Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Drinking Baptist?

 Of course you know my favorite joke.....

When you go fishing with Baptists, why do you carry two of them?

If you only take one, they'll drink all the beer-

Heard from a person all upset about a Baptist , on a church staff, they see out at honky-tonks, and then up on the pulpit on Sunday morning....

Come on, there are certain things, certain jobs, well, you act in a different way. 

I know how Baptist youth are, I was one. We are not " pure as the driven snow." 

We did some questionable stuff. 

But as an adult I realized, the Baptists were not for me, especially since I attended one of their seminaries and really saw what they stood for, and decided to change my denomination affiliation. 

And couldn't be happier. 

And the Baptists " make up" stories like in the Book of John when Jesus " turned the water into wine" the wine was like Welch's Grape Juice. 

Yeah, tell yourself 1st Century Jews are drinking " Grape Juice" at a wedding. 

And BTW, theological scholars are not sure where Canaan actually was.....If someone tells you it's " here." They really don't know. It's like Jacob's Well, it was 300 years before they decided where it was in what is now the West Bank.....Maybe it was there.....Maybe not.  

But if you're going to hold a position in a church in which the denomination traditionally is anti-drinking, well, you need to either get out of that position, or switch denominations.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Ex-Students, Other Readers, We Need to Talk.....

 After yesterdays post by a former student of mine on FB, concerning the sexual deviancy of her cat. ( It since has been taken down)

Well, we need to talk. 

There are certain thing that well, need to remain private in your life. 

And talking in great detail concerning your cat's perverted habits, well,  is not one I personally want to see on Facebook. Especially talking about the cat's habit as you called it of " rimming other cats." And you finding it somewhat, " interesting."

It's always the quiet, shy, nerdy ones isn't it?

Either they stay that way, or just go wild after school. 

Look, I wound up in college in a 300 level class called " Deviant Behavior" my first semester in college being taught by a deviant. ( The professor we are certain, went mad because he was involved with gas chamber executions in Colorado when he worked for the Bureau of Prisons in Colorado.....) I am not sure how I did....

It was eye opening......And a sweet, innocent, religious, kid from Orange County has been going downhill ever since. 

Look, and I am going to reiterate this once again....

Whatever you and your " Significant Other"  do in your bedroom is your business.

I don't care if you are LGBTQ whatever, I don't care. I really don't. 

You want to rim, you want to chain each other up, you want to go ATM, you want to be a "Gimp" and dress up and be put in a lock-box, hell, have at it. ( If you don't know, look it up, in the " Urban Dictionary.")

That said, there are things I just don't want to know.....and for the most part, nor does anyone else. 

You need to keep certain things private.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Still Upset Buna?

 I have gotten 3 messages from people who missed the last blog on the non-certified teachers and the letter they received from the district concerning those instructors. 

None were happy. 


Trouble is, there are no short solutions to the problem. 

There really isn't a shortage of teachers, there really isn't. The problem is, no one wants the job. 

Why would anyone in their right mind today want to teach?

Hell, my certification is still valid and  I wouldn't teach today for all the " Gold in China." ( They hold 6% of the world reserves.)

And as I have said, in the past, and will continue to do so....If you don't like what is going on, vote for change in the board. There are 4 board seats up for election this November. 

Go to the board meeting. 

I understand there is a full slate of people running. ( Again, I am not helping anyone run, nor have I endorsed anyone for office.....( I am not going to help, I would go full bore, Donald Segretti and "ratfucking"...I know where some bodies are buried, and may at some point dig them up.....Look it up if you don't know.)  

If you're happy, for to keep those running in office. 

I don't know, I have heard from a couple of serious people and when I mean serious, people of note, who are talking about just " cleaning house." 

Including administrators. 

I've been in a district that did that.....It was a mess, but they came out better in the end. 

But it was ugly for a while.




Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Buna Parents ( And Others) Did You Receive this Letter( Or Email)?

 Had not planned to blog again today, when I received a photo of a letter from Buna Schools. 

It seems that one of their child's teachers was without a teacher's certificate. They were not happy about it. And who can blame them?

This was at the secondary level. 

