I don't know. We go through growing pains in this nation like no other.
We are a country that is a melting pot like no other. You know, you can go anyplace in this country and see people from all over the world. Heck, of every race,creed, background.
I don't know how many of you have traveled around the world, but go to China, you only see, Chinese.....Go to Scotland, you see " Blue-eyes" everyplace.
I spent 30 years of my life trying to be fair. I really did. Whether your dad was my boss or you were an orphan, I tried to treat you right, heck, I may have treated the orphan even better.
We're going through growing pains again. It happened in the 1960s.
I know some of you are upset about looters, and there are always people who take advantage of a situation.
I often wonder if we'll ever get everything somewhat "fair" in this nation?
Perhaps not.
I am hoping things will get better, and change for the better. ( I know some of you are scared of change, the future)
I seriously wonder what we'll look like in 20 years.....Hell, I wonder if I'll be around to see?
Friday, May 29, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Sad, Just Sad, I Caught Hell, Merica Back to Space, HBO, Hookers in Switzerland
I am sad, just sad when I look at some of you posts.
It is like you've been burned so bad by some significant other in your life, well, you cannot get over it.
Makes me wonder what kind of bullet I dodged, and what a blessing I got, for someone to put up with my lunacy.
-I got an ugly message from someone who was upset about a GIF I posted in which a boy tells a girl, " Can I keep you?" Somehow the girl was personal property. I don't know, but I am pretty sure my wife felt/feels about the same way.
- If you've not been paying attention Space X is sending two U.S. astronauts back into space, this afternoon, weather permitting. NASA trained astronauts. I posted a link on my Facebook with the live feed.
- HBO Max started today, the competition with Disney+, Netflix, Prime, etc.....Nope, don't need to watch anything of HBO's. I have enough. GOT? Boardwalk Empire? Pass.
- Finally, hookers in Switzerland are back in business, but they can only perform 2 sex positions/acts, and must have nose/mouth covered at all times...
Well, we know what act is out of the question....
It is like you've been burned so bad by some significant other in your life, well, you cannot get over it.
Makes me wonder what kind of bullet I dodged, and what a blessing I got, for someone to put up with my lunacy.
-I got an ugly message from someone who was upset about a GIF I posted in which a boy tells a girl, " Can I keep you?" Somehow the girl was personal property. I don't know, but I am pretty sure my wife felt/feels about the same way.
- If you've not been paying attention Space X is sending two U.S. astronauts back into space, this afternoon, weather permitting. NASA trained astronauts. I posted a link on my Facebook with the live feed.
- HBO Max started today, the competition with Disney+, Netflix, Prime, etc.....Nope, don't need to watch anything of HBO's. I have enough. GOT? Boardwalk Empire? Pass.
- Finally, hookers in Switzerland are back in business, but they can only perform 2 sex positions/acts, and must have nose/mouth covered at all times...
Well, we know what act is out of the question....
Monday, May 25, 2020
A Racist Blog?
I am going to see if I can write this blog and not get into too much trouble.
The write of this blog got to looking at the graduates of the University of Texas.
Not those in the Master's programs, but the other colleges, just as a curiosity.
The reason why is this, I could not teach in an urban setting in this state. I could not.
I noticed the number of kids who graduated with my son in his program and the number of kids with Indian and African surnames, well, it was a nightmare of vowels and consonants. Hell, I understand why so many of them given themselves English first names like my Chinese family. ( Somehow I have no trouble with Chinese and Islamic surnames)
I thought it was the program Reid was in, a fairly exclusive program, and STEM degree.( SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING MATH) And he leans that way.
So, as I eluded to earlier in this blog, I started looking at the other schools.
I looked at two I know fairly well, the Liberal Arts ( History, Gubmint, English, Economics etc...) and the Department of Education.....Yes, there were Smith's and Jones' and Macmillan's. But they were only about 40% of the departments. ( I was amazed how many of the " education" majors were " Sport Management" majors, all I could think of was, " How many of these do we need?" In the Liberal Arts, they were mostly " Economics" majors and " Government" majors, not shock there. The English majors look how they did in the 70s......And you would be hard pressed to find a History major........But even here, they were not Anglo-Saxon names....We're talking about undergrad degrees here.
Here goes the really racist part.
Is this now the University of Texas? Or is this now indicative of where the brain power is located in state?
And don't give me well, A&M this, A&M that, A&M still has an undergrad acceptance rate of 70+%. The acceptance rate at UT is in the 35%.
As I have said and most of you " Ostrich with head in sand" ignore what I am saying, Texas is changing. Changing dramatically.
This is not a rural state anymore. I know you live in Jasper, or Newton or Hardin or Orange Counties and can't see this anymore. There is an HEB Super Store East of Barber's Hill in what was a rice and soybean field.....Next time you drive to Houston, see how "citified" East of Baytown is becoming. Pretty soon, it is going to be suburbs to the Old and Lost River. Hell, it already is....
