Monday, October 31, 2022

I Put a Spell on You!

 Hate to borrow a line from Jumpin' Jay Hawkins' song, later covered by CCR......But today is the day.

I hesitate to even write this blog, because I don't want you to think I am totally nuts....

I was reminded the other day of how powerful the supernatural is. ( And don't tell you you don't believe in the supernatural. Belief in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, their powers in by definition are " Supernatural" and I pray for a number of you every morning. )

I trained as many of you know to be a minister, did some work in the mission field, and well, wound up with y'all in the classroom, again, foreordained to do so, a supernatural event. 

Tom Brady's now ex-wife, Giselle Bündchen as many of you know practices witchcraft. Don't believe me? Look it up. I wonder how many spells she put on Tom to " Help him out?" I wonder now if she's put some sort of spell on him to make him do poorly this season? Or if "Father Time" is just the ultimate victor. ( Or now if they are divorced, the "spell" will somehow be "lifted?")

In the mission field in far South Texas, a literal stone's throw from Mexico I've seen stuff, well, I'd tell you, but you would not believe me and well, I really don't want to revisit it. 

I should tell you about a lady in an older part of Beaumont who I delivered goods to from the pharmacy who had 150+ cat skulls in her house. And some of the things she practiced. ( No one in the neighborhood fooled with her, and it was a rough part of town.) 

Tonight, have fun, dress up if you like, left the kids have fun, ( I know many of you have already had you parties, but today itself is different.) but just be careful. If it seems wrong, it probably is. Stuff can get out of control fast.....

Just saying folks.   

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Halloween 2022

 So, it seems we are here again.

And again, I won't be involved in Halloween activities. 

I think the last time I " Trick or Treated" was when I was like 12 years old, and then, I was pushing it. 

I don't get today's adults dressing up and having parties. Want to have a party, have a damn party. 

Again, I live so far off the beaten path, I expect no Trick or Treaters. If one shows up, I'll give them a pickle. If I have one. Maybe I'll make them a peanut butter sandwich. 

I don't know, I don't understand adult dressing as demons and haints anyway.

If I wanted to dress for that day, I'd do the " Reformation Day" theme, and dress as 16th Century Protestant Reformer, Martin Luther. After all it was October 31st Luther nailed his 95 Thesis of the door at the church in Wittenberg in 1517.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Reunion Postponed

 Need to postpone tonight's Zoom reunion. It's on me, Have a situation. We'll, let you know new date.

Story Time from Mr. Thomas, Uncle Kerry, The Ole Govteach

 In light of all the people in the classroom messing around with their students, comes this story....

Years ago when I was still trying to complete my degree, I was hired by Beaumont ISD to teach U.S. Citizenship. 

Well, I thought it was just citizenship, but it turned into teaching GED classes. 

And I was 21 at the time. Was a good job, because I was paying into teacher retirement, thus me being able to retire when I did. 

Trouble is, so many people getting their GED at the time were females who had married young, who were getting or had gotten a divorce, and needed a GED to find a good job. 

Most of these females were ages 25-45. 

Once again, I am a naive 21 year old. 

I was not the fat, bald headed, old guy most of you know, what I was at Buna. And I was a mark for many of these females, especially those in their late 30s, early 40s. 

Often the classes were small anyplace from 3-5 students, all female, some of them were one on one tutorials, especially concerning math. 

I had my thighs rubbed on a regular basis, had my butt slapped, even found a hand or two wind up in my lap. 

Now, this wasn't all of these females, but it was more than I expected. 

I was asked over after class because " My Ex has the kids tonight." " I know a cheap motel."

And at the time, I was not dating anyone. About 8-9 months after I took the job, I started, I started dating my wife. And I made them aware that " I am seeing someone." If anything, it got worse. 

I had a 30ish student from Switzerland, a pediatric nurse in her nation, who was trying to take classes at Lamar to get her American qualification, who needed help with English. I made the mistake of going with her to Lamar to talk with the nursing department and talking with them about what all she needed. And she was in the meeting. 

For some reason, she thought I was " the bomb".....And when she returned to her Italian Canton( 3 major languages in Switzerland, German, French, Italian) she wanted me to go back with her. ( Had to get her Visa straight)

I don't ever remember sending those vibes to her. 

Now could I have acted on any of these women? Sure. And I doubt anything would have been said by them. And some were what you young people call MILFs.

I was 21 at the time. I had enough male hormones running through my system, today that much would kill me. 

I behaved. I didn't have that much really to lose. I don't get people messing with their students, I really don't.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Prayer List

 As many of you know, we did some re-modeling here at the Compound. 

Trouble is I have misplaced my prayer list. 

So, I am starting fresh on a new list. 

If you want me to add you to the list, let me know, by liking, or commenting, or sending me a message. And as I have always said, there is always room for one more. 

I am also asking for prayer for myself.