I know it is hard to get people who want to teach school. I know. Why'd you think I went ahead and took "early retirement?" ( I had my points in, and it was enough. I could feel the entire thing changing. The kids, the parents, the administration.....)

In the letter, the administrator explains that the teacher has a bachelor's degree and is...

" Very knowledgeable in their subject area......" 

Whatever the hell that means? 

If they know their subject, tell us how many hours in the field they are teaching does this person have? 

Example, I have 81 hours in the Social Studies area. ( In the old days, and I still think it is the same at Lamar, it takes 30 hours to get a degree in a field. And I think UT-Austin still requires 30 hours of a bachelor's degree. And it got "out of control" for the ole Govteach, thus 81 hours.)

 And, they are working on their certification through an " alternative program." Which means, they really didn't want to teach when the graduated from school,  but I need a job.....

More and more people are graduating from colleges with degree that, normally you would go ahead and get a teacher's certification, because you knew you were going to be in the classroom.

( Apparently, some are claiming they are certified? But are not????? This is according to parents.)

I don't know. 

44% of teachers quit the first 5 years. 80% are looking elsewhere for work. Teaching isn't for the faint of heart. 

And then again, I had someone tell me the other day, that 80% of teachers at the secondary are not doing anything, and that their kids aren't learning a damn thing. (I need to address this.....Make everyone mad at me.)

People, the world, kids, heck everything is changing, quickly and you see it every day. 

It's getting harder and harder to find people to " deal with your kids." And it is hard to do. ( Deal with kids....and parents....and administrators.....)

And I am afraid it is going to get worse.....Before it gets better..... If it ever does....

I am wondering what teaching, schools, education will look like in 10 years?

Monday, August 19, 2024

Last Day!

 Today, August 19th, is the last day to " Throw your hat into the ring" if you plan to run for either election or re-election to the Buna Independent School District's Board of Trustees( The School Board.)

Here is the link to the information, election packet page-




Saturday, August 17, 2024

Boys, We Gotta Talk.......

 And when I refer to " Boys" this is how I would address you if you are in my friend group....And have for 60+ years, so don't get all "Woke" and be offended. 

I know the "dress code" for people has changed. I understand that. 

But damn, just damn......What the hell?

Was at a funeral, and folks wearing shorts so damn short.....Men and women.....One younger lady had on shorts so short, I was tempted to ask her " How much?" 

I know it's hot. It's Southeast Texas. It has been hot in August for almost 67 years that I know of. 

I was the only person in the joint wearing a coat and tie, and that includes the minister who spoke. 

And I felt bad about the suit I was wearing. Wondered if it was nice enough?

Now, you don't have to dress like I do. I often wear a sports coat when I go to the doctor's office.  

But guys, some of you need to find a shower, use a little Old Spice deodorant. 

And don't tell me you can't afford it. I've seen the vehicle you are driving.

And the girl you are with, why isn't she saying something? Perhaps she is?

Inside a church, take off your damn baseball cap. I know I've been in European Cathedrals, older men were wearing caps because, well, it was about 50F even with the heat on inside the church....But you're in the United States, our etiquette is a little different, take off your damn cap, damn cowboy hat.....

And the shoes you are wearing. Some of you are wearing sneakers, worth more than everything else you have on....And some you are wearing shoes/especially boots that, well, you don't have to order Saphir Oxblood Pate de Lux shoe polish from France like I do, but a cheap can of Kiwi polish from Wal-Mart will work wonders. ( If you ever go to the "dark side" and buy Saphir polish, the Medaille d'Or in Navy Blue works great on Black shoes/Boots. Makes them " Pop." I polish my wife's black shoes with it.)

And wear a shirt with sleeves. I don't, nor does anyone else, want to see you armpit hair. 

I don't know. Maybe I am expecting too much?


Friday, August 16, 2024

"You'll Own Nuthin'....And Be Happy"

 I keep looking at the economic indicators, and well, I think they are lying to us. 

And I don't think either side, be it right or left would, tell us the truth.

And you've got to remember with the intervention of the Federal Reserve( The Fed) with the interest rate, there is always politics involved with economy. 

