Thursday, October 31, 2019

Best Candy???

So, I come across the types of candy that most kids want to receive for Halloween this year, and to be honest, there are no really surprises....Well, in some cases, there are.

The "Ultimate Halloween Candy" ranking has the Top 86. 

I am going to list the top 20.

1. Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. ( Not a shock, love them myself)

2. Reese's Miniatures.  ( Again, no shocker)

3. Twix( Not a fan, I know some of you are.)

4. KitKat( Again, not a fan, numbers 3-4 basically the same thing different company)

5. Snickers( Who doesn't like a Snickers?)

6. Reese's Pieces( I don't know, not a fan.)

7. Milky Way( Good candy, a top 10? I don't see it.)

8. Reese's Stuffed with Pieces. ( Never had it, I would rather have the regular Reese's)

9. Peanut Butter M&M's ( Okay, not my favorite M&M's)

10. Butterfinger( An oldie, but a goodie.)

11. Peanut M&M's( A great candy, shocked it is so low)

12. 3 Musketeers( Okay, but a top 20?)

13. Starburst ( Yuk, hate fruit candy)

14. 100 Grand( A really great candy)

15. Plain M&M's.

16. Nestle Crunch( Sort of a forgotten candy)

17. Rolo( Nasty)

18. Milky Way Simply Caramel( Never tried it)

19. Skittel Original( Again, pass)

20. Krackel( Hershey's version of a Crunch bar)

Other notables

Baby Ruth in at 27.

Hershey's Milk Chocolate at 28, Hershey's Kisses  at 29.

Mr. Goodbar at 34, below Swedish Fish, Nerds and Sour Patch Kids....Shocked Mr. Goodbar is so low.

At 39 my favorite Almond Joy, and my second favorite, Mounds in at 43.....Guess kids don't like coconut. Payday, another of my favorites in at 47....

Who came in last? Good N Plenty.....I agree....

And Life Goes On

I don't know, maybe I've just gotten too old. Perhaps I have sort of long term psychological damage.....Some sort of Charlie Brown syndrome?

Perhaps it is because I had a long-term psychological damage from events in my youth?

I go on Facebook this morning and see a number of people crushed that the Astros lost last night.

I can't get excited, or upset one way or another.

Maybe it is because when I was in Little League, I played on a team that did not win a game.

Perhaps it is because when I was in high school the old Vidor Pirates went 0-40. People in the Golden Triangle made the joke, " Interstate 10 - Vidor 0. "

Perhaps because every teaching job I applied for, because I was a history teacher, I had to compete with some coach for the job.....Sorry coaches, I am a better teacher than you, you're more interested in extra curricular activities than academics. In truth, I forgot more history than you'll ever know.....And I have not forgotten that much.....I see athletics as a competition. It's is why I refused to go to pep rallies.( That said, I have taught with a couple of coaches who were good history teachers, but they were in the minority)

At one time I was a Dallas Cowboy and Houston Oilers fan.

Houston moved to Nashville, the Cowboys, well,like I heard an actual Cowboy in Alpine , Texas say about the Dallas Cowboys while sitting in a cafe on more in the 1970s eating breakfast...." Damn Cowboys." I think I MIGHT be able to name one Dallas Cowboy today...

I just don't care.

I am about to start a roux.

It is gumbo weather.

In the scope of life, it just isn't that important to get upset over anymore.

Burning a roux, well, that's something to get upset over.....But there, you just start over.....

Life goes on....

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


I maybe done with Facebook for a while until these pass.....And while we are at it, I'm tired, worn thin, whatever you care to call tired of these too....

-I am tired of the memes with the crying blond girl and the cat correcting her.

They were cute at first, but now, enough just enough. They've become boring..And don't put one in the comment section.....

- I am tired of Halloween, it's been going on longer than Christmas this year. I don't care what kind of a Demon or Jinn you are dressing as this year. Sorry, I don't. I might, but like I said, Halloween has gone on for 8 weeks. Just, let's do something else.

- I am tired of the Limu-Emu and Doug commercials for an insurance company. I'm not buying insurance because a flightless bird tells me to do so....

- I am tired of the Sonic Drive-In nit-wits. Come up with something new.

- I'm tired of people calling other people "Snowflakes" when in reality, we are all snowflakes in this country. You don't know how good you have it here. You could have been born in India or China to poorer than dirt parents.

- I am tired of people still getting all upset about people who are LGBT. They can't help it, I don't care what you say, and in the end, you don't have to fuck them unless you want to. Leave them alone.

