Sunday, October 27, 2024

I Need a Favour

 And yes, I used the British spelling on favor. ( Favour)

As many of you know, I had lower back surgery in February. And some of you know, it really did not help.

As a matter of fact in the last few weeks, it has gotten worse, much worse. 

This week I have 3 different doctor's appointments, in an attempt to get some sort of answers. And I know good and well, I will wind up with at least an MRI, which is horrid.

I know I am behind of blogs on Buna Schools and one I am working on for Jasper County. 

So, if you would, remember me in your prayers....And not all of you are praying folks, but if you would, remember me in your thoughts. I need all the good karma I can get at this point. 

Thanks, and will blog more regularly, in the near future.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Election Lesson

 Why do was have an Electoral College?

You got to remember that the 13 colonies were different places. 

Some were established for economic reasons. They were mostly plantation based, and were based around cash crops, such as tobacco.

Others were established for religious reasons, and they set it up that if you lived in that colony, you pretty much had to practice that certain faith. 

And these colonies did not always trade with one another. Many had more contact and traded more with England than the other colonies. 

There really wasn't anything that tied the 13 Colonies together other than location and the fact they were all English colonies. 

Even after the American Revolution, the 13 Colonies, only cared for the colony/state now that they were now a nation separate from England...They were concerned about the individual states power, versus the national government. 

And the states are different, the state of Georgia is totally different than the state of Rhode Island. For example. 

And so many historical moments involve states not wanting to do something the national government is wanting to impose on them. ( Example, Arkansas did not want to de-segregate schools in the 1950s, and Eisenhower sent in the 101st Airborne to Little Rock to de-segregate the schools.)

As it's been said by former Speaker of the House Thomas "Tip" O'Neill. " All politics is local." And the states run the elections, and the states are the electors of national offices. Thus, the states having their own laws, their own identity.

Each state gets 2 members of the US Senate. 50 states times 2, 100 senators. 

There are 435 members of the US House of Representatives, and they are divided up by population, with each state getting at least 1 member of the US House....Wyoming, Vermont for example only get one member of the US House. No one lives in those 2 states. 

Each state has electors according to the number of members of the Senate and US House that state has in the US Congress.

For example, Texas has 2 senators and 38 members of the US House. That means Texas has 40 votes 2+38=40, in the Electoral College. Texas has the second biggest population, thus the second large number of votes in the Electoral College.

Vermont which only has 1 member of the US House and 2 members of the US Senate has 3 votes 1+2=3, in the Electoral College. 

So, why was this done like this? It was done so that each state would have some input in the actual presidential election. So, instead of adding up the popular vote, we add up the 535 Electors to determine the president. Reach 270 Electoral Votes, the threshold over 50% and you are elected president....

Now for a wrinkle, Washington DC, is also allowed to vote for president, and while they do not have a member of the House or Senate, because the fewest members of the Electoral College a state can have is 3, then DC was given 3 Electoral Votes. 

So, there are 537 members of the Electoral College. Still 270 to be elected president. 

When we vote, state actually is voting for electors. Those electors in turn, however many from each state according to population vote for president.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Been Vaping at School.....Buna Edition.......

 I have been reading stories of people getting caught vaping at school and allegedly, the vapes were snuck into their backpack, bags, etc.....

And then, said person caught with the vape is sent to DAEP for what amounts to as Merle Haggard sang in the song "Hunstville" " I'm bringing a load of time." Someone said 45 days.....

Damn, 45 days is a long damn time in the SAC.....And as you know, I'd make them send you to gov/eco because, well, you need to actually come to class to learn, plus, I figure you needed a break from the " Black Hole of Calcutta." 

I don't know, I know the rules have changed and the state has decided to "crack down" on kids vaping at school...But, it reminds me of the South Park episode in which Mr. Mackey the school councilor is telling the school that " Smoking is bad...Mmmmkay...."

Next thing you know, Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, and Stan are standing behind the school....Smoking....Tell kids not to do stuff, often making then want to do it more....

