Thursday, August 31, 2023

Had a Long Talk on the Phone Last Night.....Former Student

 As many of you know, I preform weddings, and the month of Sep-Oct I have a number lined up, Nov-Dec, well, I plan to be out of sorts as I am planning to have knee surgery during that time period.....

So, last evening I received a phone call from a groom. 

He and his bride to be were to be married in a few weeks and I was to be the officiant. 

He called to tell me that the wedding was off. 

Asked how much he money he owed me, of course my answer was " Nothing." 

It seems the couple had a heart to heart in the last few days.....and she confessed to sleeping with over 50 boys. 

Or apparently, she said, it was " at least 50, possibly more." 

All he could think was how many guys are in the audience at the wedding saying, " I did her.....I wonder if I could do her again?"  

And you know that's the truth....

Now, he didn't expect her to be a virgin. 

I think that went out even before I married, never mind my wife and I were still that way when we married. ( Different time then.)

I know in the 1970s when I was in high school/college, if you got a girl pregnant, you did the honorable thing and got married before the baby was born. 

And old feeling towards that still hold up today among many of us " old timers." 

I remember a member of the " In-Crowd" was using a girl as " practice piece" back in the day. Sweet girl, somehow thought he would marry her someday. We tried to tell her otherwise. And of course, she came up pregnant. The boy refused to marry her. Her family kicked her out of the house. He was a deacon at the church and well, we can't have that. She wound up leaving the state, had a termination, and started over in the other state. 

The boy married a girl from the " in crowd." 

I hate his guts to this day......But then, I am still somewhat old school with a lot of stuff. And I got a lot of stuff I hope I am forgiven for in the end. 

But back to the couple splitting up. 

I know this is 2023. I don't expect people to be virgins today when they married. I really don't. 

But sometimes, there is a " Bridge too Far." ( Using Bernard Montgomery's gaffe in WW2 )

And don't jump on me saying it's her business, well, I am feel the same way about guys. I waited....You can too.....And yes, it was difficult.

But I know this isn't the norm in 2023.  

Just something to think about this morning....

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Serious Blog and Most of You Know Where I am Going

 Many of you on here know, in spite of my cussin' and fussin' I still consider myself somewhat of a Christian. 

And I know some of you who actually know me, might find this strange....

I get up and pray every morning at 4AM.

Sometimes earlier. Espcially if something big is going on in many of your lives. Or world events.

I don't tell folks your problem(s). And I have( had) a list. 

Trouble is, the list I now have, with the change of the tower computer, is an old one. 

I need a new one. 

Yes, the list is long. 

But....And this is important, there is always room for one more. 


So, if you need to to pray for a surgery, or an illness, or a problem you are having, or as the Baptists used to say at Wednesday Night " Prayer Meeting" an ' Unspoken Request.' 

Or whatever, you need prayer for, let me know. I've been doing this for a while, and oddly it felt " right " when I started to do it. ( I am one who believes certain things are foreordained.)

( And I know some of you don't want me praying for you for whatever reason, trust me, I understand.)

So, anytime you need prayer, send me a note, message, whatever, and I will do it.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Guys, Behave....Ladies, This One's Not for You.....

 This blog has primarily evolved into one on Buna, Kirbyville, well, South Jasper County in general, with a few of my personal thoughts thrown in...

And while this involves people in South Jasper Co., it also involves people I know not in Jasper County, but in this area. 

Some of you guys needs to behave yourselves. 

You're not  not " all that."

I know a widow and she lost her husband, not that long ago, she's still fairly young, and she is still in the grieving period. 

No, guys can't leave her alone. They are calling her making overt, and not so overt sexual suggestions to her. 

We are talking about men calling her weeks since she lost her husband. 

Some of these same guys are also contacting recently divorced ladies.....

Here is the kicker. Many I taught.....About 90%+ are married, with children. 

And from S. Jasper County....

Let's repeat, married, with children. 

This happened to someone I know a few years back who lost her husband in a tragic accident. I didn't, but I should have said something then....

Many years ago I said something to a couple of Buna guys who started to call one of my senior girls when she broke up with a boyfriend. The boy was upset over the break-up and spread all sort of rumors about her, including that she " laid like a snake." ( Old 70s expression about a girl who "put-out.")

In reality it seems, they had broken up because he kept pressuring her for sex. ( Believe it or not, there are still girls who don't with everyone and anyone.)

But married?......What is wrong with you guys? I'm pretty sure your wife will be more and glad to "help you out." 

And " talking up" recently widowed ladies?

Seriously.....What is wrong with you guys? 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

So, I was Contacted by a Couple of Buna ISD Parents About This

 I think I am back. Took a while to get my new computer up, me somewhat well. 

It was in truth, good to not to worry about people griping at me about something I wrote. 

