving the union being discussed in my undergraduate government classes.( Yes, it was call government back then, not the " Political Science" departments everyone now has...Except Harvard and UT-Austin) 

Supreme Court member Joseph Story wrote in 1830 in Commentaries on the Constitution that the document foreclosed the right of secession.

Texas v. White, holds that the states cannot secede from the union by an act of the state.

In 2006, Supreme Court Justice Scalia stated, "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."

So, Texas goes ahead and decides to leave illegally......

What you going to do for money?

Use the U.S. Dollar? Invent the Texan Currency? ( I've said this for years, carry the American Dollar, and it was no truer than when we were in Israel and Palestinian Authorities.....U.S. Dollar happily accepted at a better exchange rate than the current FX markets.)

The world's FX markets may make Texas money worthless.....Or hell 80% of the worth of the U.S. Dollar? 

Will you have a central bank controlling the currency? Or like place like Andorra or Panama with no central bank? They use the euro and American Dollar respectively. I can just about imagine banks trying to print their own currency. Good money vs. bad money....

What are you going to do about Medicare and Medicaid? 

What are you going to do about the State of Texas' portion of the $30.5 trillion of debt? Default? Yeah, that'll make our new currency really worthless. 

What you going to do about taxes? The state has voted no income tax, will that carry over a nation of Texas?

What you going to do when you need a passport to travel to Louisiana? What if they decide not to let you in?

What are you going to do about military bases? The ones here now, Ft. Hood, Ft. Bliss, Lackland AFB etc.  belong to the U.S. And have guys there from places like New Jersey and Oregon. What happens if they just " leave" with all the " stuff?"

How you going to control the border? 

What happens when the soon to be majority of Latinos living in Texas decide, we want to be " Just like Mexico?"

Just SOME questions....

No, let's stay in America....


Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...