I don't know, I wonder just how much good DAEP time does to keep kids from smoking/vaping? 

You know, I grew up in a time in which my high school had a so called " smoke shack." An area for kids to smoke during lunch, breaks, etc. Kids openly had tobacco products on their desks, in their front shirt pockets, purses, wherever, no one cared. And people knew then tobacco wasn't good for you.....

I don't know, I taught high school seniors so long, and most of them were either 18 or about to turn 18, I probably shouldn't have, but I often openly talked about my love of tobacco and the fact I might have an "adult beverage" or two in my spare time. 

I can't even imagine the trouble I'd be in today for talking about it.....

But the laws now say, 45 days in SAC for holding a vape? 

Not sure I like where the world, much less the schools are going... 

( And I stand corrected......The 45 days is for a Delta9/Delta8/THC vape.....and as many of you know, I've been calling for the legalization of marijuana for years, and who knows what the damn Baptists in the legislature will do this legislative session)

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Reminder, Starting Monday Oct. 21st....and A Question....

 Early voting starts tomorrow in Texas, and I encourage you to vote, as I always do. 

Not only do we have a presidential election to contend with, we also have senatorial, and local school board to decide. 

There are 10 people running for the Buna ISD School Board of Trustees. 4 seats are up to be filled. 

( When there are that many people running for board, well, a bunch of people are unhappy with the school district. But you know this.....Man, I wish I could share some of my letters.)

And Buna will have a place every day to vote including Sunday during the early vote. 

The Whitehead Building just south of Buna on Hwy 96 will be polling place for Buna.

They'll be open 7 days a week 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday, and then, on Sunday, Oct. 27th 12pm to 6pm. ( I don't know how you feel about voting on Sunday, I know I won't, just me, and I know in Europe, elections are held always on Sunday....Then again, I won't hunt, or fish on Sunday..Remnants of a works based theology I grew up in, I still can't quite shake.)

This from Oct. 21st until Nov. 1st. 

Other locations to vote in Jasper County are linked  here.....

Here is the question-

Later this week, would you like a "quick"  lesson on why we have an electoral college?  I know we briefly went over it in "gubmint" class, but in half a year, you really don't have time to cover it super well.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Buna University.....Dropout......

 So, it seems the attempt at PR, the Buna University has been " Postponed."

In American English that means, it will never appear again, and if it does, it'll be reworked.  I doubt we ever see it again....

While the concept is good, open up the school district for Public Relations, try and show some transparency, the naming well, it is just poor naming....Calling it a " University." Like they got a bunch of professors running around teaching the courses. 

Am I shocked it has been postponed? 

Not really. Come on, the time alone during the day when people got to work, well, most people don't have time to take off to be at a school PR function over several months.

( I am guessing this was a brainchild of the former Supt. of Schools. They're gone, and so is the "university.")

Thursday, October 17, 2024

So, the Other Day.....I Did a Thing for the Blog.....

 The other day, I sent about 150 invites to 'The Govteach Part Deaux blog.....At least the "Group Page."

Some of you I was hesitant to sent an invite, but decided, if you are interested in reading the blog from the group page, and the group often comes up long before the regular post of  blog on Facebook. 

I know I have slowed down on the amount of blogs I post now, and well, that's better for me, and long gone are the days I would post threesomes and foursomes of blogs during the day. ( Threesome and foursome, sounds like something some of you would be looking for over on P*rn Hub.)

So, if you are interested, let me know. I know I had a mini-purge a couple of weeks ago, and well, I am back to the numbers I had before the purge, so, unless you're a total idiot, and there are some first class nit-wits out there, you know that, you're going to be pretty safe from a purge. 

This is an open invite to the blog group, and this maybe the only one I run, so if you're interested, now's the time to ask to join. You can join on your own, Or...Either comment or send a private message to do so.......I'll send an invite.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Negativity....At Buna Schools?

 So, you must have been reading the blog.....


Look, I can say stuff other people can't. Either won't because of their kids, or they have to live in the community, or as one person told me, " I got to sit by these people in church." 

