I get a lot of PM's on the blog, people not happy, and now, I see more and more people unhappy about Facebook and what people are posting.
There were a couple of folks just unhappy about the vaccination blog.
Someone was upset because of the recipes people were posting....or were upset when people ask for recipes.
Guess what, those are some of the posts I read every time.
And there is a good possibility I may ask for a recipe. I have not made the pecan pie cobbler yet....But I am going to make one. ( Grandma made the pecan pie with the bourbon in it....it is going to be hard to beat....I may need to add some bourbon to mine.)
Then people are upset about people asking about other problems......
Hell, I was thinking about asking a couple of questions about Iceland........And if any of you have been to Aberdeen, Scotland.....( Trying to see if I can figure a week in Iceland, and then a week in the Scottish Highlands out to Orkney Islands....I can't make up my mind where to lobby for our next trip.....)
Someone was upset about the number of photos on the Facebook?
Really? I mean seriously, really?
There is a lot of stuff on Facebook. Some of it is half or un-truths. I may stop and correct the statement, and go on....
But you need to learn like I do, see something you are not interested in.....and keep scrolling...
Friday, November 30, 2018
While Your Minds Are Exploding
I had a couple of people's minds blow up last evening over my blog on the vaccination of children.
Well, while I am upsetting folks, I may as well go on and upset some more.
I read a story about an airline flight agent who made fun of a girl's name, and how upset the mother was.....
This is why I generally called people by their last names. And I knew it was time to retire my last year when I could no longer say one of my student's last name.
I know you are proud of you child.
I know you want to your child to be distinct.
But don't give your child a name that will trail them the remainder of their lives.
Don't name your kid " Kerry." I would use my damn initials, but they are K.D. and sound too much like "Katy."
I often wonder if we messed up with the spelling of "Reid's" name and should have spelled it " Reed." ( Ever the Anglo-Irish-Scottish fan, "Reid" is Scottish-Gaelic for "red." )
But think about what you are naming your children. At some people they are going to be 45 years old with a name people can't spell...nor pronounce.....
Well, while I am upsetting folks, I may as well go on and upset some more.
I read a story about an airline flight agent who made fun of a girl's name, and how upset the mother was.....
This is why I generally called people by their last names. And I knew it was time to retire my last year when I could no longer say one of my student's last name.
I know you are proud of you child.
I know you want to your child to be distinct.
But don't give your child a name that will trail them the remainder of their lives.
Don't name your kid " Kerry." I would use my damn initials, but they are K.D. and sound too much like "Katy."
I often wonder if we messed up with the spelling of "Reid's" name and should have spelled it " Reed." ( Ever the Anglo-Irish-Scottish fan, "Reid" is Scottish-Gaelic for "red." )
But think about what you are naming your children. At some people they are going to be 45 years old with a name people can't spell...nor pronounce.....
Thursday, November 29, 2018
This Will Either Upset....Or Make Mama's Happy
I have said this statement many times before. " There but for the grace of God goes I."
I know some of your heads just exploded.
I am in favor of it. I vaccinated myself for Typhoid before we went to China, and it was a miserable event. I had the " green apple squirts" like you would not believe.
I even threatened to risk Typhoid. I wound up taking the pills and was sick for a week afterwards.
But if I need to, I can go to India......or Rwanda......or any other third world country and not fear the illness.
I know that many of you who do not vaccinate your children are afraid of your child developing autism.
Is death for your children preferable to some perceived illness caused by vaccination?
Look, I listened to the shortwave back when Reid was still at home and even then, they talked about children's danger concerning autism, peanut allergies, whatever else we do not have an explanation for the cause.
We vaccinated Reid anyway.
Jefferson County Health Clinic did it one time. The City of Pt. Arthur Health Department did it for us one time for free.( Pt. Arthur also did my TB skin test when I went to work in Buna.... The Dayton ISD had lost my card....and the city charged me, $0. And in high school, UTMB-Orange did the vaccinations for $3.)
Look, I am sorry you are scared of whatever perceived trouble your child might get from vaccinations.
I had both measles.
Including the regular measles at age 10. I was sick for 2 weeks.
I am convinced I had brain damage from the 106F fever I had.
I was so sick, so long, they re-tested me for the IQ test, and I went down considerably in points to 137. I could have been a contender. I could have been actually bright. There were things I lost the ability to do coordination wise after my illness. They plague me to this day.
I went to school with 2 kids who died from complications due to the measles.
My late grandfather had polio. He was crippled with a cane and had to endure several surgeries in order to be able to walk as a teen.
Often, people died from polio if it attacked vital organs.
I wonder if death, being crippled, is a better life in the minds of some of you.
Look, we do not know what is causing the rise in autism. The peanut allergy syndrome.
But I am afraid there will be a massive polio or some other epidemic break out in this nation just because we are afraid of some sort of conspiracy theory that has been disproved by papers all over the world.
Vaccinate your children. You don't want them to be carriers to people who for whatever reason, cannot be vaccinated.
I know some of your heads just exploded.
I am in favor of it. I vaccinated myself for Typhoid before we went to China, and it was a miserable event. I had the " green apple squirts" like you would not believe.
I even threatened to risk Typhoid. I wound up taking the pills and was sick for a week afterwards.
But if I need to, I can go to India......or Rwanda......or any other third world country and not fear the illness.
I know that many of you who do not vaccinate your children are afraid of your child developing autism.
Is death for your children preferable to some perceived illness caused by vaccination?
Look, I listened to the shortwave back when Reid was still at home and even then, they talked about children's danger concerning autism, peanut allergies, whatever else we do not have an explanation for the cause.
We vaccinated Reid anyway.
Jefferson County Health Clinic did it one time. The City of Pt. Arthur Health Department did it for us one time for free.( Pt. Arthur also did my TB skin test when I went to work in Buna.... The Dayton ISD had lost my card....and the city charged me, $0. And in high school, UTMB-Orange did the vaccinations for $3.)
Look, I am sorry you are scared of whatever perceived trouble your child might get from vaccinations.
I had both measles.
Including the regular measles at age 10. I was sick for 2 weeks.
I am convinced I had brain damage from the 106F fever I had.
I was so sick, so long, they re-tested me for the IQ test, and I went down considerably in points to 137. I could have been a contender. I could have been actually bright. There were things I lost the ability to do coordination wise after my illness. They plague me to this day.
I went to school with 2 kids who died from complications due to the measles.
My late grandfather had polio. He was crippled with a cane and had to endure several surgeries in order to be able to walk as a teen.
Often, people died from polio if it attacked vital organs.
I wonder if death, being crippled, is a better life in the minds of some of you.
Look, we do not know what is causing the rise in autism. The peanut allergy syndrome.
But I am afraid there will be a massive polio or some other epidemic break out in this nation just because we are afraid of some sort of conspiracy theory that has been disproved by papers all over the world.
Vaccinate your children. You don't want them to be carriers to people who for whatever reason, cannot be vaccinated.
Just a Drooling Moron
It is a wonder we are all not just drooling morons.
I have been doing genealogical research and have found more interbreeding. In many cases it is cousins marrying cousins, then their kids marrying other cousins.
Not only does this take place in the " Old Country" but right here in America.
I know this is off hand, but I wonder if this autism, ADHD, etc is the interbreeding just catching up to us?
Might be good we are getting some Chinese DNA thrown into our mix.
But doing family research.....Well, it is sometimes just a little scary......And disgusting....
I have been doing genealogical research and have found more interbreeding. In many cases it is cousins marrying cousins, then their kids marrying other cousins.
Not only does this take place in the " Old Country" but right here in America.
I know this is off hand, but I wonder if this autism, ADHD, etc is the interbreeding just catching up to us?
Might be good we are getting some Chinese DNA thrown into our mix.
But doing family research.....Well, it is sometimes just a little scary......And disgusting....
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
This Fact Should Sort of Shock You
And I am sure I will get some sort of blow-back from this. There are a couple of people who get all upset when I discuss this topic.
The church in this nation is dying.
Sorry, it just is.
It isn't dying as fast as it is in the South as it is in other parts of the country, but it is dying here too.
Every year, 6,000 to 10,000 churches close in the USA.
That means about 100 churches a week in this nation close.
I know it died several decades ago in Europe and we are starting to " catch up."
Oh, I know you say you go to a church that is packed on Sundays, but in reality, most Americans do not attend church on Sunday.
Less than 20% of Americans attend church on Sundays.
I sort of pay attention to local churches and it seems that more and more are shutting their doors. Especially those in urban environments. ( That doesn't mean rural churches are not closing too...)
I am one of the ones who no longer attends and I still consider myself a follower of the faith.
Oh, I will go on Christmas Eve and Easter. Mainly for music, but by the time they get around to the sermon, I have tuned out.
As many of you know, I attempted to start attending church again a few years ago. I tried hard. I could not do it. I was getting nothing out of it. I can do a Bible study and personal devotional here and get more from it here sitting in my den.
So, as one wrote me a couple of years ago concerning the topic...." Do I fear going to hell?"
No, I do not.
At some point either I grew or the church changed so dramatically, I just force myself to go when I attend.
I hate to tell you people, the church in America is shrinking. I wonder if it is because a number of the churches treat half their members as "second class citizens" while the rest of society is starting to them as equals?
And the Roman Catholic Church's entire handling of the priest pedophile scandal....
