Saturday, June 29, 2024

What's Going On?

 So, I hate to use the 11th album of Marvin Gaye as a title. ( Produced 1970-71 in Detroit) 

But, I have had a couple of people in the last few days inquire about my health. 

As many of you know, I have suffered for years with my back. In '86 and again in '92 I had surgeries on my lower spine. Neither surgery did much good, and I used what was the best surgeon in the DFW in 1986 and one of the best surgeons in Houston for the second operation. 

This started with a combination of events including an injury to my coccyx playing church league softball, which lead to a surgery, leading to a fall off a ladder while painting my house in Ft. Worth, when I was in divinity school. 

I like to joke and say, I really would have been hurt if the brick planter-box had not broken my fall before I hit the sidewalk.  

The fall resulted in not only my L5-S1 spinal disc rupturing, it literally splintered into several dozen pieces. 

My second back surgery to to remove the remaining splinters the first surgeon missed, and that boy was supposed to be the best in DFW. He had done his residency at some fancy hospital in NYC. 

I never really recovered. And have suffered for years. This is one of those times you say, " Yeah, I am glad I have a college degree and a teacher's certificate so I can at least work."

Fast forward to 2022, Deb and I take a guided tour of Israel and the West Bank. Our ONLY guided tour. 

We will never do a guided tour again, and never will go to Israel again. This was before Gaza. 

As I said, when we were at what was supposed to be " Jacob's Well" the site Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, and they say, " This is where we THINK the well is." And they decided that 350 years AFTER Christ. Well, the history person I am, that "Ain't good enough." There is a lovely Greek Orthodox Church on top of the well.

Anyway, while there, I was so crippled, I could not walk. I thought it was the demands of the tour. And that may have been part of it, because it seemed like everything was uphill, both ways....

I came home in sad shape.....

So last year in 2023, Deb and I decided we would take a traditional Kerry, Debbie, and Cousin Andy Tour of England and Wales 2023. Rent a car, go where we want to go, eat where and what we want, drink alcohol because we're not with those darn Baptists and AofG.( Like they don't slip off and drink a cold one every once in a while.)( Andy lives in England and we always tell him when we are coming, it just isn't the same without him joining us. Andy is Deb's cousin, but I like him better than my actual cousins and consider him my cousin, if that makes sense.)

( Again, my favorite Baptist joke of ALL time. Why do you always carry 2 Baptists when you go fishing? Because if you only carry one, they'll drink all the beer.)

I almost died. I did not get to enjoy all the trip  I missed a lot of York and that made me very sad. 

Kiddos, I was in such sad shape when we got in from England, I was in a wheelchair when I went through US Customs. 

So, I started to do research on what to do. 

Trust me in the past, I have tried everything from chiropractic to osteopathic adjustments. Traction machines, PT, etc, etc, etc....

I finally decided to allow what was supposedly the finest clinic and team of doctors do something. 

I had an MRI, and my wife, who is in the MRI, CT field looked at the results and her first statement was, " You got a BAD back."   

Like I didn't know. ( She knew too.)

So, I jumped through the hoops, had a heart stress test to prove I'd live through the procedure, MRI's, x-rays, etc.....And had the surgery at Texas Orthopedic Hospital in Houston on February 9th of this year. 

I knew there was trouble when we got home and looked the scar. No staples, stitches, butterflies, just taped up.  And it was the biggest scar of all my previous operations. I have an indentation in my lower back.

It took 2 months to heal the opening.....

Folks I am worse today than before. 

I often become very sick to my stomach from pain. 

I can't stand more than 5-10 minutes at a time. 

I can't walk too far at one time.

I am sleeping about 3 hours a night. 

I have returned to the surgeon and in truth, have gotten no answers. 

I am literally living on "magic" and " Alchemy." Just to get me through the day. 

A while back I went through perhaps the darkest period in my life. 

It was bad. I don't think you know how bad.

For the first time in my life I considered seeing someone.....But, I've taken "the classes" in divinity school and used them on myself. 

Literally, if it wasn't for "magic" and "Alchemy"well, I don't want to think about it. 

So, if I seem off on someday, more "off" than normal, well, you know why....

And as always, as I remember you in my prayers, if you would, remember me in your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

So, Over the Last 24 Hours Buna ISD.....

 So, over the last 24 hours, I have heard from a number of people who are thinking about, or they have decided to run for the Buna ISD School Board of Trustees. 

Good for you.....I seriously hope you do well. 