I am trying to forgive people for grunges I should not have held for years, and I hate myself for holding them......Especially one I still hold for something that happened to me while I was at Buna High School. I know I am being petty for holding it, but I have to remember there are things that occur that I have no control over, even though at the time, it hurt me badly. And I should have gotten over it years ago. And I am mad at myself over it. I need to forgive 70 time 7 as Christ told Peter in Matthew..... And I need help doing so.

But, this is not what this blog is about. 

I am still getting up at 4AM for prayer, it's something I feel that I should do, so it you need to be on the list, please le me know. 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

YouTube/Zoom/ Buna Reunion Date

 Yesterday, Jay and I recorded a podcast. We also discussed when we will have our first Buna 94-11 reunion. ( We are not going to be ridged about dates, want to join, feel free to join us.)

It will be Tuesday October 18th, at 7PM. 

I will post the Zoom link once we get everything set up. 

Once again, if you cannot make it, we plan to have another in the future.

Don't be shy, join us, I promise I won't be mean, then again, if I don't tease you a little, you might think I am mad at you. 

Seriously, let's try this, see how it works out.

Thursday, October 6, 2022


 So, they have officially made Velma a lesbian in the Scoobie-Doo TV/Movie franchise. 

Come on, why are you shocked. When Scoobie-Doo came out in 1969, I was in Junior High and we all suspected Velma of being " Butch" ( Sorry it was the term used in those days) and in all honestly, we thought Fred was a homosexual.....( Come on, I am a fop/dandy, but Fred's clothes, well, they are colorful.)

It's kind of like Marcie in the Peanuts comic strip.....Come on, we all knew she was in love with Peppermint Patty, and while Patty was a tomboy, she was straight. Patty was in love with Charlie Brown. In high school Patty would have climbed into the backseat of "Chuck's" 1966 Plymouth for the asking.....

I know people are all upset about this. But there has been gay folks forever. ( And gay folks, don't get upset when straight folks don't go see your love story movies, hell, most guys don't want to see a love story between a man and a woman.)

But what you going to do? I have relatives I am certain who are gay, but for religious reasons won't/can't come out. But you know, and deep down, you know other family members know....

World is changing folks, and I know some of you want it to remain about 1959, and trust me, I remember those days. It certainly was not fun.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Adult "Happy Meals?"

 Now, I am one to collect crap. Lord knows I got crap here at the house in which I go " What the hell am I going to do with this?" 

But McDonald's Happy Meals for adults?

Do we really need to be nostalgic for their "toys" as adults? I mean, their toys are pretty much crap. 

I know they have a choice of a Big Mac or 10 Chicken Nuggets as their meals. Neither of which I would eat. ( I will eat a Filet O'Fish or an Egg McMuffin for breakfast if I am literally forced to eat McDonald's. )

Last night on YouTube, there was an advertisement for said " Adult Happy Meals" and my wife didn't know what the commercial was all about. ( I'm to the point I don't understand what most ads are trying to sell.) And I told her " Happy Meals for adults" and her reply was " Why?"

I don't know. Maybe if it was Whataburger I might be interested....

Monday, October 3, 2022

I Don't Want to Scare the Hell Out of You....But...

 Keep an eye on the situation in Ukraine and Russia. 

I mean this seriously. 

Right now according to everything I see, I read, Russia is losing the war. It is why Putin has called up 300,000 troops. Russian military doctrine is still pre-WW1. Overwhelm you enemy with numbers of troops. Trouble is, there are so many more modern weapons to slow down troop advancement today. 

Every morning I watch/read the media out of Europe and Britain, and it is not good news for Russia and Putin. 

And Putin keeps making threats about using nuclear weapons. 

Over the weekend, Russia started to move around nuclear weapons and nuclear bombers. 

Now, that could be just a form of just a threat, but in truth, I don't know. 

A caged rat is a dangerous rat, and right now, Putin is getting closer and closer to being that caged rat. 

If he uses nukes, what will be the world's response? What will be our( America's) response? 

Every war game played using nuclear strikes ends with no winner. 

To paraphrase a possibly my all time favorite movie quote...." This business could get out of control....and we'll all be lucky to live through it."

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Buna, What is Wrong With You?

 And I know it's not all of you. I know there are good folks still....

But dadgum, I watch the news this past week and see two ex-students acting a fool running from the police......Don't you know they'll eventually going to catch up with you? And it'll be even worse once they do....

And what's wrong with you " diddling" under-age people? 

I now have two former students sitting in the Jasper County Jail for messing with kids....

Come on, what do you think you are? A Catholic priest? ( I shouldn't go there, in the 604 page report on the Southern Baptists, there were plenty of ordained youth ministers, regular ministers messing with underage teens. It's in every denomination, it's just not been brought out in yours yet.)

I don't know, perhaps I am expecting too much? 

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...