Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Time for This H*rsesh*t Again....

 Saturday night/Sunday morning, whichever you want to call it we ' Fall Back' again....

You know, in the last term of the US Congress the House passed a bill to set the clocks at 'Daylight Savings' time and leave the clocks alone.....The bill died in the Senate.  And they're not even talking about it this term.

So, those of us who still have clocks not hooked up to internet, you'll have to set your clocks Saturday before bedtime. Including the Buna ISD retirement clock that perpetually runs 5-7 minutes slow....You know, sort of like the ISD.

Yes, you'll get an extra hour of sleep, but old guys like me, will be up an hour early. 

And if you are like me, it'll take 2 weeks to adjust to the 'new time.'

Feck Daylight Savings....

Friday, October 27, 2023

The Damn Post Office, the Damn Baptists, the Damn Media, & Newton County,

-When I perform a wedding, I generally mail the Marriage License back to the county that issues the license. 

I nearly always certify the letter in which it is sent. 

The damn post office took 5 days to get the last envelope, certified to Newton. It had to go all the way to Shreveport, Louisiana. Then come back to Newton.

Now, I do not blame the local post offices.   The local post offices had the letter out quickly, and once it was in the Newton Post Office's hand, they had it ready to be picked up early morning as soon as it was received, and Newton County had it signed for and picked up by 9:30AM. Both entities in Newton were 'on the ball.'

My problem was the days of transit. 

What did they do with it? Let it sit in a box? Someone in Shreveport playing Frisbee? ( It was a large envelope.)

Just wondering?

- Damn Baptists. Had another wedding I performed a couple of weeks ago. It seems one of the grandparents was upset because I was not a Baptist Minister. ( I am a form of Reform/Presbyterianism) and they told another relative, 'the marriage will fail, because a Baptist didn't officiant.' 

Hell, half the people in most Baptist Churches are divorced now, and they were mostly married by Baptist ministers. 

I would hate to know what grandma might call me personally. Both sets of my grandparents were married by the Justice of the Peace. And they were married until ' death do us part' and one grandparent passed in both cases. ( One set of grandparents had 5 kids, the other set, 11.)  

- The Damn Media....Can the damn national media only one story? 

For two weeks, it was the Israel-Hamas War.....And that is all we heard....Now, it is the shooter in Maine, David Muir of ABC News left Israel and flew back to Maine. 

It makes you wonder just what we are missing. 

Don't be shocked if the shooter has already taken his life, and he is found weeks from now by some hunter. 

Finally, and this is for those of you in Newton County, I have been asked to moderate the Sheriff's Debate in that county this coming January. 

I look forward to it, I am sure it will be streamed lived and then put on the sites such as YouTube for those of you who are not able to listen live. 

I am honored and look forward to the debate. 

Will post times and dates as we get closer.

Monday, October 23, 2023

I Don't Ask For This Often....But I Need a Favor

 I have never told you how to vote. 


This site is not about electioneering. 

And yes, when I had you as high school seniors, I registered many of you to vote when you turning 18 years old. 

Today starts a list of propositions we are voting here in Texas.  

There are propositions on taxes, or parks, on colleges. 

However, there is one I would like for you to vote on, for us retired teachers. 

For the first time in years, the State of Texas is offering retired teachers a cost of living increase. 

And Texas voters have to approve the COLA so we retired teachers will receive it. I have been retired over 10 years, and never have received a COLA. 

We teachers pay into teacher retirement. That is something most people do not know. We contribute to our retirement all the years we work. 

But the state has not given us a COLA in years. 

And the state politicians have taken money from our retirement fund and  invested in personal projects, such as the Formula 1 Racetrack just South of Austin. And the way I read it, the racetrack has not paid back on the investment. 

Early voting starts today. A vote YES on Proposition 9 will give retired teachers a small, long overdue COLA.

The money is there. It just needs to be approved by the voters of Texas. 

Please, vote YES on Prop. 9.

