Thursday, February 29, 2024

Writing on Something Else Than Buna? Well, here you go....

 Yeah, I never wanted to exclusively write on Buna ISD. It just seems like it.....So, let's go to another topic....

The other day when I was a moderator at the political " event" the question of the legalization of marijuana came up. Everything from the actually use of pot to Delta 8 was discussed. 

And of course the law enforcement community was pretty much against it. 

I am old than everyone that was on that stage. I remember in the 1960s when Richard Nixon declared a " War on Drugs." 

Heck Nancy Reagan's war of drugs was " Just say no."

Yeah, like that is going to work. 

The war has been a losing prospect ever since. 

It's been time to legalize it. Long time with marijuana. 

Not going to lie, if there was a survey of Texans, most would be for the legalization, including this writer. 

But politicians are afraid to go there. Afraid of the church. The older people.( Hell, they're using it more and more for their aches and pains.)

I hold hope for the 2025 Texas Legislative Session to use some sense concerning the matter, but then, we're talking about the Texas Legislature.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Mr. Thomas, Govteach, Kerry......Why Do You Hate Buna?

 So, I've got that question over the past few months....

I don't know. 

In the past year, I have heard from more patrons, hell students, faculty and staff than I have since I started writing the old blog back in 2011. 

And the vast, vast majority, very unhappy.

Now, I don't expect people to write me about the Buna Schools and tell me that everything is all " Peaches and Cream" but, more and more I hear about people who are done with Buna.....Plus I am hearing, and this statement is important, from people who are happy either they " Moved their kids to another school," or they are so happy they never taught in Buna( and we are talking about Buna people, ) or " I am so much happier working in XYZ district."( And it is not money that are making the people move,  travel costs really cuts into what little raise they receive.)

And the " Clique" that I keep hearing about that doesn't exists, well, people keep coming up with examples, names, dates, events......And I sorry, but, they make sense because I saw the same thing when I was there.  

I keep saying I am going to stop the blog, I had a pretty good chance since the surgery, but I keep getting dragged back into it....

No, I like a lot of people are upset about the direction Buna Schools is going. 

Pretty much no one else can write what people are thinking and saying. 

I may put the governor in a wheelchair, but for now, I am going to keep writing the blog....And if ever you have a tip, story, etc., send me a message, as always, you will remain anonymous.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

4 Day School Week? At Kirbyville?


 So, I saw a proposal that Kirbyville ISD was looking at a 4 day school week. 

I've been calling for a while now for Buna ISD to go there. 

Don't get your hopes up Buna. Seriously, do not. 

Hell, last year Buna added days to the school year......Another reason to leave the district as a teacher. Hell, another reason for many parents to move there kids from the district.

This past UIL realignment, Kirbyville High School added kids......Buna lost kids....And that asks the question.....Why? 

Seriously why? I remember when KISD was not that attractive of a school district.  

The more I see, the more I am thinking " You know, KISD is looking very positive." 

Last month, I moderated a political event at Kirbyville High and the place was welcoming and the citizens congenial. 

I remember going to KISD events in the past and saying " We gotta get the hell outta here." 

Since my last blog, I've heard from even more people , people who are longtime Buna patrons, looking to remove the kids and send them someplace else. 

Just something to think about....

Friday, February 23, 2024

Decision Time Buna ISD

 Decision Time Buna ISD....

 If you are a parent with kids, or a teacher, or a staff member, we are coming up on decision time. 

The more I read, the more upset parents I hear from, the more I wonder if Buna ISD can be saved at this point. 

Sure, there are ups and downs with school districts. But right now, it is down in Buna Schools. 

If you are unhappy, move. 

Take your kids and send them to another school district. Heck, home-school. And I know it is easier said than done. But sometimes, for YOUR kids, you got to " Get the Hell Out of Dodge." 

Likewise if you are working for the district. There is a shortage of teachers, and you should be able to find another position. Between now and the end of the academic year is the time to start looking. 

Or get out of the profession. 

Teaching has changed so dramatically in the last few years, people are retiring at a record pace. Or, they have " Had Enough" and just left teaching for another career.

As I have reiterated many times before, I could not teach in 2024. I could not be the Mr. Thomas you had in Gov/Eco classes. 

There are many "old hands" veterans if you will, looking to get out of Buna Schools. Morale is shot, and no one wants to either do something about it.....Or care. 

If you are a parent and the need arising, sometimes you have to upset people and fight for your kid. 

Who cares what people think.....Who cares what the clique thinks. When it boils down to family, who else is going to help?

The worst trouble I got into at Buna High School was taking up for kids.....And most of you don't know a thing about me trying to take up for you.I think it is why I bunch of faculty hated me. There are teachers who don't understand why you go into the teaching field, and it's my understanding there are even less and less. 

I literally almost got into a fist-fight with another teacher trying to help kids. They literally cornered me in my room and I could not escape. One of the craziest things I have ever been involved with in my life. 