And I full expect the " The Fed" and Jay Powell( Chairman of the Fed) to drop the interest rate at least half a point at their September meeting. 

And that could be an election drop in an attempt to sway the election. 

I don't know. Something is not right. 

There are increasing lay-offs, especially in the auto industry, yet, claims of unemployment are down.

Maybe they are better, but I am not seeing it. 

Prices are still high. 

There are still folks struggling. Yet Wallyworld is saying their earnings are up. Maybe it's because people can only afford to shop at Wal-Mart. Like that wasn't the way it was in the past? I wonder how much of the profits are coming from the shop at home business?

In the UK, the " High Street" as they call the business district of the towns/cities is dead if not already dying, Amazon, other shop at home businesses have killed the local businesses. 

In the UK and Ireland, they are having anti-immigrant riots. In places I never thought there would be rioting. 

And the population this country is stagnant. It's why the government is allowing in the immigrants. I'm not kidding. Need future "worker bees."

That said, the people looking for jobs, often can't find work. Especially in white collar jobs. There were even fewer teacher job openings this year than there were last year, as people who couldn't find a job, but had a college degree went into teaching for a steady paycheck. ( As soon as they find out about teaching, or the white collar job area gets better, they'll leave the classroom. And sadly, most will probably do more harm than good in education. We are in the " warm body" phase of teaching right now.....) 

I don't know maybe we are sure enough being "set up" for the World Economic Forum and the theory " You will own nothing, and be happy." ( This was from an essay written by a Danish politician Ida Auken. ) You need to read some of her stuff and go, " What the actual cornbread fuck?" 

And then, the stuff I have been watching reading about AI is literally scaring the mess out of me. ( And both my son and daughter in law are working hard to go into AI, heck, they're already there.) Not kidding here, sooner than you know, you are going to be out of a job due to AI/robotics.

I don't know, perhaps I am better off being toward the end than the start. I seriously worry about the Gen Z and Gen Alpha kids coming up.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Students, Teachers, Patrons, Admins., at Buna ISD, H*ll Every School.....School Starts Tomorrow!

 Dear Gentle Readers,

Yes, this blog is not JUST about Buna Schools, but most of the people reading it will have some sort of affiliation with the district. 

(And all of sudden the computer decides I need to listen to Cee-Lo Green and " I'll Be Around."  )

Tomorrow, school starts and even though I've been retired for years, I am somewhat antsy. Like I got to go at it tomorrow. 

And thankful, I don't have to go tomorrow. 

Teachers, and you knew I was going to address you, do the best you can. I still say many of you are foreordained for the job. Hate to "go all Calvinist" as my late grandfather would say, even though I say I am not, but have those tendencies....

I know this is often hard with some of the knot-heads in the class, but love you kids. In many cases you will be the only stable adult person they see all day long. 

Yes, I taught seniors, and teaching seniors is well, different. I said and did things I wouldn't even dream of saying and doing to underclassmen......But seniors, well, they are " Grown-ass people." I am sorry, but even though they are not out in the world, most will turn 18 sometime during the school year, and I was rough on them, knowing my class was a transition, that said, in the end, I became very attached to them, and more than once teared up after graduation on the drive home. It is just human nature. Many, of mine, I will never see again. 

This said, we understand you wanting to leave. Teaching is not what it once was. The world has changed and education, and those who run it, have not kept up. I am afraid it is going to be worse, if it ever gets better. 

I've got a few ex-students who are now principals. And while I doubt they read this blog, I am going to say what they need to hear or learn....Let your teachers teach. The vets are going to know what to do before you realize. And help out your new ones. Treat them as adults. You leave them alone and they'll generally take care of you. 

Students, enjoy school. Seriously, it will end sooner than you think and then, you'll be in the " real world" and it doesn't play. School in many cases watches over you, and takes care of you. 

And parents, enjoy you kids while they're at home, they might wind up like mine and live in Asia for 5 years when they grow up. 

Patrons- Buna ISD is in a state of flux. There are so many parents upset, and I hear from them every day....Let me repeat what I just wrote...." Every damn day." 