I am of the mind that people shouldn't run for office, and then just stay there. Do one, two terms and get out. 

Your ideas, you, become stagnant, set in your ways. In the end, you don't understand why people are weary of you being in office.  

Get the Hell out. 

Same goes with congress, the state legislature, etc., etc.....

I've had a couple of people ask for serious help getting them elected. Not just advice, actual "help." 

If I was to do that I literally would have to go into business as a "political consultant." 

And, I don't want to go there. I worked in my brother's campaign for DA, and it's not my work. I could do it, but I'd hate it. I like doing what I do.

All this said, you get bogged down, get confused, I'll be glad to point you in the right direction. 

But remember, I am a First Amendment absolutist.( You've read this blog)

 You mess up, and you are on the board, I will go after you. 

You'll be an elected figure.. Sorry, but you'll be fair game. 

I want Buna Schools to do well, and if I see the board or individual board members as a stumbling block, I am going to say something. 

And I can get uglier than I already have....I've been nice.  

Screw up bad, and I might call you a "Sorry-ass sumofabitch."

Being on the Board of Trustees is a hard job. If you do it right, you're going to need to prepare and study, not just show up for meetings.  

All this said, I encourage you to run. It's a damn important job. It is actual " retail politics." You'll be dealing with the one of the most important things in the community, the kids. 

And the good Lord knows they're the future.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Buna School Patrons, Just No..... And Important Dates

 Over the past few days I was approached about throwing the blog's support behind a potential candidate for the Buna ISD Board of Trustees. ( AKA, The School Board.)

Was an interesting discussion. Seems to be a nice person, not sure how they got my cell number, but they did, and I was surprised I answered the phone of an unknown person. I generally don't. 

Sorry, but as I told the potential candidate, my answer....Sorry, but no, I can't. 

What happens if this person is elected, and then they royally, or collectively with the rest of the board mess up?

After I had thrown my support behind them, they leave me with " Egg on my face."  I can make a fool of myself without any help. 

And I can just about how hard and heavy I would go after that person for making me look bad. It'd get so ugly, well, I don't even want to think about it. ( I mean seriously, I know you don't believe it, but I often hold back, I just can't imagine how unpleasant I might get.)

If you plan to file and run in the election, the dates to file are July 20 to August 23, 2024. At the Administration Building on Hwy. 62. Hours July 22-25, M-Th, 7AM-4:15PM. Then July 29-August 23, M-F, 7:30AM-4:00PM.

Monday, June 24, 2024

So, I was Looking at Buna ISD's 24-25 Calendar.....

As many of you know, Buna ISD will transition to a 4 1/2 day week in the coming school year.  It's a start, as you know I am of a mind that if you are going to do it, make it a 4 day week. 

That 1/2 day will be a waste of time and to be honest, I do not think I would be able to cover everything in government in that time period, I had to cut stuff out when I was teaching back in the day, and economics, well, I am still not past the fact that many 12th graders did not know their "times" tables. ( I know calculators and all....but still, come on man, learn something....Seriously. )

The part I really don't like is the fact that teachers have to attend " staff in-service" on many Fridays. 

In 31 years of being in education, I never learned a damn thing at any of these meetings. 

Most were taught by people who had not been in the classroom in 20 years. 

Then I notice that one of these "gotta" stay after the kids leave days is the first weekend in November. 

As a person who, before I was so crippled, I enjoyed throwing non-standard East Texas lead ( 7.5 French, .303 British) at Bambi, I think I might have either feigned sick to leave, or called in sick on this day.

I know the present Supt. of Schools grew up in the city and really doesn't understand, but the people of the School Board should. 

All of the Fridays in January have no stay late Fridays.....Why not then, in the middle of Winter? 

I don't know, maybe I am expecting folks to think things through....

Going to look at the calendar some more, I am sure I will find some " questionable" dates/days....

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Last Damn Time State of Texas

This morning, I went and had " The Toaster" state inspected. ( It's what I call my Honda, yes, I drive model no longer made, well, since 2011.) Got the oil changed while I was there even though in the last year, I have only driven 2897 miles. 95% in Orange County, the other 5% Jasper/Newton Counties.

Blew the damn horn, turned on the damn lights, the damn blinkers, the damn windshield wipers. 

$7 American......

Biggest rip-off in the world. 

That said, it is the last damn time, as the State of Texas will stop requiring us to do a yearly inspection every year in 2025....But, they will still tax us the $7.50. Why the extra .50 cents?

