Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Buna ISD Aftermath

 I am wondering this morning how this will turn out. 

I wonder who will be fired? If at all? 

Let me remind you ladies and gentlemen, if you work in a tax supported field. Schools, county government, etc, you don't need to be making political statements in support of one political party or another. Or supporting or not supporting any president. 

You have to remember even though you think so, not everyone in your community supports the political party you support. 

That at one time was instilled upon new and old hires within school districts. I know I was asked three times when Buna ISD hired me if I would actively support ANY candidates in my class. And I think I did a pretty good job of keeping that part of my life secret. 

And once you express your political feelings as school or any other government entity, you have lost your neutrality, and perhaps the school business is not where you should work. Again, not everyone in your community feels the way you do politically.  People will wonder if you support someone else, will you subconsciously hold it against them. 

The school business is supposed to be about being fair. You don't want to do anything to make people think otherwise. 

If you can't keep your political feelings known in a school setting, perhaps this is not the work for you.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

So, the Other Side of the Story from a Buna ISD Officer

"I've been called a lot of things in my life. Some bad, some good, some true, some not. I take exception to the untruths, addressing some and ignoring others. It comes with the job. When it comes to my integrity and my reputation, I draw the line there.
Regarding the situation at Buna Elementary this morning, there are a number of outright lies being circulated. Since some who were involved won't do the right thing, I'm more than happy to. The chips will fall where they may, but truth is truth and I while I can abide a great many things, having my reputation tarnished by those seeking to shield themselves from the fallout is something I can't abide. Not one dang bit.
1. This was a PLANNED EVENT. I was notified by a school administrator LAST WEEK that it would be taking place some time THIS WEEK. I wasn't aware of the date or time, only that I was asked by this administrator to "show up in plain clothes" and check the exterior doors of the Elementary and High Schools. If you have an understanding of school security and basic common sense you'll also understand that in order to test the effectiveness of any system, you need natural reactions. In other words, don't warn people ahead of time. So, this wasn't spontaneous. We did NOT "Take it upon ourselves" to conduct the drill. This was a SCHOOL SANCTIONED AND REQUIRED EVENT and I was TOLD to do it by ADMINISTRATION. I have good reason to believe that I know why these lies were told and it's unfortunate. However, regardless of their source or intent, they are still outright LIES. Given the nature of the "exercise" and the response it could potentially generate, once at the Elementary School I removed my duty weapon and magazines and left them in my patrol car. Which, I might add, was parked prominently in the FRONT of the Elementary AND High Schools. Additionally, I waited as long as possible for as many little kids to be inside so as not to scare them from any possible response from staff.
2. Mark McKinley did not participate, other than to monitor my actions on video. Contrary to what was reported on the apparent fake news website, KJAS, and what was also reported by a member of Jasper County Sheriff's Department administration, there were NOT camouflaged "officers". There was just ONE officer and that was me. I wasn't even "camouflaged", I had been wearing a camo jacket which was over my district-issued blue polo shirt which says, in large letters on the back, "POLICE" and has a small BUNA ISD POLICE logo on the left front breast. Once I made my way back to the front of the school it was removed. KJAS also contradicted itself in its biased and misleading article, as it states one time there were camouflaged officers then another time states that I was the only one dressed in camo. Let's not let the facts stand in the way of a good story though.
3. I was NOT trying to "break in through doors and windows". I was tasked with checking to see if the exterior doors were locked or not. Nothing was mentioned to me about windows, I did not touch any windows. I did not even attempt to "break in" period, merely check to see if the doors were locked.
4. To those saying I should have notified someone, that's not how things work. I'm not running or in charge of anything and it's my job, especially as low man on the totem pole, to do as I'm asked and not question if the proper plans or steps have been taken. My assumption was that since this was a SCHOOL SANCTIONED EVENT, those steps had been taken prior to me being involved in this. My fault lies in believing that had been done.
5. To those who have chosen to believe the lies being perpetuated by some on KJAS and other sites, I'm curious to know how you view CNN, MSNBC, and other mainstream media sources in their treatment of our President. I'd be willing to bet a very large percentage of you call them for what they are-fake news-yet here you all are, shoveling in more lies without even stopping to think that there is ALWAYS more to the story.
6. Some have called for Mark and I to be fired. I say if you can do this better, feel free. Come on out, lend your expertise. With all the law enforcement experts there should be no shortage of willing volunteers. Just don't try your hand at investigations because based on what I've seen just from this one incident, most would do a piss poor job at gathering facts before pronouncing guilt.
7. To those who know me (and those who don't) and have offered words of encouragement, it is more appreciated than you know. To those who don't know me yet still feel somehow qualified to weigh in on something you didn't witness nor have reliable information about, your opinion and 99 cents will get you a cup of coffee anywhere in town. God knows the truth and that's all I'm concerned with."
Again, I have to ask, What in the Cornbread Fuck is Going ?  ( And I tend to believe this story....But why was 911 called? What was the circumstances behind this?)

