Saturday, July 31, 2021

Slippin' Through the Slough- Gossip?

 In the last 48 hours since I published the article on the cheating fiance, I have gotten more stories about people cheating than, well, I ever have. 

Man, I sure enough may need to start a blog called " Slippin' Through the Slough" or perhaps "Nekkid in Gist" or  perhaps " Sneakin' Down 1004." 

And I was stunned at several including one having affairs with 3 people at once.....And the spouse hasn't a clue....Dammit, how often do you change the sheets? 

Then I learned of one having an affair in my neighborhood. I may need to start driving down the road where the alleged affair is taking place just to catch them in the act. Roll down my window and holler, " What are you doing over here?" To which they would probably answer, " Checking on a friend sick in bed." Yeah, they're sick alright, maybe it should be called "nasty in bed" instead.

I don't know, I think if I was some of you, I might consider a DNA test on my kids, especially if you're suspicious. 

I don't know anymore....


Friday, July 30, 2021


 So, I have been reading about the Olympic gymnast who quit right before her routine and both sides of the argument....

She's a hero for putting her mental health first....

She's a quitter for quitting on both the country and her teammates. 

I don't know. 

For years we had soldier go into a shell in combat. Just mentally could not take it, and for years afterwards, they suffer with PTSD. 

George Patton didn't believe in it and slapped the hell out of a soldier in Italy for being shell shocked. 

I saw a teacher receive a call from Teacher Retirement and find out they could get their pension walk out of a graduation ARD meeting because they had " enough."

I don't know. 

I so wanted to quit in the middle of Spring 2011 after I had made those retirement "points." 

And it wasn't the kids. I had enough with most of the teachers. I think I could stand about 4 teachers at that point.  I was an outsider my time at Buna and many of the Bunaites let me know I was. 

I literally was looking for reasons to quit. Mentally, I was whipped.  Part of it was I taught in a couple of districts in which we had teachers quit in the middle of the school day. (You people in Buna don't know how lucky you have it. You really don't.) 

I know I seriously almost quit 5 times that Spring. I am glad I didn't.......and made 2011 graduation, only to slip out during the process to avoid me crying afterward from shear relief.

I do know one thing, this will be on the gymnast's "resume" the rest of her life. Just like Red Sox's Bill Bucker's error in the World Series, Roberto Duran saying " No Mas" in a fight and quitting, she'll be known for this and it will be in her obituary.





Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Gossip- And I Hope She Reads It

 I often think some of the phone calls, messages I receive are from The Onion or the Babylon Bee, etc. 

But apparently this is happening. 

I was supposed to perform a wedding in the next few weeks. A high level soiree, I was asked to wear a Geneva Gown, if I was to mention names, you may or may not know at least one of the persons involved. 

It seems, he discovered in the last few weeks that his fiancee was still seeing her old boyfriend.  

As a matter of fact, a family member caught her in the act of "Monica Lewinskying" him in the driveway of her house. 

The groom was informed and he confronted her about it. 

Of course she denied it, until the facts of the situation she was caught in were brought forward.  

Her family took up for her  saying " It was a one time deal." " She was just getting it out of her system." 

The bride's family has a financial stake in the situation. My understanding is they had already spent upper 5 figures, perhaps 6 figures on the wedding,the vast majority, which won't be returned. 

His family were not so supportive either, in that they had deposited a large sum of money which isn't returnable either. ( I had looked forward to the rehearsal dinner, being held at one of my favorite restaurants, I was taking Mrs. Thomas with me.)

So, last evening the groom called me, all upset. He loves the girl, wants to marry her, is afraid to call off the marriage. 

Here is what I told him. 

I told him to "call off the wedding." " If it was me, I would break up with the girl." And walk away and "find someone new."

I found out that she had often gone" shopping" with friends during the weekends in Houston and didn't get home until late, and often in an amorous mood. 

I seriously wonder if she had been with the old boyfriend and was still all " warmed-up" and need to get the rest of it out of her system....Or she felt guilty and in her mind was " making it up" to the fiance. 

You know, I just wouldn't want a woman who claims they " want to marry me" and then, earlier in the day be off sucking another guy's dick. ( Been licking another guys nuts and then come come and want to French kiss me with that same tongue....A Big Time pass.)

 I am hoping he at least calls off the marriage.....And as I told him, " break up with the girl and find someone who will be faithful." ( He said he had been faithful to her.)

