Friday, August 27, 2021

Dammit Buna, Act Like You Got Some Damn Sense

 I know you don't, but act like it. 

So, if reports are correct, there are, as of yesterday 113 people in the Buna ISD testing positive for Covid. They shut down the Pre-K early for a cleaning, and allegedly, they don't have enough custodial staff to work and clean. That would not shock me Vidor ISD is short bus drivers, they all have Covid in that district. 

As of this writing, they are supposed to be holding a non-school function junior high dance.....

 What the Cornbread Fuck? 

Are we just going to wait until we have a couple of teachers and a kid die? 

I know Lumberton ISD is closing next week because their faculty is sick. 

I know some of you don't give a damn who gets sick. I know some of you don't want to take a vaccine yet you'll take Cow wormer.  Then wonder why you need to call poison control. 

I know some of you need school as a babysitter so you can work.

Sorry people, but schools are a petri dish. You know, the state should have built in time this year to take time off due to illness. 

This "herd immunity" some of you were jumping up and down about still ain't here, and may not ever be here.

At some point someone is going to die directly related to school. I am wondering if even a kid dies you'll give a good damn. 

I got no answer here, but if kids are out, teachers are out, in droves are we actually learning anything? 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Okay Guys, I Got No Answer....

 So, as you have read in the past blogs, I have been all over people who cheat. 

That said, I have gotten a couple-3 messages from men who are in their late 20s-30s in which their wife has stopped having sex with them. 

Just nothing, and there is no excuse. 

Now, I know when we get married some of us, well, we gain a few, both men and women, and some women are not long comfortable with their bodies.( Especially after kids) But ladies, most guys don't care. And to be honest, I like to feed a woman, it seems to "make her happy." And I really like to take a woman out who orders a steak and potatoes at a restaurant, not just a salad. 

But it seems some women 'cut off' their husbands and then, tell people what they have done and think it is either funny or well, it is alright. 

I've been lucky in that area in that all I had to do was ask.....and vice versa. 

I've known religious people who waited until they married before they had relations and for whatever reason( I am guessing a religious hang-up) the woman hates sex, thinks it is dirty, whatever, and there the man is. Now I know that isn't the case most of the time, but it happens. 

And the husbands in these cases, are thinking about cheating. 

I'm generally against divorce, but you know, I would seriously look into annulment if the marriage is within that time period. And if their are no children, I'd look at starting over. 

The trouble is kids. And I have no answer here. 

You know ladies, you really want to make you husband happy, sometimes you need to try and make him happy. 

Now I know there are some of you have physical problems....and I know there are some stuff you just don't want to do like putting your tongue in his asshole. ( And you're into do that, have at it....) 

But, no more sex for you husband at age 29? He is going to look elsewhere and I don't condone this but you know, he may need to "spice it up" ( Talk in a French Accent, try some new position, something...) And for you women, you might need to spice it up some too. Trust me ladies, you may think it is silly, but he'll appreciate it. 

But just stopping. Especially at a young age. Man, I go no answers. And it is something I don't understand.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

No Joke, This is Serious

 I know some of you don't want me to, and I understand.


I can't keep up with everyone needing prayer right now. 

Seriously, I get up, as many of you know, to pray specifically for many of you. 

The list is well over 300 right now. But as I have said, there is always room for one more. 

I try and scroll through Facebook and keep up, but I don't always catch everyone who needs prayer. I missed a couple in the last few days who had medical procedures and I was sort of upset I had missed them.

Now, I don't have any special hook-up. No special powers. Jesus doesn't come and drink coffee with me here at the Compound, I just for some reason feel like I need to be doing this. Especially, with the sickness right now ....If I didn't, I'd really like to be sleeping in. ( Lord knows I got my own problems and I'm not perfect. Right now getting up 3:30-4 AM))

And it isn't just illness. I know some of you have other problems and situations that need prayer. So, if you want to make sure I pray for you, a family member, a friend, a situation, send me a PM on Facebook, and I will be sure and add you to the list.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Damn, That Was Fast

 When Mr. Biden pulled American troops out of Afghanistan, I predicted Kabul would fall by Christmas. You just knew it would. 

Far be it, that it would fall by mid-August. I was shocked at how little the Afghan military did to stop the Taliban. That just shows, they stood for nothing, but for whoever would help them the most. 

Let's revisit what Afghanistan was like from 1996 to 2001 when the Taliban first ran the country. And I am sure they'll be the same way today. They're still stuck in a Medieval period of time both in religion and socially. 

Men had to grow beards. Women were forced to wear burkas, flowing garments that cover the entire face and body. Schools for girls were closed. Women who were without male chaperones in public places could be beaten. Soccer was banned. So was music, aside from religious chanting..

Taking pictures were outlawed. Public executions were held in the soccer stadium.  

Within a month of taking over in 1996, the Taliban sent out morality police called ' Promotion of Virtue and Elimination of Vice.'

Already the Taliban are taking 12 year old girls and using them as " Sex Slaves." 

All this said, and the last poll said that 62% of the American people wanted out of Afghanistan. 

If I were a betting man, I'd put money on us back within the next decade. 

Monday, August 9, 2021


 If you would remember my son in your prayers this morning. 

He starts a new job at a company that he has always want to work for. Even in high school it was his goal.

For those wondering, he starts at " Big Blue." As it has been nicknamed. 

Anyway, on my prayer list there is almost 300 names( 297)....and it takes a while to get through all of them in the morning. Anyway, always room for one more....

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Dating in 2021

Dating has never been easy. Even in the 1970s it was hard to often find a date. I know when I was going to college, I did not go out on a date for 2 years during one dry spell. ( Part of it was I was taking a lot of hours at school, and then, working two jobs...I literally fell into dating my wife. She for all practical purposes asked me out in the music faculty parking lot at LU after a football game.)