Don't be afraid. Make a move. Teachers, trust only yourself.  Parents do what is best for your kids.

Okay, probably won't blog for a few days. Just writing this makes my back hurt.


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Surely This Isn't True Buna ISD?

 Surely This Isn't True Buna ISD?

I tried to be fair when I was teaching at Buna. I really did. 

You really had to try to fail my class.....

It often got me into trouble because of trying to be fair. There were people who thought their children should be given " special consideration" when it came to various things, especially, grades.  

There are people who are still mad at me because they thought their child should have been given that " consideration."  

Don't tell me a clique doesn't exist. I've seen it first hand.

There is a big push by administration for teachers NOT to fail kids. Especially if the child has a parent of some "note." 

And allegedly, a teacher was yelled at by leadership because they " failed the wrong student." So loud, the yelling wasn't contained within the four walls. 

Come on, if the kids know this, why will they even try? 

I have a friend who taught in Minnesota Schools for a while and they could not give a grade lower than a " C" in that state. 

He said, other than the honors students, no one cared. Kids did no work, they slept in class. It was like " herding cats."

The more I hear what is going on at Buna ISD, the more I am convinced some of the schools are " playing school" not " having school." 

I wonder where Buna is going to find faculty? Already the resignations, retirements have become. Why come here and battle and fight knowing good and well, you are pretty much all alone on an island? 

I am under the influence of a couple of medications from spinal surgery while writing this. I may have been too "nice." If so, I'll be uglier next time.


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Remember Me Tomorrow

 Of course, I am having surgery tomorrow, early, with a a scheduled 5:30AM check in. We decided to spend the night near the hospital at a Holiday Inn so we won't have to get up and drive to Houston.

I don't always do well under general anesthesia, so if something happens, Deb has promised to have me cremated and poured out on perhaps my favorite place on earth, the Isle of Mull off the west coast of Scotland....No funeral, maybe a dinner here at the Compound. Maybe a BBQ and pinto beans with cornbread. A coconut cream pie? Tell stories. Lord knows I love a good story.

That said, I fully expect to survive, and continue to aggravate the heck out of people. 

Tomorrow, this evening, later today, because I believe strongly in the power of intercessory prayer, if you would say a short one for me. 

I also have a friend who is having a serious operation tomorrow, remember them if you would in your prayers. 

Again, thanks, we love you all.

Monday, February 5, 2024

I'm Going to Get in Trouble on This One....What the Cornbread **** is Wrong With You People?

 I had originally planned to write a blog on Buna Schools. ( The topic that just keeps on giving)

But, I am minding my own damn business, and this weekend I receive a phone call from a person I had married, about 3-4 years ago now. 

They're getting married.....Again.....

What? We just went through this, and apparently, they're having a big time blow-out wedding, venue, a live band playing at the reception....Hell, wanted me to wear a combo of the Geneva Gown and an orange bow-tie. ( Yes, I have an orange bow-tie, was going to wear it to Reid's UT graduation, but Covid made it virtual)

It seem both he and she started having affairs within the first 2-3 months of them being married.( Old BF and old GF) The person who called is now "fixing" to marry their affair partner. ( Amazed at what people will tell you)

I browse Facebook, other social medias from time to time and I am sometimes shocked about the number of people who talk about their spouse and their divorce because of his " mistress" or her "paramour." ( That's the male equivalent...Word of the day....But I doubt "paramour" is on the vocabulary exam portion of the SAT-) 

Good grief people, can't you avoid playing " Hide the pickle" with someone else? 

How do you have time for this mess? I mean seriously, how?

And don't tell me temptation.....When I was 21-24 years old I worked in adult education. I still had hair( It was on my shoulders), I wasn't fat, I wasn't the surly Mr. Thomas y'all got at Buna HS. The place was full of 25-45 year old females trying to get that GED who neglected to finish HS, and there are some and I say this with a straight face, amazing reasons why, and often the school is to blame. And adult education is different than a regular school setting, very relaxed, I walked around with an unlit cigar in my mouth from time to time, often one on one.....and there is nothing more " ready to trot" than a 30-40 year old divorced MILFs.....I never put myself in "That position" I was going to get into trouble. And was openly propositioned, more than once...

I don't know folks, I am not a person who judges the hell out of people, Lord knows I got a plank in my own eye the size of a 4x4, and I am a person who strong believes in Pauline Theology, sometimes, even for me, there are " Bridges too Far." 

Sorry, I couldn't do it. And it's not that I won't do a wedding of a person who had divorced, I understand mistakes, and I am all about redemption and forgiveness...But in this case, I don't know, even though they originally dated for a couple years before they married, I wonder if both were seeing other people while they were dating? And old BF/GF, man, I don't even want to think about, much less play " Slap and tickle" with my old flames...

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...