- I'm tired of the hate on Facebook. I read someone make a slight against Asians yesterday. They were unfriended at once.

Sorry, if this is a "bitch-fest" the weather is going to have a massive change in a couple of days and my back is killing me....Just "had enough" today....

Monday, October 28, 2019

What Has Happened to This Country?

I mean seriously, what the hell has happened?

And I am not talking about politics here.

I'm talking about just basic etiquette? Or is this just America today?

I did three weddings this past week.

Two of the three did not even tell me any sort of thanks or gratitude.

The middle one, which involved former students, well, they could not have been more gracious and thankful. And when I saw they were doing karaoke at the reception , well, I've not sung karaoke since China.  And If I'd known, well, screw that next wedding.....Especially after how I was treated....

Did they not know, without me, the event wouldn't "have happened?" ( It was like I was a piece of the furniture)

Perhaps I am expecting too much?

I don't know, perhaps this is just the way we are becoming.

I know, I still try and hold doors open for people, not just women, but everyone, and while thank yous are still said, they are becoming fewer and fewer. And I understand that some of you are teaching your kids to show some respect, but I wonder if it is dying?

I wonder what we'll look like in say, 20-25 years in this nation?

Is this just a normal social evolutionary process?

Friday, October 25, 2019

When Will You Learn?

I mean seriously, when will you people learn?

Today's blog comes out of Louisiana. And it could have happened anyplace. Texas, Florida, Oklahoma....

A deputy sheriff and his teacher wife have been charged with child pornography under  age 13, video voyeurism, first degree rape. 

What it appears to be, is the man a lieutenant in the sheriff's office, had his wife screwing her students. She was a Junior High teacher.

And he was taping it.

Not sure if this was for profit, or for his personal gratification, or both.

What kind of a guy has his wife screw 11-12 year old kids? ( Junior High age)

And because they are in the public eye, they got caught....

The next question is this....

How many non-public servant folks are screwing the kids who live down the street?

Mrs. XXXXX has 13 year old Johnny come over to " mow the yard" and it takes Johnny 4 hours to mow what normally takes 45 minutes.

Mr. XXXXX who is in his 20s, 30s, is married, keeps in super shape, is all the rage of the 15 year old girl who lives down the street...

How many parents find out about this, and to avoid embarrassment, keep quiet? How many parents never find out?

Just how much of this is actually going on?

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Every year, we draw names at my in-laws for the Christmas holidays. And I am no longer allowed to draw because I have in the past drawn my own name, and have " gifted" myself a firearm....Or two, which doesn't go over as I have in-laws who are deathly afraid of firearms. ( I can't draw my, Deb's Reid's or Yu ''April'' Zhou-Thomas's name...immediate nuclear family)

So, my wife is now my proxy. And has drawn for me.

I may or may not purchase whoever's name I "draw." Sometimes it is hard to know what they really want, and in that case, Miss Debbie has the honor. ( She understands better than me, especially when it comes to female gift lists, she has often heard brand names of items on their list.)

I know, if you put strange things on your list, I try and get those......Heck, mainly it is because I am one who like "different" things anyway.

One year, a poem was one of the gifts asked for, so, not only did they receive a material gift, I wrote them a poem.

As sort of a "joke" I came up with 100+ items on my Christmas gift.

I now am expected to come up with 100 items for my list every year....Some ridiculous, some obtainable.

And even though there are no firearms on this year's list, I am not allowed to draw, for fear, I will buy for myself one of the more pricey of the items on the list. ( There are price limitations for the gifts)

So, no waging.

Just for fun....

Here is  the Christmas 2019 list.