You can't keep a Supt. of Schools more than 2 years and 9 months on average. They can't even hardly find a place to buy groceries and they are gone......Why?  The board is picking them. 

Then, there is a pretty big teacher turn-over.........Why? 

Why not positivity? Heck, the reality is the place has troubles. 

If it was all 'peaches and cream' there would be faculty applications, so many, you wouldn't have to hire non-certified teachers, no matter the subject.

You have people in the community thinking about homeschooling their children simply due to the new math curriculum. And don't tell me kids are not having troubles.  The program wants teachers to step back and facilitate and let the students find the answers.( Who came up with this nonsense?) 

But bitchin' because there is nothing but negativity? 

It's the school business. It's a hard business, always has been, always will be, it is never 'peaches and cream' it's just the nature of the beast. 

You want to see how bad it is? Sub for a few weeks, or get a job teaching, it's one problem from the moment you walk in the door until you walk out the doors.....You think it was 'fun' being Mr. Thomas? If it was, I'd lasted longer. 

And there are positive times, but they are often overshadowed by 5 negative events.....Again, it's just the ' nature of the beast.' 

But wanting positive? And only positive? 

This is the wrong business to be looking for it in.....


You're Going to Wind Up Paying For It......

 I know many of you know this, but good grief, have you seen truck prices? 

And the worse of all right now is Stellantis, or as we know it here in America, Chrysler, Dodge, Ram Jeep. (CDRJ)

CDRJ has had troubles, well, since the 1970s when I was a kid in high school. Heck, I remember when the US Government had to step in and bail (CDRJ) out when Lee Iaccoca was the president of CDRJ. Heck, just Chrysler-Dodge-Plymouth back then. 

And the good Lord knows how many times CDRJ has been sold.....Finally, a European car maker 'merged'  the company with about 10 different European brands....

And the 'geniuses' at Stellantis decided that it was time to make CDRJ a 'luxury' brand, that the American consumer would be able to pay higher prices for their products. 

Since the pandemic, the prices of CDRJ has gone up the following.



Jeep- 61%

And, do they even make a Chrysler anymore?  I know a member of the Chrysler family was trying to buy the name back. 

So, what has happened is the average American being able to buy a Dodge truck for work? 

It seems to be gone. They're talking about notes for the average truck now nearly $1000....and a Jeep, which I remember in high school, college kids being able to afford one, heck, I almost bought one when I graduated from Lamar.  

And CDRJ is in trouble, no one is buying their products. Dealerships all over America are lashing out at European leadership, and they're getting no help. 

Already European leadership at CDRJ has shut down production at plants and new plants promised in the new contract with the automaker union, well, they've been put on hold. 

The union and Stellantis are already suing one another over the shutdowns. 

They are saying they must sell 200,000 vehicles before the plants re-open.....Good luck there. 

Meanwhile, the vehicles sit on lots at CDRJ dealers. Many CDRJ dealships are on the verge of going out of business. Heck, there are still 2023 vehicles still on lots, some there over 500 days....

Maybe someone with money will buy CDRJ? Or just Dodge, or Ram, or heck, Jeep. Trouble is, if they come up with more affordable products, it will take 2-3 years to reach market. 

So, I am wondering how close we are to 'bailing out' Dodge, Jeep, Ram? The US Government has done it before. And give them credit, they paid it back.....But will they, or can they this time? 

Maybe it's time for CDRJ to shutdown? The problem is, in economics, one less competitor, the other makers sure enough can raise prices...

( And someone ask about our price of the new Subie.....Very similar to what we gave in 2017.....And we were both shocked and pleased. )


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Unhappy Taxpayer in Not Only Buna ISD, But Jasper Co., Texas

 It is often difficult to come up with titles for blog, it really is, the longer you write a blog, the more you understand why in the UIL Academic Journalism events, there is an UIL Headlines competition. 

That said, I have heard more about this from people, a topic not associated with a school district. 