Heck, A&M knows the state is changing. The MBA program at A&M actively recruited my daughter in law. She accepted and they call her about 2-3 times a week. You can't tell me, " Zhou" in her name didn't have something to do with that.
I know I shouldn't be, but even I was surprised by the lack of Anglo-Saxon surnamed grads at UT-Austin. I know I shouldn't have been, but I was. I still live in a somewhat isolated portion of the state.
If I make it another 10-15-20 years, I will be interested to see what becomes of Texas. I am afraid I will have to shamefully call myself a racist. Texas won't be the Texas of my youth.....But then, I am somewhat a historian. Nothing stays the same. And we really shouldn't want it to.
Hell, my grandkids will probably have the surname Zhou-Thomas, and in reality, I'm okay with it.
The write of this blog got to looking at the graduates of the University of Texas.
Not those in the Master's programs, but the other colleges, just as a curiosity.
The reason why is this, I could not teach in an urban setting in this state. I could not.
I noticed the number of kids who graduated with my son in his program and the number of kids with Indian and African surnames, well, it was a nightmare of vowels and consonants. Hell, I understand why so many of them given themselves English first names like my Chinese family. ( Somehow I have no trouble with Chinese and Islamic surnames)
I thought it was the program Reid was in, a fairly exclusive program, and STEM degree.( SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING MATH) And he leans that way.
So, as I eluded to earlier in this blog, I started looking at the other schools.
I looked at two I know fairly well, the Liberal Arts ( History, Gubmint, English, Economics etc...) and the Department of Education.....Yes, there were Smith's and Jones' and Macmillan's. But they were only about 40% of the departments. ( I was amazed how many of the " education" majors were " Sport Management" majors, all I could think of was, " How many of these do we need?" In the Liberal Arts, they were mostly " Economics" majors and " Government" majors, not shock there. The English majors look how they did in the 70s......And you would be hard pressed to find a History major........But even here, they were not Anglo-Saxon names....We're talking about undergrad degrees here.
Here goes the really racist part.
Is this now the University of Texas? Or is this now indicative of where the brain power is located in state?
And don't give me well, A&M this, A&M that, A&M still has an undergrad acceptance rate of 70+%. The acceptance rate at UT is in the 35%.
As I have said and most of you " Ostrich with head in sand" ignore what I am saying, Texas is changing. Changing dramatically.
This is not a rural state anymore. I know you live in Jasper, or Newton or Hardin or Orange Counties and can't see this anymore. There is an HEB Super Store East of Barber's Hill in what was a rice and soybean field.....Next time you drive to Houston, see how "citified" East of Baytown is becoming. Pretty soon, it is going to be suburbs to the Old and Lost River. Hell, it already is....
Heck, A&M knows the state is changing. The MBA program at A&M actively recruited my daughter in law. She accepted and they call her about 2-3 times a week. You can't tell me, " Zhou" in her name didn't have something to do with that.
I know I shouldn't be, but even I was surprised by the lack of Anglo-Saxon surnamed grads at UT-Austin. I know I shouldn't have been, but I was. I still live in a somewhat isolated portion of the state.
If I make it another 10-15-20 years, I will be interested to see what becomes of Texas. I am afraid I will have to shamefully call myself a racist. Texas won't be the Texas of my youth.....But then, I am somewhat a historian. Nothing stays the same. And we really shouldn't want it to.
Hell, my grandkids will probably have the surname Zhou-Thomas, and in reality, I'm okay with it.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Gretchen Scoggins
For those of you who did not know, Gretchen Scoggins is retiring this year.
I'll be honest, it doesn't seem possible. It just seems like she started with us in Buna ISD, well, no time ago.
But the years fly by. Hell, I will start year 10 retired in August. And this may or may not shock, you while at times, I miss the kids, but the rest of the bull, well, I do not. And now, my job is, " What do I want to do today?" " Who do I get to piss off?" And some of you take the bait.....And I just string you along.....Good times......
But again, I digress.
I know, Mr. Taucer and I have about 200 " Gretchen Scoggins stories" and it'd take us about 2 days to tell them, but the circumstances of the age keeps us from doing a " Scoggins' Retrospective."
I'm not going to tell you, but Buna's History Chair and Science Chair were more than a little sad when she went into administration at another school district.
And she retires working in the " Big House" at Lumberton ISD. ( She's Coordinator of Special Programs/ Communication)
Enjoy retirement my friend. You've earned it. It's the best job you'll ever have....
I'll be honest, it doesn't seem possible. It just seems like she started with us in Buna ISD, well, no time ago.
But the years fly by. Hell, I will start year 10 retired in August. And this may or may not shock, you while at times, I miss the kids, but the rest of the bull, well, I do not. And now, my job is, " What do I want to do today?" " Who do I get to piss off?" And some of you take the bait.....And I just string you along.....Good times......
But again, I digress.
I know, Mr. Taucer and I have about 200 " Gretchen Scoggins stories" and it'd take us about 2 days to tell them, but the circumstances of the age keeps us from doing a " Scoggins' Retrospective."
