Sunday, December 31, 2023

The State of the Blog-2024

 I thought I'd let people know what is going on here at the Compound in the coming year.( 2024)

I more and more am leaning towards local politics, politics that involve Jasper, Newton, Orange Counties. With an emphasis upon school districts specifically Buna ISD.  

We are presently working on a story concerning Buna Schools. I need to do a little more research( actually, a good deal more) before I publish the blog. 

I keep saying I am going to start a podcast, but I just don't for whatever reason. ( A face for radio, with a voice for print)

I had huge reads this year, and I appreciate it. No, not making any money doing this, there is no advertising, I have not Patron, or any other " members" site.  I do this in case I need to write on something that involves you, or any other topic in which you'll get irritated, and trust me, at some point, I am going to upset you. 

I've said several times I am done writing this blog, but always something brings me back. 

Thank you for reading. I seriously appreciate it when I see big "hits" on the blog. 

And as always, any story, no matter how small you think it is, send it to me. I will look into it, and generally, 9 times out of 10, will publish a blog on the subject. 

As always, all information I receive stays anonymous.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

I Don't Know...Perhaps it's Just Me?

 It just seemed to be an odd Christmas this year, maybe because it was 75F on Christmas Eve....Or we had a flood on Christmas Eve, or perhaps it is because I am 66 years old, but Christmas didn't feel " right" this year. 

Perhaps it I am to the point if I really want something, I just order it online. 

Everyone I encountered was just sort of " blah." 

I don't enjoy gathering like I once did. And 'little' kids just seem "out of control" but then, that might be the teacher coming out in me. 

But this entire season " Just did not feel right." 

Maybe something bad is about to happen?

Maybe it was just me? 

At times it was like..." Let's get this mess over with."

Did you have the same feeling?

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Christmas and the People You Love??????

 I get this request every holiday , but especially around Christmas. 

And I understand where you are coming from more than you know. 

Family is just that, family....You can pick your friends, but your family, well, you just have to deal with what you were given. 

Family often doesn't understand your, and in many cases your life, or lifestyle. 

I see people faced with more hatred during the Thanksgiving to Christmas Season than the rest of the year. 

Most of us try and see family during this time of year, even if we really do not want to do so. 

I know I have friends in the LGBT community and family/friends who don't understand the people you love, and why you can't love a person of the opposite sex. 

In many cases they don't want you to bring that person you love to family gatherings. They are afraid that the uncle or aunt might somehow " corrupt " children....Or " God forbid" ask questions. In most times, they don't show affection out of respect for others.,( The same for hetero couples. I have seen men and women at gatherings, well, I thought she was going to "mount" her/his, husband/wife right there on the dinner table.)  and trust me, kids understand things more than adults than the grown up know. And generally, the kids, don't care. They wonder what happened to that cousin, or uncle, or aunt that no longer attend family gatherings. 

It's no worse than the aunt or uncle who brings a new aunt or uncle with them every 3-4-5 years. They can't decide who they are going to be married to...

I know I hate family gatherings. I did not attend the big " blow-out" of a family reunion at the beach this summer. I've never fit in. I think differently, I like different things. And there are always people who make sure I feel uncomfortable. They find it "odd" that we vacation in England/Scotland, that I don't drive a truck, that I don't as an ordained minister attend church in America.

I know I catch flak from people because I have friends who have done time in Huntsville, who are in the LGBT community, and it makes people I know uncomfortable. 

You often only see these family members generally once a year. Let them come to your gatherings. Let them bring their significant others. Tell them you love them. I know people who have tried ever so hard to fit in to family,but no matter how hard they try, they still are given a difficult time because they don't live up to family expectations. 

You are not as pure as the driven snow. There are plenty of things you do that are not perfect, and stop acting like you are. 

In this season give people hugs, I know for some of us it is difficult to do, as we grew up in families without outward signs of physical affection. 