I've had several people who just wrote me and were curious.....

And this of course is as KJAS radio put it...."The Jasper County Appraisal District has voted to go forward with the purchase of the former Southside Bank Building."

Supposedly, they are buying an old bank building for $554,000. 

And I know the appraisal district's present 'digs' are old and they need new ones.  I know some within the county are embarrassed by the building. 

I know there are people that are upset about the district having $500,000 to spend on the old bank, yet, "Potholes run wild on Jasper County roads." ( The person who commented words, not mine. And I've driven on Jasper County Roads in which they are pretty bad, and I know that's the local commissioner's business.)

Now, my understanding is that all taxing entities have to approve the purchase and that is why allegedly according to my sources is why the Buna ISD School Board is meeting this coming Monday, October 14th.   ( Someone correct me if I am wrong here, not an expert on appraisal district rules)

So, why are people concerned, and I know some of the protest movement, anti-property taxes is in Jasper County, and on the other hand, I know property taxes are needed to run county services, the school districts...


Right now, and I do not think leadership really understands, there are people hurting right now. 

Inflation was out of control and for many folks, the prices are still too expensive. 

I know there are people putting off new purchases, a new washer, a new roof, and for many a new vehicle, and lord knows the prices of vehicles especially the Big 3 American ( Well one really no longer American) auto makers are just out of control. ( I'm going to write a blog on one the the auto makers and why they may go bankrupt and no longer exist sooner than you know. And the media really is not addressing this part of the economy.)

People, if you are for or again, you need to contact you elected leadership. And yes, I know a new building is needed, but can we not wait a little bit longer? And what about other buildings? How much will it cost to re-model if the bank is purchased? 

And something to think about, how many people are still lining up at various non-profits in Jasper Co. to get food to feed their kids for the week. And I am not going to point fingers about what the parents are, or they are not doing....These are the same people who in the end, are having to foot the bill, property taxes, or rent increases.


Okay Parent, Another Reason Mom, Dad to Tell Your Children, " No, Just No"

 Had three teacher friends of mine remind me of this, including one of my favorite students I ever taught. And she has several different degrees, I think all from East Texas State University ( A&M-Commerce) and has several different teacher's certificates. 

We were reminded, all of us, that Superintendent of Schools can break their contracts with whatever school district they are employed by and move to their next administrative position, in the middle of the school year.

This is generally true of all administrators, heck, I don't know any administrator not stopped from leaving. From Asst. Principal on up to Supt. of Schools. 

Heck, look at the now former Buna Supt. of Schools resume. 

19 years in the school 'business' a whole 3 years of which in the classroom as a Special Education teacher.....and then, the next 16 years as an administrator. 

Why the state allows people to only be in the classroom for 3 years before you get to be an administrator, well, I am sorry, but 3 years are just not much time to actually know what goes on in the classroom, sorry, it just isn't. I wasn't really forming to become the Mr. Thomas you got in Buna High until about year 5-6. Not I was a bad teach before, but the first few years, you really did not understand the job. 

But I digress. 

Administrators can leave for another position without a penalty. Just break that contract.

Teacher, cannot. 

A teacher in Buna who wants to go from Buna to teach in say Silsbee or Vidor, or Jasper, LCM, or wherever can't just leave the district in the middle of September like a Supt. of Schools. 

The school district they are teaching at can have the Texas Education Agency pull that teacher's certificate.

Heck, it is written in a teacher's contract. And what good is a teacher that doesn't hold a license to teach?

How is this fair? Most Supt. of Schools, or other administrators leave either because their job at their present ISD is miserable....Or, more than likely, they are getting a higher paying job. 

Teachers can't chase that "bag" as the kids now call it. 

It's kind of like people who get all bent out of shape about teacher's unions. 

There's no unions as you think of them in Texas. 

Texas teachers can't strike. It's illegal to do so.