I'm not going to tell you, but Buna's History Chair and Science Chair were more than a little sad when she went into administration at another school district.
And she retires working in the " Big House" at Lumberton ISD. ( She's Coordinator of Special Programs/ Communication)
Enjoy retirement my friend. You've earned it. It's the best job you'll ever have....
Friday, May 22, 2020
Nekkid, Aunt Becky, Mail, Friday?
Man, oh man, it is Friday, I know to some of you it is a big deal, but to us retired folks, it's just another day. I seriously hope you get to retire someday...Save them pennies.
So, the "Main Squeeze" is fascinated by the TV Show "Nekkid and Afraid."
All I can think was, why would anyone in their right mind strip down nekkid and go into some sort of a tropical setting, full of snakes, bugs, who knows what else.
I keep waiting to see when they put a couple in someplace like the Atchafalaya Basin and a Cottonmouth bites one of them on a dangling part.
And how does the guy not be with a nekkid woman for 3 weeks and at some point decide to " check her out" and not get a "stiffy?" Are those scenes edited out? ( Probably)
Aunt Becky, AKA Lori Loughlin for faking her kids being athletes and bribing the coaches with $500,000 so, their kids can get into USC( Why didn't they do like my kids, study, study, study?) is only going to do 2 months in jail.....
Come on man, wish I was the judge, I wouldn't accept the agreement. Needs more time.
With the Covid-19 I bet she winds up doing the time at home with some sort of electronic device around her ankle.
(I have an aunt by marriage of the same name who insists on my using " Aunt" before her name...Never mind she would have been a senior in HS about the time I was a freshman.....It's why I don't like being called " Uncle Kerry" just Kerry, some of my niece/nephew kids are 40 now....But I digress....)
Two kinds of laws.......
I just found this, the Post Office will send you Xerox copies of what mail, via email, you are to receive that day before the mail comes out. It lets me know whether I need to hustle to the mailbox or not...Who knew?
Have a good weekend folks.
So, the "Main Squeeze" is fascinated by the TV Show "Nekkid and Afraid."
All I can think was, why would anyone in their right mind strip down nekkid and go into some sort of a tropical setting, full of snakes, bugs, who knows what else.
I keep waiting to see when they put a couple in someplace like the Atchafalaya Basin and a Cottonmouth bites one of them on a dangling part.
And how does the guy not be with a nekkid woman for 3 weeks and at some point decide to " check her out" and not get a "stiffy?" Are those scenes edited out? ( Probably)
Aunt Becky, AKA Lori Loughlin for faking her kids being athletes and bribing the coaches with $500,000 so, their kids can get into USC( Why didn't they do like my kids, study, study, study?) is only going to do 2 months in jail.....
Come on man, wish I was the judge, I wouldn't accept the agreement. Needs more time.
With the Covid-19 I bet she winds up doing the time at home with some sort of electronic device around her ankle.
(I have an aunt by marriage of the same name who insists on my using " Aunt" before her name...Never mind she would have been a senior in HS about the time I was a freshman.....It's why I don't like being called " Uncle Kerry" just Kerry, some of my niece/nephew kids are 40 now....But I digress....)
Two kinds of laws.......
I just found this, the Post Office will send you Xerox copies of what mail, via email, you are to receive that day before the mail comes out. It lets me know whether I need to hustle to the mailbox or not...Who knew?
Have a good weekend folks.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Before I am Under the Dog House
So, I stay in trouble. I get all sorts of ugly messages about the blog, but you know, most of you still on FB, understand what I am doing, or not doing....
Yesterday was my wife's 29th birthday....
Even with Common Core Math, I cannot figure it out.....
We will be married 39 years in August.
Our son will be 32 years old next month.
But, I am not going to do the math. I was a history major. Theology school for grad studies.
So, Happy Birthday to my "Main Squeeze."
Hell, my only squeeze.....Let's do 38-39 more.
( BTW- We got a good pathology report)
Yesterday was my wife's 29th birthday....
Even with Common Core Math, I cannot figure it out.....
We will be married 39 years in August.
Our son will be 32 years old next month.
But, I am not going to do the math. I was a history major. Theology school for grad studies.
So, Happy Birthday to my "Main Squeeze."
Hell, my only squeeze.....Let's do 38-39 more.
( BTW- We got a good pathology report)
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
G*d Damn Government
I am in a cussing mood. Have been for a week, maybe month plus.
Just that whole as I posted yesterday, " Please God, make me good....But not just yet." That Augustinian theology.
So, I read that the government government is starting to stop sending out 'cheques'( checks) to people and are replacing them with debit cards.
We unlike most Americans who don't understand the concept generally "break even" come tax time. On purpose. We don't use the US Government as our "bank" during the year. We keep our money so we can use it during the year, or invest it, and generally depending on deductions either paying or getting back, within $200 dollars one way or another. The last 2 years, we got money back, in the form of a government check.
And because we don't trust the government, they don't have our direct deposit. So, we are waiting for our Covid-19 stimulus check.