Tell people you love them.....Before it is too late. Quit worrying about what people will think....

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Ex Buna Student- Buna Teachers- Heck Buna Education

 I really need to be working on a reference for a former student of mine. I've started 4 different versions and don't like any of them. I really want a good reference for them and sometimes, they just do not "flow" like you want them to do....

Yesterday, I ran into a former Buna HS student at the gas station. They were a long time educator that had gotten out of the school business, and in truth, after they got into teaching, the longer they were in, the more I liked what they were doing. Sometimes, you don't see it when they are younger, but as they get older, yes, you see them in that profession, and I saw them in teaching and they seemed to be doing well. 

They had left and seemed to be happier than they had left the education business. They had lost weight and looked good. 

They said this...." So many people in education are not there for the kids." 

And while there has always been people in the field who saw the kids as secondary, there are more and more people not wanting to teach....For the right reasons. 

Oh, I may not have seemed like I was there for y'all, I thing most of you in your heart knew I was....Heck, years later, I keep up with most of you, wanting you to do well in your profession, heck in your life. It's why I pray for you. 

In reality, why would anyone in their right mind teach in this day and age?

In Mauriceville on Hwy 12 there is a huge billboard by the Assemblies of God Church that says...It says, " Stop the Indoctrination." This billboard is a political sign for a person running for state representative.

This of course implies that teachers are trying to indoctrinate kids into some way of life.

Heck, we don't have time for that. And 99.9999999999999999% of teachers try and stay neutral on all things, especially politics. Heck, I know I did. 

And in truth, I did not care if you were black, white, brown, green, purple......Didn't care if you were Baptist, Methodist, LDS, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, agnostic...Straight, gay, trans( yes they were in Buna and you didn't even know)....I wanted to get you ready for your next step in life. 

I don't know, there are people on both sides who believe if you teach their way of thinking is not " indoctrination." But it is.

In truth, I didn't care. It was my job to be neutral. Teach you government, some history, economics....And it is hard to do so....

It is another reason why people do not want to teach. They either can't be conservative enough or progressive enough for parents. 

The other day, I was sent Lamar University graduation numbers for the School of Education. 

600 master's of education, the vast, vast majority getting principal's master's. Getting out of the classroom, or trying to. Not getting a Master's in an attempt of improve their teaching. 

Get a master's for a better position, and more money. ( I wanted to be in the classroom. I liked the kids, if I wanted more money, I would go into another profession.And trust me, Buna ISD paid poorly.)

Only 30 got bachelor's of education.....Only 30 wanting to be schoolteachers. 

Who can blame them? The local, state, Federal politics, the bad kids, the parents who expect their children to be treated like the Crown Prince/Princess......

I am so glad I am retired. 

Tomorrow or Friday, will tell a story I was asked to tell.


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Buna, I Hear Stuff I Shouldn't Hear....

 People often tell me stuff, often to " get it off their chest." 

And this one upset me, but I am so jaded at this point in my life, I am not shocked. 

Let me do a little background on me and my "previous" life.....

I dated a girl for a long time in high school. Probably dated her longer than the " shelf-life" of the relationship. 

When we broke up and it was her who broke up with me, she had another boyfriend already picked out. I knew it was coming, and in truth, was not shocked, saddened, but not shocked, and in retrospect, it was really good for me we split. 

I dated on and off after that, had a lot of one time dates, Two, three time dates....

I even dated a girl who I thought was going to be a long-term relationship, and wanted to date, or just " see me" every weekend.

That was until I found out she had another boyfriend she was seeing during the weekdays. And she was sleeping with that boy. 

The " Weekday Boy" was aware of me, and was okay with her seeing me. He even, and I found this weird,  was okay with she and I sleeping together. Apparently and I found this out from her brother later that the Weekday Boyfriend even encouraged her to sleep with me. ( We never did....and she was somewhat upset when I would not " bed her.") 