A tax is a tax is a tax....I thought the Republicans had the majority in the Texas "Gubmint?" 

An inspection means nothing, 10 minutes after you complete the inspection, the lights, horn, wipers could all go out, and you could drive that way for 364 days.....

Other states have done away with this years ago....Or never had one. 

I for one am glad to see the inspection go..... Waste of time.....

Please Do Not Read This Blog!

 You were warned.....And I am writing this from memory. I think I've got everything correct, especially the numbers. 

And I now have about 325 constituencies ( districts) memorized. (The rural ones are easy. The urban ones, London, Liverpool, Manchester, are hard, that said, I have gotten the Edinburgh,  Glasgow ones down.)

I have been threatening to write on this, well, mostly for me. 

As many of you well, do not know, the United Kingdom( England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) are holding an election  on July 4th, for the House of Commons. 

A fortnight away as they would say. ( Two weeks is a fortnight.)

As many of you know, there are two bodies in Britain's Parliament, the House of Commons, which in an elected body, and the House of Lords, which for the most part, you are born to....Yes, Lords has lifetime peerages, and members of the Church of England Bishops included in that body...

But, the real power is in the Commons. 

And for the last 14 years the political party which has held power in the Commons has been the Conservative Party. 

Let me explain political parties briefly in the UK. 

- The Conservative Party ( AKA as the Tories or Tory Party) - Center Right-344 members

- Labour Party- Center left, they hold the second most seats in Parliament. - 205 members

- Scottish National Party- ( AKA SNP) A political party with one issue, Scotland's Independence. Leans left, has some socialists, but has conservative members. The party only runs candidates in Scotland. - 43 members.

- Liberal Democrats- ( AKA Lib Dems) Center left to Center. - 15 members

- Democratic Unionist Party- (AKA DUP) Northern Irish Party. Also one issue, for Northern Ireland to remain part of the UK. Leans hard right. Only runs in N. Ireland.- 7 members

- Sinn Fein- Northern Irish Party, One issue party, wants Northern Ireland to reunite with the Republic of Ireland. The members never show up for meets in Parliament, but they collect their paychecks. Socialists. ( Saw a local headquarters for this party when we were in Northern Ireland. I wanted to stop and go in, but my wife wouldn't let me. Back in the 1970s, they were blowing people up, like the DUP wasn't doing the same.) Only runs in N. Ireland. - 7 members

And there are a bunch of minor parties with less than 5 members of the House of the Commons....Plaid Cymu( Welsh Independence, Left), Social Democratic and Labour Party( Socialists), Alliance( N. Ireland, unionist, center-left),  Alba( Scottish nationalist, Center Right and Center Left members), Greens ( Left), Workers( Hard Socialist, Not my political cup of tea, but I love their 1 member, George Galloway, I'd like to sit down have a pint of ale or 4 with him and pick his brain. And the cat wears a fedora. ), Reform( Right, more later about them.) And 17 Independent members.

In the last few years, the UK has had a harder time economically then we have here in the states. Partly Brexit, partly, former Tory Prime Minister Liz Truss royally screwing the economy....We saw that when we were there this past year. We were shocked at the price of things. Diesel was running about $9-10 a gallon. The price of food was up almost 60%. At some of the pubs a feckin' pint was £8.

It is partly why we did not travel there this year....Plus, I still have not recovered from my back surgery. 

And the people of the UK have had it. Literally had it with the way the Tories have mishandled the economy from COVID until today and July 4th, election day, they are going to pay for it....

The polls have been awful for the Tories. They may lose their numbers below 100. And that happens, it will be one of the biggest wipe-outs in history.  

Then, there is the Reform Party, lead by Nigel Farage.( If I had a radio show still, I'd want him on there as a guest.) Right of center, and they are a threat to the Tories. They may get 4-7 members, in the next election, but their real threat is taking votes away from the Conservatives. 

Last evening the Daily Telegraph, a conservative newspaper in England published a poll they paid for showing a total destruction of the Tory Party. It showed the Tories with less than 50 members. Labour would get 450-500+ members.

Here is the map that goes with the poll/


Blue- Tory

Peach- Liberal Democrats

Yellow- SNP

Green- Plaid Cymu( Don't get all excited about the area they cover. No one lives there. Trust me, we've been there.)



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tipping &..." Would You Care to Round Up to the Next Dollar?"