The fact that so many churches are now in bed with one or the other political parties in America?
But fewer and fewer people attending church? I am not shocked.
The church in this nation is dying.
Sorry, it just is.
It isn't dying as fast as it is in the South as it is in other parts of the country, but it is dying here too.
Every year, 6,000 to 10,000 churches close in the USA.
That means about 100 churches a week in this nation close.
I know it died several decades ago in Europe and we are starting to " catch up."
Oh, I know you say you go to a church that is packed on Sundays, but in reality, most Americans do not attend church on Sunday.
Less than 20% of Americans attend church on Sundays.
I sort of pay attention to local churches and it seems that more and more are shutting their doors. Especially those in urban environments. ( That doesn't mean rural churches are not closing too...)
I am one of the ones who no longer attends and I still consider myself a follower of the faith.
Oh, I will go on Christmas Eve and Easter. Mainly for music, but by the time they get around to the sermon, I have tuned out.
As many of you know, I attempted to start attending church again a few years ago. I tried hard. I could not do it. I was getting nothing out of it. I can do a Bible study and personal devotional here and get more from it here sitting in my den.
So, as one wrote me a couple of years ago concerning the topic...." Do I fear going to hell?"
No, I do not.
At some point either I grew or the church changed so dramatically, I just force myself to go when I attend.
I hate to tell you people, the church in America is shrinking. I wonder if it is because a number of the churches treat half their members as "second class citizens" while the rest of society is starting to them as equals?
And the Roman Catholic Church's entire handling of the priest pedophile scandal....
The fact that so many churches are now in bed with one or the other political parties in America?
But fewer and fewer people attending church? I am not shocked.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Things You Wish They Had Here.....
I live in the woods. And I like living in the woods.
I have lived in big cities and I may have to do so again if my kids move to Central Texas. I adjusted well in Ft. Worth, and actually like my neighbors there more than here.
Oh, I have a couple of neighbors I get along with, and like, but for the most part, our neighbors keep to themselves. And to be honest, I think a couple of the neighbors, well, we don't want to know what goes on. They don't bother us, we don't bother them....
But I would from time to time be able to call up a store or especially a restaurant and get a delivery.
We discovered that in China. Whatever you wanted, they would deliver. Even McDonald's and no tip needed. There were scooters all over town delivering everything from groceries to hardware needs, and every restaurant had couple of guys who made deliveries.
But then, Kunming was a city of 7 million.
Katie Dunlap Braley posted a link about the pies that McDonald's would be having for Christmas this year. It will be more like a sugar cookie shell with custard filling.
In China, they had ( McDonald's) fried pineapple pie......cooked in hog lard.....Heck their fries were cooked in lard.
Come on man, you can't get any better. Both unbelievably tasty. And they delivered.
I don't know.....I wonder if all this stuff they do in an attempt to make stuff healthier will actually work? Or all this artificial stuff we eat here is actually worse than Lard and Beef Tallow?
I have lived in big cities and I may have to do so again if my kids move to Central Texas. I adjusted well in Ft. Worth, and actually like my neighbors there more than here.
Oh, I have a couple of neighbors I get along with, and like, but for the most part, our neighbors keep to themselves. And to be honest, I think a couple of the neighbors, well, we don't want to know what goes on. They don't bother us, we don't bother them....
But I would from time to time be able to call up a store or especially a restaurant and get a delivery.
We discovered that in China. Whatever you wanted, they would deliver. Even McDonald's and no tip needed. There were scooters all over town delivering everything from groceries to hardware needs, and every restaurant had couple of guys who made deliveries.
But then, Kunming was a city of 7 million.
Katie Dunlap Braley posted a link about the pies that McDonald's would be having for Christmas this year. It will be more like a sugar cookie shell with custard filling.
In China, they had ( McDonald's) fried pineapple pie......cooked in hog lard.....Heck their fries were cooked in lard.
Come on man, you can't get any better. Both unbelievably tasty. And they delivered.
I don't know.....I wonder if all this stuff they do in an attempt to make stuff healthier will actually work? Or all this artificial stuff we eat here is actually worse than Lard and Beef Tallow?
Monday, November 26, 2018
Them Decisions.....Them Decisions.....
My late Father would often say when their were difficult choices...." Them decisions.....Them decisions...."
And Dad was right.
I was reading on Facebook about a couple and their looking at visiting Central Europe on their next trip.
We've got the same thing going on....
I know my family is looking at doing a cruise to Alaska..
And I am not too keen on going for several reasons.
1. We've been to Alaska, and my Dad passed away while we were there. I am just a little gun shy about wanting to going back.
2. I don't care that much about being on a cruise.
3. My family is going.
I am looking hard at Wales and Southwest England....Devon, Cornwall, Dorset......But I am not totally sold....Maybe Wales and do a "Pilgrimage to Canterbury?"( About like driving from here to San Antonio...or for us to drive to the Farm....so, not really nuthin')
I got to looking last night at North Scotland, Inverness, Aberdeen, and the Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, but that trip is harder than you realize. Especially going to the Shetlands. But I looked hard....
We also are looking at Iceland for a week....then fly to Norway......But my wife want to go during the Northern Lights....Which means winter......And to go wherever in Iceland we would need to rent a Jeep.
Now I can drive a Jeep....But as a friend of mine I hunted with as a youth said, " 4-wheel drive means you get stuck in an even more inaccessible place."
I do know one thing, the next trip won't be across the Pacific......almost 19-20 hrs on a plane from Houston to Asia is a long damn time....
And Dad was right.
I was reading on Facebook about a couple and their looking at visiting Central Europe on their next trip.
We've got the same thing going on....
I know my family is looking at doing a cruise to Alaska..
And I am not too keen on going for several reasons.
1. We've been to Alaska, and my Dad passed away while we were there. I am just a little gun shy about wanting to going back.
2. I don't care that much about being on a cruise.
3. My family is going.
I am looking hard at Wales and Southwest England....Devon, Cornwall, Dorset......But I am not totally sold....Maybe Wales and do a "Pilgrimage to Canterbury?"( About like driving from here to San Antonio...or for us to drive to the Farm....so, not really nuthin')
I got to looking last night at North Scotland, Inverness, Aberdeen, and the Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, but that trip is harder than you realize. Especially going to the Shetlands. But I looked hard....
We also are looking at Iceland for a week....then fly to Norway......But my wife want to go during the Northern Lights....Which means winter......And to go wherever in Iceland we would need to rent a Jeep.
Now I can drive a Jeep....But as a friend of mine I hunted with as a youth said, " 4-wheel drive means you get stuck in an even more inaccessible place."
I do know one thing, the next trip won't be across the Pacific......almost 19-20 hrs on a plane from Houston to Asia is a long damn time....
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Sometimes, You Got to Leave Stuff Alone
I've been telling people this for years and years. It ain't broke, don't fix it, Leave stuff alone. Leave people alone.
So, this Christian Missionary decided that he would take the " Great Commission " literally and decided to try and convert a group of people who have rejected the rest of the world for the last 30,000 to 60,000 years.
John Chau decided to meet and convert a group of people who live in the Bay of Bengal, on North Sentinel Island.
The tribe shot him full of arrows.
The people on the island are protected by the Indian government( India's territory) by law. One of the fears being the tribe has no resistance to modern illnesses and even the common cold could kill everyone on the island.
The people on the island are so isolated, they do not even know how to make fire.
I am sure Chau has read about the disciplines of Christ were martyred and even though he wrote he did not want to die, well, he thought he was doing "right."
Sometimes however, you need to leave folks alone. Are you really doing them good by exposing them to the illnesses of the world? And are they really better off wearing clothes( the tribe is nude) and surfing the internet?
And don't give me you got to teach them about Jesus.....I worked in the mission field for a while and to be honest, there are a lot of people who call themselves 'Christian" are acting a whole lot worse than those people on the island who just want to be "left alone."
I know there is a discussion as to how to retrieve Chau's body.....But you know, it might be best he is just left alone.
So, this Christian Missionary decided that he would take the " Great Commission " literally and decided to try and convert a group of people who have rejected the rest of the world for the last 30,000 to 60,000 years.
John Chau decided to meet and convert a group of people who live in the Bay of Bengal, on North Sentinel Island.
The tribe shot him full of arrows.
The people on the island are protected by the Indian government( India's territory) by law. One of the fears being the tribe has no resistance to modern illnesses and even the common cold could kill everyone on the island.
The people on the island are so isolated, they do not even know how to make fire.
I am sure Chau has read about the disciplines of Christ were martyred and even though he wrote he did not want to die, well, he thought he was doing "right."
Sometimes however, you need to leave folks alone. Are you really doing them good by exposing them to the illnesses of the world? And are they really better off wearing clothes( the tribe is nude) and surfing the internet?
And don't give me you got to teach them about Jesus.....I worked in the mission field for a while and to be honest, there are a lot of people who call themselves 'Christian" are acting a whole lot worse than those people on the island who just want to be "left alone."
I know there is a discussion as to how to retrieve Chau's body.....But you know, it might be best he is just left alone.
Friday, November 23, 2018
So, I Wonder
I don't know really how to start this blog off. I seriously do not and to be honest I do not know if I want replies or not.
It is the so-called " holiday season" from now until Jan. 1.
And during this time, many of us it gets to be a period of serious reflection.
I often wonder.