1.      A new cell phone
2.      A rugby ball
3.      To stop hurting so badly
4.      A rib roast
5.      A white Christmas
6.      A tweed suit, in either a greenish color or a light brown
7.      To get serious about getting back on a diet
8.      A laptop
9.      A new cell phone cover
10.   Trip to New Zealand( First Class)
11.   Supper at the Republic Steakhouse in College Station
12.   Supper at Mia Tigua’s in San Antonio
13.   A pecan pie
14.   An Italian cream cake
15.   Supper at Pat’s of Henderson
16.   I keep thinking a dog, and I don’t know if I really need one or not. I’d like a Border Collie/Aussie Shepherd mix, female, but I don’t know if I need either a dog, or one that energetic.
17.   No more hurricanes/tropical storm in this area.
18.   A new belt in a lighter brown
19.   Scottish Rugby Team Jersey xxl
20.   American money
21.   Israeli Shekels
22.   New Zealand Dollars
23.   British Pounds
24.   Real Estate on the Isle of Mull
25.   Acorn TV
26.   Haggis
27.   White pudding
28.   Barry’s gold tea
29.   Pair of really good tweezers
30.   Book of stamps
31.   New mixed brown socks. ( Dockers on Amazon work well)
32.   A bottle opener
33.   Trip to Big Bend
34.   New set of steak knives
35.   IF we keep getting storms, to move someplace dryer.
36.   I really need a new electronic weather set with an electronic rain gauge and a thermometer. ( No wind gauge needed)
37.   A cricket cap
38.   Black Crowes CD one with song, “Seeing Things for the First Time. “(Best of?)
39.   Land Rover Defender in Bronze Green, or Red
40.   Gift certificate to Amazon
41.   Kitty Kat keychain
42.   Bottle(s) of Mexican Coca-Cola
43.   Bottle(s) of Jamaican Pepsi
44.    Ebay gift certificate
45.   For my internet/wifi to work
46.   First Class plane Tickets to United Kingdom....London, Cardiff, Wales, Edinburgh will all work-
47.   Right hand drive Honda Element
48.   Large bag of Camilla pinto beans
49.   First Class Tickets to Halifax, Nova Scotia
50.   Amtrak tickets Sunset Limited from Beaumont to Los Angeles.
51.   Tickets to the Tottenheim Spurs
52.   5 gallon bucket of Omeprazole 
53.   Learn to take an afternoon nap
54.   WG to sing the Aggie War Hymn to me…..Or….
55.   WG to sing “ Goodnight Irene” to me
56.   A year’s subscription to the online version of the Washington Post
57.   A year’s subscription to the online version of the “ Old Grey Lady” AKA The New York Times
58.   A 2020 Toyota Highlander( Any colour but silver )
59.   First Class Tickets to Geneva
60.   Cruise tickets, Seattle to Juneau or Anchorage
61.   Tickets to see the Bournemouth Cherries
62.   A new wallet, double fold, brown colour
63.   An oxblood colour belt
64.   Pair of Allen Edmund captoe shoes, oxblood or burgundy 12D
65.    A new money clip( my old one sprung)
66.   Lottery scratch off tickets
67.   A white stole
68.   An open-front teaching gown, or a Geneva gown( black)( On Amazon UK)
69.   A Mini-Cooper in British racing Green
70.   First Class tickets to Anchorage, Alaska
71.   First Class Tickets to Cardiff, Wales
72.   To find my King Edward pence
73.   Bag of white crew socks
74.   A Full Scottish Breakfast
75.   Weekend at a 4 or 5 star hotel in Austin
76.   Supper at the Schooner
77.   A colder than normal winter
78.   A fake fireplace/heater( There was a really nice one in the cottage in Bunessan, Scotland)
79.   A roll of half dollars
80.   Some $2 bills
81.   A trip to Taos, New Mexico
82.   A Clergy ( Clark) Tartan scarf
83.   Chocolate chip cookies
84.   Butterscotch chip cookies
85.   Set of 2 tires for the Element( rear)
86.   A fountain pen
87.   TXDOT to re-finish FM 1130
88.    For people who owe me money, to pay me
89.   To have a little more self-discipline
90.   Bag of Ethiopian coffee
91.   A bag of pecans
92.   Bag of Costa Rican coffee
93.   Bag of Community, American Classic Coffee
94.   A knock around t-shirt
95.   A large can of cashews
96.   A slice of fruit cake
97.   A large map of the United Kingdom, so I can see where I have been, or might go
98.   First Class Tickets to  Iceland
99.   First Class Tickets to Norway
100.          A set of bagpipes
101.          Tickets to see any Wagnerian opera at the NY Met.
102.          A double breasted blue blazer
103.           I don’t think we’re going anyplace anytime soon…a fruit or nut tree….pecan?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

God I Hate People, Leaving the House....

I went to "town" today and it was one mess and aggravation after another.

I say that, and I saw James Chesser on some business. It was good to see him, good to "catch-up." I am always glad to see y'all doing well in your profession, and personally. It makes the ole Govteach proud.

But, it went downhill from there.

I performed the " quickie" marriage a little before noon.

I give them 6 months....

I hate to be pessimistic, but when the couple are already mad, the parents are mad, the grandparents are mad.....Not much hope.

I was asked to come to the luncheon, but I begged out and got the hell out of there.

I then run some errands.