And I had decided to put this into an account for future travels. At some point, we're going back to the UK. Sorry, until I get totally crippled and that day is coming quickly, I am going to England, Ireland, and Scotland. Just something about eating a Full English or having a pint in a pub .....In Britain.
This was until we notice this.....The government is now starting to pass out " Debit Cards" instead checks that can be converted to " cash Murican money."
Now, they are saying the checks are not to be traced, but do you really trust them not to do so? Spending $1200 at Longhorn Liquor? If I was a single man, $1200 at Sally's Happy Times Ranch in Nevada.
Or as I would be tempted to do, spend $1200 on a suit on Savile Row in London. ( Can get an entry level made to order suit for £1000) (Jeff Banks has some really cool fabrics. )
But why is it the damn government's business how I spend my check? And trust me, even though they are not supposed to, some pencil pusher is going to be checking where it goes.
Dollar says, we get a debit card at the Compound...
Fuck the damn gubmint.
Just that whole as I posted yesterday, " Please God, make me good....But not just yet." That Augustinian theology.
So, I read that the government government is starting to stop sending out 'cheques'( checks) to people and are replacing them with debit cards.
We unlike most Americans who don't understand the concept generally "break even" come tax time. On purpose. We don't use the US Government as our "bank" during the year. We keep our money so we can use it during the year, or invest it, and generally depending on deductions either paying or getting back, within $200 dollars one way or another. The last 2 years, we got money back, in the form of a government check.
And because we don't trust the government, they don't have our direct deposit. So, we are waiting for our Covid-19 stimulus check.
And I had decided to put this into an account for future travels. At some point, we're going back to the UK. Sorry, until I get totally crippled and that day is coming quickly, I am going to England, Ireland, and Scotland. Just something about eating a Full English or having a pint in a pub .....In Britain.
This was until we notice this.....The government is now starting to pass out " Debit Cards" instead checks that can be converted to " cash Murican money."
Now, they are saying the checks are not to be traced, but do you really trust them not to do so? Spending $1200 at Longhorn Liquor? If I was a single man, $1200 at Sally's Happy Times Ranch in Nevada.
Or as I would be tempted to do, spend $1200 on a suit on Savile Row in London. ( Can get an entry level made to order suit for £1000) (Jeff Banks has some really cool fabrics. )
But why is it the damn government's business how I spend my check? And trust me, even though they are not supposed to, some pencil pusher is going to be checking where it goes.
Dollar says, we get a debit card at the Compound...
Fuck the damn gubmint.
Dammit SETX You Made Buzz Feed
And it isn't good.
It isn't good at all.
I cussed. Cussed bad.
I as a youth in university was known to go to the Bolivar Peninsula in the 70s, and we might have drunk an old time Pearl or two, but hell, we fished and thought it was a good time. Did the same at Sam Rayburn.
Here is the link on Buzz Feed.
Oh man, we all got to go on a diet. That diet of sugar, fat, and carbs has got to end.....Or at least, cover that shit up. The bunch on here are " Fat as Fuck" and they are young people.
You can laugh and think it is all funny and shit, but you make us look like a bunch of uneducated hillbillies. The rest of the nation is laughing at us.
And how many were arrested? How many were shot?
Yes, SNL couldn't sit down and make this up. And you wonder why people do not want to live here? And why many people once they leave, never come back?
And seriously, how many people want to get the "hell outta here" if they could? ( Don't want people to say, "I like it here." in messages. )
The rest of the country is saying......" What a bunch of White Trash."
You want industry here. Like a new Chevron plant in Orange. And this doesn't help. You rest assure, someone in the front office looks at this and is going, " nope."
It isn't good at all.
I cussed. Cussed bad.
I as a youth in university was known to go to the Bolivar Peninsula in the 70s, and we might have drunk an old time Pearl or two, but hell, we fished and thought it was a good time. Did the same at Sam Rayburn.
Here is the link on Buzz Feed.
Oh man, we all got to go on a diet. That diet of sugar, fat, and carbs has got to end.....Or at least, cover that shit up. The bunch on here are " Fat as Fuck" and they are young people.
You can laugh and think it is all funny and shit, but you make us look like a bunch of uneducated hillbillies. The rest of the nation is laughing at us.
And how many were arrested? How many were shot?
Yes, SNL couldn't sit down and make this up. And you wonder why people do not want to live here? And why many people once they leave, never come back?
And seriously, how many people want to get the "hell outta here" if they could? ( Don't want people to say, "I like it here." in messages. )
The rest of the country is saying......" What a bunch of White Trash."
You want industry here. Like a new Chevron plant in Orange. And this doesn't help. You rest assure, someone in the front office looks at this and is going, " nope."
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
We Get It, You Hate Teachers
I've not been publishing the blog as much as I was did and to be honest, it's been nice to not be that much engaged in the blog, or Facebook in the last few weeks.
I may be getting more and more away from it. I can't stand to read the bullshit that is slopped all over the internet/Facebook now.