Sorry my friends, but I am old school, if you are exclusive with someone, it means just that. I maybe am old school, or narcissistic, but I've never dated anyone who was dating someone else at the same time. I know dating is a " try out" for marriage, but you want to try me out, date me exclusively.( And that might be one date) Don't like me, break-up with me and find someone new. Maybe they'll be okay with you dating someone else at the same time they are dating you. But I'd like some exclusivity, especially if you are calling the person your boyfriend/girlfriend. ( I know I digressed in this paragraph.)

Sorry, but if she/he is cheating on you weeks before your wedding, you'll always wonder if that person is cheating after you are married. Heck, if you have kids, you may wonder if the child is your child. And in the other cases, does he have kids with someone else....

But still have a flame for an old boyfriend/girlfriend? No, you don't need to marry. Don't care how much money people are out. 

I'm not  doing the ceremony. Sorry, I just can't.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 So, I don't care if you are transsexual or not. Really don't.

Don't care you you are attracted to transsexuals and want to, and do date/marry one.

In the latest Sports Illustrated, the " Cover Girl" is a transsexual. 

I remember when school libraries carried Sports Illustrated and when the SI Swimsuit issue was published, some coach will " borrow" that issue and it would wind up in the Field House in the Coaches' Office. 

I remember when married men would buy the SI Swimsuit issue because they could " get away" with bringing that copy home to " read" whereas their spouse would get upset if they brought home a Playboy or a Penthouse Magazine. 

There is this push to make people "like" or "find attractive" people they really don't find sexually attractive. 

And somehow, if you don't, you are somehow prejudiced. And that somehow you should be open to dating " anyone."

I personally like girls who are short, with brown hair and blue eyes. My wife is the tallest girl I ever dated and she is 5' 3". 

I don't like blondes( Have always found them " out of my league," the old 1960s push by hair dye companies to sell that " Blondes have more fun." The movie star blonde idea of the "perfect girl." )

Who you love, who you date , hell, who you marry is a pretty personal thing. It's a prejudicial thing. 

You know, date, love who you want, but don't be telling being they are "wicked" because they aren't sexually attracted to people.


Monday, July 19, 2021

Feck You.....And the Clap Dripping Mule You Rode in On...

 I know, I know.....Just when you think I am going to have a Pauline " Road to Damascus " epiphany, I jump the rails...

So, as you know, Gov. Abbott in the Special Session of the Texas Legislature, called for Texas retired teachers to get a 13th check. ( We need a COLA, but they won't turn loose of OUR money....It's our money because Texas teachers pay each month into the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. The money doesn't come out of thin air. It's what we've paid into the system for many of us, 30+ years)

The Texas Senate has already passed the bill giving the 13th check to retired teachers. The House of course doesn't have quorum. The Democrats have left town. 

Fuck them.

The Republicans are not without blame here too. 

1. A House Committee passed a 13th check for retired teachers in the regular session which end in May. The Republican leadership never let the full bill reach the House floor and it died without a vote....

2. Now the Senate Republicans are using the retired teachers as pawns in the House Democrats leaving town by saying, " Well, they are not here to vote on giving retired teachers a 13th check."

Hell, they could have taken care of this in May. 

The money is in the Teacher Retirement Fund. This in spite of the Texas House and Senate taking our money out of the fund and " investing" it into a Grand Prix racetrack in Austin, that hasn't paid back a dime yet. 

A pox on both their houses....

Thursday, July 15, 2021

I Am Ashamed of Myself.....Or Not

 While I consume a large about of media. I have realized I have never seen any of these movies, TV Shows....None. 

You have got to remember the staple at the Compound is Turner Classics and British Mystery/Detective Shows. 

I've never seen-

Any James Bond after Roger Moore left


Any Harry Potter

Chronicles of Narnia

Any Twilight movie

Any Fast and Furious

Any of the ER Shows

Any of Chicago Fire

Any of the new Magnum PI

Pretty much any new American TV Show


Any Matrix

Any Avengers

Any Jurassic

The Lion King


Any Star Wars past the first three

Any Toy Story

Any Pirates of the Caribbean 

Any Captain America

Black Panther

Any Hobbit( And I've read Tolkien)


Aquaman( Or any DC Comic other than Batman)

Any Rocky past II

Any Shrek



Any Die Hard past the first one

Any X-men

Any Mission Impossible movie

Any Ice Age

Any Hunger Games

Any Transformers

Any Ice Age




Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Okay, Serious Blog- Prayer List-Please Read

 As of yesterday, I now have 202 people on my 4AM prayer list. I add my doctor's nurse's husband to my list.