I broke up with her at once. Want to date me, I am not going to compete with someone else. Sorry, just not. Especially if you are hiding that fact from me. And acted like we were exclusive. If I am dating you, I am dating you. Want to date someone else, that's fine, I am no longer see you. 

That entire situation left a sour taste in my mouth, and I did not see or date anyone for over 2 years. Worked 2-3 jobs, went to college, what little "off time" I had I went fishing/camping with " the boys." And I had very little off time. 

I went on a couple of mission trips during that time and was looking hard at becoming a missionary, but as many of you know, I have a dark side and as Paul said in Romans-" For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing."

And to paraphrase Martin Luther...." If you're going to sin, sin boldly." And I do. 

So, as many of you know, I do a lot of stuff, and heck, tell y'all about my sins.....And if there is one sin I just do not do, it is adultery. I as I have said, I don't outside of marriage. I got a good thing and I ain't going to mess it up. I would be ashamed if I ever did. 

We got two rules around here, don't beat, don't cheat.

So, this brings us to today's tale of woe. 

About 8-10 months ago I was told story about a couple that I taught years ago and their peccadilloes. And in my eyes, bigger than a peccadillo, I call it that, as it seems, that is how they view it. 

The couple approached a married man, actually, it was her, about an affair.  

And it seems, he, the husband, knew about it. And it was implied that the husband wanted to watch. 

The man who was invited to be the subject of the husband's cuckolding, turned them down flat. I was told about the invite several months after the initial ask. 

I did not think anything of it, thought it was bull until I was in a local store talking to another former student when a man I " sort of know" walked by, gave us a wave, and and the guy I was talking to told me the same story, about the same couple, who had approached the man who had given us a wave about " an affair." ( I am not sure what else to refer to it as.")

And since, I have learned of at least one more person who received an invitation. 

These were people who, when I knew them in high school were somewhat religious, especially her. She bordered on what I thought of as " Super Jesus-y" and often watched what I talked about around her to avoid upsetting her. And they often were preachy about stuff. Overly so.

I  don't know folks. 

I don't understand this sharing a spouse with other people. I really do not. 

I know I shouldn't let this bother me, and often things like this, well, as I said earlier, I am somewhat jaded, but this has upset me. I know it is their lives, but you know, in cases you are involving people who have a spouse. 

I do not know anymore. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Is Southeast Texas Really This Trashy?

 So, there is a Youtube video going around concerning Beaumont and Vidor.....

In the video, the vlogger says that " Beaumont is the worst city in Texas." He then goes to parts of Vidor that are well, pretty rough and in his actions, he seemed afraid. ( My people I know, but even in the roughest parts of Vidor I have never been scared.....Then again, I know who and what they are. Heck, I may have gone to school with them.)

And I know many of you are saying " Well, that's Beaumont and Vidor." I don't know, I have gotten into trouble for calling out burned-out building, abandoned buildings, etc. on Hwy 62 in Buna. 

Most of my life I have been a resident of Orange County. I am the first person to make fun of Vidor, heck my section of the county.....But, I like it here. I like the people. ( And yeah, I enjoy the Cathedrals in Britain, and the general atmosphere,  but it is often good to " Get back home.")

So, my question is this.....Are we really that trashy compared to other part of Texas? Heck the U.S.? 

Or have we been here so long, we just accept it, " as is?"

Monday, December 4, 2023

Jasper County Sheriff's Race- Questions?

 I found out that apparently, I am also moderating the Jasper County Sheriff's debate in late January.

I have request. We are starting to gather questions to ask the candidates. 

We are having schools bring their kids to show them " Democracy in action." ( It's actually republicanism in action, small 'R'. ) ( And yes, this will  be on the "Isms" exam...I'm teasing)

So, my request of you is this.....

What question would you like to see us ask?  And no, I will not use your name. Unless you want me to do so....And if you want to send a PM, that's good too....

Thank you for you help...

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...