I keep seeing strings of comments of people hating what some teacher 'said ' one day when you were a kid, and somehow you're still pissed about that one day.....
Just fuckin' ruined you....
Your teachers are human too.
In many cases they are just trying to survive.
Read that again, "trying to survive." In many cases it a 20-25-30 against one in a classroom. Especially in high school.
Oh, I know we're supposed to care, and worry about what the kid is going through in their home life. And we often put our careers on the line trying to take care of something outside of the classroom for our "kids."...But you know, kids today for the most part have it better than any other time in history.
In Victorian England it was nothing for parents to sell daughters to pimps for 2 bottles of gin when the girls were 9-10-11.
Hell, your great-great grandparents were in the fields working, chopping cotton, picking corn, plowing, milking cows and often were forced to drop out at age 7-8.
I don't know, from time to time, we get a list of stuff that school should have taught us before we graduated, and most of them, are how to run a household. Stuff in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, our parents taught us. We taught Reid. Simple common sense stuff. Most you can figure on your own. What happened here? Too lazy to figure on your own?
Last week was teacher appreciation week.....It proves my point just how little education is valued.
And no, don't thank me or Taucer, or Tandy or anyone else who taught you shit. That ship has sailed. We know when we did, but in typical American form, we're worried about some ballplayer, or can't sing without auto-tune musician....
Ah, don't feel bad, England is going through the same attitude right now....
Just another point we are done in this country.....It's someone else's turn to lead......
I may be getting more and more away from it. I can't stand to read the bullshit that is slopped all over the internet/Facebook now.
I keep seeing strings of comments of people hating what some teacher 'said ' one day when you were a kid, and somehow you're still pissed about that one day.....
Just fuckin' ruined you....
Your teachers are human too.
In many cases they are just trying to survive.
Read that again, "trying to survive." In many cases it a 20-25-30 against one in a classroom. Especially in high school.
Oh, I know we're supposed to care, and worry about what the kid is going through in their home life. And we often put our careers on the line trying to take care of something outside of the classroom for our "kids."...But you know, kids today for the most part have it better than any other time in history.
In Victorian England it was nothing for parents to sell daughters to pimps for 2 bottles of gin when the girls were 9-10-11.
Hell, your great-great grandparents were in the fields working, chopping cotton, picking corn, plowing, milking cows and often were forced to drop out at age 7-8.
I don't know, from time to time, we get a list of stuff that school should have taught us before we graduated, and most of them, are how to run a household. Stuff in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, our parents taught us. We taught Reid. Simple common sense stuff. Most you can figure on your own. What happened here? Too lazy to figure on your own?
Last week was teacher appreciation week.....It proves my point just how little education is valued.
And no, don't thank me or Taucer, or Tandy or anyone else who taught you shit. That ship has sailed. We know when we did, but in typical American form, we're worried about some ballplayer, or can't sing without auto-tune musician....
Ah, don't feel bad, England is going through the same attitude right now....
Just another point we are done in this country.....It's someone else's turn to lead......
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Ladies, I Was Minding My Own Business
I no longer understand the world. I truly do not.
Tuesday morning, I could not go into the hospital with my wife, so I walked her as far as I could and on the way back, I stopped off at the hotel we were staying at restaurant's buffet. I made the mistake of making an off-handed remark to the lady making the " eggs to order" "I probably could eat half a dozen over-mediums this morning." To which she made 6 over-medium eggs....Nervous eating, I got cholesterol up, with those eggs, a stack of link sausages, and biscuits with gravy.....
I took my food and sat at a table away from everything, to which I was joined in my area, all separated 6 feet, by 4 nurses, I assume nurses, all were wearing scrubs, and had on badges. ( Could have been radiology, or respiratory people.)
All female, 20ish, and they got to talking about dating. ( Get my age, and you become invisible to younger people, you'll get there someday.)
To which one got to talking about on date number 3-4, she always wore a low cut dress to see if the guy was interested in her or her cleavage. And if he "looked" too much, she would drop the guy. Another of the ladies chimed in and agreed.
What is "looking" too much?
Looking fairly regularly?
Looking when she is not looking?
Because, I am sorry, I would have to take a look. Probably more than once. Especially when I was younger. Stare? Probably not.....But I'd take a pretty good look, more than once. I would assume it was for my benefit.
Who exactly, is the outfit you are wearing for? Yourself? The busboys at the restaurant? Some test that isn't passable?
So, glad I only dated fairly conservative girls in their dress....I couldn't date today....Nor would I want to do so....
Tuesday morning, I could not go into the hospital with my wife, so I walked her as far as I could and on the way back, I stopped off at the hotel we were staying at restaurant's buffet. I made the mistake of making an off-handed remark to the lady making the " eggs to order" "I probably could eat half a dozen over-mediums this morning." To which she made 6 over-medium eggs....Nervous eating, I got cholesterol up, with those eggs, a stack of link sausages, and biscuits with gravy.....