There is no collective bargaining for teachers in Texas.  ( Police and firefighters have collective bargaining in Texas)

They can even pull your pension for striking, never mind you've paid into teacher retirement for years. ( We pay into our pension, it's not just given to us by the state. It's taken out of a teacher's paycheck every month, just like taxes. You can't tell TRS you are using another retirement.)

And here's another gripe about Buna ISD. We are paid once a month. Every other district I taught in paid 2 times a month. So, you better learn budgeting. And before you get all smarty and say, you are paid during the summer, the summer money is money we've already earned. And many districts give the option to pay only during the school year. And there is economic reasons why many districts want to keep the money as long as they can, including investing the teacher's already earn money. 

But again, another reason why you do not want your kids to teach school. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Okay Buna Schools, How's This Working Out?

 So, we've basically gone through a month of getting out early on Friday's...And Again, I still and other people are seeing it as halfway doing something....

I am wondering if at all levels the half day is enough time to actually get something done? And is there a difference between elementary and high school concerning time in the classroom? And on top of it in high school, it is pep rally day, so, are we just sort of going through the motions this Fall?

What works at the elementary, might not work at the Junior High......Nor might it work at the High School. Or it might only work at one school. 

It might not work at any of them.....And I know it is still early.

I know the outgoing Supt. of Schools wanted the school to go the half day on Friday, for whatever reason, feed the kids, whatever....But anyone with any sense, anyone who paid attention, anyone who knew what was going on, knew the Supt. of Schools was on short time with their service with the Buna ISD.....

And "sure 'nuff" the Superintendent of the Buna Schools lasted what, about a month into the 24-25 school year?

Again, these administrators in the front office are all short timers. Buna is a stepping stone for the next job, again, do not tell us otherwise. 

Buna ISD is literally a place the administrator can run their social experiment to see what works and what does not work, for their next front office position. 

And in many cases, leaving a mess for the teachers to deal with and clean up, meanwhile, they get ready for the next Supt. of Schools to come in with new ideas , many that won't work, that the teachers have to try and implement.  

But back to the short week....

I am wondering?

Will the next Supt of Schools want to keep a 4.5 days school week?

Will they want to go back to an old-fashion 5 day week?

Will they want to go ahead and make it a 4 day week for the Buna ISD?

How is the 4.5 day week working for you parents? 



Friday, October 4, 2024

Let's See If I Get Into Trouble?


 Okay, perhaps the longest title on a blog....( Well, it was, I had to work on the blog and get it Baptist-friendly)

I do not know why folks had to go here. I am ready to 'Move On' in blog topics. 

No, not the Buna ISD......However, I am sure there are people in leadership positions who wish I'd stop....Maybe a contribution to a Venmo, or Paypal, or Gofundme would convince me otherwise......

No, I am sort of surprised on the number of people who told "All" concerning this topic. 

Really shocked to be honest, and I guess I should not be....

Had a letter, note, whatever from a person saying that they were now a "Born Again Virgin." As I wrote about on Facebook yesterday afternoon. 

And they went into a long explanation on why they consider themselves one. This is after they slept with several people. 

Okay, but be honest with who you wind up with as your long-term partner. Boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse.....If you are in bed and showing him or her more moves than a monkey on a 20 foot pole, they are going to wonder where did you learn that?

Then I had someone tell me they have a friend who does 'Only Fans' and claims they are still a "virgin" in spite of the fact that they had had sex with several different people on camera, yet never with a person they really like in their personal life.....And I asked, and probably should not have, " Is she on birth control for her job? "

And of course, and how the friend knew, I think she worries about her, she answered, " Yes, she is on 'the pill.'  "

It's like these people who will hook-up with people for a one night stand, but if they meet a person they like, they'll make them wait......I'm sorry, that makes no sense to me. 

And apparently, it is more common than we know.....I don't know. Apparently there are Jasper County folks who have OF sites. 

Let me remind you folks, the internet is forever. You can find stuff from decades ago on there. Delete, well, there are so many ways around it. 