 I know there are people who live on tipping. And I understand you are in the restaurant business, working basically for tips. 

And I am talking to you too. 

You know, automatically expecting 20-25% for shitty service, well, I refused to give it to you. If it is acceptable, well, I'll give you the 20%. 

But, for the most part, about half of all wait staff could give a shit whether you come in. 

I am convinced of it. 

Yeah, I know your job sucks.....So did mine.....And so does everyone else's. 

But taking the order begrudgingly, then disappearing until the food arrives, and disappearing again until you bring us the check, well, it don't cut it. 

You've not checked our coffee cups, or our water glasses( Big eat out for breakfast person. Even at Noon, or supper.)

If I am drinking coffee, well, I am drinking coffee, I am going to get my $3.50 worth. Keep bringing me refills. 

I think it is why I like old school restaurants, when eating seafood. Well trained wait-staff, and hustle for the tip, of which, I'll be glad to give 20+%. 

I know if Europe, you do not have to worry about tipping, the wait staff is paid a living wage, and their service is much better than the 50% here in America who do not give a good shit. ( And even in a pub, I'm known to leave a few quid for the waitress.)

I don't know, I've done a lot of " extra" stuff in my jobs, and never expected a tip and high school teachers never get, or expected a " Christmas" gift like elementary teachers get, maybe some sweets, but other stuff, well, I would look at it as a form of a bribe. Yes, teaching high school will make you jaded. ( My Mom who taught elementary almost 40 years has all these tchotchkes we going to have to do something with, when that time comes.....Ebay?)

Then we have the stores in which the clerk is wanting tip for ringing up your items. It is always on the screen when you ring up using a card. You rang me up, why do you want 20%? The entire act took less than 10 seconds. 

Finally, what is the deal with these stores wanting us to round up to the next dollar?

There is a dollar store that has been trying to cure child illiteracy for the last 15 years. Wanting up to round up....I seriously do not know how the money is distributed. Or who gets it and why? 

No, I do not want to round up my $6.01 purchase to the next dollar. 

And I do not want to be asked.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Who is Dan?

 So, last evening on Facebook, I asked the ladies in the community " If they knew who Dan was?"

And apparently, the phenomenon has not reached this part of SE Texas, as of yet. 

 "Dan", is the Artificial Intelligence boyfriend that many girls are now dating, yes, I said dating. 

"Dan" is there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. He never tires, he's always willing to listen...

He remembers everything, and figures out the girl's wants and needs emotionally. 

Girls are now literally going out on dates with "Dan" to the beach, to restaurants, on walks....

Girls are sending photos of themselves in different outfits, wearing different shades of lipstick, and "Dan" gives them advice on what they can wear and it makes the girl look good. 

Many girls are even introducing "Dan" to their parents and the AI is smart enough to figure out how to charm parents, especially the mother.  

"Dan" can be sweet, he can be a little racy, or a lot racy, depending on what the girl wants. 

Yu Zhou, AKA my daughter-in-law who is working on another degree in AI knows all about "Dan" and she and I had a long talk about "him."

She said, do not be surprised if your daughter doesn't already know who "Dan" is, or will know fairly soon. 

And I knew "Dan" had made it when last night on the British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC) World Service Radio had a half-hour program on "Dan." And "Dan's" coming  worldwide influence....

I am telling you, add this to robotics, and boys and girls will have the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend.... And don't tell me that is not coming. 

There's going to be a world none of us recognize. And it's coming fast ladies and gents....

Friday, June 14, 2024

It is Close Buna Teachers....And, Where Have You Been?

 It is getting close Buna ISD teachers......Very close, if you are resigning, you need to do so in the next few days, whether you are are thinking about going to another district, or if you are thinking about another profession, or just getting out of teaching....Check your contract for the date.....Do the math....

A lot of people are upset at the number of people who are resigning at the Buna ISD,and are concerned about the " kids."

Yeah, we got into the profession for the kids, but you laymen not in the profession don't understand, or perhaps you do, teaching ain't what it once was. 

There are a bunch of bad-ass kids to deal with who don't give a damn about education, no matter how hard you try and reach them.

There are a parents now who see teachers as " Enemy number one." Be it through the politics that has reached into the school system like no time in my life, or the fact, people have changed, I am sorry ladies and gents, people have changed, and not for the good. 

Then, there are administrators who want to micromanage how you teach...Well, one way of teaching doesn't always work for everyone. 