I took my food and sat at a table away from everything, to which I was joined in my area, all separated 6 feet, by 4 nurses, I assume nurses, all were wearing scrubs, and had on badges. ( Could have been radiology, or respiratory people.)
All female, 20ish, and they got to talking about dating. ( Get my age, and you become invisible to younger people, you'll get there someday.)
To which one got to talking about on date number 3-4, she always wore a low cut dress to see if the guy was interested in her or her cleavage. And if he "looked" too much, she would drop the guy. Another of the ladies chimed in and agreed.
What is "looking" too much?
Looking fairly regularly?
Looking when she is not looking?
Because, I am sorry, I would have to take a look. Probably more than once. Especially when I was younger. Stare? Probably not.....But I'd take a pretty good look, more than once. I would assume it was for my benefit.
Who exactly, is the outfit you are wearing for? Yourself? The busboys at the restaurant? Some test that isn't passable?
So, glad I only dated fairly conservative girls in their dress....I couldn't date today....Nor would I want to do so....
Sunday, May 10, 2020
I Laughed.....
I laughed, I cried, we kissed 10 hours goodbye.
We just completed watching Netflix's Outer Banks.
10 hours, revolves around a group of teens trying to recover $400 million worth of shipwrecked gold. And solve the murder of the star's father.
The "teens" on the program were all well into their 20s, and the male star is in real life, 27 years of age, which makes it very odd as the story line has him losing his father and CPS trying to put him into foster care. ( All are trying to play 16 year olds)
Show starts very slow in the first few episodes and in an attempt to keep an audience, the teens are either in bikinis ( females) or shirtless (males.) this is done to keep some interest so the story line can be developed.
The only real teen in the show is an actress playing a junior high age girl, and in reality, she is 17 years old. The age the other actors are supposed to be in the show.
While the show starts off like a soap opera type program, it evolves into a fairly good program with murders, police chases, drug dealers, all on the water.
There is a rich vs poor element in the program in which the poor guy "gets" the rich girl in the end.
The show ends with a lead up to the next season.
3 stars out of 5.
We just completed watching Netflix's Outer Banks.
10 hours, revolves around a group of teens trying to recover $400 million worth of shipwrecked gold. And solve the murder of the star's father.
The "teens" on the program were all well into their 20s, and the male star is in real life, 27 years of age, which makes it very odd as the story line has him losing his father and CPS trying to put him into foster care. ( All are trying to play 16 year olds)
Show starts very slow in the first few episodes and in an attempt to keep an audience, the teens are either in bikinis ( females) or shirtless (males.) this is done to keep some interest so the story line can be developed.
The only real teen in the show is an actress playing a junior high age girl, and in reality, she is 17 years old. The age the other actors are supposed to be in the show.
While the show starts off like a soap opera type program, it evolves into a fairly good program with murders, police chases, drug dealers, all on the water.
There is a rich vs poor element in the program in which the poor guy "gets" the rich girl in the end.
The show ends with a lead up to the next season.
3 stars out of 5.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Break? Conspiracy? Georgia? The Damn Church?
Oh man, I do not even know where to start on this Friday morning. I really do not. And to be honest, at this point, I do not have the time nor inclination to go anyplace....
- First the conspiracies going on, on Facebook concerning the Covid-19.
Do some research people. Just don't watch a video and take it for gospel. Anti-Vaccination, was in jail for stealing intellectual material, did scientific experiments that can't be replicated, and finally, follow the money. We're selling a book. Always a profit.
Likewise with " Rev." Jim Bakker selling a cure for "everything" again, "follow the money."
Read Mitch Keeler's blog on the conspiracy. He does a top quality job on the situation.
- Second you know, Georgia was going to just let those two guys kill that jogger. Thank goodness there was a video.
They try and stop a man parking their truck in the middle of the street, and yell at him to " Stop, we need to talk to you."
And people were upset that he didn't comply with these two. And others upset he attacked them, when the guy was holding a shotgun on them.
Hell, I might have attacked them too. The jogger didn't know what they wanted. Rob him? Duct tape him and haul him off to the woods? And turn and run? They might shoot him in the back.
Sorry police, but I wonder if one of the men with guns being a former law enforcement (30 yr police vet ) has something to do with why it wasn't investigated more? Sorry, it just falls into the thinking of " Don't trust police." ( Look, I took up for kids over teachers in many cases when there was right vs. wrong situation, and in the long run, I paid for it.....But I can sleep at night.)
-Third I see that 9000 Catholic Churches received small business " loans" from the government...I am sure there are Protestant Churches than have done the same. If you're going to be doing that, and calling yourself a business, you need to step up and start paying taxes. ( I wonder how much of the loan went to paying off kids that got "diddled?" )
- Fourth, the failed American Mercenary overthrow of the Venezuelan Government in normal times would be headlines.