So, allegedly, there was a core subject teacher hired and they did not have a certificate as of yet in their subject. 

Now, in the " District of Innovation" structure in which people without certificates can be hired in an attempt to help the teacher shortage... I am not shocked. 

That said, there are still parents who want their kids to go to college and earn a bachelor's degree, at least a bachelors. 

I know now there is a push for people to go into the trades because, well, we are short electricians, plumbers, HVAC, carpenters, etc in this country. Kids are not going into those fields, partly because a lot of kids are pretty lazy, and there was a push in the 1970s onward for high school age kids to attend college. 

I remember in the 1970s, it was hard to get in a number of the trade / vocational programs. Some had an abundance of workers, others want to keep their numbers low, to keep their wages high. ( Most of you don't remember those days, heck in the 1970s, you could not even buy a job at a refinery.)

Well, we are now to the point, the opposite is occurring, we need plumbers, butchers, carpenters, people with CDL's, auto-techs,etc. And high schools need to be set up to train kids who want to do this.....

We also need to prep kids who want to go to college. And not everyone in high school who thinks they will never go to college, won't eventually wind up going. And I taught everyone so if they decide later in life they want to go, they are prepared. ( Spoke to a ex-student who was working in a trade decided they needed a degree. They wound up getting 3. And they thanked me for prepping for what they didn't think they would ever do.)

So, Mr. Thomas, Kerry, Kerry Don, The Ole Govteach, what is this blog about?

I really think the 4 Core Subjects( Math, Science, English, Social Studies or History as I call SS) need certificates. And my understanding is there was an applicant who had a certificate in which the present employee, with no certificate was hired over. 

Certificates show you have taken enough university classes in the subject, and passed a test in the subject to show you know enough of the topic to teach it. ( I know Buna has had people in the past who had a difficult time passing the Social Studies Exam, but politics kept them in their job. )

And it's not illegal or against the rules to have a Core Subject teacher without a certificate. ( My understanding, according to the rules,they're supposed to be working on one.) 

But I wonder, if things like this are going to get worse before they get better?

And if I was a parent, I would be concerned too. I'd want my kid's teachers to be certified in the subject they are teaching.


Thursday, August 10, 2023

Yep, We ALL Goin' to Hell

 As warned in an earlier blog, this publication can go anyplace, I am somewhat a church history person and took 17 hours worth of church history classes in seminary. ( They had a funny hour classification)....I also want to see how history effects the future.

Thus, this blog.

In the last day or so, The Atlantic has published a story on the amount of Americans who no longer attend church. 

Yeah, I know, the Atlantic is a not a bedrock of conservative thought, but still, it comes up with stuff, say what you want is the truth. 

In the story, it seems 40 million Americans have stopped going to church in the last 25 years. Heck, look at the numbers of the Southern Baptists.  The numbers of that denomination are dropping rapidly.  I know in the last 25 years, I have abandoned the Baptists, or they abandoned me, I am not for sure which. ( The Southern Baptists however keep people on their rolls, even though a majority of members don't attend. )

I don't know, the last time I was inside a church I was in York, England for Evensong( Evening prayer) services. That was in April. I doubt I even go to church at Christmas here in Texas. 

And it's strange because I "keep up" my ordination within a denomination most of you are not familiar with. 

No, don't invite me to your church, no don't send missionaries, preachers, deacons, elders by. I'm fine with my faith as it is. 

At some point, if I was going to a church, I would hear a sermon, see actions of the church body, the minister, and go, " What a frickin' moron." And stop going. 

So my question is this, and you may want to end me a PM rather than post a comment.....Are you like many Americans, a non-church goer? Or do you still attend?



Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Oh Lord Kirbyville......It's ALWAYS YOU Ain't It?

 I'm sorry Kirbyville, I am laughing at y'all, and I shouldn't. 

Is it just me, but if there is a situation in one of the school districts in Jasper County, it will be in KISD. They had the sad situation with Dennis. They had that Supt. of Schools that came from Bryan ISD. 

But I am going to be honest here folks, ( I ain't a lawyer, I don't play one on TV.) I don't think there is a thing that KISD can do. I don't. 

I know some of you are saying " morals" clause in the contract, well, I should have been fired from any year, from 1994 to 2011 inclusive, by the Buna ISD because I was certainly open about my sins and vices. ( But then again, you were 18 years old.)

I had someone get all upset about the KISD situation, and then tell me, " We need to get rid of the gays in the schools too."

Please, some of your best teachers are gay. They are not open about it, and the kids for the most part, do not know....Or care. I taught with a person who might have been one of the best teachers in the district, in the Houston area.....

Look, I had a gay teacher in elementary. I loved class.....In high school 2 of my 4 favorite teachers were gay. 

