Tuesday, January 30, 2024

I Receive Some Items in the Mail from a Reader

 I appreciate your concern, I really do....

But, I am okay with my faith, always have been.....And I swing wildly from time to time from a form of Calvinism, to almost a follower of Jacob Arminius. 

But my faith is, well, my business. 

Yes, I have a prayer list that I get up and pray for early in the mornings, especially for many of you. I am hoping it is doing some good. 

Yesterday in the mail, I received prayer cards, a photo of a now deceased pope, and a set of Rosary Beads. Believe it or not, I already have two sets. And I can say Hail Mary in both English and Latin....Again, I am waste of a divinity school education. 

No, even thought I appreciate the actual worship service of the " Church of Roman" I still stick to my Protestant beliefs, and will always. Heck, I am ordained within a Protestant denomination with historic ties to the Church of Scotland. 

I ask for your prayers always, especially as I have a fairly serious surgery at the end of next week. I also ask for prayers for a friend of mine who is also having a serious surgery on the same date as mine.

I appreciate your concern, I really do, but I am okay with my religious beliefs.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

I Am All Over the Place on This Topic....Razor-Wire-Illegals-WT Cornbread F?

 One of the Southern Baptist's Sunday School lessons this weekend is Colossians 3. In it Paul makes 3 basic points....

Set hearts on things above, abandon sins of your former life, and be merciful to others. 

So, I am all stirred up about the 10-12-15 million illegals that have been cross the border in the past few few years. 

How many are Cartel?

How many are here to collect government benefits?

What's this Colonia that's now in Liberty County( Between Cleveland and Dayton in Cleveland ISD) in which allegedly 60% of the adult population does not hold driver's licenses, population about 75,000? 

Then I see several of you who have posted on Facebook statements about the SCOTUS decision concerning the removal of the razor wire fence on the border of the Rio Grande. Basically is a threat to take it down.....Like any of you are actually driving the 7 hours to the Valley to do anything....

Again, I have mixed emotions....

I worry about assimilation. 

On the other hand this was the same thing they said about the Irish in the 1840s and the Italians in the early 1900s when they came to America. And a portion of my people came to the US in through Savannah, GA. ( Savannah has the second largest St. Patrick's Parade in America......An answer to a "Jeopardy" question....)

I worry about the Cartel and the drugs being smuggled into this country.

Then again, narcotics has always been simple economics.....If there was no demand, there would be no supply. 

I wonder how much of the politics involved is just " theater?" 

I wonder if the actual smart economics folks are letting all these people in because let's face facts, your sorry ass kids aren't going to work 40-60 hours a week at a chicken plant gutting chickens....Nor are they going to aspire for a career putting roofs on houses. This is an attempt to boost the labor market. 

If there was not cheap labor, how much would stuff cost? Already most of you are hurting from inflation. ( BTW- Economics tip, always keep an eye on the price of lumber, if it increases, so will everything else.)

I get really upset about there being no screening process.....I don't think you know how much time, effort and big money was spent to get our immigrant here, legally. 

Regularly, I price real estate in the UK. Liquidate. Get the hell out of here. Declare political asylum. Or just feckin' move there. The Yorkshire Dales and Sterling are looking better and better.( I am serious here folks.)

Paul was talking about being merciful to others.  We skip over the fact Joseph, Mary and Jesus had to go to Egypt to flee King Herod...... It ain't so good in where these people are coming from. Venezuela...El Salvador....Kerry and Debbie certainly don't have those places on their travel " bucket list."   Most of those coming, are coming for work, in jobs you or your sorry ass kids don't want to do... 

There are 10-12-15 million people here now folks, they ain't going home. This is going to be more of your problem than mine. 10-15 years, or less, I seriously doubt I am still above ground. 

Just something to think about on a Sunday...

Friday, January 26, 2024

I Don't Know Patrons of Buna ISD....Maybe it Doesn't Matter Anymore?

 Does you child's teacher have a certificate to teach in the State of Texas?

Hell, do they even have a degree? 

It used to be a big damn deal to have teachers with degrees and certificates in the classrooms of your Independent School District in the State of Texas. 