I'm all about capitalism, and if you want to do sex work, well, have at it, my understanding it is good money....but 15 years from now when your child is in middle school/high school, what are you going to tell your kid when the asshole kids at school show your kid their Mom involved in a 10 man gangbang with Elmer's Glue all over her face, or dad is licking some guy's butthole in a bi-sexual film he made to pay for rent 20 years ago?

In one of the Friday the 13th movies, one of the actresses, her only movie part, did it for extra college money, appears topless. She later completed a degree from West Texas State and got a job several years later teaching high school English in the Panhandle. One of the mom's saw her in the movie years later, again, and she along with the rest of the small town 10th grade moms went on a witch-hunt. She was fired within the week....She moved to New Mexico, got a teaching job, and same thing happens....

People are odd concerning sex folks. They really like to tell people what they can't do here, even people who are married. There are people who'd love to tell people the only time they can have sex is to procreate. 

Okay, I am probably going to take the rest of the weekend off. I need to break. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Reply to Yesterday's Blog

 I got more negative blow-back from yesterday's blog than I get from writing one on something concerning Buna. 

Not going to lie, it sort of surprised me. 

It seems there are more people willing to "share their spouses" than I knew of .....

I was stunned at first. 

Actually I still am. 

I am not going to lie, it made me a 'little sick to my stomach.'

I don't understand this 'cuckhold' world. I really do not, and the number of people in rural Jasper County, folks you might be sitting next to in the Baptist or Methodist or Pentecostal type church than first thought. 

You were pulling a "train" with your spouse the evening before, and the next morning you're on the front row of Fourth Baptist Church singing " Victory in Jesus."( No, there's not a 4th Baptist Church in Jasper County....That I know of....Maybe I should have used 13th Baptist Church.....Each community has had a falling-out with another Baptist Church and started their own church,  13 might be too small. )

You're not sure if that middle daughter is actually "yours" but you carry on playing " Slap and Tickle" with the neighbor's up the street. 

You want your pastor to preach against that homosexuality, but you are okay if your wife is scissoring with Miss McGillicutty from Smith County.....For you, the husband and Miss McGillicutty's significant other's  viewing pleasure.  

Most ministers avoid sex from the pulpit like the plague.  80% of sermons are from Paul's Letters. ( Pauline Letters, and this is a strage coming from a person who's favorite Bible verses are Ephesians 2: 8-9. When I worry if I really have been saved, well, I remember this....Because the Ole Govteach is going 'hop the rails' from time to time...Followed by Romans 7:19....They keep me literally from going insane, and I am close to there on a normal day.)

Paul's Letter are easy to understand and really easy to preach....They're preached more that the Gospels. 

Man, they need to preach the Old Testament.....It's full of sex. Heck there is a book devoted to it....But a Baptist preacher is going to avoid preaching it. He's never going to preach it. And if he does, it will be a 'light' version. 

( And don't tell me that your pastor at XYZ Church preaches on it, I seriously doubt he does and if he does, he worms around it so much that half the audience is not sure what he is speaking on.)

Look, I believe strongly in sex only within marriage. I also believe in enjoying each other in that way. I believe both man and woman shouldn't be selfish towards one another. I know husbands who don't care if they make their wives "happy" in the bedroom. I on the other hand think that might be one of a husband's most important "jobs." Especially in the early days of the marriage. It's psychological and physical bonding. 

But letting your wife, or husband have sex with another? And watch them do so? Get a sexual thrill from it? 

No......No, just no.....We need standards for just some things....

If I was preaching a homily  in a " High Church" Presbyterian or Anglican Church, this is where I'd say....

" Here Endeth the Lesson."


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Gossip Buna, Gossip

 Dear Gentle Reader, 

I'll have more readers on this blog than any others....

I often hear from people, " Out of the blue" as it is said....

In this case, it was from a person that I had officiated at their wedding. 

Times are so different now ladies and gentlemen, well, I don't understand what is societal norms anymore. Perhaps, I never really did. 

It seems that his wife has asked for them to have an " Open Relationship." In other words for you more naive folks, sleep with whoever. 