Why are stores now checking every note( denomination of dollar bill) to see if it is counterfeit?

I can see $100, $50, $20s.....But my bill at the store was $6.73.

I gave them $5 and two $1s.

The clerk used that "yellow" pen to check and see if they were counterfeit.

Has there been a rash of counterfeit $1s?

You know, maybe it is just me, but when they check bills, it is like they are saying," I think you might be a crook, I better check."

I bought some tires from a local shop the other day, and paid cash, in $100 bills, the owner, didn't bat and eye, took the bills and gave me my change.

And I do not blame the clerks at the stores, they are just employees. But it makes aggravates me.

Then, she could not for the life of her figure out she needed to give me a quarter and 2 pennies in change...She tried to give me 3 nickels and two dimes. Then a quarter and a dime. I told her the correct change would be the pennies and the quarter and it finally "snapped." 

Then, I stop at a drug store on the way home, to get some OTC medication and on the way to check-out, I notice a box with "adult beverages" discontinued. 75% off. I get a bottle for " future reference."

And as I check out there, the clerk asks for my ID....


My hair is grey. I look old. I am old. Do I REALLY look like I am under 21?

Does the corporation really not trust their clerks to know when you need to check ID? Maybe they are hiring too many nit-wits? No, I don't think that, the corporation is too paranoid they will be sued that a clerk will sell liquor to a kid and the kid will drive DWI and hurt someone in a wreck...But let people use some good sense....

Finally, I complete my errands and start home from Orange down FM 1130....And what do I see?

A woman, got to be in her 70s, with more wrinkles than a Shar Pei dog walking in the east lane wearing only a bra and panties. She was smiling and waving at everyone. I called the sheriff....

I actually had one more stop and made an executive decision, "Let's go home."

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Sorry for the all caps, but I think this is that important.

And I really hope every reads this.

We are now in early voting for Texas Constitutional Amendments.

There are 10 on the ballot....

Including three that are important...

Number 4 is an opportunity to kill forever and a day the chance of a Texas State Income Tax.....We don't need no damn income tax that's for damn sure.

(And there is some misinformation on voting for it. It is not a Yes or No choice on the ballot. It is FOR or AGAINST)

If you want do not want a state income tax, vote FOR. ( It was written by lawyers, not normal people....)

Number 7 allows an increase of funding to schools from the Texas Available School Fund.....

Again, vote FOR.....Schools need the money.

Number 8 will provide money for the creation of an infrastructure for flood drainage, mitigation, flood control.

Again, vote FOR...We got to do something about this flooding in this part of the world.

The rest, I will probably vote for.....One amendment, I have some trouble why it was done in the first place?

Sample ballots
Jasper County
Jasper County Polls

Orange County Ballot
Orange County Polls( There is not an early voting site in Mauriceville.)

Hardin County Ballot
Hardin County Polls

Tyler County Ballot
Tyler County Polls

( I cannot get Newton County to work)

Monday, October 21, 2019


I wavered back and forth whether I should write, and then, post the blog today....No really big earth shattering blog, it is more of a personal nature.

It is sort of a big week.

My daughter-in-law is going to several colleges over the next week in an attempt to decide where she is going to get her Master's, including, Rice, which has sort of been recruiting her over the last few months.

We'd love to get them in the Houston area, but they have to decide for themselves.( Apparently Austin is so busy they can't stand it, it just was not equipped for the influx of new people moving into town.)

Second, I am going to the doctor tomorrow for a problem I have been having over a week. I hope he can get me straight...

Third, I have 3 weddings this week including two on Saturday. A pretty serious one Saturday morning, getting to wear a robe and stole...." In nomine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sanсti"

Then one Saturday evening for a former student. 

The third is a quicky I think is a result of a "quicky." 

So busy this week folks. 

If you are of a mind, keep "us" in prayer, especially my daughter in law...


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Thanks, Or Not....Well, Yeah, Go Ahead...Please Don't.....

I really appreciate it sometimes when you do things for me. I seriously do.....

I'm getting old and I can't do stuff like I once was able to do....

But, yesterday, I made mention in one of my posts on Facebook ( I made two) that I was listening to the "alternative" band REM.

And if you really know me, you know I was so close to being a music close. ( History won out in the end. I'm hooked up better for the field, I enjoy it more,  I'm not a natural musician like Mom and Reid, I'm sandwiched between two music majors)

And while I write this, I am listening to a mix of INXS, Chris Isaak, and The Commodores.