None of these people "fooled" with their students. You are more likely today to be a teenage boy "hit on" by your female teachers in secondary school. And I don't see anyone calling on female teachers being banned. 

Now I personally do not understand people transitioning. I really don't. But they're here. I have former students who have transitioned. One came back to visit me when I was still at Buna. I wasn't shocked. She was more masculine than about half the boys in high school. 

My problem is this.....What are you going to tell the kids? How are you going to explain it? And the thing is, a month from now, will the kids care? Kids are pretty resilient. 

That said, don't be shocked Buna Schools if there is a sudden influx of transfers from KISD.

Monday, August 7, 2023

A Message to Buna ISD Patrons/Parents as School Starts this Week-

 School starts Wednesday of this week, August 9th. I remember when I first started teaching when it started after Labor Day. 

I know parents you get tired during the school year. You've got work, there are unforeseen events that occur that wear you down even more so.  

Keep involved with your kids. Watch their grades. 

That said don't blame teachers for everything going on. Teachers in Buna are not trying to indoctrinate your kids. Most are too busy actually trying to teach and in secondary, they've got extra curricular events to worry with. And they generally avoid politics like the plague. Teachers in general are trying to remain neutral. I know other than my unabashed expression of support of the 2nd Amendment( And looking back, I shouldn't have discussed it) you really didn't know my political beliefs until I retired. 

Yes, there are teachers who are " Not so good." But it's that way in every profession, job. I know my first couple of years there were people in the community who thought I was " Satan Himself, " or at least a "Fallen Angel" until the community realized what I was trying to do.

But most of your teachers actually want your kids to do well. Some of my proudest moments, even today, are when I see former students do well in life.   

Keep an eye on the political leaders. Hold them accountable. I know some of you don't look at school board members as "politicians" but they are. Low level, but they are politicians. 

Heck, if you are unhappy with what is going on at the Buna Schools, run for office. I know some of you have written me and are thinking about " Throwing your hat into the ring." I encourage you to do so. Maybe you can make some changes that the community wants. 

But remember, if you are elected, it's hard work. You might come under a critical eye of the community, and this writer. But in the end, you know you are helping the community. And hopefully, you can look back at the good you did for the district.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Affairs? In Buna?

 I wanted information from y'all. And I asked for it, but dadgum, I did not expect affair info. 

Maybe I should have been clearer? Or perhaps not? 

I've learned more about folks in South Jasper County, than I really wanted to know......( I'm just saying that, I consumed every bit of info on people's marital indiscretions, a couple of which, well, stunned even me, and I am pretty jaded. )

You know if I had a wicked streak( I do, but that's another story), I'd start the blog and "discuss" a few of the major ones......Then, say, " Don't want your name(s) published send $129.99, cash to a P.O. Box in Vidor."

The question now is....What could I call it?

" Slippin' Thru the Slough?"

" Nekkid in Gist?"

" A Bacchanalia in Buna?"

" Horny on Lone Oak Road?"

" Beatin' it in Bessmay?" ( That's sumthin' else.)


Thursday, August 3, 2023

Buna Folks....A Warning

 Huge reads from Tuesday's blog. Just huge, with that, people either join the FB, or more likely, they start to join the 'The Govteach Part Deaux' Group. ( A huge number of people have joined the group.)

That said, I " gots" to warn new folks who do not know me. 

I often cuss....Badly. ( I was raised better, but you know, I've never "fit in" my family. )

I often talk about my vices.( I got sins, man I got sins, what did Paul say? " For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.")

I hop the rails from time to time....

Yes, I am an ordained minister in a form of Presbyterianism you've probably never heard of.....I was SBC, even attend a Baptist seminary, but they left me, and I left them long ago.

I don't always talk about Buna or Buna ISD, or South Jasper County in my blog. I may talk national, state politics, heck, I may talk about food or travel. Deb and I generally do one international trip a year, And invariably we wind up in Great Britain/Ireland( Me people, as they say). But we've been to China, Israel, West Bank, Hong Kong, Canada( several times), Alaska( Yes, I know America)....... I often discuss economics. And right now, the economy, say what you will, ain't so good for a lot of folks.

Yes, I was the government /economics teacher at Buna High School. ( Retired from Buna ISD, thus my continued interest.)

I don't post every day. Only when I " feel like it."

Finally, if you ever have information concerning the Buna ISD, or Jasper County, or anything Buna community, any level of government, related, send me your information. I NEVER use your name. I mean NEVER. I may investigate your information, but on the blog, and when I am speaking to people concerning the info, your name will never come up.

Okay, you've been warned. Proceed at your own peril. 




Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Follow-Up to Me Stirring it Up with Buna ISD

 I'd not planned to follow-up.....I really had not. 

I got stuff to do, fish to fry,  actual adult stuff this week. 