I was a bit stunned. 

I'm a bit old fashion and believe if you get married, well, that's your forever partner. You want to sleep with whoever, well, do not marry. And even there, well, again, you'll understand as I write this blog. 

He told me it was alright to write this, as the gossip community in Buna will wonder who these people are.....

These people were, well, I thought somewhat religious. 

And so, he took her at face value, and started talking to an old girlfriend. Well, she went nuts and told him to stop.....It seems it is okay for her to sleep with whoever, but not him....


I didn't understand, and neither did he.....Anyway, I have contacted legal representation through a 3rd party for him. Please, don't ask me to do this folks. This is not my area of expertise. I just happen to know a lawyer who knows lawyers. No children involved, so just a split. I've never been involved on both sides of a wedding before, before and after, and to be honest, I am a bit sick at my stomach. I literally 'took to the bed' yesterday it upset me so badly. 

The closest thing I have come to this was when I was dating almost 50 years ago now. 

I found out I was dating a girl who had a boyfriend, a serious one working down in Freeport, and because he could not come home to Orange County every weekend, he was okay with her dating other boys.....

Another guy is okay to date.....What? 

I told her goodbye so fast when I found out.......I'm sorry, if I am dating you, I am dating you. Not some other girl. Want to break-up, that's fine, dating is literally a try-out. Sort of like trying to make the team....Sorry, it kind of is....I am sorry, want to date someone else, well, good luck, I am not going to wait around for you. You were not that interested in me in the first place.

There is a long story involving the supernatural concerning this girl and what happened afterward, and in my final ever blog ever, I will tell the story. My wife has never heard it, and it is so wild, well, Hollywood would balk at making a movie. ( Heather will probably want me to tell her off the record....No, You'll have to wait too)

It messed me up so badly, well, I refused to date anyone for several years. 

Yes, years. I seriously was looking at joining an Anglican Monastery near Dallas when I graduated university. I was going to do so to try and save my soul. ( See above)

Shortly after my wife and I started dating, again, I thank her asking me out and literally, she asked, the whole thing was foreordained. The Dadgum Calvinists might be right....

Anyway, not long after we started dating we, on purpose, started talking about former boyfriends/girlfriends, sort of getting that out of the way.....And man, the boys she dated, well, all were way out of my league....

Boys, way OUT of my league. 

A 6 ft 3 inch blond Adonis foreign exchange student from Holland,  a 6ft 2 inch guy who went to A&M on scholarship, and a " normal " size guy......He was cuter than cute.....( I saw photos of these guys)

My wife, god bless her attracted boys like bees to honey. At Lamar there were 3 other boys who so wanted to date her, but she went for me....I think I was as close to a 'bad boy' as she ever met.

My wife is sweet, and a bit naive, but how come none of these guys didn't try to "De-virginize" her, was my first thought....

The sugar sweetness of my wife is not an act....Not going to lie, I felt kind of bad, really bad, I thought you'd feel elation, but no,  "afterwards" on our wedding night and we were in bed, she went to sleep. I stared at the ceiling for the longest.I felt like I'd done something horrid..It wasn't until  the next afternoon of the honeymoon about 3PM I wondered to myself, " How am I going to keep up with this girl?" I felt like the newlywed guy in the Hitchcock movie ' Rear Window ' who had his head out the window try to regroup his strength. Jimmy Stewart was laughing at him. ( Many of you know, Jimmy Stewart is my favorite actor...And Thelma Ritter, also in the show is close to my favorite actress.) 

I digress.....

So, I find out these 3 guys are going to be at her 40th reunion of PNG High School grads a few years ago. 

I had to go....

And I meet all 3 guys....And all are successful, all still handsome men....Especially the Dutch guy.....He's a big shot with the Dutch government.

The A&M grad is now a retired Bird Colonel from the Army.  

The 'cute' guy is successful in real estate....

And, all of us wind up sitting at the same table.