( We're getting close to Christmas and at some point, I'll make the switch to a more " High Church" Classical Music selection of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music) 

Again, the point, I like everything.....

So, yesterday afternoon, someone sent me about 25 links of the band REM singing in concert around the world. ( Mostly in Europe)

Like a damn fool, I watched all 25.

Please don't do that again....

Okay, I'm going to go and dance in the kitchen, the Gin Blossoms and " Hey Jealousy" just came on...

Friday, October 18, 2019

So, America is Going to Wind Up in Hell?

I was thinking about this yesterday as I was running my purge for the month of October.

Oh, most of you are as safe as a baby in your Mother's arms......But some of you.....So close every time...

No, I was looking at the number of people who are ex-students of mine who are non-religious, some spiritual, some of a different faith, some agnostic, some atheists......And to be honest, I like them a whole lot more than a bunch of my former students who are all churchy, and in truth, most of them have been purged long ago.

In yesterday's Wall Street Journal, there was an article about the number of people who are just not religious, and are " nones."

-Only 65% of Americans call themselves "Christian." ( That's down 12% in 10 years from 2009 to 2019)

-Protestants in the same time period down from 51% to 43% of the U.S. population.

-Of the Christians, only 45% have attended a church in the last month....

- Meanwhile the number of agnostics and atheists has gone up.

Maybe it is just me, but some of my favorite folks are atheists and agnostics....And I had rather hang with them than many churchy folks. And they often have more ethics, morals, and are a whole lot less judgemental.

I of course am in that Christian group not mentioned in the article of the " Dones." As a Christian who is "done" with church attendance......The last time I was in church, I was in Europe. And I will probably go during the Christmas time season. Just something "traditional" about church at Christmas, and the music is so much better.

But, I have seen this coming for years.

Want it to change church folks? You've got to start "policing" yourselves better. You got act more like Jesus, quit getting mad over theology that in truth, you don't know if it is correct or not....

But, I doubt you can do anything now. Too much damage has been already done....

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Just Shut the Hell Up....And It's Coming....It's Coming....

Some folks....Some people's children.......It makes me wonder why in the hell I was convinced to let you graduate?

Seriously, let some of us enjoy it.

It is 54F this morning......I wish the high would be 54F not the Low temp.

I know some of you reptilians out there are all bundled up like you're living in Greenland.

But some of us, have been waiting for a cool down in this part of the world for some time now. 
Shoot, this is nothing. When Deb and I were in Scotland, 54F was the High temp on many days.....It was wonderful.

Hang in there reptilians, don't despair, It'll be Summer and 192F soon enough....

But right now, shut up and let some of us enjoy the hell out of this time of year...

And a purge is coming. We did not have one in September....I feel it's icy cold unforgiving wind blowing......I don't know if it was be today? Or later this month, or on Halloween?????

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


I have not really thought about the " holiday" or whatever it is seriously for 20 years.

My understanding is that many of you "live" for October 31st. And if it makes you happy, go for it.

Today, my question is for "Church Folks."

Years ago, there was a concerted effort for churches to keep their youth, ( and adults) out of " Trick or Treating."  The older youth and adults away from Halloween parties.

It seems now that the churches are more and more embracing it.

Oh, some still call their "parties" a "Fall Festival." But I saw where a church was having a "Spook House."

In Nederland, a Pentecostal-ish church was even selling pumpkins.....

I've never been a "Halloween" person, even as a kid. Then again, I am not a fan of the horror genre.

But is this just another example of the churches assimilating to popular culture?

You know, so many churches now all play music that is so similar to what goes for "Pop Music."

I know some of you are going, " Well, my church does not do that." But, they're in the minority...

Then again, I think a church service today should be similar to what was going on in the 17th century churches.....But I'm in a minority....


I am doing this early, will re-post a couple of times, and plan to have a regular blog later today.

Had a couple of phone calls since we've gotten back from Scotland to " Be an officiant" at a wedding during the last couple of weeks of April, first week in May, 2020.....

Sorry, going to be on the continent of Asia again.

It's Deb's turn, and she's been really good to drag my sorry ass to the UK 3 times in the last 5 years....

I don't know, having a hard time looking ahead to the next trip after this....

Wales, Cornwall and Devon? ( Ever the Anglophile)

Or "shoot the wad" and do that Houston to Wellington, New Zealand 18 hour flight?

We'll see if we are up to that trip....

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Kids, Get Your Ass Up and Get to School

So, apparently, we are deciding that our kids are sure enough snowflakes and they are driving the system.