I keep hearing more and more about people at the high school level not having degrees. Hell, when the Buna ISD hired me, part of why was because I had attended divinity school, which was a large number of hours above my B.A. 

I know it is expensive to get a degree in 2024, I know there is a teacher shortage, but really Buna, or we to the point we can just put warm bodies into room and call it " quality education?" ( No degree, no certificate, and apparently, not trying to get either.)

Hell, my understanding is many people at the elementary and high school don't have certificates and aren't even trying to get one. 

Heck, years ago, when you went to college, you specifically got a teacher's certificate It was why you went to school, to teach....Now it seems like, well, let's try teaching school and see how that works out.

I don't know, if I was still roaming the HS halls I think I would have a hard time not making fun of those not even trying to get certified. And they wouldn't even know.....

Again, maybe I am expecting too much....

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Buna ISD Teachers and Lack of Experience?

 At Monday night's Buna ISD School Board meeting it was brought up that over 30% of the teachers in the district have less than 5 years experience. 

Many of these teachers do not have a Texas Teacher's Certificate. 

Folks, you really do not become a decent teacher until about year 5. You literally don't know what you are doing. I had taught almost 13 years before I came to Buna High School. 

And with the expected turn-over at Buna ISD, what will the faculty look like in the 24-25 school year?

One of the things brought up at the board meeting was the fact that the Texas Academic Performance Report was poor in several subjects, especially Social Studies/ History. 

Apparently gone are the days when the History/Social Studies Department scored 100% on the state exams. Then again, the History Department Chairman from "those days" is sitting in his side room writing this blog.....And he ain't coming back, nor are those people who got Buna ISD students to that 100%. 

One of the things the state of Texas wants school districts to keep track of is where did graduating students go after graduation?

31 are in college, mostly Lamar Beaumont, Lamar Orange.....and another 1/3rd, they have not a clue where they went. 

I know that the 31 seems like a low number, but today, with the cost of a college education, and often the debt involved, is college worth it? 

 I noticed the Buna High School 'Honor Roll' posted, do I dare even go there in my next blog? I'm already "on the edge" of getting a "knuckle-sammich" with about 2 dozen people....

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Bad News- Jasper Sheriff's Debate

 As you know, we plan to have to Sheriff's Debate for Jasper County, Tuesday Jan 30th, 2023. 

As of yesterday, one of the candidates has pulled out of the debate. 

Here is the letter received on the matter. 



After reviewing the guidelines put forth for the proposed upcoming debate, I am respectfully declining your offer to participate.

I believe the citizens of Jasper County deserve a completely open, unbiased and unfettered conversation on all of the important issues in this race/election but the rules laid out restrict the free flow of information in the debate and to the public.

Instead, I will continue to speak to individuals and groups throughout the county and remain open as I’ve been since declaring my candidacy to meet, discuss and answer questions, concerns and topics from anyone who wishes to have a conversation.  

This will include myself reaching out to our students and schools that have shown an interest in this election and civics. 

Additionally, I appreciate the time that you and both moderators were willing to dedicate to this event. If I can do anything for you, feel free to reach out to me. 


Chuck Havard
Jay, is Jay Sharp, publisher of the "East Texas Banner" who is sponsoring the event at Kirbyville High School. 

Because of the many wheels already turning, we plan to continue the event with one candidate, and hope to invite other candidates to appear. And continue to hope Mr. Havard changes his mind.

I know neither candidate, thus why I was asked to be a moderator of the event. I literally " Have no dog in the hunt" as I live outside the county, thus why I was asked. The questions I was to ask were standard candidate for sheriff questions, that any citizen of the State of Texas would want answered, be it Jasper, Orange, Newton, Hardin or any of the 254 Texas Counties. 
I am receiving no pay, and have already spent considerable time planning this event. 
Mr. Sharp has sent a letter in reply

Thanks for the update. 

Let me know if you change your mind by Wednesday. 


Jay Sharp
I will continue to keep you updated....

Thursday, January 18, 2024

I Am Hoping Buna Kids Are Not This Bad...