Friday, October 20, 2023

International Paper, Invista...Local Economy

 I worry about the local economy, I seriously do. 

And I wonder if IP and Invista are just a a start?

What kind of shape is the Mill in Evadale? I have already heard rumors that Chevron might be cooling concerning the new plant in Orange. And perhaps while not stopping the new plant, slowing down on construction. And don't be saying " No" the folks at the International Paper Mill in Little Cypress never saw their mill closing....Heck, in the 1980s, when Texaco( Now Motiva) had a large lay-off of 2000 and it literally killed Port Arthur. And Port Arthur has never come back. One of my favorite restaurants, Leo and Willie's closed because of the lay-offs. Beaumont was stunted, and the population of Beaumont has been stagnant since that period of time. The guys out at Texaco in the 80s, did not see it coming.

And I wonder with the economy, the increased automation, artificial intelligence, the desire for an increased profit, how close to there being more closures, more people in this area losing their jobs? 

Already someone was talking about 800-850+ people losing their jobs due to the two closures.  

How many other people are going to be hurt due to the closure? Already someone has realized in the media that truck drivers who haul pulpwood are going to be hurting. And I have heard from spouses of other truck drivers in this area who's work has decreased in the last year. How many other businesses/workers will be hurt due to the closures?

I am wondering how many people are already starting to sell their " Toys?" ( Boats, ATVs, Big Trucks) Or, they are planning to do so? 

How many people will be forced to "downsize" their homes?  Or, just leave this area?

It upsets me. It upsets me badly. 

There are a number of people I know who work at both closing facilities. And I am worried about them.  

Very worried.

Our economy is a one-two trick pony. Oil and timber. They do poorly, so does the area. It often take a little for our area to 'catch up' economically, but when we do, it takes us longer to recover. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The " War"

 I spent a large number of hours yesterday watching " The Israeli/Hamas War on the TV yesterday, or on the computer.....( If you don't have a VPN, you must get one to stream stuff you can't get around the world. )

So, I've been indoctrinated by everyone from Fox News to Al Jazeera. 

As many of you know, I've been to Israel within the last two years. It might be the only place on earth I won't go back to. 

We spent most of the time in the West Bank. I thought I'd be scared to death... Actually, St. Debbie and I have been in a lot shadier places in Europe.....Hell, Hong Kong....Hell, Beaumont, Texas.....

I don't know, I found " Biblical" sites " " Historically Questionable." I saw mind numbing poverty. And I saw the tour group taking photos of people just trying to live their lives be exploited by the tour. 

The entire place was a tourist trap, including Jerusalem. I understand what it was like on the pilgrimage to Canterbury during Chaucer's time....

And Israeli's really don't like you, they like your dollars, but they see your Christian faith as heresy. It goes against their idea of monotheism.

But I digress. 

It's been a "Powder Keg" over there forever. 

I'm not taking up for Hamas killing, raping, kidnapping, and worst of all, killing kids. But you got 2.3 million people penned up inside an area the size of two Washington D.C.'s.......And they literally can't get out. No jobs, no hope, you get a bunch of young men ripe for radicalization. Literally, Israel, the Arabs, the Persians could have come up with sort of of solution.....But everyone hates one another over there. So, we're going to keep stuff " stirred-up."

I know you Evangelical Christians see this as part of Biblical prophecy somehow, since I was a kid growing up in the faith I was "scared to death" by stories of Armageddon, being " Left Behind." 

Nothing's happened. 

And at this point in my life, I doubt nothing will. And in truth, I question the entire Evangelical view of the " Second Coming."

Heck, during Paul's time, the First Century AD, they expected Jesus to "Show back up." We are 2000 years later, and the Christian community is still waiting. 

I don't know. 

I consider myself a person of faith, but more and more, I question doctrine and theology. 