At most of the meals, gathering within the family, I am asked to say the blessing over the food. Now I do not mind doing it. I keep it short on purpose. There is nothing worse than a Baptist deacon prayer. Literally doing what Jesus told us NOT to do. Pray to impress others.
The problem is this, I often do not feel "worthy."
I sin, and as Martin Luther once said, " I often sin boldly."
Don't get me wrong, I feel "honored" when I am asked. I sometimes wonder if I am asked because they know I will "keep it short" and not kill us waiting around to eat.
Likewise there are people who I talk to from time to time who have more problems than you ever dreamed of.
You just THINK you got problems.
As my Uncle George would put it. " Got more problems than a run over dog."
And I know I took pastoral counseling in divinity school, but you know, I often worry than I am not doing or saying the right thing.
Once again, it is that worthiness.
Anyway, just reflecting this morning.....
It is the so-called " holiday season" from now until Jan. 1.
And during this time, many of us it gets to be a period of serious reflection.
I often wonder.
At most of the meals, gathering within the family, I am asked to say the blessing over the food. Now I do not mind doing it. I keep it short on purpose. There is nothing worse than a Baptist deacon prayer. Literally doing what Jesus told us NOT to do. Pray to impress others.
The problem is this, I often do not feel "worthy."
I sin, and as Martin Luther once said, " I often sin boldly."
Don't get me wrong, I feel "honored" when I am asked. I sometimes wonder if I am asked because they know I will "keep it short" and not kill us waiting around to eat.
Likewise there are people who I talk to from time to time who have more problems than you ever dreamed of.
You just THINK you got problems.
As my Uncle George would put it. " Got more problems than a run over dog."
And I know I took pastoral counseling in divinity school, but you know, I often worry than I am not doing or saying the right thing.
Once again, it is that worthiness.
Anyway, just reflecting this morning.....
Thursday, November 22, 2018
So It Finally Happened
I been telling you for years eating that "green stuff" ain't that good for you....
The CDC has told everyone in America to stop eating Romaine lettuce.
Hell, today ain't the day to eat "something good for you" anyway.
Eat those carbs today folks. Dressing....Rolls.....corn casserole......and the "King of Pies" pecan....
Enjoy the day. Watch the parades. Watch the ballgames.
Enjoy your family.
Be thankful for what you got....You're in America. Literally you won the lottery. ( 4.6% of the world's population)
Happy Thanksgiving!
The CDC has told everyone in America to stop eating Romaine lettuce.
Hell, today ain't the day to eat "something good for you" anyway.
Eat those carbs today folks. Dressing....Rolls.....corn casserole......and the "King of Pies" pecan....
Enjoy the day. Watch the parades. Watch the ballgames.
Enjoy your family.
Be thankful for what you got....You're in America. Literally you won the lottery. ( 4.6% of the world's population)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Well, It Happened
I guess I knew it was coming.
It was just a matter of time.
We are having the grandparents here for Thanksgiving.
We are now the "adults."
My son and wife are still in China.
My brother and his family are visiting his wife's family in Virginia.
My brother in-laws will be either with family from Arizona or elsewhere.
I just made the cornbread for the dressing for tomorrow. I will make it in the morning.
Debbie is picking up the turkey from Wright's BBQ in Vidor. ( We had it smoked.) The Wright's do a heck of a smoked turkey.
I know the grandparents are bring veggies, pies, my mom's homemade rolls.
But it is here at the Compound.
It took a long time, but we are now the "adults."
It was just a matter of time.
We are having the grandparents here for Thanksgiving.
We are now the "adults."
My son and wife are still in China.
My brother and his family are visiting his wife's family in Virginia.
My brother in-laws will be either with family from Arizona or elsewhere.
I just made the cornbread for the dressing for tomorrow. I will make it in the morning.
Debbie is picking up the turkey from Wright's BBQ in Vidor. ( We had it smoked.) The Wright's do a heck of a smoked turkey.
I know the grandparents are bring veggies, pies, my mom's homemade rolls.
But it is here at the Compound.
It took a long time, but we are now the "adults."
So, I See This Bit of Tomfoolery on the Internet
So, someone allegedly did a survey of "pies for the holidays." And they came up with this bullshit.
Key Lime is the favorite pie for Thanksgiving in the "Deep South."
What kind of Tomfoolery is this?
Now, I like Key Lime....But for Thanksgiving? And do folks in California know what sweet potato pie even is? And where is pumpkin?
Map two is closer to reality.....But in Mississippi, they like apple, equal to pecan?
And where is sweet potato?
Key Lime is the favorite pie for Thanksgiving in the "Deep South."
What kind of Tomfoolery is this?
Now, I like Key Lime....But for Thanksgiving? And do folks in California know what sweet potato pie even is? And where is pumpkin?
Map two is closer to reality.....But in Mississippi, they like apple, equal to pecan?
And where is sweet potato?
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Drunk Teacher
If you have not seen it by now, the Jasper Basketball coach was arrested this weekend on suspicion of DWI.
I know that people are already ready to "hang him" fire him and then pull his teacher's certificate.
First, he has not been convicted yet.
And if I was pulled over and given the a roadside sobriety test, stone sober, I probably could not pass it, especially the one of doing the alphabet backwards. And walking on my heels? Sorry, my back won't let me....
But rest assure this guy is done. Jasper will probably let him go. Too much baggage to deal with. Too many " what ifs."
Now before you go throwing stones at this guy you yourself need to answer.....
How many of you have.....
Had one too many beers at a restaurant or party and drove anyway?
Took medication, OTC( That said not to operate heavy machinery....that's a car) or prescription and drove?
How many of you have texted and drove?
How many of you have dropped something on the floor and swerved all over the highway looking for it?
Fought with your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, kids and drove?
Messed with the radio, etc while driving instead of paying attention?
Were just too tired/sleepy and rather than stopping and getting a motel or pulling off and resting, you kept driving? ( Just had to GET THERE)
Now I am not advocating drinking and driving, but you need to think before you cast that first stone...
Too many people want teachers to be next to Jesus.....and we just aren't.....And then people wonder why they can't find people to teach?
I know that people are already ready to "hang him" fire him and then pull his teacher's certificate.
First, he has not been convicted yet.
And if I was pulled over and given the a roadside sobriety test, stone sober, I probably could not pass it, especially the one of doing the alphabet backwards. And walking on my heels? Sorry, my back won't let me....
But rest assure this guy is done. Jasper will probably let him go. Too much baggage to deal with. Too many " what ifs."
Now before you go throwing stones at this guy you yourself need to answer.....
How many of you have.....
Had one too many beers at a restaurant or party and drove anyway?
Took medication, OTC( That said not to operate heavy machinery....that's a car) or prescription and drove?
How many of you have texted and drove?
How many of you have dropped something on the floor and swerved all over the highway looking for it?
Fought with your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, kids and drove?
Messed with the radio, etc while driving instead of paying attention?
Were just too tired/sleepy and rather than stopping and getting a motel or pulling off and resting, you kept driving? ( Just had to GET THERE)
Now I am not advocating drinking and driving, but you need to think before you cast that first stone...
Too many people want teachers to be next to Jesus.....and we just aren't.....And then people wonder why they can't find people to teach?
Well, That Escalated...Quickly....
Well, that got out of control. Fast. And I had made a promise to myself not to go there.....At all.
In reality, I shouldn't be surprised at all....
I had made a promise to myself to keep my "new" Facebook down around 300.
As of last night I am up to well around 500 and climbing. I had 19 requests from "friends" this morning.....and I hit "confirm" on all 19.
Yesterday, I found a bunch of folks that I had missed in my original " friending."
I keep this up and I'll be up around 1000+.
Reminder to all folks, old and new.
I don't think like a lot of people do.
Hell, while I am a product of East Texas, I often wonder why I was put here? I feel as comfortable in a pub in Ireland, England......a noodle house in Yunnan.....
Remember the "Rachel Rule." I am going to say something at some point to upset you.
Probably a lot of the time....
Please, no threats of violence.....
Don't lose your mind, just go own down to the next page.
In reality, I shouldn't be surprised at all....
I had made a promise to myself to keep my "new" Facebook down around 300.
As of last night I am up to well around 500 and climbing. I had 19 requests from "friends" this morning.....and I hit "confirm" on all 19.
Yesterday, I found a bunch of folks that I had missed in my original " friending."
I keep this up and I'll be up around 1000+.
Reminder to all folks, old and new.
I don't think like a lot of people do.
Hell, while I am a product of East Texas, I often wonder why I was put here? I feel as comfortable in a pub in Ireland, England......a noodle house in Yunnan.....
Remember the "Rachel Rule." I am going to say something at some point to upset you.
Probably a lot of the time....
Please, no threats of violence.....
Don't lose your mind, just go own down to the next page.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Story Time from Uncle Govteach....About Buna ISD
Or when I do these stories, I need to call them, " Stories from Uncle Thomas?" Or " Stories from Uncle Kerry?" Or because there are a couple of family I actually "friended " on Facebook. " Stories from Uncle Kerry Don."
That's terrible I know, but there are a large number of family I have very little to do with....by choice.
Yesterday, I posted a quote: "If you aren't someone the church would have killed 400 years ago, are you even living?"
And on top of the quote I posted, " Hell, I couldn't get the Buna ISD to fire me.....and I tried."