 I am jumping through hoops to get ready for back surgery next month, and this morning, I had to go and get blood work in preparation for the event. 

The testing laboratory in Orange literally, was " hanging out the windows"  as it has been said. 

Every seat was taken. 

Now, in the old days, when I was younger, I was taught to " offer your seat to the old folks, crippled people, and to ladies." 

About a third of the seats were taken up by Gen Z and Millennials. Now I am sure that some of these younger people may have needed a seat. But some of these Gen Zers were all sprawled out like they were at home in their living room, on the couch. Legs hanging over the arm rests, feet up in the seat leaving enough dirt in their chairs that you could plant corn in that chair after the left. 

Not including me, there were several older people, I know they were 75-80+ having to stand, including a couple of elderly women. 

Now, I have trouble standing as I have written, but this morning I had taken enough medication I could stand. At least for a little while.....And my appointment which was to take 10 minutes wound up being 45 minutes. Not going to lie, I was hurting at the end. And if there had been an empty seat, I would have offered it and just suffered. The ghost of my late father would have haunted me, no matter the shape I was in. I could not have lived with myself leaving an elderly lady to stand.

And not one of these younger people even considered offering their seats....

Is this no longer taught by parents? 

Are people now so entitled, especially the young people?  

Screw old people? Screw crippled folks?

I more and more understand why people don't teach. This used to be just basic manners. 

Is this normal? 

Are you seeing this too?

Saturday, January 13, 2024

So Buna / Buna ISD , Let's Do Part 2 About What's Going On-

 And concerning the blog " Where are Your Kids Going" from earlier, I omitted, on purpose, "part 2 was coming" to see reactions from the community, especially the school community. 

Buddy, we got them. 

And the reaction(s) were as I expected. Of course, the reactions were from faculty members and from the patrons. 

I was surprised that many of the patrons reactions were the same as the faculty members. 

As one person put it and I could not write it in a better way, and it was written by a member of the community....

" Sorry ass parents." " And bad fucking kids." 

And so many of the faculty put it in a way that I am going to paraphrase..... The parents see their children as doing no wrong. 

You know, I saw a video by Brett Cooper( I agree with about as many videos she posts as I disagree with, but this one was " spot on.") concerning Tweens and these 9-13 year olds wrecking Sephora  stores....and the in general rude behaviour by these Tweens. ( Men, I didn't know either, but Sephora are high end make-up stores)( And I spelled behaviour with a " u" on accident, too much British influence. Deb does it too more and more....I spelled tire " Tyre" the other day writing Deb in a text, she wrote back " tyre.")

A number of teachers wrote yesterday and said..." I'm done." And we are talking about teachers who are pretty damn good instructors, and want to teach the kids of South Jasper County. 

As one faculty member put it...."So much of the trouble not only is parents not thinking their ' darling's ' do no wrong, but the cliques in Buna in which there are double standards." 

The worst trouble I have gotten into writing the blog concerns the Buna " clique." I am telling you people, I have taught in 3 small districts before I came to Buna, And while all 3 had " cliques" None, let me repeat, NONE are as bad as Buna's. The others can be cracked, can be joined. Buna's generally cannot unless you go to the right church, have the right last name, OR have some sort of power that other people want to use or abuse.....Or they may need you in the future. 

I have been told that at least 6 people are retiring at the junior high......That does not include those already looking at other school districts, seeking employment with outside of Buna ISD. And a number have started putting applications/resumes in elsewhere. I can just about guess how many are at the HS and the elementary. 

So many husbands and wives are telling their spouses to resign from the Buna ISD. "Financially, they'll somehow make it work. "

And yes, there are teachers that suck at all three campuses. There were teachers who sucked when I was was there. Hell, I often made fun of them in class.( I should have been fired) It's not like I was going to sit by them in church.....Or drink whiskey with them. Y'all know good and well, I am friends with very, very few people I worked with, and yes, teaching is a job. And most people at the job-site are co-workers, not your friends. They'll screw you over in a heartbeat. And the ones I am friends with are few and far between. They're on my prayer list. And that's a very short list....Former student's list is quite long. 