I am afraid the situation in Gaza is going to be ugly. Mass loss of life on both sides.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Open Letter, To Buna Independent Schools-Oct. 6, 2023

 I probably should let it cool down, but the older I get, the less I care who I piss off.....It's like I am not going to drink coffee with these upset people anyway, and I certainly won't be sitting by them in the church. ( Already I am deciding whether or not I'll even go to church on Christmas Eve. If Vegas had odds on it, it'd be like 10:1 against...Like I said, I went twice in England/Wales, and that'll do me for the year.)

Yesterday, someone got all upset about me " getting onto Buna." If I didn't give a good damn, I wouldn't care. I worked like a sumofabitch to make Buna HS a good place to graduate from, and sorry folks, it's slipped. I no longer recommend it to people who ask " Should I send my kids there?" For about 7-10 years, I said " Yes." Now? " No." And that's sad for me, because there are still some quality faculty there. 

And today's blog really hasn't anything to do with this week's events. 

While there are happy with the Buna ISD, there are just as many unhappy with the district. It's October 6th, and already I am hearing rumblings of teachers as one put it to me, " Getting the Hell outta Dodge."

Hell, I had (some very long) people write me dissertations on their unhappiness with the Buna Schools yesterday. And we are talking patrons.

The Texas Legislature meets in Special Session starting this Monday, Oct. 9th. 

What will they be discussing? School choice, now, I have problems with " School Choice" especially when we start giving tax dollars to unaccredited, non-degree, who knows what-the-cornbread-fuck are they teaching in these schools. 

That said Buna ISD, you're going to need to figure out some way to keep the kids you got. Oh, most kids already in high school will stay, it's the little kids elementary you may need to worry with. 

And you're going to need to "Play Politics" like never before......And horrible to say, but it is true. 

After going back and working in a couple of political campaigns since retirement, I'd offer my services to the Buna Schools......Nah, that's crazy talk...I may get up one morning and decide, " I need to be in England this week." Quit. And us go. ( The best part of going to England when it is cold and rainy? There ain't no fuckin' Americans. And we generally go places tourists from America aren't. They're all in London. London sucks, sucks bad. Go to Edinburgh.)

And the thing is, how are you going to keep teachers? 

Already administration now requires or mandated 2 department meetings each week.....Hell, I was BHS History Department Chair for years, I didn't want to talk to those damn people in my department about something, in which they were already doing a damn good job, why fix something that ain't broke? I sure didn't want someone to suggest how I teach. I might tell them, " Fuck you, and the clap dripping mule you rode in on."This is giving teachers only 3 planning periods a week. Them papers don't get graded on their own. Like I said, people will move on down the highway to another district to teach.

You're going to need to come up with something to attract and keep students. And I have ideas, but you know, I look at shit differently.  

Schools are fixing to change, and it is going to be an ugly transition period. You're not going to be able to use chicanery, to fix stuff. 

If you mess-up, and you will, you're going to need to get out, own it and promise to do better, not try and hide it. 

Lord knows I messed plenty of times at Buna HS. I owned it. Lying always makes it worse. 

Be honest. Try and fix stuff. Try and boost morale of the teachers.Make people WANT to go to Buna ISD....Not flee from it.... 


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Man Buna Schools....That's Even Worse.....

 So, as many of you know, I posted a routine by the BJH Cheerleaders in which one member seemed to be left out.....

And I am all about redemption, second chances, Hell, if I wasn't most of you would have failed my class. 

But, the Buna ISD has removed the post with the cheerleaders from their Facebook site. 

I hate to tell you, but if my lawyer brother was here, I can just about imagine what he'd say......It makes you look guilty. 

Again, someone send me an explanation....  

Or post one online....I am hearing so much stuff I am confused.

Man Buna Schools, This is a Bad Look....

 Perhaps there is a good explanation?

But at this point, this looks like Mississippi....Or perhaps Vidor in the 1970s....Or as one person said, " Buna in the 1970s." 

This is the Buna Junior High cheerleaders performing their routine.

Yes, there is one girl ( cheerleader)alone in the back.......And she is black.  And the rest are performing a routine.