 The world has changed dramatically since I was in school. Especially in the social/dating world. 

Now, if I was single, well, I would just stay single. I've always said if something happened to my wife, I would sell out here, buy an apartment in the UK, and live there 6 months out of the year. The other 6 months, just live at the Farm in Winnsboro/Mt.Vernon region of NE Texas. 

In the past week, I have finally visited Tik Tok, looked at Reddit. 

All I can say after been literally stunned is, " We are doomed." 

I don't know with Tinder, Our Time, etc., well, it has just messed us up badly. The entire social media has done something to us, and it isn't good. 

The " Hook-up" "Friends with Benefits" has done something to us.......There is no responsibility to another romantic partner. 

And then there are so many people who are just broken. I mean are still in high school, are controlling, drunks, druggies, cheaters...And there has always been men & women who have been cheaters, but it seems like there are guys who are always looking for "Some Strange" and gals who want to ride that " Cock Carousel."  The internet, texting, social media has just made it that much easier. 

Then we have been told for so long we are " great" that Trophy Participation Theory that everyone is great and there are no losers has made us so damn selfish. We think that we all should make $500,000 a year or marry someone who does.....Well hell, good luck there. 

For a while I worried myself looking at people who were single. The more I understand, the more I know why. If I was a young person today I'd probably be single too. Heck, I understand why I have a Chinese daughter in law. They still have an old fashion view on romance and marriage. Closer to one I understand, but alas, they too have social media and the internet, I wonder how long before they have " problems." 

The old fashion concept of romance, love is over, at least for a lot of people. 

And that's just sad.



Friday, August 6, 2021

No, No, Stop It.....

 I was up town a while ago and ran into the mother of a couple a married a while back.

She said to me, " Hello Brother Thomas, or is it Rev. Thomas?"

I told her "It is neither,  it's just Kerry." 

Please, don't lump me in with 95% of of preachers, ministers, priests......

I don't like 95% of them. Really don't. And I got a bad feeling most of them will wind up in Hell and I don't want some mistake made in the here-after and wind up in Dante's Inner Circle because someone called me " reverend." 

Look, I am on shaky ground as it is now. I really am. 

Unless you're Mattison or Tara Laramore, it's just Kerry.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Delta- Phi Mu Alpha-Kappa Kappa Psi-Tau Beta Sigma

 ( Music people will recognize the last 3)

I say this because apparently we are now using Greek letters to describe the variants of the new Covid strains. Just like when we run out of names for tropical systems.....

As I wrote yesterday, it appears our " Trip to Jerusalem" is off due to them quarantining people from the U.S. coming in. Thus us looking seriously at a domestic trip. 

I don't know people, it appears that we are going to be going through a lifetime of Covid variants the rest of our lives, or at least for the foreseeable future. 

We got to get on with our lives somehow, someway. 

Don't be shocked if the Federal government doesn't mandate vaccines for a lot of things such as air travel.

I know you don't want to wear a mask, and I've not in recent weeks, but I am seriously thinking about going back to wearing one. ( I am 60+ and had the Pfizer vaccines)

I know some of you are all bent out of shape thinking that this somehow "Violates your Constitutional Rights." 

Hell, there are worse violations than this. Hell, wearing a seatbelt. Who do you think got all the seatbelt law passed? Insurance Companies. 

If I thought there was some sort of " Constitution threat" I'd be shouting it on this blog, early and often, those talk shows who do, well, their logic is to scare the shit out of you and they make a profit. Fox News has even instituted their own version of a vaccine passport. 

Your kids have had vaccines to attend school for years. The first few years I taught I had to get a TB test every year. Hell, Dayton " misplaced my TB test" and I had to get a new one before Buna would hire me.

Hell, when you now fly, you go through a TSA line, x-ray machine running wide open as you walk through a metal detect only in my case getting patted down every time I fly.  ( They check my bags for explosive and they always test positive.....I know why, there's not a bag we own I've not had a firearm and ammunition in at sometime. ) 

I'll be honest about the upcoming school year, I am wondering about how many kids will be hospitalized due to Covid?

I know some of you are afraid of the "Covid Vaccine."

Come on, you've ingested worse during your high school and college years. 

Folks, get the vaccine.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Dammit to Hell

 So, as of this morning, Israel is making visitors "home" isolate for 7 days with Covid vaccines, negative tests, whatever. 

We were going to Israel in October. It is looking less and less likely. 

We need to take some sort of trip. 

England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales is at the top of the list, but I doubt this late we can put together a trip. It normally takes about 6 months of planning to do the UK-Ireland correctly. 

I'd say Germany or France, but they're rioting in the streets over a lockdown that is coming...

My second choice would be Canada, but you can't go to Canada on a bet. 

Don't say the Caribbean.  Don't say Mexico, been there, done that, hated it. 

So, we'll probably be in the States this year....

We've been the following.....Colorado x4, New Mexico, Arizona, Florida( Fuck Florida with razor blades), Done Bourbon Street, Done Atlanta, Hot Springs, the Arkansas/Missouri Ozarks, Memphis, Gatlinburg, TN, Kansas City, New England, New York, Niagara Falls, San Fransisco, Seattle x5, Idaho, Chicago, Alaska, North Carolina, Washington DC x2, Philly,( I am sure there are places we've been I can't think of....)

In Texas we've done Big Bend x2, El Paso, Palo Duro Canyon, driven across the Panhandle at least 5 times, Corpus Christi, The Valley, Austin x100 times, San Antonio, Galveston, Goliad, Abilene, my brother lives in the Hill Country and we go several times a year....

Okay, any suggestions? 

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...