I had a couple of people think I was teasing about me wanting to get fired.
I wasn't.
I never expected to stay as long as I did in Buna.
I seriously expected them to fire me because I expected a great deal out of you.
When they hired me, I literally decided I was going to make my class equal to a college level course.
It was a shock at the end of the first year when I went to my school mailbox and there was a contract for the next year.
You know, and I do not think you understand, I pushed the envelope on a lot of stuff that would have gotten me fired at any other school district in which I taught.
I mean seriously, where else could I have had a cuss porch? And bad words were used on said porch?
Until the last 2-3 years after I sat down and looked at the pension and saw, " Hey I can retire here in a couple of years." Did I even take into consideration " You know these people might actually fire me."
And even then, I was a real asshole to people I did not like. ( We are not talking about kids, yes, I was rough on you, but unlike a lot of people in the profession, I understood and actually liked most of you.....and once again, the faculty question, I am friends with I think 3-4 people on Facebook I taught with...)
My biggest regret was I didn't tell some people they would be better off in another profession. Some just sucked as a teacher....Some just did not "get" the fact they were there for the people sitting in the desks.
Anyway, I pray for Buna ISD often, and I worry about what is going on.....There are a couple of people still there I really like and one day, when they are gone, I am going to tell you what I really think. ( I don't want any blow-back on them)
That's terrible I know, but there are a large number of family I have very little to do with....by choice.
Yesterday, I posted a quote: "If you aren't someone the church would have killed 400 years ago, are you even living?"
And on top of the quote I posted, " Hell, I couldn't get the Buna ISD to fire me.....and I tried."
I had a couple of people think I was teasing about me wanting to get fired.
I wasn't.
I never expected to stay as long as I did in Buna.
I seriously expected them to fire me because I expected a great deal out of you.
When they hired me, I literally decided I was going to make my class equal to a college level course.
It was a shock at the end of the first year when I went to my school mailbox and there was a contract for the next year.
You know, and I do not think you understand, I pushed the envelope on a lot of stuff that would have gotten me fired at any other school district in which I taught.
I mean seriously, where else could I have had a cuss porch? And bad words were used on said porch?
Until the last 2-3 years after I sat down and looked at the pension and saw, " Hey I can retire here in a couple of years." Did I even take into consideration " You know these people might actually fire me."
And even then, I was a real asshole to people I did not like. ( We are not talking about kids, yes, I was rough on you, but unlike a lot of people in the profession, I understood and actually liked most of you.....and once again, the faculty question, I am friends with I think 3-4 people on Facebook I taught with...)
My biggest regret was I didn't tell some people they would be better off in another profession. Some just sucked as a teacher....Some just did not "get" the fact they were there for the people sitting in the desks.
Anyway, I pray for Buna ISD often, and I worry about what is going on.....There are a couple of people still there I really like and one day, when they are gone, I am going to tell you what I really think. ( I don't want any blow-back on them)
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Life as We Know It Has Ended
It has, I don't know, maybe they are desperate for some sort of interest.
I don't know, actually what is going on.
Playboy is having its first male pictorial.
Yes, that is right, semi-nekkid men.
I guess they are desperate for some sort of relevance.
I remember when Playboy actually sort of mattered.....well at least to teen boys going through puberty.
Pictures of nekkid women with breasteses the size of Montana.....Come on man, 13 year old me thought that was cooler than cool....
It wasn't until I got to college and realized they had articles.
I was in a government( it was still called government in the 70s folks, not political science) class and the professor discussed an article he read concerning the need for a 3rd political party in America. After class most of the class went to the Lamar Bookstore( girls included) to get a copy. ( 1. Yes, Lamar Bookstore had Playboy Magazine with Newsweek, The Economist, Journal of Current Affairs . Religious folks found out about it and lost their minds, so it was pulled. 2. The class was a pretty serious Political Philosophy III Class. Lamar doesn't offer it any more. There were a total of 6 kids in the class. The professor who taught it died, and when he lectured, he translated his notes from French to English, his PhD was from the Univ. of Geneva in Switzerland.)
But I digress.
Playboy, it's time to shut the doors, and go to the house.
Male pictorial.... SMH
Hugh Hefner is rolling in his grave.
I don't know, actually what is going on.
Playboy is having its first male pictorial.
Yes, that is right, semi-nekkid men.
I guess they are desperate for some sort of relevance.
I remember when Playboy actually sort of mattered.....well at least to teen boys going through puberty.
Pictures of nekkid women with breasteses the size of Montana.....Come on man, 13 year old me thought that was cooler than cool....
It wasn't until I got to college and realized they had articles.
I was in a government( it was still called government in the 70s folks, not political science) class and the professor discussed an article he read concerning the need for a 3rd political party in America. After class most of the class went to the Lamar Bookstore( girls included) to get a copy. ( 1. Yes, Lamar Bookstore had Playboy Magazine with Newsweek, The Economist, Journal of Current Affairs . Religious folks found out about it and lost their minds, so it was pulled. 2. The class was a pretty serious Political Philosophy III Class. Lamar doesn't offer it any more. There were a total of 6 kids in the class. The professor who taught it died, and when he lectured, he translated his notes from French to English, his PhD was from the Univ. of Geneva in Switzerland.)
But I digress.
Playboy, it's time to shut the doors, and go to the house.
Male pictorial.... SMH
Hugh Hefner is rolling in his grave.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Just Dumber By The Minute
You know, I have ordered DNA tests for several family members for Christmas. Just to see. I know Mom wants to find that "phantom " Cherokee in her DNA, that I am guessing, ain't there.
I read a post one of you put on Facebook concerning a phone call they had overheard after the person had received their DNA test.
It seems they were upset they were not "white."
The test came back with them being.....
90% Norwegian.
And the rest being Scottish, Irish.......and European.
What the cornbread fuck?
Where do these people come from?
What do they consider as "white?"
Did they not pay attention in geography class? Or perhaps they were taught by one of those coaches who "Just didn't care."( Sorry, I am going there. I have taught with some coaches who were really good history teachers.....Others if they were asked " Who won the Civil War?" The answer they would give would be....." Newton 44-0")
And the sad part is, there are a bunch of folks who are just like this.....
I read a post one of you put on Facebook concerning a phone call they had overheard after the person had received their DNA test.
It seems they were upset they were not "white."
The test came back with them being.....
90% Norwegian.
And the rest being Scottish, Irish.......and European.
What the cornbread fuck?
Where do these people come from?
What do they consider as "white?"
Did they not pay attention in geography class? Or perhaps they were taught by one of those coaches who "Just didn't care."( Sorry, I am going there. I have taught with some coaches who were really good history teachers.....Others if they were asked " Who won the Civil War?" The answer they would give would be....." Newton 44-0")
And the sad part is, there are a bunch of folks who are just like this.....
God and Country....If You Are Bored This Weekend
So, you are bored this weekend. I know if is actually supposed to be nice, but next week while you are making turkey -N- dressing, you may want to watch this on Netflix.
First is Medal of Honor. An 8 part show on 8 Americans who have won the Congressional Medal of Honor.
I watched the first one and was hooked. I watched all 8 episodes in less than 2 days.
Lets you know the sacrifice these guys did for not only America, but their fellow troops.
These guys were unassuming, guys you would never expect who rose to the occasion.
Makes you feel good to be an American.
Then, there has been the release of the "long awaited" Outlaw King. The story of Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland.
Chris Pine plays Robert.
I know many people wanted the movie to come out because Pine does a nude scene.
Ladies, men in the LGBT community, it is hard to see his "front" in the scene as it is taken at a distance.
There is another scene in which he and the queen are having sex and it was very close to a movie you might see on one of those sights on the internet. The queen spread eagle on her back with her knees up, and both "going to town."
The movie could have been shortened to 45-40 minutes. It was very slow at times.
There were shots of scenery in Scotland that often made the movie worth watching alone.
There are bloody Medieval combat scenes, and while the history is somewhat correct, reading about that time period is more interesting than the movie.
Would I watch it again?
Probably not.
The movie did not even feature the Battle of Bannockburn which was the decisive battle which won the First War of Scottish Independence for Robert and Scotland against England.( If you are in Scotland, visiting the battleground is a must.)
But, the clothing was correct in that there were no kilts... The kilt did not appear in Scotland until the 1500s. Braveheart, which is a movie made in the 1200-1300s the same time period shows William Wallace and the Highlanders in kilts....Well, a historical inaccuracy. The kilt as we know it today really did not become common until the 1700s.
Is the movie worth watching?
Sure, parts are entertaining.
But as I said, I doubt I watch it again...
First is Medal of Honor. An 8 part show on 8 Americans who have won the Congressional Medal of Honor.
I watched the first one and was hooked. I watched all 8 episodes in less than 2 days.
Lets you know the sacrifice these guys did for not only America, but their fellow troops.
These guys were unassuming, guys you would never expect who rose to the occasion.
Makes you feel good to be an American.
Then, there has been the release of the "long awaited" Outlaw King. The story of Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland.
Chris Pine plays Robert.
I know many people wanted the movie to come out because Pine does a nude scene.
Ladies, men in the LGBT community, it is hard to see his "front" in the scene as it is taken at a distance.
There is another scene in which he and the queen are having sex and it was very close to a movie you might see on one of those sights on the internet. The queen spread eagle on her back with her knees up, and both "going to town."