What the Cornbread Fuck is Going on at Buna ISD?

 This is from KJAS radio. 

"A school security test in Buna on Tuesday morning went horribly wrong. Buna Independent School District Superintendent Donny Lee said that without notifying administration or staff, School Resource Officers Mark McKinley and Mike Henderson took it upon themselves to conduct the drill, with Henderson dressed in camouflage with his face covered, running around Buna Elementary School trying to break in through doors and windows."

Jasper County Sheriff Mitchel Newman and Chief Deputy Scotty Duncan said that their department wasn’t notified of this happening either, so when terrified teachers began calling 911, every law enforcement officer in the county began running wide-open to Buna.

Duncan said officers arrived and with guns drawn began looking for the mock intruders on the campus, and finally learned that it was a drill when they encountered the camouflaged officers.

Duncan said “They could have easily been shot and killed by one of our guys, and that’s after we risked our lives driving as fast as these patrol cars can go just to get there. If it’s a real situation, yeah we’ll risk killing ourselves wrapping a patrol car around a pine tree to protect a child, but doing this without notifying anyone that it was just a drill, that don’t work.” "

Here is the entire story from KJAS 

What the Cornbread Fuck?????


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Again Buna People

I am coming out of my blog sabbatical to write this. 

I had a phone call this morning from a couple wanting me to marry them.  Was given my name by someone from South Jasper County. 

Let me remind you, I am going to charge a fee unless you are an ex- student of mine or you are somehow friends or family. 

And of course, the ex-student, friends, family rate is free.

I do this fee business, because I generally only like to marry people I know. 

The couple was upset that there would be a fee. They thought it would be free for them too. ( One was from Orange County, the other from Louisiana. ) I do not know what the person from South Jasper County told them. I am debating whether to contact that person and " Say something" to them or not. 

Okay, back to the sabbatical. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

This Should Piss Some of You Off......I'm Done....

 Well, I think I have done something before any of you other Texas residents have done. 

I have voted. 

I am probably going to be recovering from surgery either in the early voting or the actual Nov. 3rd election. 

I filled out my ballot and the security is better than I expected, this morning and put it in the 10AM Saturday Mauriceville Post Office mail. It should make it from Mauriceville to Orange in 3 weeks.

So, Mr. Thomas, Kerry, Kerry Don, Govteach.....Who did you vote for? 


Nun you fuckin' business. 

I didn't let you know who I voted for when I was teaching...Why should I let you know now? 

And if you guessed, you'd probably be wrong anyway.  

So, I am not watching another debate, nor a news show unless some real news occurs before Nov. 3rd.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Thanksgiving/ Christmas Changes this Year? Or No Holidays?

 I was reading a couple of articles this morning on the upcoming holiday season and it is fast approaching. 

I wonder how many people will " get together" this year. 

I know my wife's family have been discussing what they are going to do this year. Where they might hold it, not exchange gifts, (I'm okay with that gift business. I am to the point in my life, if there is something I really want I go online and order it.) Hell, I don't really want to go anyway. Just postpone it would be okay in my book.

Again, this is a different year. 

-It seems that 70% of holiday hosts worry about people getting sick at their event.

- 4 in 10 plan a virtual holiday. ( I like that even better. Have " Computer problems" when you've had " enough." of whoever on the other end of the line.)

- 30% will take guests temps. 

- 54% will enforce " Social Distancing" at their parties...( I like that just fine, I didn't want to hug your neck anyway.)

- 37% only one person cook all the food....( Big pot of gumbo and call it even.)

- 27% say they are holding the event outside....Might work here, might not. I've seen hot holidays and 32F holidays.

This comes on the largest mall holder in America putting Santa either behind a glass or inside a snow globe at their malls.( 135  malls will be doing this)

I don't know. I'd like to see the kids at Christmas. We might " Pile in on them" after the actual holiday. Probably will be me on Christmas going over to grandma's...Grandma always makes a huge breakfast on Christmas. And I am all about pork products.

I don't know, there have been Christmases I have liked, others that sucked to high heaven and they suck ones are more frequent recently. They bore the shit out of me.  I guess they always have. I have always gone in a separate car so when I've 'had enough' I can slip out and head back to the house. Maybe I am just getting old. 

But in the end.....What a strange time we live it. 