And a lot of people ain't happy.....More than you know......

And some of the stories I hear I go, " What the cornbread feck is going on up there?" 

Many of you are calling for change. If you do, vote that way in the board elections. I understand there is going to be a full slate. 

On the other hand, you are pleased with what is going on in Buna, vote for the incumbency. 

Either way, get involved.  Feckin' vote.....Local politics is retail politics. You can actually talk to your local elected official.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Ominous....At Buna Schools?


Websters Dictionary defines it as:  being or exhibiting an omen, or, foreshadowing evil. 

Oxford English Dictionary defines it as: suggestive of future misfortune. 

That is the term people in the know are using the describe the coming year in Buna ISD. And it is strange because that term is being used by multiple sources.

Damn. I've had bad damn years. I almost killed an entire 5th period class back in 2009. ( Actually, I kind of like them, they lined right up into my sarcasm wheelhouse.)

But, something is going on at Buna. 

I have suspicions. I know there has been a "gag order" to use a legal term on faculty not to talk to an outside source(s) about what is going on at the school.....That of course will backfire and make people want to talk. 

This morning, already I have heard from a patron upset about spending and where the hell the money is going? And had questions. 

As always, even if I don't answer you, I take your problem, your issue, seriously. Sometimes folks, I just don't have the time. And I apologize for that. 

If you have problems, issues, just want to get something off your chest about what is going on at the school, let me know.....I NEVER and let me reiterate that, NEVER reveal sources. I will always keep your name out of the mix. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

I Understand...Economics Question Buna ISD.......

 So Buna ISD is not eligible for free lunches and free breakfast under the CEP Federal Government Program. That's where everyone gets free meals, rich or poor. 

LCM, Vidor, Silsbee, Kirbyville are all eligible......

Buna is not. 

 Have we been told well, for almost 40 years that I know of that Buna ISD is a poor district, I was told off the record by a administrator that Buna doesn't " Have a pot to piss in." Is that in truth a lie? For years, Buna ISD was the poorest paying school district in Region V. I literally made peanuts when I was at Buna. And while the pay is better, it is not to the point to attract the best and brightest to the classroom.

Are people just not signing up for free meals, even if they are eligible? The old "pride factor?"

And if we are now rich, why not put a bond out and build a new stadium over on the new Educational megacomplex off FM 253?

That's the long goal isn't it? Put the school near the football field? ( That said, Dayton has the stadium in town away from the school 3 1/2 miles,  and Llano has their stadium down the road about 1 mile from the high school. Both are turf.)

Sometimes it is easier to leave stuff where it is. And cheaper.

I've been looking at the cost of grass versus a turf field and in the long run, the upkeep, cost of a grass field is so much more in this day and age than a turf field. ( Then again, there is the injury factor to consider with a turf field vs a grass field.)

I don't know, the math ain't mathing this morning....

Just stuff to ponder on a Friday....

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tattoos- I Spoke Too Soon

 Dear Gentle Readers,

It happens. 

I get ahead of a story before it is "set in stone."

It is now my understand that the board has decided AGAINST tattoos....The word on nose rings, well, the jury is still out.( Don't plan on those either)

And, I am not shocked. 

Sorry, if I got your hopes up, but according to the  source...

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Changes to Classes at Buna ISD? And Do the Parents, Students Know?

 Dear Gentle Reader,

You are often reminded by this author, and once again, that, every job is just that, a job. You would like to think it is better, and in the school business, you are often told that " We are a family."

In reality, it is just like every other place of employment. It is a place in which you do your work, to get the your paycheck on the 20th of the month. ( That's payday in Buna ISD) You have seen teachers let go by the Buna Schools because the school was having economic troubles. 

I often wonder if many changes by the Buna ISD revolves around financial troubles. Poor decisions? Not planning for future economic troubles? Just not 'salting away for hard times?' 

- It seems that the advanced culinary classes in the morning at Buna High School are going to be required to go to the cafeteria in the morning to help prepare lunches, rather than be in a classroom setting learning how to cook. 

There have been question if it was even legal to put 15 kids in the lunchroom along with the ladies who are actually hired to prepare lunch? And will these ladies be required to supervise the student? 