The movie could have been shortened to 45-40 minutes. It was very slow at times.
There were shots of scenery in Scotland that often made the movie worth watching alone.
There are bloody Medieval combat scenes, and while the history is somewhat correct, reading about that time period is more interesting than the movie.
Would I watch it again?
Probably not.
The movie did not even feature the Battle of Bannockburn which was the decisive battle which won the First War of Scottish Independence for Robert and Scotland against England.( If you are in Scotland, visiting the battleground is a must.)
But, the clothing was correct in that there were no kilts... The kilt did not appear in Scotland until the 1500s. Braveheart, which is a movie made in the 1200-1300s the same time period shows William Wallace and the Highlanders in kilts....Well, a historical inaccuracy. The kilt as we know it today really did not become common until the 1700s.
Is the movie worth watching?
Sure, parts are entertaining.
But as I said, I doubt I watch it again...
Thursday, November 15, 2018
If You're Not Offended by This....
Well, I don't want to hear you moaning and groaning about other stuff.
So, last night I was flipping the 555 TV channels looking for something to watch. anything, something....And I wound up on one of the 35 ESPNs watching some MAC Conference football game, when they went to a commercial break.
The first ad was for KFC.
And in the ad had Colonel Sanders and Christmas carolers.
And they sang a song about buying chicken for dinner....
To the tune of the chorus of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing. "
A lot of the Christmas stuff people get all indignation about, well doesn't really bother me.
Happy Holiday signs at stores instead of "Merry Christmas."
People who use "Merry Xmas" . The "X" came from the Greek meaning Chi, the first letter in the word Χριστός which translates to English as " Christ"....The later part of the word is from the Latin derivation of Old English for the word, "Mass." ( Once again, a waste of a seminary education)
I don't get upset over some red cup business at coffee houses.
I revert to 12 years old when I see Christmas decorations on telephone poles that look like "dildos in a box." ( Do you know how hard it was not to say anything when I was teaching at Buna?)
But , if you don't say anything about using tune of " Hark the Herald Angels Sing" to sell chicken, well, it sort of bothered me, it shouldn't have, but it did.
If there isn't some sort of concern from the "professional" Christians, well, shut the hell up about everything else....
So, last night I was flipping the 555 TV channels looking for something to watch. anything, something....And I wound up on one of the 35 ESPNs watching some MAC Conference football game, when they went to a commercial break.
The first ad was for KFC.
And in the ad had Colonel Sanders and Christmas carolers.
And they sang a song about buying chicken for dinner....
To the tune of the chorus of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing. "
A lot of the Christmas stuff people get all indignation about, well doesn't really bother me.
Happy Holiday signs at stores instead of "Merry Christmas."
People who use "Merry Xmas" . The "X" came from the Greek meaning Chi, the first letter in the word Χριστός which translates to English as " Christ"....The later part of the word is from the Latin derivation of Old English for the word, "Mass." ( Once again, a waste of a seminary education)
I don't get upset over some red cup business at coffee houses.
I revert to 12 years old when I see Christmas decorations on telephone poles that look like "dildos in a box." ( Do you know how hard it was not to say anything when I was teaching at Buna?)
But , if you don't say anything about using tune of " Hark the Herald Angels Sing" to sell chicken, well, it sort of bothered me, it shouldn't have, but it did.
If there isn't some sort of concern from the "professional" Christians, well, shut the hell up about everything else....
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
You Know, It Might Be Your Fault
I know will probably upset a couple of people who read this, but you know, sometimes you "gotta call 'em as you see 'em."
There are two people I know who have told me in one way or another they are getting a divorce......For the third time.
Now, I understand you getting a divorce. Sometimes things happen and you need to split.
I know some of you believe 'til death do you part, literally means that, no matter how miserable one or both of you are.
But, these two are still in their 20s, and are now about to be divorced for a third time.
I hate to tell them, one male, one female, and no they are not married to one another, they might need to examine what they might be doing wrong.
I know the guy married a women who divorced her first husband because he caught her cheating, and now the present husband was shocked when he found his wife and best friend nekkid in their bedroom with her riding him like a horse at the Kentucky Derby.
The female, well, I do not know. Either demanding too much or isn't doing enough or something wrong is going on....and her last two husbands, well, it was their first marriage and they could not get out quick enough.
And she blamed them. Maybe it was....But three?
( I knew a girl who divorced within a year of her two marriages. Come to find out she could not understand why her husbands wanted sex. She had no interest...and was divorced twice by age 22. I told her she might need to just get a dog for companionship and call it even. I think she finally got 3-4 cats.)
That said, married three times, divorced three times, in your 20s....you know, there might be something wrong, either with what you are doing....Or who you are choosing....
You might want to wait before you get married again......If ever again...
There are two people I know who have told me in one way or another they are getting a divorce......For the third time.
Now, I understand you getting a divorce. Sometimes things happen and you need to split.
I know some of you believe 'til death do you part, literally means that, no matter how miserable one or both of you are.
But, these two are still in their 20s, and are now about to be divorced for a third time.
I hate to tell them, one male, one female, and no they are not married to one another, they might need to examine what they might be doing wrong.
I know the guy married a women who divorced her first husband because he caught her cheating, and now the present husband was shocked when he found his wife and best friend nekkid in their bedroom with her riding him like a horse at the Kentucky Derby.
The female, well, I do not know. Either demanding too much or isn't doing enough or something wrong is going on....and her last two husbands, well, it was their first marriage and they could not get out quick enough.
And she blamed them. Maybe it was....But three?
( I knew a girl who divorced within a year of her two marriages. Come to find out she could not understand why her husbands wanted sex. She had no interest...and was divorced twice by age 22. I told her she might need to just get a dog for companionship and call it even. I think she finally got 3-4 cats.)
That said, married three times, divorced three times, in your 20s....you know, there might be something wrong, either with what you are doing....Or who you are choosing....
You might want to wait before you get married again......If ever again...
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
So, I Went to Buna....Twice In The last 2 Days
So, I went to Buna two times in the last two days. The last times was, farther back than I realized, it was at wedding at the Methodist Church.
I had to make a running trip the Farm in NE Texas, you know the Winnsboro, Mt. Vernon, Sulphur Springs region. Had to winterize everything. We had let the cold slip up on us.
I should have, but I did not even carry a deer rifle. I have gotten old. Not tough enough to sit out in 20 degree wind chill.
The first time was early before most stuff was open, and today, well, I was going to stop at Faustos and get some "glory bird" but it was so cold, and raining, I just kept on going.
In truth other than you have two pizza joints and a Tractor Supply, new Family Dollar, not much really new in Buna.
I really wonder if you need two major chain pizzas?
But I cruise through Call Junction and on a church's sign was this-
" Faith without Works is dead."
This of course is from James 2:17.
And the verse has been used and abused more throughout history by ministers, denominations, etc as a method to either control or get their members to donate more money. I member a Baptist minister who tried to get his members to tithe more using the verse from James. He said, " If you're a really good Christian, you are giving more than that 10%."
I know another minister who pushed his members so much he had them at his house mowing his yard, washing his car, helping him buy a new Lincoln automobile.
This verse in the Book of James caused Martin Luther in the 1500s to drive himself mad trying to work himself into heaven until he read.
"8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. " Ephesians 2:8-9
I don't know if the person took church history in seminary or not....Maybe they were absent that day. Faith, not works is what the entire Protestant movement was based upon.
Look, do the best you can as a Christian. You're not going to be perfect. Don't try to be. If you try too hard you are going to drive yourself nuts.
Look, help folks, love your neighbor, be good to kids. If you feel like giving money, it doesn't always have to be to a church. It might need to go to the widow down the street with 3 kids trying to pay her heating bill after this week.
This "showmanship" religion, you know, your religion, or lack there of should be between you and your deity. Not trying to impress someone at the church-house.
I had to make a running trip the Farm in NE Texas, you know the Winnsboro, Mt. Vernon, Sulphur Springs region. Had to winterize everything. We had let the cold slip up on us.
I should have, but I did not even carry a deer rifle. I have gotten old. Not tough enough to sit out in 20 degree wind chill.
The first time was early before most stuff was open, and today, well, I was going to stop at Faustos and get some "glory bird" but it was so cold, and raining, I just kept on going.
In truth other than you have two pizza joints and a Tractor Supply, new Family Dollar, not much really new in Buna.
I really wonder if you need two major chain pizzas?
But I cruise through Call Junction and on a church's sign was this-
" Faith without Works is dead."
This of course is from James 2:17.
And the verse has been used and abused more throughout history by ministers, denominations, etc as a method to either control or get their members to donate more money. I member a Baptist minister who tried to get his members to tithe more using the verse from James. He said, " If you're a really good Christian, you are giving more than that 10%."
I know another minister who pushed his members so much he had them at his house mowing his yard, washing his car, helping him buy a new Lincoln automobile.
This verse in the Book of James caused Martin Luther in the 1500s to drive himself mad trying to work himself into heaven until he read.
"8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. " Ephesians 2:8-9
I don't know if the person took church history in seminary or not....Maybe they were absent that day. Faith, not works is what the entire Protestant movement was based upon.
Look, do the best you can as a Christian. You're not going to be perfect. Don't try to be. If you try too hard you are going to drive yourself nuts.