In its infinite wisdom, the state of California has decided to push back to later morning for their schools.

Watch, they'll decide that classes are still too early and next thing, they'll be starting class at about Noon....

Noon...Hell, you've wasted the damn day.....

Then, again, this comes from a guy who opened up the old Buna High School every morning at about 6:30AM.

You can get you paperwork done, and then go down to the lounge, make coffee, and "Hold Court" for a while....

Man, I do miss holding court....

Get your ass to bed kids, quit watching Netflix......playing video games.....watching Japanese porn....

New Masculinity?

A new masculinity? Or at least that is what it is being called....

I was minding my own business this morning, reading my political and news blogs, papers this morning, ( I know gubmint teacher, current events "coach" dies hard.)

When I come across a link to GQ and their latest article on the " New Masculinity."

On the cover of the magazine, it has singer Pharrell Williams in a yellow coat that looks that flows down well below his feet, making him look like some sort of upside down flower.

The article, featuring Williams in all sort of dress that I wouldn't call anything but....Horrid.  

Now, I am not above dressing in a "peacock" style, hell, I worse a green sports coat, white pants, Argyle and Sutherland striped tie,  and a Panama hat to the Buna Prom one year.....

That said, I dressed, and still do when "going out" somewhere between traditional Southern prep and like I was an Oxford Don in the 1940s.  

But this shit takes it past the limit.

It seems the " New Masculinity"  includes things like it being okay to wear a dress and put on make-up.

Now, I have seriously looked at buying a kilt. But three things come to mind. It doesn't get cold enough to wear one here, then, where would I wear it? And finally, I don't have the legs for a kilt....( That didn't keep the Scots from wearing them.)

I don't know, I quit GQ magazine about 10 years ago. I neither know the men "celebrities"  nor would I wear the clothes they would consider the " Ten Best Dressed of the Week."

I don't, know, I guess I always thought of a masculine man as being my dad....Wore coveralls to his work to keep from getting just filthy dirty in his job, and then on the weekends, dressed like he was going to address the US Senate.

But the wearing make-up, dresses as being the new " normal" for the average man?

Perhaps in LA and New York, but in the remainder oh, some will filter to the urban areas of this state...but the new normal masculinity?

Unless chicks really dig this sort of dress....Men in their make-up....Looking at their clothes in the closet.

 I doubt it.....

Monday, October 14, 2019

Damn White People

Ain't nobody happy in this country. Nobody.

Today is Columbus Day, I only snapped that it was, there was no mail.

There is a big push to change this to " Indigenous People's Day." In other worlds change it from Columbus to Native American, or Indian Day.

I don't know, most people in this country don't get the day off anyway, and will it make any damn difference anyway.

Most of the White People in this country claim to be 'part Indian' including my mother and her sister.

For years, we heard this story about my grandmother's great-great grandmother being a " Cherokee Princess."

Princess? Sure......I am sure if there was a Cherokee girl involved she was bought for a couple of jugs of whisky and maybe a mule....Or just the liquor.

But the DNA test showed, there was "No" Cherokee DNA, if there ever was any, left in us.

And the test shows what I suspected for years, English, Irish, Scottish, Coonass, and Norway....And the people on , in their research show just that, I come from the British Islands, Western France and a bit from Norway....

To get my mom of the Cherokee business, I had her do the test, and she came up, English, Irish, Scottish.....

Columbus Day, Indigenous People's Day?

Other than not getting mail, it is just another day...We never got it off in the school business.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Impeachment

I know this will upset many of you, so you may want to go ahead and stop reading the blog now....I am going to try and make this simple. ( No comments on this blog please...)

Okay, has everyone who didn't want to read "clicked" on something else?

I hate to tell you, but there will be an impeachment investigation.

It is going to be long.

It will be drawn out.

Sorry Trump people, but the transcript of the phone call to the Ukraine Prime Minister alone calls for an investigation.

Sorry, but he violated the law of asking a foreign country for help against a political opponent in exchange for American military financial aide.  Man, that is so illegal on so many levels starting with extortion. ( That's a High Crime right there.) ( Having foreign countries investigate your political opponent is what 3rd world countries do...)

If Obama had done the same, you'd be up in arms calling for impeachment.

You don't know where this is going to lead, nor do I.....

And trying to keep people from testifying before congress is obstruction. This is what eventually what brought down Nixon in the 1970s.  Sometimes, coming "clean" is the best policy.

The cover-up often makes it worse than the crime.