Story is a group of Venezuela opposition hired a U.S. Mercenary company to launch a coup d'état against the socialist government. The mercenaries promised a battalion of men to help the overthrow. In return, the Mercenary Company was promised $200 million if successful. ( That company was the low bidder, other firms was $500 million)
24 men showed up. A platoon of men at best. They were captured as the government in Venezuela was waiting for them. There are now U.S. Citizens being held in jail in Venezuela.
- Five. It seems New York is going to tax medical volunteers who took vacation time from their state to go to New York to work..Even if they come from a no state income tax like Texas or Florida. Yep, going to tax their vacation pay. That's just messed up....."Let no good deed go unpunished."
- Finally, we've some personal business/situation going on for the next couple of weeks. I will not be blogging as much as I normally do. Got some sleepless nights at the Compound right now. So, if I miss several days, well, if you would, just remember us in your prayers.
- First the conspiracies going on, on Facebook concerning the Covid-19.
Do some research people. Just don't watch a video and take it for gospel. Anti-Vaccination, was in jail for stealing intellectual material, did scientific experiments that can't be replicated, and finally, follow the money. We're selling a book. Always a profit.
Likewise with " Rev." Jim Bakker selling a cure for "everything" again, "follow the money."
Read Mitch Keeler's blog on the conspiracy. He does a top quality job on the situation.
- Second you know, Georgia was going to just let those two guys kill that jogger. Thank goodness there was a video.
They try and stop a man parking their truck in the middle of the street, and yell at him to " Stop, we need to talk to you."
And people were upset that he didn't comply with these two. And others upset he attacked them, when the guy was holding a shotgun on them.
Hell, I might have attacked them too. The jogger didn't know what they wanted. Rob him? Duct tape him and haul him off to the woods? And turn and run? They might shoot him in the back.
Sorry police, but I wonder if one of the men with guns being a former law enforcement (30 yr police vet ) has something to do with why it wasn't investigated more? Sorry, it just falls into the thinking of " Don't trust police." ( Look, I took up for kids over teachers in many cases when there was right vs. wrong situation, and in the long run, I paid for it.....But I can sleep at night.)
-Third I see that 9000 Catholic Churches received small business " loans" from the government...I am sure there are Protestant Churches than have done the same. If you're going to be doing that, and calling yourself a business, you need to step up and start paying taxes. ( I wonder how much of the loan went to paying off kids that got "diddled?" )
- Fourth, the failed American Mercenary overthrow of the Venezuelan Government in normal times would be headlines.
Story is a group of Venezuela opposition hired a U.S. Mercenary company to launch a coup d'état against the socialist government. The mercenaries promised a battalion of men to help the overthrow. In return, the Mercenary Company was promised $200 million if successful. ( That company was the low bidder, other firms was $500 million)
24 men showed up. A platoon of men at best. They were captured as the government in Venezuela was waiting for them. There are now U.S. Citizens being held in jail in Venezuela.
- Five. It seems New York is going to tax medical volunteers who took vacation time from their state to go to New York to work..Even if they come from a no state income tax like Texas or Florida. Yep, going to tax their vacation pay. That's just messed up....."Let no good deed go unpunished."
- Finally, we've some personal business/situation going on for the next couple of weeks. I will not be blogging as much as I normally do. Got some sleepless nights at the Compound right now. So, if I miss several days, well, if you would, just remember us in your prayers.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
So, This 85 MPH Everywhere Now?
So, this going 85-90 mph everywhere now, are we going to make this legal and start to "Put up Signs" to make it "legal?"
Seriously, ain't no one on the roads. You can get places you need to go.....Quickly.
Sure, I know, we ain't got no school, but man, there is no one on the major arteries, and folks are flying.
If this keeps up, I may have to go see James Chesser about getting a V-8 Mustang so I do that 0-90mph in no time.....( Like I am trading in the Toaster)
Was looking in the mirror this morning, and besides wondering " Who the old guy looking back was" it's been the 1970s since beard has been this long.
Back than, 45 years ago, a young History undergrad, shoulder length hair, ( Yes, I had hair at one time) giant beard....Looked like the traditional History major, even the round " John Lennon " sunglasses....Until you got to my feet, was rocking those Tony Llama boots.( The coaching majors taking enough history to get certified could be seen a mile off. They looked like "Coach" even then.)
I was going through my Cosmic Cowboy phase, listening to Commander Cody and The New Riders of the Purple Sage in my '67 Mustang.....
Man, I was "almost" cool at one time....See what you did to me Buna?
Seriously, ain't no one on the roads. You can get places you need to go.....Quickly.
Sure, I know, we ain't got no school, but man, there is no one on the major arteries, and folks are flying.
If this keeps up, I may have to go see James Chesser about getting a V-8 Mustang so I do that 0-90mph in no time.....( Like I am trading in the Toaster)
Was looking in the mirror this morning, and besides wondering " Who the old guy looking back was" it's been the 1970s since beard has been this long.
Back than, 45 years ago, a young History undergrad, shoulder length hair, ( Yes, I had hair at one time) giant beard....Looked like the traditional History major, even the round " John Lennon " sunglasses....Until you got to my feet, was rocking those Tony Llama boots.( The coaching majors taking enough history to get certified could be seen a mile off. They looked like "Coach" even then.)