Look, help folks, love your neighbor, be good to kids. If you feel like giving money, it doesn't always have to be to a church. It might need to go to the widow down the street with 3 kids trying to pay her heating bill after this week.
This "showmanship" religion, you know, your religion, or lack there of should be between you and your deity. Not trying to impress someone at the church-house.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
This Morning
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it is Sunday and for many of us, it is our serious day of prayer. ( I understand many of you are not of faith, and you know, we seriously understand, and we love you too.)
But this morning, if you would, a couple of things I am going to ask you to remember.
1. I have a former student not well in a Houston hospital. Yes, Buna grad. It is pretty grave. Remember him in your prayers if you would.
2. I know we make fun of the place, ( if you've not gone, go to San Fransisco, one of the great cities in America. Ride the Bart, do the cable car. Go to Chinatown, not too far from being Hong Kong.) But California is having serious fires.
At least 25 people have died.
Don't be ugly, and say " forget them" they are Americans too. Remember them in your thought and prayers.
3. Finally, remember America. This mess is close to just spiraling out of control...Thoughts and prayers well, basically for us.
- On a side note, today World War 1 ended. The Eleventh hour, of the Eleventh day of the Eleventh month....100 years ago today.
But this morning, if you would, a couple of things I am going to ask you to remember.
1. I have a former student not well in a Houston hospital. Yes, Buna grad. It is pretty grave. Remember him in your prayers if you would.
2. I know we make fun of the place, ( if you've not gone, go to San Fransisco, one of the great cities in America. Ride the Bart, do the cable car. Go to Chinatown, not too far from being Hong Kong.) But California is having serious fires.
At least 25 people have died.
Don't be ugly, and say " forget them" they are Americans too. Remember them in your thought and prayers.
3. Finally, remember America. This mess is close to just spiraling out of control...Thoughts and prayers well, basically for us.
- On a side note, today World War 1 ended. The Eleventh hour, of the Eleventh day of the Eleventh month....100 years ago today.
Friday, November 9, 2018
I have spent a large amount of time today on this damn Facebook.
And I think I am done adding people to Facebook.
A lot of folks just could not add.
Some folks I looked hard at, but in the end, "Nope."
Some of the folks have "bad mouthed" me uptown, yet they send me a "friend" request....Come on man...
Now, I may add a person here, there. But for the most part, I am done.
Likewise, I think I have 5 people now I taught school with added.
Once again, you have to remember, it is just a job. And I tried to be "civil" with some of these people, but you know, in the end, if I never saw them again, well, it'll be okay.
They tell you all this stuff about how school is supposed to be all this and all that, and I really wanted to do the best to get seniors ready for the next step in their lives, and I liked my job, but you know, you can't lose site that it is just that, a job.
The people on the board, in the administrative office, etc would let you go in a heartbeat and wouldn't miss a night's sleep over it.
So, if you want to think you are special, or, want to brag to your omitted friends or whatever, you know.....
And I think I am done adding people to Facebook.
A lot of folks just could not add.
Some folks I looked hard at, but in the end, "Nope."
Some of the folks have "bad mouthed" me uptown, yet they send me a "friend" request....Come on man...
Now, I may add a person here, there. But for the most part, I am done.
Likewise, I think I have 5 people now I taught school with added.
Once again, you have to remember, it is just a job. And I tried to be "civil" with some of these people, but you know, in the end, if I never saw them again, well, it'll be okay.
They tell you all this stuff about how school is supposed to be all this and all that, and I really wanted to do the best to get seniors ready for the next step in their lives, and I liked my job, but you know, you can't lose site that it is just that, a job.
The people on the board, in the administrative office, etc would let you go in a heartbeat and wouldn't miss a night's sleep over it.
So, if you want to think you are special, or, want to brag to your omitted friends or whatever, you know.....
You Know....I Worry
I am concerned about America, no not the political dysfunction we are now having.... ( and yes, it( politics) is a concern.)
But what has happened to us that so many people are full of hate, or they are having some form of mental disorder, they have to shoot people.
And we are talking about shooting dozens of people at a time.
I don't know.
And don't blame guns, I know some of you think it is the guns fault, but you know, I remember in the 1960s being able to order a M1 carbine with 20-30 round magazines mail order. All made to WW2 military specification. My dad was issued a M1 carbine during the Korean conflict.
We all had access to serious weapons in school....and none of us ever dreamed of shooting anyone.
And I don't want this blog or the discussion to be a gun control debate.
Something has happened to us.
And I don't understand what it is.
Damn video games?
Too much hatred on TV and radio?
The devil, AKA Social Media?
Do we have so much free time now, our life turns to hatred?
You know, there were bullies in school, folks were picked on, but no one dreamed of getting a gun and shooting everyone at school.
And what has happened to the folks with PTSD? This is not new. I knew WW2 and Korean War vets who had PTSD, but never did you expect them to go violent. ( And yes, there needs to be more done
for these men and women. I knew a man who had PTSD from WW2. His US Navy mine-layer was hit by a kamikaze off Okinawa and half the men on the ship were killed....he of course would not talk about it, but he often would become very melancholy.....)
I mean seriously, what is going on?
I am concerned about us in this country.
But what has happened to us that so many people are full of hate, or they are having some form of mental disorder, they have to shoot people.
And we are talking about shooting dozens of people at a time.
I don't know.
And don't blame guns, I know some of you think it is the guns fault, but you know, I remember in the 1960s being able to order a M1 carbine with 20-30 round magazines mail order. All made to WW2 military specification. My dad was issued a M1 carbine during the Korean conflict.
We all had access to serious weapons in school....and none of us ever dreamed of shooting anyone.
And I don't want this blog or the discussion to be a gun control debate.
Something has happened to us.
And I don't understand what it is.
Damn video games?
Too much hatred on TV and radio?
The devil, AKA Social Media?
Do we have so much free time now, our life turns to hatred?
You know, there were bullies in school, folks were picked on, but no one dreamed of getting a gun and shooting everyone at school.
And what has happened to the folks with PTSD? This is not new. I knew WW2 and Korean War vets who had PTSD, but never did you expect them to go violent. ( And yes, there needs to be more done
for these men and women. I knew a man who had PTSD from WW2. His US Navy mine-layer was hit by a kamikaze off Okinawa and half the men on the ship were killed....he of course would not talk about it, but he often would become very melancholy.....)
I mean seriously, what is going on?
I am concerned about us in this country.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
It Might Be Time to Say No
I may have to start telling people "No." Or just be selective....Or perhaps I need to just quit all together.
As many of you know, I often marry folks, pretty much for gratis.
I may need to quit.
I was asked to "step in" and do a wedding in a couple of weeks. the minister they had gotten and I am not sure what the deal is, either turned them down, or the people fired the clergy.
And I was asked to do the ceremony.
And I found out why the clergy quit.
The marriage is a 3 day event, several hours.
And when they found out ( the ministers) price for doing the ceremony, well, they scrambled to find someone to do it. ( My understanding one minister said they would do it for $1200...another $1500. I think they came up with the prices so they would not have to do it.)
I was asked and thought it was a former student, and it turned out to be a relative of said student.
I discovered it was 3 day event. Two separate weddings, because one of the persons getting married divorced parents won't be in the same room together....Then....
I discovered they wanted me to get a tuxedo. And there was no offer of remittance. And the tux was somewhat expensive to rent. ( Was an odd color)
And then, they sent me their vows. And while I am open to most things said, these, well, I just could not accept. ( Just loony stuff)
I balked and told them "No." ( I am sure they are mad at me, but I don't care.)
At this point, folks I am thinking about stopping doing wedding unless I know you fairly well. ( I taught you.)
Otherwise, please, don't ask, or if you do, I may need ask for a remittance.
As many of you know, I often marry folks, pretty much for gratis.
I may need to quit.
I was asked to "step in" and do a wedding in a couple of weeks. the minister they had gotten and I am not sure what the deal is, either turned them down, or the people fired the clergy.
And I was asked to do the ceremony.
And I found out why the clergy quit.
The marriage is a 3 day event, several hours.
And when they found out ( the ministers) price for doing the ceremony, well, they scrambled to find someone to do it. ( My understanding one minister said they would do it for $1200...another $1500. I think they came up with the prices so they would not have to do it.)
I was asked and thought it was a former student, and it turned out to be a relative of said student.
I discovered it was 3 day event. Two separate weddings, because one of the persons getting married divorced parents won't be in the same room together....Then....
I discovered they wanted me to get a tuxedo. And there was no offer of remittance. And the tux was somewhat expensive to rent. ( Was an odd color)
And then, they sent me their vows. And while I am open to most things said, these, well, I just could not accept. ( Just loony stuff)
I balked and told them "No." ( I am sure they are mad at me, but I don't care.)
At this point, folks I am thinking about stopping doing wedding unless I know you fairly well. ( I taught you.)
Otherwise, please, don't ask, or if you do, I may need ask for a remittance.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
This A$$hole is Pretty D@mn Smart
If you do not read the entire blog, please read the first couple of paragraphs and if you would also, read the last couple of blogs.
As I have written earlier, I am tired of politics. Just done.
That said, I'm smarter than I look. I called the election results on an earlier blog.
I look for it to swing for the Democrats. I am not going to be shocked if there is a 30-40 seat swing.
I called it, it looks like there will be close to 30 Democrats added.