Don't jump up and down and say, well, "they didn't remove Bill Clinton when he was impeached." ( Impeached just means that there will be a trial to see if a person is to be removed.)

Bill Clinton should have "manned up" and  resigned. If any of us had gotten caught getting oral sex in our office by an employee, we'd been "let go."

Clinton was guilty of perjury and should have been tossed.

You do not know how this is going to turn out.

I don't know what is going to become of us as a nation.

I really do not. We are being torn apart by our political leaders. Both sides.

We are being torn apart by the media.

As a student of mine posted on his Facebook page, " I'm sick of politics."

I am too, and it was my "job " for 30+ years.

I don't care, Trump, not Biden, nor Warren, nor Beto, nor Pence, nor Bernie... not any other major politician really has your best interest in their mind.

We at some point have to do something and get ourselves back on track.

Not to the point we are wanting to shoot one another. And some of you are thinking that already.

Some people are already thinking " We will go after people's families." ( If you do the same and start killing children, you're no better.) And don't think that is not in some people's game plan.

If you think a civil war was "wonderful" you need to look at the photos of Mathew Brady, or Timothy O'Sullivan from 1861-1865.

You don't even want to think what it would do to the economy.

The next few months are going to be ugly.

We are going to have to get over this, I hate you because you are a Democrat or a Republican or an independent, or gay, Black, White, Brown, or Christian, or atheist, or howl at the moon , or whatever....Leave folks alone and let them live their lives.

You need to pray for this nation, not for the leadership, they are a temporary fixture, rather the American people,  that we seek guidance in this time for our children and the country as a whole...

Once again, no comments.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

So, I Don't Know???? Here in Mauriceville...I go Full A$$hole, Again.....

I am not sure if this is good...Or not? And if I get to thinking about it, I sort of get mad....I shouldn't, I guess, but I do...

It seems, one of the local dollar stores is recruiting local churches for volunteers to come and work at the store, to help get it back into business after it flooded in Imelda.

In exchange, the store will donate to a charity.

Now, I know charities are sometimes good things. We donate a few. ( Do research on them folks...)

But, can't the store find someone(s) in the community who would be willing to work as temporary workers even at minimum wage in order to "pick-up" a little extra cash, for the holidays?

I know, if I was not crippled, I would love to work a little extra to make some "traveling money " for our next trip.

And you know, the dollar store, which is a "National Chain" will be able to write-off the charity donate off their taxes.

I wonder if they are getting off cheap with the donation to boot?

And it makes you wonder, "Why was the national chain not already donating to a local charity? "

And I wonder if one of the people get hurt working if the store will try and make the person collect "Worker's Comp" which is cheaper, than if a customer gets hurt in a store?

I don't know, I have many questions.....Too many questions....

Yeah, I'm Eventually Going Here...But First....

Yeah, I am eventually going here, and I seriously sort of dread doing it....Part of it is, it is changing so so fast, I cannot keep up.

Of course, I am talking about the impeachment.

Yeah, it is going to happen.

I dread it. And I'm going to say stuff that going to upset everyone...Both sides....

But first...

One of the front office big-shot people for the  Houston Rockets came out in a tweet supporting the democracy movement in Hong Kong. ( The Rockets GM)

And the NBA has panicked.

Now I know most of you have not been to China.

The NBA is a big damn deal there. Even in the off-season, they show game constantly on several TV channels.  The only thing close in the English Premiere League( soccer)....I watch several EPL matches live on Chinese TV.  But it is nothing like the NBA.

The NBA looks at it this way, 1.3 billion potential customers, all moving into the middle class with disposable income.  

It got worse when the Commissioner of the NBA came out supporting Free Speech. I was listening to Joe Rogan's Podcast and he was saying the Commissioner might lose his job for not being forceful enough to condemn the tweet.......and in the end the NBA caved to the Chinese Government....

Hell, South Park even addressed it.   The episode had James Hardin of the Houston Rockets ( a player) on the plane going to China, " Going to get some of that China Money."  Hardin issued an apology to China for what the GM of the Rockets said.

South Park even issued an apology for the China Episode.( It is sarcasm BTW)

China is a scary place, especially going and coming through customs. They took our photos 3 times coming into the country, and 4 times going out.

And this latest NBA/China kerfuffle is just another example of how greedy these big companies are, yes the NBA is a business, and how everything is thrown out the window....morals, ethics, whatever, just to make "some of the China money."

I don't know, I have an open visa to China, but I don't plan to go back......If Jesus is good to me.....In this lifetime....