Yes, I am still getting up at 4AM to pray for you. 

If you want me to take you off the list, let me know. 

If you are needing to be added let me know.  

I am having a hard time keep up with who to add and who doesn't need me to keep them on the list. 

Just because the list is long, don't think you don't need intercessory prayer. I will add you. 

I've looked like a Jesuit the last few mornings, I have laid face down on the floor speaking to Jesus.  On your behalf.

Yes, even thought I cuss, I drink, I pray. You damn Baptists need to remember what kind of outlaws Jesus picked as his disciplines. 

I am like a Jesuit, I am now laying on the floor face first praying. Praying hard....

Yes, I pray for you....pray hard.  

But please let me know if you need to be taken off the list. 

And please let me know if you need to be added.

Texas Runaway Democrats

 So, as you know, the Democrats in the Texas House/Senate have "escaped" to Washington DC.

Let's talk a little about what can and can't be done. 

A quorum of course is the number of people needed to conduct business in the legislative body. 

Yes, the remaining members in the Texas House can ask for them to be arrested. Gov. Abbott has no power to arrest in this case. It come from the remaining members of the Texas House.

Has this been done before? Hell, when I was in college a group of Texas Senate members hid out to avoid the change in primary voting dates. They were nicknamed the " Killer Bees." 

Can they be arrested in Washington DC? No, they can only be detained in Texas, as long as they stay out of the state, quorum not will be be achieved. 

How long will they stay gone? I am guessing that they will be gone 30 days to make a point. I say that, one may "have enough and come home breaking the "runaway."

They're employees of the state...Yes, and no....They are actually working for their constituents in their district. And I am sure they are fine with what they are doing....and beside Members of the Texas House and Senate only make $7200 a year. It's really not enough for them to stay in Austin during the biennial session. 

The arrest, are they actually charged with a "crime." It's not a crime as such, the Sergeant-at-Arms is in charge of the "arrest." They can appoint other officers to make the person come to the House and the entire House can be locked in the hall. 

Why the Democrats? Well, in Oregon, which is a majority Democratic state, the Republicans run out of state all the time in order to not have a quorum. 

How this going to end? Hell, who knows.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Bullshit, I Doubt You Could Do It

 I saw "Know it All" on Facebook say how fucking easy it is to teach school.

Now " Know it All" had Taucer, Tandy, and myself in class, and well, we made it look easy......Well, we were born to do the job and two, when I had y'all in class I had over a decade of classroom experience in a couple a rough school districts. 

I'll be honest, teaching and Buna was a cakewalk. That said, like everything else, it has changed. 

"Know it All" I doubt you can do it. You don't have the temperament to do the job. I can see you "losing it " one day and hitting a kid. 

And you can't pull the shit I used to do anymore. The world changes, education changes, parents change, kids change. 

Kids today couldn't handle what you could 10+ years ago. I am convinced of it. 

Hell, if the job is that easy, why are there thousands upon thousands of teacher job openings in the State of Texas as I write this blog?

Monday, July 5, 2021

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I Know, I Haven't Blogged in a While, and Here I Come a Bitchin'

 I don't know, I may have to give up any sort of TV broadcasts all together, just go online for all my news, especially local news, because the local stations ain't worth a shit anymore.....

Hell one station is down to two weathermen, and one half-assed sports reporter.

And the supposed to be news channels on cable, satellite, whatever are nothing but political arms of one party or the other. Just telling people what they "want to hear." 

I am to the point I no longer even understand what the hell commercials on TV are trying to sell about half the time.  It could be I watch Bloomberg Surveillance( Love Tom Keene, wears a bowtie like a Boss. Got to get a world currencies fix...) in the mornings and some of the technologies they have for sale have no usage in the education world.  ( That said, I can watch network TV and I can't understand the commercial)

Then Sonic has a commercial has an ad in which two women are sitting in a car talking about wearing their pajamas to Sonic to eat....and then one adds that she goes to Sonic....and takes her kids to school not wearing a bra......What are we to take from this? You can show up looking like White Trash to school? What happens if "god-forbid" you got to get out of the car and go into the school for some reason? Are we to be subjected at school to two breasteses "flopping around like two cats in a burlap sack trying to get out?" 

What the fuck are we selling here Sonic? 

I don't know anymore, the older I get the less I understand shit. Maybe it's supposed to be this way? 



Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...