In the next few years, teaching is going to change so rapidly, the average person will not be able to keep up. Be it AI, the changes and there will be many coming from the state, the world in general, again folks, I no longer recommend that people who would be good in the classroom teach school.....And who would now go into huge student debt for a teaching position? And for a job you may decide, "well, I can't do this."...Teaching is not for everyone.

And lord knows, we ain't getting rich teaching....

Often to survive, you have to treat it as just a job. 

And it is. Just a job. Yes, we get attached to the kids, but you now what, at the end of the year, my seniors walked out the door, many of which you'll never see again. It was tough, but you had to remember, in reality, while they were ' yours" for a brief moment in your life, you can't hang on, they have lives....and so do you.

( AND BTW while I was gone, I saw a " Back to School" ad on TV. Yep, summer is flying by. )

 _ Then I was asked...."Where you been Mr. Thomas?"

Deb and I took a few days off, and rented a nice place on the Louisiana side of the river on a branch of Toledo.  

Again again, we just ate, sat in a hot tub for the ole Govteach's horrid back, and drove around a part of Louisiana, well, I've never been. Been to London, Hong Kong, Jerusalem.....But I ain't never been to Natchitoches, LA. 

And I was sort of ashamed to say it. 

Northwest Louisiana State is a gorgeous little university.  And I have to ask, once again, what the cornbread feck Lamar? I am not sure what the new building is in all your PR photos, and why won't you tell us? And to be honest other than the area around the quadrangle, the aesthetics of Lamar sucks. 

Well, I have now been to Natchitoches ......And once again, I stand corrected, Highway 6 from where we were staying through the city of Many to Natchitoches sucked like a Louisiana road was suppose to, so, Louisiana, your roads still suck.....That said, we took LA 191 home to across the dam, and it was a good road.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Mistresses, 3-Some, S8x and the Single Girl.....S8x and the Married Girl...Buna

 I was somewhat shocked and I should not have been at the messages I received on yesterday's blog topic....

And they started to roll in, the ones that made me go " Huh?" about 2pm yesterday. 

The more "academic" ones came in yesterday morning. 

I still have ex-students from Dayton who read this blog. A very few, but I was reminded of a girl who followed me around like a puppy when I was teaching at that Liberty County institution. Everyone thought she was my " girlfriend." My mistress as one person put it. " Why isn't he fired using this girl like this?"

In reality, the girl was dying, and I had become her psychological crutch. She had an auto-immune illness of which there was no cure. 

I had gone to everyone on the school campus/Liberty County from counselors, to administration, to county health, for help, and I was told in a nutshell, " You're on your on." "We are not prepared for this situation." ( Like I was prepared.)

I am not going into details. 

The kids did not know, the faculty did not know. In the end, it was part of the reason I left Dayton. After she was gone, I had to leave the district. I almost had a mental breakdown. It was the roughest 18 months of my life. I would have never eventually made my way to Buna High School otherwise. Again, I am telling you people, certain things are foreordained. 

But back to something a little more light.( Not really, but in comparison.)

- About 3pm, I was sent a very blunt message by a former student, I am not sure if she was serious, or teasing. 

" Come on Mr. T, if you were invited to a threesome with 2 other girls, you'd go for that."

Of all the stuff, I'd like to do, the last thing I would like to do is a threesome, or any form of "group activity." ( At this point in my life, on the top of my too do list is to eat at Keen's Steakhouse in NYC....I really want to eat their giant Porterhouse steak.)

Some of y'all have been watching too much Team Skeet or Naughty America. In truth, I don't think any of that works that way. ( Now I'll get a message from someone telling me how they work.) And on those internet sites, there is always some sort of lesbianism with the threesome. And it makes me feel like " Boy, you're not really needed here." 

And again, I don't want to share with anyone so, no threesomes of any form for me. ( In truth, I don't want to be "doing" anyone except my spouse.....Again, I am old-fashion.)

- Then, we had a message from a Bunaite, female, who said " I'll never marry." "I like the variety of men I can be with."

- Finally, I received a message from what might have been the nerdiest girl I ever met. ( I take back, I married the nerdiest girl I ever met.)

We'll call her the nerdiest girl I ever taught. 

In many way, and God bless her, she doesn't understand what is socially accepted or not. And she'll read this and agree. 

Big time STEM person, smarter than me, smarter than you. Academically. 

She explained why her husband will never cheat on her. 

Not going to lie, she had me turn 50 shades of red in the face as I read her message....