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Yes, I Agreed

So, there are probably several of you who will decide to unfriend me on Facebook after this blog, and to be honest, in the past, I probably would have unfriended myself.

And if you do, well, "good luck to you."

I have a wedding next week I agreed to do....and you may or may not know who one of the persons might be....

Yes, it is a gay wedding.

It's my first one.

I am not kidding. I am a bit nervous.....And I do not know why?

I really don't want to to "booger" it up. And many of you know, I am apt to screw up, I've not had a clean one yet, then again, years ago, I was speaking to an old pastor friend of mine who is no longer with us saying, he never got one completely clean, and he was a minister for 50 years. ( I stopped doing wedding for a number of years when I was at Buna. I didn't want people to know....)

Of course, I'll have to sign as an ordained pastor of one of the "organizations" who is a little bit more open towards such marriages. ( I'm ordained/licensed in two)

The other one still thinks it is 1952.......Sort of like the Buna ISD when I arrived in the 90s......I wonder if they've made it to the early 60s yet?

Still my favourite Baptist Joke
 Q- When you go fishing, why do you always carry more than one Baptist?
 A- Cause if you only take one, they'll drink all the beer. 

So, you may ask, why?

Look, I know some of you have a problem with "gays."

Yet, you have some sin of your own going on....And lord knows I've done weddings with one of the people, sometimes, both with 2-3-4 ex-wives/husbands.....But, somehow, you think that's okay....

It is not my business to judge here.....In many cases you've already been "shacked up" for a while and have children from this "union."  I am just making it legal.

And Lord knows, I'm anything but sinless, just read the blog....

I don't know, I may go to hell for it, but I doubt it. I've done worse.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

I Was an A$$hole This AM

I know, for many of you, you find that shocking, from my normal, cool, calm, collected sweeter than sugar, so sweet, they often call me, " Sugar-Pie-Pudding."

When I arose at my normal 5AM and went into the kitchen to get the Community American Blend Coffee started, I noticed that he modem for the internet was dead....Again....

I did not "Pass Go, Did Not Collect $200" and immediately called the American Telegram & Telegraph Company.....

Of course at 5AM, the call center was in Mumbai...or Delhi....or Calcutta....Where I spoke to "Julie."

I have to be careful here. I have an "April." ( Real name, Yu Zhou...or as her father refers to her as, " ZhouYu"......I don't really understand Chinese names or the grammar, and may never do so.....)

I was not nice to "Julie."

Oh, I started nice at first, but " Julie" got snippy with me one time and I lost it. I could not understand her " Hindu accent" or one of the 800 other language accents they speak in India and asked her to repeat herself one too many time....

I went full "teacher" mode.

I got transferred to "Julie's " supervisor.....

It got worse.

I could not understand the man for nothing...And wanted me to waited several more days for a technician.....He finally hung up. 

I was on the line with "Inja " as Kipling called it...59 minutes.

At 8AM, I called the American Telegram & Telegraph again.....I got a lady in.......Dallas, Texas.

It took 30 minutes and a lady who sounds like " us."

I now have internet......


Let's see how long it lasts this time before I get to call "Inja" again....

Actually, I am proud of myself, I didn't call anyone a"Mutherfucker, or Cocksucker, or Dick-Lick......."

Monday, October 7, 2019

Bull Sh*t...More Sh*t...Piled Higher and Deeper

No, I am not working on my doctorate. If I ever do, call the men with the white straight jacket, I need a very long rest.

I have not had real access to either the internet, nor my blog in about 10 days.

It is finally back up. With Imelda, American Telephone & Telegraph has a deluge of internet outages in SE Texas.

You think they would call in help from outside the area.....But they have not. We'll just make do with what we got and keep customers without internet for almost 2 weeks.

I wonder if they'll try and charge us for the time without?

Was on an island in the middle of the sea, in a driving rainstorm, 35 mph winds, with a werewolf scratching on the window, and had high-speed internet.

Was in the middle of the Highlands, no place near a village, the nearest village, 18 miles away had a population of 22.....Had high-speed internet.

Was in an airplane over the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.....Had internet.

But American Telephone & Telegraph has a tropical system and can't service their customers...And it was a battle for them to send out a technician.

Meanwhile, still waiting for a package from the US Post Office. The Royal Mail got it to America in a couple of days.....The USPS decides to send it on a tour of America. Boston, to Minneapolis, to Cincinnati to Georgia....

Okay, the ole Govteach is back.....

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...