Is this a first move to "do away with" the ladies in the lunchroom? If not all, some? Many of  the ladies,which, who have worked in that profession for years. Is this an economics move? If so, does the Board of Trustees know? 

( Working in the school cafeterias is serious business. They are always among the cleanest places to eat in the county. When the health inspector comes through, they are those who score 100 on their health inspections. And they take pride in their cleanliness. And on a shoestring budget, it has been my experience, they turn out some dadgum tasty meals.)

But, I digress.

The teacher of the class has until September 1st to have all of her students pass the " Safe Serve Certification."( An exam)

It seems several of the students in the class, are academically challenged, are on various academic disability/special needs programs as prescribed by the federal government and in the past, has taken the instructor until the Spring of the school year to get these students ready to pass the exam. Now, they have to pass the test, 13 days after school begins. 

The exams themselves cost the Buna ISD a lot of money, and while the government reimburses the district for kids who pass, in the past,not everyone passes. 

Allegedly, culinary classes are being moved to a class that was used for STEM classes and there was some question if there were even stoves, sinks, ice boxes, microwaves in the class, and supposedly, a board member was asked about the move and a re-model for the culinary course. And I was told they knew nothing about it. 

The morning classes are different classes than what the kids sign up for, and what the parents understood the classes were going to be.....You know, you signed up for "Government Classes" with Mr. Thomas, you were going to get ISMs, then British Backgrounds,the US Constitution, the Amendments( Bill of Rights) in that order of lessons....In Economics, you were going to get Microeconomics, with Supply and Demand to start the course. 

And I worry about the ladies working in the cafeteria. Many of whom I know. What extra duties are going to be added to their job? Are their positions in peril? 

Are we looking to "do away" with the culinary program?  It is a CTE program.

We keep hearing Buna ISD is in economic trouble......Is this just a sign of even more things to come?

Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Personal Request to My Ex-Students, Buna People-

 Dear Gentle Reader,

It almost got real here earlier today. 

I had someone come to the house, and the way they acted, well, it was questionable. They parked in the drive, and walked around the house, well, in a way, that looked like they were up to 'no good.' The door to their vehicle was left open like they didn't want me to hear a door close.

I grabbed a heater with hollow-points, and my cell phone. 

They would up ringing the door bell, which is my front door, everyone, USPS, UPS, etc, all visitors use the kitchen door which is near the drive. 

I opened the door with the heater in my right hand, and the hammer cocked. 

I am sorry, they just did not look right. And did not act right.

Come to find out, they were coming to ask about  a wedding. 

They had not called, texted, it was a white male by himself, not well dressed, no female in tow. Male and female together, you can look and tell, holding hands, arms around each other, other indicators. You just know. Plus, they have paperwork in their hands.

I asked them to leave. I wasn't interested. Not going to lie, it scared me.

I called the person who sent them, to be sure if they were who they said. 

They were. And the Buna person, a former student, had given them both my cell number and my address. 

The person who had told them about me had told them to contact me first, and the person did not. 

Please person who gave out my info....Don't assume, especially with someone I do not know. 

I live in the woods. Unless you are delivery, family, or someone I know, you shouldn't be here unannounced. People who come here unknown or unannounced in my neighborhood are up to no good.  Even law enforcement know to call, or in the evening, turn their red and blue lights on in Lemonville. I am shocked my neighbor didn't turn the German Shepherds loose, or the other one come over with a 12 gauge pump. ( And my neighbors know my family, and the dogs know the kids and grandmas. The German Shepherds love my Mom.)

I am more than happy to officiate a wedding. For ex-students I do them for whatever you feel like giving me, or as I say, " Whatever you think she is worth." Some of you have bought some nice meals in Europe. Some of you have funded 2 weeks worth of meals in England. Others have given me a nice box of cheroots, an excellent bottle of Irish.

And others, well, I've done it for gratis. 

Some of my proudest moments has been marrying my former students. As a person who believe in the institution of marriage, I am thrilled to perform the ceremony.   

But please, don't send strangers to my home. At least without me knowing they are coming.




Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...