And some are there because of the " clique." Someplace else they would have been reassigned....Or let go. 

I know there are faculty members trying to " get the hell out of Dodge" because of administration. "Too many chiefs and not enough Indians" as they now not "woke" saying was often expressed. Too many rules, too much micromanagement from people that have not been in the classroom in 20+ years....Or they only taught school the grand total of 3 years before they got into administration. They are dumbing down the curriculum.The lessons the leadership wants taught amounts to " Puff pieces" as one person called them. 

Then, there is the politics involved in teaching, yes politics. There are political leaders who go after teachers saying there is " indoctrination" going on. 

Again, when, with everything else, does a teacher in Jasper County have time for that? And indoctrination goes both ways. As an economics teacher, was I not supposed to teach the benefits of capitalism? Say what you want, THAT'S indoctrination. And not every parent believes in total laissez-faire capitalism. And the Texas State Capitol Building is full of people who believe that is what should be taught. If we teach it, how is that not indoctrination? And I believe in capitalism. But total laissez-faire would do away with Social Security, Medicare, Teacher Retirement System.....etc....And I've paid INTO all 3....FOR years...Yes, again, teachers pay into our retirement.....Every damn paycheck. 

So, I will stop here or this blog will become a 10,000 word thesis. 

I know some teachers suck, but you know, most are good, some are great. You may want to cut them some slack.


Friday, January 12, 2024

Where Are Your Kids Going Buna/Buna ISD?????

 This information is not from the people in the school business, rather people who either have kids in Buna or they were in the Buna Public Schools. 

School just started back for the kids on Tuesday, and word is that at the schools, they are busy, busy, checking kids out, either for homeschool, Or moving to other school districts.....Evadale, LCM, Silsbee, Kirbyville, even Vidor......Really? VISD? 

As one parent explained to me, " I don’t know what’s happening to Buna but these aren’t the schools my girls went to for XX years. I just checked my son out to be homeschooled as well. I’m over the BS."

I had one parent tell me, " I never thought KISD would be better than Buna. But my husband and me are moving."

And still another parent summed it up this way. " My kids are learning nothing." " They're just playing up there.....You and Taucer, Boyd, even Milstead and Miss Simmons are gone......They need to move Stanley back to teach."

What is going on Buna ISD? 

Is it the teachers?

Is it the on campus administration? 

Is it the Supt. of Schools?

Is it the new rules established by the State of Texas?

Is it the school board?

Is it the other kids?

Is it all the above?

I know I am hearing from members of all 3 campuses faculty and will write a future blog on their concerns.  

Patrons are not happy folks, and leadership doesn't understand. They've got to remember, parents pay the bills. ( Taxes)



Wednesday, January 10, 2024

So, I Owe My Readers An Explanation

  So, yesterday I asked for prayers on Facebook.

As many of you know, I have had back pain for years, just pretty much lived with it. 

It's got to the point I can no longer stand up straight, and can no longer stand more than 5-10 minutes. I am in so much pain even with medication I am no longer sleeping, I am in so much pain, I often vomit. ( I've become a fan of lower end "edibles." They literally along with my pain meds have kept me going. And I need to write a blog on why we need to push for legalization if anything, marijuana.)

My spine and the nerves are causing havoc on everything from my waist down. I sometimes feel aroused even though nothing at that time is happening, nor is there any form of stimulation. It makes me feel like I am 14 years old and back in high school.  I have sudden urges to go to the bathroom. My toes often feel like they are on fire. And various parts, just hurt, often badly.

The entire situation has effected me mentally, and since I retired, well, I've been the happiest, for the longest period, in my life until this back business.

I visited a spine surgeon last month and this weekend made the " executive decision" to go ahead and have back surgery. 

I think the thing that made me decide to " go ahead" was two thing, I can no long travel in this shape, and the other day, I was in so much pain, I was thinking " death might be a good alternative."

It is scheduled for next month. 

Yes, it will be in Houston at the Texas Orthopedic Hospital. Yes, the surgeon is affiliated with the Fondren Clinic. 