Including the statement, " My husband never knows when I am going to pull out his penis and give him a bl*w-j*b." " I love giving him one." Some of the stuff, well, just too much for even me.

If everything she does is true, he's not going to be able to have the energy to have an affair.  

( Please, sweetheart, keep on doing what you are doing, it seems to be working for both of you. Even when I was "young, dumb and full of cum," I couldn't keep up with you, but dammit, I'd try.) 

She concluded by seeing me at a distance in Market Basket and was afraid to come talk to me....don't be shy as you said when you saw me at the grocery store, come by and say hello, heck, as we say in East Texas, " Hug my Neck."

 I say this in all seriousness to all of you, give me a hug, heck I may give you one, at my age, you never know, it might be the last time we see each other. ( Men and women)

Monday, June 3, 2024

Throuple....In Buna?

 I was approached by a third party well, several months ago now, about performing a wedding.

Normally, it is one of the two people getting married who ask. And it can be either the bride, or groom, especially, the bride, if I do not know the groom. 

A third party asking is not that unusual. We had a third party hunt down a minister for us,as our original, our back-up, and our third back-up wound up not doing our wedding. All had good reasons, all at the last minute. And the minister who did it, well, we were very pleased. And it is part of the reason why I generally do not turn down ceremonies. And do them, for whatever I am given. Or not.

But this was for a wedding to take place in the Fall. 

Younger couple, I know of them, know some of their families. 

The third party, God bless her, was very honest, and I am glad she was. 

Come to find out the couple was in a throuple, in other words, a romantic threesome.  

In this case, one girl, 2 boys. 

She( I will refer to the third party as " she") tells me, the girl wants to marry XYZ boy and then, at another date, sooner rather than later, marry the UVW boy in another state, perhaps Vegas, that way, it would be a heck of a honeymoon for all. ( Not sure how that would work?)

Sorry, and I told the third party, I can't do it....1. It's Illegal. 2. My denomination would unfrock me in a heartbeat, and they would need to if I did something like this, and 3. To quote Dr. John Henry Holiday, " My hypocrisy goes just so far."

I can't help myself, both Coonasses and  the Irish both of my ancestry, are curious people. And I ask questions. 

How does this work?

( If anything, I really understand the economics. All 3 have good jobs, all three contribute to the household, because of that, all three are living in a nice home( renting), all 3 have extra money to spend on toys they are interested in......etc....) 

And I should not go there, but I ask about the intimacy portion, because I know she knows, and will tell me...

Apparently, that is sometimes troublesome from her ( the female in the group) point of view. 

It seems when one of the guys is amorous, the other guy is amorous too. 

And while they are not pulling " trains" on her. ( You naive religious females need to get your husbands or boyfriends to explain what that is...and if they don't know, well.....They do...) They are taking turns with her one after the other.....And apparently, it as we say in East Texas, " Wears her plum out." But she is " up for it."

Then because I am curious, I ask about future children......

The plan is that one male will impregnate her, than the other one will have his child later. 

All I could think of was, neither can wait a day to let her " rest up" as my third party expressed it, how can they wait several days one guy practicing some form of natural " Church of Rome" birth control? 

I am sorry, I am old, I have old fashion values on a lot of stuff still. And say you want, I am somewhat jealous. I wouldn't want my wife/girlfriend screwing someone else.( I would leave) Heck, my wife would shoot me , literally shoot me, if I was off playing " hide the salami" with someone else.  

I do not "get these guys who have a girlfriend/wife who is an "Only Fans" model, showing her, " Penis Garage" and " Balloon Knot"  on camera. I don't care if I was getting all sort of Brooks Brother's suits, or trips to England, from the enterprise. I would be gone. 

I am sorry, I am not sharing, and wives, GFs shouldn't be will to share husbands/BFs either. 

Call me old fashion....


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Jasper County, Texas Maths?

 I did some maths( as the British would call it) this morning. 

There are  about  25,700 adults, 18+ in Jasper County, Texas. 

4485 voted in last Tuesday's run-off election. That is 17% of the adults in the county.

Now, not all residents are eligible to vote, non-US Citizens( 1.6% of the county) felons, etc. 

I did the maths, and that means about 19% of the county voted. 

81% of the adults in Jasper County, who could have voted, did not. 

Orange County was no better. Jefferson County was about the same.. ( I had to do actual math on Jefferson, the county is not just one Rep..) 

Just something to think about this weekend....

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...