All 3 are now members of the LGBT community.( Not so much 'B') They all have long term husbands or boyfriends.  ( And I like their choices of partners, they got my sense of humor)

So, I don't know, if my wife drove all three to the LGBT community, or what? ( It doesn't work that way, I've told y'all this before. I am telling you, gay folks are born that way. Just like having blue eyes, having blonde hair,or being left handed. )

And when I was in high school, I probably would have sat at the lunch table with them. Smart guys, band guys, a lot of fun to be around and shoot the bull. 

 That said, I am like my late Great Uncle Melvin, "I likes the wimmens."

Anyway, my wife is going to kill me when she reads this blog.




Tuesday, October 1, 2024

It May Be Petty, But I Got So Damn Mad at the Buna ISD

 I originally had a blog with some gossip in it, and THEN was going to tell some stories on Miss Debbie ( AKA Debbie the Good, St. Debbie) and myself.

But the damn Buna ISD......

Dammit Buna, could you get more cheesier? 

It seems that Buna ISD is instituting something called ' Buna Community University' or BCU....

The " University" is to have people in the community learn about the school district in a 4 days over a 4 month time period, 11AM to 2 PM and lunch will be served. ( Man, I am hoping that at least one of the days the ladies are serving chicken fried steak, smashed potatoes, green beans and them rolls, oh, them rolls. Them rolls when I was still teaching at BHS, well, I am pretty sure they were served at the Last Supper to the Disciples and Jesus. Anyway, if I was attending, well, the ladies working in the cafeteria turn out some pretty tasty meals It's why I would go....)

This is actually a good thing, I know I am often critical of Buna Schools, but this is a positive. It's PR and the good Lord knows Buna ISD need some openness..... 

If I lived in the community, I might go, just to see how things are presented.....No, I'd go in hopes one day is CFS day....

Then, in the memo on the "training" they say you will "graduate."

Like fuckin' Buna ISD is handing out university degrees. 

Hell, you're calling it a university.

I know some of you might get mad at me for this part. 

Call me an elitist, a snob, whatever.....

I am sorry ladies and gentlemen, the term " university" used to mean something....

Oxford Dictionary-  An institution of higher education offering tuition in mainly non-vocational subjects and having the power to confer degrees.

Websters-  an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching and research and authorized to grant academic degrees. 

I remember when there was a difference between colleges and universities in America....Colleges only granted undergraduate degrees, universities, graduate degrees, typically, PhDs. ( doctorates)

So, if I was to go to the 12 hour indoctrination, and I am sure it is a form of propaganda to make Buna ISD look good.  I would receive a doctorate? A bachelor's? Master's? Associate's?( A lot of people are making some serious money with an associate's.) A usable certificate? ( Again, there are people making serious scratch with a certificate)

You ARE talking about "graduation."

Look, I worked hard to get my undergraduate degree. I don't think you know how hard. To fund my university studies, I was working 3 jobs my junior and senior years. I only had 2 jobs my freshman and sophomore years and literally my late father asked,  When I was at the house sleeping, " Why do you got all this extra time?" So I got a 3rd job. And already my GPA was already suffering. 

And what the cornbread fuck Buna? Why from 11-2? Most people are working folks, they're not going to be able to take time off during the middle of the day and go to the Buna " university."

So, I may call Buna and ask for an application so I can work on my PhD. Do you know if the history department will have someone that will offer someone to guide me through my dissertation in, well, I'd like to go deeper into the English Reformation, or perhaps the Scottish Reformation., my theological beliefs already lean towards one or the other anyway, and I'd love to travel to Edinburgh to study and do research. 

I am assuming your university program is accredited through the Southern Association? ( A university should be accredited through one of 5 accreditation agencies in America, in Texas, it's the Southern Association....There are ISDs in Texas also accredited through this agency.)  

Oh that's right, the Buna ISD isn't accredited through the Southern Association.....( Don't get your knickers in a knot, the TEA has accredited Buna most schools in this state. ) 

Come on Buna, come on, use some fuckin' sense.  

When is someone going to " Get it?" 



Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...