Now I understand family being all positive about the family member's involvement in school activities, especially sports, band, cheerleading, etc....I know my mother, is all giddy because her youngest grandchild is starting now at right tackle in Llano. She'd say he's doing great even if he receive 7 penalties for 70 yards. It's what family is supposed to do....

But the kid standing while others are performing? And everyone else is white, and she's black? Ain't a good look Buna JH.....Ain't a good look. 

And don't jump up and down and call me some sort of affirmative action liberal....I lost a job in the 1990s due to affirmative action.

There's got to be an explanation....But I wonder? And formerly in the school business me wonders if there is some sort of politics involved? 

( Video has been taken down, I am assuming by Buna Schools. )


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Economics Lesson _ (Oct. 4, 2023)

 After prayers this morning, I took a look at the economic charts, graphs for the future. 

It just does not look good.....Too many people are coming on Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business and are talking about the " Soft Landing." 

Sadly, most of the time, these "so-called" experts talk about a " Soft Landing," there is a recession coming.

Now how deep a recession, or how long, well, I do not know and neither do they. I am not going to speculate on the recession long lasting economic impact. 

Right now, we have not felt the full impact of the Federal Reserve's raising of the interest rate. 

I know they are talking like housing mortgages, the traditional 30 mortgage is going to be over 8%, the way the interest rates are trending. 

Simple math going from 3% to 8% interest means, even with a 20% down payment, on a $400,000 house, you would be paying $900+ more a month. 

And good lord, have you looked at the prices of pick-up trucks right now? And with 7-8% rates. Who can afford a truck, and people are buying them with 8-9-10 year note payments. 

Glad I drive a beater, and looked yesterday, and only have put 700 miles on my Honda since June. ( I am sure if and when we buy a vehicle again, it'll be a Toyota Corolla or a Honda Civic, something like that.)

Then there are the numbers being produced by the National Bureau of Economic Research, everything they show has an economic downturn by late 2023-early 2024. 

There are also several things that also playing into a poor economy....

1. Oil Prices. Blame the Russians and the Saudis here. They've cut production. ( Neither are America's friend)

2. The present UAW strike again Chrysler( I refuse to call it whatever it is called now), GM, and Ford. It is costing the economy, so far, $5 billion dollars and I am not so sure the Big 3 auto makers are not using the strike to drive up car prices. 

3. Student Loan Resumption.  This is not the blog to debate the cost of college, but with people having to start back paying college loans, how much money being put into the economy before, is now gone? 

4. The government shutdown. Say what you want, in 45 days, the Congress is looking at the US Government shutting down. How much money will be removed from the economy if the idiots on Capitol Hill don't get their act together?

Banks are also starting to look at loans. Many banks are giving few loans to people, especially in the business world, at the small business start-up level. Say what you will, most business in America is at the small business level. Heck, some banks are looking at and questioning loans to even larger business customers. 

Finally, the consumer has in fact kept us out of the recession, so far, trouble is, so many are buying, using their Visa, Mastercard, Discover cards. And the limits are running out. What happens then, is people will stop buying frivolous items?  Already repossessions on cars are at an increase ......Later this week, I may discuss China and what it may do to the American economy....The Chinese have built a BILLION homes with no one to occupy them. The Chinese economic system is in trouble.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023


 Tomorrow, FEMA( Federal Emergency Management Agency) is going to have a test of their emergency system.

At 1:20PM CT, October 4th, 2023, every TV, radio, and cell phone in America will be involved in this "emergency" test.

Already, the conspiracy theory people are out there talking about what this might mean.

Many are telling you to turn off your phone during the process so the "government" won't be either listening to or taking over your phone. 

 The government is already listening. The NSA( National Security Agency) is already is recording every phone call now. The government is already listening to you. 

Some are afraid this is the start of some sort of " Gubmint Takeover."  If so, why do it so " In the Open." And why have they waited " This long?"

So tomorrow, don't panic, not much you can do about it anyway.

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...