I was going through my Cosmic Cowboy phase, listening to Commander Cody and The New Riders of the Purple Sage in my '67 Mustang.....
Man, I was "almost" cool at one time....See what you did to me Buna?
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
School in Buna ISD 2020
So, it goes to show, no one has a clue what is going to happen.
With this coming out about the Covid-19 15 children possibly having an inflammatory illness linked to the virus. ( It is similar to what doctor's are seeing in Europe) Covid-19 is possibly triggering Kawasaki Syndrome.
Say what you want, it is 3 months until school starts. Anything, good and bad, could happen between now and then.
Anyway, according to my sources the Buna ISD is planning on 3 scenarios for the Fall semester.
With this coming out about the Covid-19 15 children possibly having an inflammatory illness linked to the virus. ( It is similar to what doctor's are seeing in Europe) Covid-19 is possibly triggering Kawasaki Syndrome.
Say what you want, it is 3 months until school starts. Anything, good and bad, could happen between now and then.
Anyway, according to my sources the Buna ISD is planning on 3 scenarios for the Fall semester.
1: Normal start
2: Partial start (every other day in class, every other day digital)
3: Continue with at home learning.
We will see.....
No School Fall 2020???
So, I keep hearing rumblings about school this coming year.
How will we have school in the Fall?
Yesterday alone, two Supt. of Schools in this state are saying school in the Fall probably won't be normal.
Fairly major districts.
Dallas ISD
Abilene ISD
Dr. Young in Abilene ISD had 4 possible scenarios.
And Young said that "it will be mid-summer before we know about extracurriculars like football and band."( You can rest assure there are sleepless nights at the UIL)
Man, I write this as I know the Buna ISD is agonizing over when graduation should be held this year.
The Chinese have an old saying...." May you live in interesting times." Yeah, but Covid-19, to Australia burning up, to now Murder Hornets you wonder " What's next?"
Those of us who grew up in a somewhat hardcore evangelical faith, well, it makes you wonder should I sit my chair in the garage, face East and wait? ;)
How will we have school in the Fall?
Yesterday alone, two Supt. of Schools in this state are saying school in the Fall probably won't be normal.
Fairly major districts.
Dallas ISD
Abilene ISD
Dr. Young in Abilene ISD had 4 possible scenarios.
- Start school in August as normal
- Start in August with some restrictions in place
- Start in August with restrictions and micro-closures (3-5 days at a time) at campuses as needed
- Don't start in-person until January
And Young said that "it will be mid-summer before we know about extracurriculars like football and band."( You can rest assure there are sleepless nights at the UIL)
Man, I write this as I know the Buna ISD is agonizing over when graduation should be held this year.
The Chinese have an old saying...." May you live in interesting times." Yeah, but Covid-19, to Australia burning up, to now Murder Hornets you wonder " What's next?"
Those of us who grew up in a somewhat hardcore evangelical faith, well, it makes you wonder should I sit my chair in the garage, face East and wait? ;)
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Dammit, Get Your Ass into Gear
I gotta put my " schoolteacher" cap on this morning. And to be honest, the older I get, the less, and less I like doing it. It's like " I've done my "time" let's move onto something else."
So, a good number of you have been sitting around bitching and moaning about going back to a job you bitch about hating anyway, and then bitching about not having nothing to do.....
Instead of looking at that " Girl on Girl" or " Creampie Gangbang" porn you're sitting around looking at 6 to 10 hours a day to waste your time, do this instead.( Your pud needs to rest)
Fill out the damn U.S. Census you got a few months ago.
Texas is 39th of the 50 states in the nation of people filling out the census. Sounds like the damn Texas educational system.
It took me less then 5 minutes to fill out ours, and the hardest part as I have written was figuring out whether to write " Cajun" or "French" as one of my Heinz 57 nationalities.
And don't be writing, or be saying, " I've done it." I am sure there is some close family member of yours who has not. Check on them.
East Texas has a small population compared to the rest of the state. Try and keep some representation in Austin and Washington DC.
So, a good number of you have been sitting around bitching and moaning about going back to a job you bitch about hating anyway, and then bitching about not having nothing to do.....
Instead of looking at that " Girl on Girl" or " Creampie Gangbang" porn you're sitting around looking at 6 to 10 hours a day to waste your time, do this instead.( Your pud needs to rest)
Fill out the damn U.S. Census you got a few months ago.
Texas is 39th of the 50 states in the nation of people filling out the census. Sounds like the damn Texas educational system.
It took me less then 5 minutes to fill out ours, and the hardest part as I have written was figuring out whether to write " Cajun" or "French" as one of my Heinz 57 nationalities.
And don't be writing, or be saying, " I've done it." I am sure there is some close family member of yours who has not. Check on them.
East Texas has a small population compared to the rest of the state. Try and keep some representation in Austin and Washington DC.
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