And my concern?

I have had two similar back surgeries in the past, and neither really worked. That said, it was a number of years ago and I am hoping that the process is better than when I had the original operations. I am to the point I am almost desperate. And I want to go to Iceland in the next 10-15 months. Heck, I really want to go to Canterbury and see the Archbishop. ( The Archbishop of York conducted Evensong Prayer services when we were there this past Easter. They are the second ranking minister in the Church of England.) I want to go to an English Premier League Match. I have been to the Universities in Cambridge, Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Trinity University, but never Oxford.....I don't know, I've still not been to several other places I would like to visit.

I know someone will get all bent out of shape about "Our world travel.....y'all must be rich."

No, we spend on what we like. We have a small house, I drive a 14 year old Honda beater, Deb has a 7 year old Subaru, we are very frugal with our lifestyle, we don't spend money. Don't gamble, don't go to ballgames, don't eat a great deal at fancy restaurants, avoid debt like the plague, we don't run strange women or men( We're very serious about our vows), the only thing I spend money on, or used to do so, was clothes, but now, I have a closet full of clothes and really do not have anyplace to go to anymore.

So, over the next 4-5 weeks, if you will, keep me in your prayers. I am trying to keep comfortable until the surgery.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Arrest in Cristi Ruso Murder

 A member of the Buna HS Class of 2012 was arrested last night for the murder of Cristi Ruso. 

I know the person arrested, not well, but knew them.

Here are links to the story.

- KBMT Channel 12

- KJAS Radio-107.3FM 

- KFDM Channel 6 

I know many of us wondered if this case was going to remain unsolved. And sometimes, it is not like the First 48 Hours, it takes time to solve cases. They're not "wrapped-up" in hours or even days time. It is often a slow process. 

Again, prayers for the family, I know it'll never be the same, but perhaps this will help towards some sort of closure.


Thursday, January 4, 2024

Buna, Not Going to Lie....I Got Nervous

 Being retired is a great job. Seriously it is. I forgot how much " life" I was missing when I was teaching school....Then again, it is the same with pretty much any job.

The other day, I got to talking to two different teachers, one still in Buna, another in a similar school district. Both with a just few years to retirement. 

In both cases, both teacher were dreading like " never before" as one put it, the start of school after the Christmas Break. ( Winter Break for you fancy folks.)

Hell, one told me that they had thrown up they had gotten so anxious. 

I know before school started in the Fall I got " anxious" but for the most part, I was " Ready to go." I wanted to see what kind of seniors I was going to have in class. ( Pretty good kids? Or Knot-heads? 9 times out of 10, Knot-heads.)

Right before we started back for the Spring Semester I always had a bit of a dread, but mainly it was because I had to teach economics in the Spring....And say what you will, economics is dry as a desert sands. You can't hardly "jazz it up." 

Even though I tried to do so....Heck, I went to an AP Macroeconomics and AP Microeconomics courses during the summer in an attempt to become better at teaching the class. The person teaching was allegedly the best AP Economics teacher in the nation.......The class was horrid. She was regularly losing a guy in the course with a M.A. in economics from UT-Austin who only taught AP Economics at Austin High, in Austin ISD. And I knew we were in trouble when I had to explain to him concepts " we ain't learning nuthin' in here."( Say what you want, be proud of your Lamar education. I worried about it until I went to theological school and was in there with Texas, Baylor, A&M grads, etc and discovered, hell, I'm as smart and as well educated as you fancy boys. Maybe a little better prepared.)

But back to the teachers, and their dread. 

Schools are rapidly changing folks, and not for the good. Kids, parents, administration has changed. People are more demanding. There are more exams, more rules, and more paperwork than ever before. 

Fewer and fewer people are going into teaching, and who can blame them? People are leaving and retiring from the school business as quick as they can. I don't think you know how many times I hear from present teachers saying, " I have X years until I can retire."

I've not felt this way in quite a while, but I got nervous about going back to school, after speaking to these two teachers. And I don't have to go back. 

I seriously wonder what schools like the Buna ISD will look like, in 5-10-20 years?

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...