Are you making any changes this year? Or just plowing ahead? Or like most of us, not a "damn clue?"

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

It's in Evadale....Why Not Buna ISD?

 I've not said anything about Buna in a while...The longer I am out the longer I realize how much better off I am retired....That said, I will always have a special place in my heart for the Buna ISD and will always be concerned about the district. 

So, this morning, one of the major stories on KBMT-12 was the outbreak of positive Covid tests in Evadale ISD. 

It makes you wonder, if it is in Evadale Schools, why is it not in Buna ISD?

Perhaps it is and we are not being told that is the case. 

At least two of my sources are saying that there are positive tests that are being kept from the public in Buna. 

The number of positive cases would not shock me. 

Say what you will Buna and Evadale are " kissing cousins" in the community. 

And even if it has not " migrated" to Buna, it is just a matter of time. I have a funny feeling it is seriously in  Buna ISD and we're not being told.

Time for a Purge

 It has been time. 

I have not run one in about 2 months now...Heck, it's been over 2 months now. We did not have one in September. 

I have " Facebook friends" I have not a clue who they are. 

There is so much politics on Facebook, well, it's too much like working. 

Now I know some of you worry, but some of you are safe as " a baby in a mother's arms." 

While others....Well, it is time to say " Tater and wave bye-bye." 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Let's Trade JJ Watt

 Why not?

Sure he is the " Face" the franchise, but he is on the downhill slide. 

Sure at this point Houston "MIGHT" get a 2nd perhaps a 3rd round draft choice, but at this time, Houston needs to start fresh. 

And in 2021, Houston doesn't have a 1st or 2nd round draft pick. They belong to Miami in a trade. 

And other the Watson, the quarterback, try and trade what you got player-wise  for draft picks, even if they're 4th and 5th rounders. 

It's time to clean house and start over. 

If you did not hear, Houston fired their head coach, general manager, Bill O'Brien yesterday. A move long overdue. 

And the interim coach is 73 years old. 

Stop being sentimental.  It is time to build a new team.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Halloween 2020

 I am still amazed at the fact "Halloween" has become as big a deal as it has in today's world.

As a child, in the 1960s, we loved going house to house to ask for treats. And it was stuff you got then, well, you'd, would "bitch and moan" about today, but in the 1960s, we love it. On a rare occasion would you get a mini Milky Way or a Almond Joy. Most of the stuff we got was hard candy, peppermints, etc. Maybe a candied apple, and the thing was, we knew all the people whose house we went to. The Mormons gave out a lot of candied apples, and in those days you had no fear of eating them. (You went to school and played Little League baseball with, church league basketball against, with the Mormon kids many of which I still am in contact with. )

But today? 

It is more about adults having a good time than the kids.....Come on, "slutty" Halloween costumes? Where's this come from? Not that I don't sort of enjoy "wimmens" in state of undress,( I do) but seriously, where did this come from?

Even as a teen in the 1970s, Halloween was a time to hang out with friends, perhaps have an "adult" beverage and maybe if you were lucky, you got to talk to some girls. Maybe you even got a kiss from one. Generally in the woods around a bonfire. 

But this year, we will have a " Blue Moon" Halloween.

A Full Moon. 

The first full moon on Halloween since 1944....That was during World War II. 

The question is this....

Are you letting you kids " Trick or Treat?"( We don't have Trick or Treaters here, too far off the beaten path, no kids really in the neighborhood. I no long even buy candy)

Is you church having a " Fall Festival?" Or has Covid killed that this year?

2020, you're a bastard aren't you?


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Old Habits Die Hard

So, as many of you read in FB, I performed a wedding last evening/afternoon. Been a little while since I did one, as a matter of fact the last one was on our deck/porch. 

And as many of you know, I don't stay for the reception.  

Nothing against you personally, just something we were taught in seminary. And I am sure some preachers hang around just because of this. 

Don't hang around to make people " feel uncomfortable." 

And being an alumni of a Baptist seminary, there are more things that happen at a reception that Baptist are against than are for....

Never mind I am not a Baptist minister and the denominations I am ordained in don't mind you taking a drink or taking a spin across the dance floor. 

But there are clergy who do hang around to make sure people " Behave themselves." ( Don't get me started here.)

 This is the South and well, some folks see ministers against anything "fun."  Especially here in the South where there Protestant ministers are often seen in two lights, as Pentecostal or Baptist.....Both anti-drink, anti-dance....Well one is anti-dance unless you have a copperhead snake in your hands....

And I know there are people at the reception who don't care......But there are people who will look over and ask, " What the hell kind of preacher is that with a Bud Light in his hand?"  

So, as I said, old habit, lessons die hard.

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...