The board member took down their Monday post on Facebook after I posted my original blog. They then told me in the comment section under my blog post on Facebook that and I am paraphrasing here, they'd be glad to meet with me to discuss whatever.....That comment has since been deleted. ( I am not the only one who saw it. I was questioned about it.)

I then received a PM from the board member yesterday morning saying " Personal attacks do not bother me. Never have never will. That was a good read, have a great morning."

The blog written yesterday wasn't personal. I merely corrected a former student who should have paid better attention in their government class in high school.  

If I was personal, I do know where bodies are buried, but that is a nuclear option and won't go there.....unless forced to do so....But if that is the case, I am afraid the blog would end. 

And, he didn't follow Politics 101......Stay out of offending as many people as you can. Sometimes you need to leave well enough alone. Even if you are mad. Heck, I often do it here on the blog, believe it or not. ( This is the same advise I would give political candidates whose campaigns I have worked in, never get mad at the voters. You may not have gotten mad, but it sure sounded that way.)

We also know some of you were upset because I went after a " low level politician." Well, I have seen people with " no other" political ambition start off as school board members and then be elected to the Texas House of Representatives. Others run and be elected to the county commissioners court. ( And you should remember this from government class, static politicians, do not always remain static.)

Now, I am not saying, this is the case here, but I know not what the future may bring. 

Again, I  finally found my press pass, I've got to clear part of my schedule and start to attend board meetings....

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Buna ISD, and I Got P*ssed at a Board Member....Microwaves, Coffee Pots, Ice Boxes


 I shouldn't get upset , but I did. 

I shouldn't care, I really shouldn't.......I should be planning our next trip to Britain. Or Norway, Or hell a cruise to Greenland/Iceland....

But I saw that a member of the board was upset about the Buna ISD and people were airing their grievances on social media. And he came to the defense of the district.....

Here is where I got mad.....Every damn American has the right to complain about their government.....Be it the President, the Congress, the state legislature......Or their local school board. They are all elected officials....They are all politicians. 

That whole First Amendment about citizens being able to....." the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." 

Come on man, come on, the ISD is not good for everyone. And yes, of course, there are people in which the district will never be " good enough," but upset because people are complaining? 

Please. You took the job, expect some heat. 

Is the Buna ISD a good school district? I am not so sure anymore. I certainly don't advise people to send their kids there. This in spite of the fact there are still some pretty good faculty there....But the stuff I am seeing, well, I question....

And the people in the district know it. 

Then, there is the problem of the microwave, coffee pot, mini-ice box being taken away from teachers classrooms and then the kids not having microwaves at BES. 

The district opened up Pandora's Box when they allowed the microwave in the BES cafeteria. Why are they now not expecting blow back for removing them? And I read the notice.....and to be honest, someone should have written a better explanation why they were being removed. ( And don't be complaining about " We didn't have microwaves." Well, people used to ride horses and horse driven carts. I didn't have a/c all 12 years of school.....I can just about imagine going back to that today. It is supposed to be 97-98F on the first day of school. 25-30 bodies stuffed in the classroom? I'd quit.   )

But a politician unhappy because people are griping? 


Buna ISD, and I Got P*ssed at a Board Member....Mirecowaves, Coffee Pots, Ice Boxes

 I shouldn't get upset , but I did. 

I shouldn't care, I really shouldn't.......I should be planning our next trip to Britain. Or Norway, Or hell a cruise to Greenland/Iceland....

But I saw that a member of the board was upset about the Buna ISD and people were airing their grievances on social media. And he came to the defense of the district.....

Here is where I got mad.....Every damn American has the right to complain about their government.....Be it the President, the Congress, the state legislature......Or their local school board. They are all elected officials....They are all politicians. 

That whole First Amendment about citizens being able to....." the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." 

Come on man, come on, the ISD is not good for everyone. And yes, of course, there are people in which the district will never be " good enough," but upset because people are complaining? 

Please. You took the job, expect some heat. 

Is the Buna ISD a good school district? I am not so sure anymore. I certainly don't advise people to send their kids there. This in spite of the fact there are still some pretty good faculty there....But the stuff I am seeing, well, I question....

And the people in the district know it. 

Then, there is the problem of the microwave, coffee pot, mini-ice box being taken away from teachers classrooms and then the kids not having microwaves at BES. 

The district opened up Pandora's Box when they allowed the microwave in the BES cafeteria. Why are they now not expecting blow back for removing them? And I read the notice.....and to be honest, someone should have written a better explanation why they were being removed. ( And don't be complaining about " We didn't have microwaves." Well, people used to ride horses and horse driven carts. I didn't have a/c all 12 years of school.....I can just about imagine going back to that today. It is supposed to be 97-98F on the first day of school. 25-30 bodies stuffed in the classroom? I'd quit.   )

But a politician unhappy because people are griping? 


Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...