I would not be shocked if the GOP gain a 53 seat majority in the Senate.
Again, it is looking like a 53-54 seat majority.
Texas Legislature: The GOP will keep control of the Texas House and Texas Senate, the question is this, will any seats swing from GOP to Democrats, if so, the "purple" has started.
There were Texas Senate seats swing to blue. Also 12 Texas House seats turned blue.
Cruz vs. Beto- Cruz will win, closer than he( Cruz) thinks. It will be a single digit win
Cruz wins, by 2 points. Closer than even I thought.
Bush for a second term.
Bush wins.
. Abbott will repeat.
Abbott wins
The J.P. 4 Vote on Beer/Wine in Jasper County.- Pass. Won't be close. Passes big.
It passes, but still there were 400+ Bunaites who voted against.
Folks, we will have divided government for at the least the next 2 years in this nation. Stop hating on who people vote for. Love each other. We are all Americans.
If you are a religious person like I am, pray for this nation, pray for your fellow American.
As I have written earlier, I am tired of politics. Just done.
That said, I'm smarter than I look. I called the election results on an earlier blog.
I look for it to swing for the Democrats. I am not going to be shocked if there is a 30-40 seat swing.
I called it, it looks like there will be close to 30 Democrats added.
I would not be shocked if the GOP gain a 53 seat majority in the Senate.
Again, it is looking like a 53-54 seat majority.
Texas Legislature: The GOP will keep control of the Texas House and Texas Senate, the question is this, will any seats swing from GOP to Democrats, if so, the "purple" has started.
There were Texas Senate seats swing to blue. Also 12 Texas House seats turned blue.
Cruz vs. Beto- Cruz will win, closer than he( Cruz) thinks. It will be a single digit win
Cruz wins, by 2 points. Closer than even I thought.
Bush for a second term.
Bush wins.
. Abbott will repeat.
Abbott wins
The J.P. 4 Vote on Beer/Wine in Jasper County.- Pass. Won't be close. Passes big.
It passes, but still there were 400+ Bunaites who voted against.
Folks, we will have divided government for at the least the next 2 years in this nation. Stop hating on who people vote for. Love each other. We are all Americans.
If you are a religious person like I am, pray for this nation, pray for your fellow American.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Okay Buna, Get Your A$$ Up
And go vote in favor of the Beer/Wine Election in JP Pct. 4 ( If you've not already voted)
It is no longer 1952. Time to move into the next century.
And I am sorry folks, Jesus first miracle was water into wine, not some Welch's grape drink but closer to Mogan David or Manischewitz wines.
Here the polling places in Jasper County today. They are open 7am to 7pm.
Election Day Polling – Tuesday, November 6th - 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
#1 Three Corners, Three Corners County Rd. 1, Dudley, Zavalla, TX
#2 Ebenezer, Ebenezer Baptist Church 1277 CR 44, Jasper, TX
#3 Browndell, Browndell Community Center 291 Circle Dr., Browndell, TX
#4 Rayburn, St. Raymond’s Catholic Church 283 FM 1007 Sam Rayburn,TX
#5 Harrisburg, East End VFD-Harrisburg Substation 1165 F.M. 1738, Jasper, TX
#6 Jasper, Church of Christ 1830 S. Wheeler St., Jasper, TX
#7 Holly Springs, Jasper County Courthouse Annex 271 E. Lamar St. , Jasper,Tx
#8 West Jasper #2, Westside Church of Christ 489 State Hwy.63 West, Jasper, TX
#9 Buna, Buna Methodist Church 936 Hwy. 62, Buna, TX
#10 Call Junction, Gateway Tabernacle Church 22690 US Hwy. 96 S. Kirbyville,TX
#11 Erin, Erin Baptist Church 4298 FM 1005, Jasper, TX
#12 Roganville, Roganville Baptist Church 3460 FM 2245, Jasper, TX
#13 Magnolia Springs, Tri Community Volunteer Fire Dept. 7732 FM 1005, Magnolia Springs
#14 Kirbyville, Kirbyville Community Center 204 MKL Blvd., Kirbyville Tx
#15 Buna, Buna Sub-Courthouse 33625 US Hwy. 96 N., Buna, TX
#16 Cherry Grove, Cherry Grove Baptist Church 114 CR 826, Gist TX
#17 Evadale, Evadale Fire Station 964 F.M 105, Evadale, TX
#19 Pickleville, Church of Jasper 15636 FM 777 , Jasper, TX
#20 Bevil Box, Tanglewood Baptist Church 255 Burch, Jasper, TX
#21 West Jasper #1, Trinity Episcopal Church 800 N Main St., Jasper, TX
It is no longer 1952. Time to move into the next century.
And I am sorry folks, Jesus first miracle was water into wine, not some Welch's grape drink but closer to Mogan David or Manischewitz wines.
Here the polling places in Jasper County today. They are open 7am to 7pm.
Election Day Polling – Tuesday, November 6th - 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
#1 Three Corners, Three Corners County Rd. 1, Dudley, Zavalla, TX
#2 Ebenezer, Ebenezer Baptist Church 1277 CR 44, Jasper, TX
#3 Browndell, Browndell Community Center 291 Circle Dr., Browndell, TX
#4 Rayburn, St. Raymond’s Catholic Church 283 FM 1007 Sam Rayburn,TX
#5 Harrisburg, East End VFD-Harrisburg Substation 1165 F.M. 1738, Jasper, TX
#6 Jasper, Church of Christ 1830 S. Wheeler St., Jasper, TX
#7 Holly Springs, Jasper County Courthouse Annex 271 E. Lamar St. , Jasper,Tx
#8 West Jasper #2, Westside Church of Christ 489 State Hwy.63 West, Jasper, TX
#9 Buna, Buna Methodist Church 936 Hwy. 62, Buna, TX
#10 Call Junction, Gateway Tabernacle Church 22690 US Hwy. 96 S. Kirbyville,TX
#11 Erin, Erin Baptist Church 4298 FM 1005, Jasper, TX
#12 Roganville, Roganville Baptist Church 3460 FM 2245, Jasper, TX
#13 Magnolia Springs, Tri Community Volunteer Fire Dept. 7732 FM 1005, Magnolia Springs
#14 Kirbyville, Kirbyville Community Center 204 MKL Blvd., Kirbyville Tx
#15 Buna, Buna Sub-Courthouse 33625 US Hwy. 96 N., Buna, TX
#16 Cherry Grove, Cherry Grove Baptist Church 114 CR 826, Gist TX
#17 Evadale, Evadale Fire Station 964 F.M 105, Evadale, TX
#19 Pickleville, Church of Jasper 15636 FM 777 , Jasper, TX
#20 Bevil Box, Tanglewood Baptist Church 255 Burch, Jasper, TX
#21 West Jasper #1, Trinity Episcopal Church 800 N Main St., Jasper, TX
Monday, November 5, 2018
Sunday, November 4, 2018
This blog comes as one media personality refers to it as, " Indecision 2018."
This comes in light of 4.8 milllion Texans early voting...
It has taken me several days to write this.
I would not bet on this predictions, and as I have said in the past, you never know how elections will turn out. You do not.
US House: I am looking at the polling numbers, and while the GOP has a way to maintain control of the US House, I look for it to swing for the Democrats. I am not going to be shocked if there is a 30-40 seat swing. There will be several surprises here, you have to remember there are 435 members of the House and often folks vote here on local issues rather than national ones.
Democrats gain control
US Senate: A miracle out of scripture for the Democrats to gain control of the Senate. The 35 seats up for grab are in traditional "red" states. And to be honest, I would not be shocked if the GOP gain a 53 seat majority in the Senate. I am really curious about 3 states, Nevada, Arizona, Montana. Let's see how the Democrats do in those states. ( This said, as strange as this election year is, I would not be shocked if the Senate winds up 50-50)
GOP maintains control.
Texas Legislature: The GOP will keep control of the Texas House and Texas Senate, the question is this, will any seats swing from GOP to Democrats, if so, the "purple" has started.
I keep saying this and some of you don't or can't fathom this, Texas is going to swing more and more purple in your lifetime. ( I say your lifetime because I am going to be honest, I do not know how much time I have left.) Texas is now an urban/suburban state. 80% of all Texans live in 30 counties of the 254 counties in the state. That means most of the population lives in about 12% landmass of the state. Texas ain't a farming/ranching state anymore folks, it hasn't been in a while.( I need to talk about Texas real estate in the coming years......and is scary. I looked at the projections. Won't be as bad in the future here, but still, buy now. )
Cruz vs. Beto- Cruz will win, closer than he( Cruz) thinks. It will be a single digit win. Trouble is, Cruz just isn't likable. The next cycle he will get beat....or move into another position/slot. Six Years, Texas may put another Republican in his primary slot.( I am surprised at the number of old time GOP folks "purpling" and voting for Beto. )
That said, Beto will re-emerge in future elections.
Abbott vs. Valdez- Not close. Abbott will repeat. Texas is not ready for a lesbian Democratic governor with a Hispanic last name....yet. Sorry, Texas is just not ready for all this....
And this one by special request by Judge Whitton: Texas Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Bush vs. Suazo- Bush will win, never mind ALL his GOP primary opposition have come out against him, and the GOP controlled Texas Board of Education has come out against him. There has been controversy over the "new" Alamo, ( And something may need to be done there. I was there for a convention with my wife and the area around the Alamo is now a tourist trap.) And the Board of Education is upset of the funding control concerning the Permanent School Fund....But not enough Texans are even aware of what is going on here....and thus will " Rubber stamp" Bush for a second term.
The J.P. 4 Vote on Beer/Wine in Jasper County.- Pass. Won't be close. Passes big.( That said, do not take it for granted. Vote Tuesday....)
A couple of House elections to watch.
The Lexington, KY House seat. The Democrats generally hold that seat when they control the US House.
The seats in Virginia. 2,10, 7, 5 House Districts.
These seats will be early indicators if the Democrats will probably take the US House.
All of this said, there could be some systematic polling errors that make the elections go either way and during an election, anything could happen. There has been the largest turn out in an "off year" election ever. 4.8 million Texans? And I was voter number 4 in my Precinct 2 to vote.
This comes in light of 4.8 milllion Texans early voting...
It has taken me several days to write this.
I would not bet on this predictions, and as I have said in the past, you never know how elections will turn out. You do not.
US House: I am looking at the polling numbers, and while the GOP has a way to maintain control of the US House, I look for it to swing for the Democrats. I am not going to be shocked if there is a 30-40 seat swing. There will be several surprises here, you have to remember there are 435 members of the House and often folks vote here on local issues rather than national ones.
Democrats gain control
US Senate: A miracle out of scripture for the Democrats to gain control of the Senate. The 35 seats up for grab are in traditional "red" states. And to be honest, I would not be shocked if the GOP gain a 53 seat majority in the Senate. I am really curious about 3 states, Nevada, Arizona, Montana. Let's see how the Democrats do in those states. ( This said, as strange as this election year is, I would not be shocked if the Senate winds up 50-50)
GOP maintains control.
Texas Legislature: The GOP will keep control of the Texas House and Texas Senate, the question is this, will any seats swing from GOP to Democrats, if so, the "purple" has started.
I keep saying this and some of you don't or can't fathom this, Texas is going to swing more and more purple in your lifetime. ( I say your lifetime because I am going to be honest, I do not know how much time I have left.) Texas is now an urban/suburban state. 80% of all Texans live in 30 counties of the 254 counties in the state. That means most of the population lives in about 12% landmass of the state. Texas ain't a farming/ranching state anymore folks, it hasn't been in a while.( I need to talk about Texas real estate in the coming years......and is scary. I looked at the projections. Won't be as bad in the future here, but still, buy now. )
Cruz vs. Beto- Cruz will win, closer than he( Cruz) thinks. It will be a single digit win. Trouble is, Cruz just isn't likable. The next cycle he will get beat....or move into another position/slot. Six Years, Texas may put another Republican in his primary slot.( I am surprised at the number of old time GOP folks "purpling" and voting for Beto. )
That said, Beto will re-emerge in future elections.
Abbott vs. Valdez- Not close. Abbott will repeat. Texas is not ready for a lesbian Democratic governor with a Hispanic last name....yet. Sorry, Texas is just not ready for all this....
And this one by special request by Judge Whitton: Texas Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Bush vs. Suazo- Bush will win, never mind ALL his GOP primary opposition have come out against him, and the GOP controlled Texas Board of Education has come out against him. There has been controversy over the "new" Alamo, ( And something may need to be done there. I was there for a convention with my wife and the area around the Alamo is now a tourist trap.) And the Board of Education is upset of the funding control concerning the Permanent School Fund....But not enough Texans are even aware of what is going on here....and thus will " Rubber stamp" Bush for a second term.
The J.P. 4 Vote on Beer/Wine in Jasper County.- Pass. Won't be close. Passes big.( That said, do not take it for granted. Vote Tuesday....)
A couple of House elections to watch.
The Lexington, KY House seat. The Democrats generally hold that seat when they control the US House.
The seats in Virginia. 2,10, 7, 5 House Districts.
These seats will be early indicators if the Democrats will probably take the US House.
All of this said, there could be some systematic polling errors that make the elections go either way and during an election, anything could happen. There has been the largest turn out in an "off year" election ever. 4.8 million Texans? And I was voter number 4 in my Precinct 2 to vote.
Saturday, November 3, 2018
This is What We've Come To?
As many of you know, I have a hard to sleeping at night, back gets to hurting, so I keep a radio with large headphones by the bed so I can listen to whatever at night.
I sometimes listen to Bigdog 106, they played Greta Van Fleet....debating ordering their new album/CD this morning, have it queued on Amazon....( If you ever want to know what the old govteach listens to while he's writing this mess....Here you go....)
Sometimes I listen to the looneys on shortwave.
Sometimes the haints and boogers and UFO shows on AM. ( So much bullshit.......so much bullshit.)
But more and more these programs are being sponsored by 2 things.
Safes.....Lots of guns safes being pushed, including one that is so "pretty" you can put it in your living room/den....if you need a gun in your den, hell just leave one out in there......put it on the wall so the kids can't get it....or do like they did when I was a kid. Teach the kid about the firearm.
And the second thing being sold?
Sex pills.
Either "hard on " pills of all sorts....One last night had online doctors you can get a prescription for generic Viagra. ( Makes you wonder, how many folks are having trouble?)
And pills to make your pecker bigger.
I swear, before the internet, you didn't know that your pecker was small.
It isn't. It's normal.
It is just that you've watched so many people nekkid online with peckers the size of a wine bottle you want one too.
That shit with nekkid people ain't real guys, it's like Hollywood, it's all fantasy.
Women generally don't want a pecker the size of a a baby's head stuck in their vagina.
I sometimes listen to Bigdog 106, they played Greta Van Fleet....debating ordering their new album/CD this morning, have it queued on Amazon....( If you ever want to know what the old govteach listens to while he's writing this mess....Here you go....)
Sometimes I listen to the looneys on shortwave.
Sometimes the haints and boogers and UFO shows on AM. ( So much bullshit.......so much bullshit.)
But more and more these programs are being sponsored by 2 things.
Safes.....Lots of guns safes being pushed, including one that is so "pretty" you can put it in your living room/den....if you need a gun in your den, hell just leave one out in there......put it on the wall so the kids can't get it....or do like they did when I was a kid. Teach the kid about the firearm.
And the second thing being sold?
Sex pills.
Either "hard on " pills of all sorts....One last night had online doctors you can get a prescription for generic Viagra. ( Makes you wonder, how many folks are having trouble?)
And pills to make your pecker bigger.
I swear, before the internet, you didn't know that your pecker was small.
It isn't. It's normal.
It is just that you've watched so many people nekkid online with peckers the size of a wine bottle you want one too.
That shit with nekkid people ain't real guys, it's like Hollywood, it's all fantasy.
Women generally don't want a pecker the size of a a baby's head stuck in their vagina.
Friday, November 2, 2018
Dammit, Not This Again....
Dammit, not again. I mean seriously, not again.
You know, someone needs to do something about this....
Tomorrow night we " Fall Back" again with our clocks.
I mean seriously, we need to set our clocks one way or another and leave them alone.
If I was ambitious, I would run for the state house on one issue, fix the clock one way or another and leave it alone.
( That and try and do something about funding for public schools.)
So tomorrow night, set your clocks back....
You know, someone needs to do something about this....
Tomorrow night we " Fall Back" again with our clocks.
I mean seriously, we need to set our clocks one way or another and leave them alone.
If I was ambitious, I would run for the state house on one issue, fix the clock one way or another and leave it alone.
( That and try and do something about funding for public schools.)
So tomorrow night, set your clocks back....
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Whoa Buddy
So, it was Halloween at the compound. In the light of that, I decided to find something on Amazon Prime, Netflix in the horror genre.
The horror genre is something I pretty much left in the 80s. It went from spooky to gore.
So, on Netflix, the new show based on "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" kept popping up.
And starring in the show was Don Draper's daughter, Sally of Mad Men fame.
I went there.
The new Sabrina is nothing like the old comic, campy one.
This one is dark.
So dark, the first episode is about Sabrina being baptized the the ' Church of Darkness' which is controlled by the "Lord of the Dark."
In the first section of the show, Sabrina's "beloved" history teacher( aren't all history/gubmint teachers beloved by everyone? LOL) is killed by a fork and then returns later with a total personality change.
No, this is nothing like the first show.
Dark, not for kids. Maybe if you kid is an older teen......But I wouldn't let my pre-teen watch it, just too many questions.
I doubt I watch episode 2. Not my cuppa tea.
The horror genre is something I pretty much left in the 80s. It went from spooky to gore.
So, on Netflix, the new show based on "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" kept popping up.
And starring in the show was Don Draper's daughter, Sally of Mad Men fame.
I went there.
The new Sabrina is nothing like the old comic, campy one.
This one is dark.
So dark, the first episode is about Sabrina being baptized the the ' Church of Darkness' which is controlled by the "Lord of the Dark."
In the first section of the show, Sabrina's "beloved" history teacher( aren't all history/gubmint teachers beloved by everyone? LOL) is killed by a fork and then returns later with a total personality change.
No, this is nothing like the first show.
Dark, not for kids. Maybe if you kid is an older teen......But I wouldn't let my pre-teen watch it, just too many questions.
I doubt I watch episode 2. Not my cuppa tea.
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I had planned on writing on a totally different topic next, and in truth, had not planned to publish a blog until later this week. That wa...
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